God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1546: Drinking blood and eating meat

The fascinating face of the charms of the people, with the sneer of 贞茹, magical changes.

Frosty white skin, such as water droplets, trembled, and after a wave of swaying, the appearance instantly became the original appearance of 贞茹.

贞 茹 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉Very different.

Her slender eyes flashed a trace of disdain and coldness. "The outside world rumors that you can compete with the Yuan pawn. I am scared and scared. It takes a lot of thoughts. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. Actually, there was no defense. Let me Very disappointed."

Her tall but slightly slim body stood quietly in front of Shiyan, her face confident and calm.

The stone rock looks stunned, and the strong flesh is smashed apart. A piece of meat and a piece of flesh and blood are all shockingly emerging from the cracked wound.

A little golden light, slowly revealing in those flesh and blood, and a sharp voice.

"Red gold spirit ant! Actually is the red gold ant!"

Shi Yan gasped and his face was gloomy. Regardless of the muscle tearing of his body, he suddenly violently screamed: "Who are you doing this? I have slept you? Or killed your whole family? You are thinking about plotting me with Chijinling ants. What? Is it really guilty, want to take the initiative to send a hug, let Laozi crazy you?"

"Despicable things! Give me a shut up!"

He listened to his unbearable insults, shouted coldly, and stretched out a white finger, pointing to Shiyan's eyebrows, a slender silver steel needle protruding from her fingertips, the steel needle was beautiful. The pattern, look carefully, like a strip of squirming, making people scalp numb.

A stench. From the silver steel needle, the steel needle has not touched the eyebrow, and the stone rock is stinging in the mind. The soul pool deep in the soul altar is as filthy as it is, so that his mind is violently turbulent. The ground became stagnant.

"My red-golden ant has undergone several generations of mutating. It is even more difficult than it was in the early days. You swallowed up the righteousness and wanted to swallow it!" 贞 神 傲 傲 , 贞 贞 贞 , , , 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神Let the strong genus of the genus be targeted by the esoteric, and you can tell you for sure. I have evolved and mutated from generation to generation, and the devour and corrosion of the erythroid ants are all invalid. I don't believe you can try it!"

Between the speeches. The slender silver steel needle has pierced the stone rock eyebrow!

Billions of silver electric lights suddenly exploded from Shiyan’s mind. Turned into a long arm, all falling into his knowledge of the sea.

Those cockroaches, tumbling in the sea of ​​knowledge, spit out the filth, let Shiyan know the sea and change towards the mud pool. Even his soul pool is gradually being smeared, all kinds of magical powers, because of the pollution of the sea and the soul pool, it becomes very difficult to operate.

In the heart of the eye to check the flesh and blood, he found that the red-golden ants are really different. This kind of red-gold ant is magnified, and there are fangs and thorns, and the head is strange, like a mixture of different monsters.

He devours his righteousness and finds that the red-golden ants sneak into his blood vessels, blending with his blood, and carrying his flesh and blood, can't be swallowed.

... As for the erosion of the meaning, unless the body is melted, otherwise it is equally difficult to do.

He is uneasily upset!

Since his debut, he has encountered many dangerous dangers, but this is a very difficult one!

The gods and souls of the altar are invaded by the other side. Every time a moment, his uprightness will become more and more difficult to display. Once the time is prolonged, he will lose resistance and be arbitrarily manipulated by the other party.

"You, what do you want?" At the fastest speed, he cut off all the confusion in his mind, calmed himself down, and gloomy face, saying: "The meaning of the tower and the fallen star river is the purpose of your coming? How can you know? I am here?"

"What do I want?" 贞 舔 舔 舔 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I think your blood must be very delicious, and it may help me to open up the ethnicity of the genre, which will transform my body to a new height."

"Drink my blood? Eat my meat?" Shiyan ironed his face and continued to work in secret to stabilize the great movements of the gods and souls. While calmly searching for ways to break the bad situation, "Yuan died is not A better choice? He is a purely supernatural being. If you can eat his blood and muscles, is it easier to break through?"

"I think, but the death of the Yuan is not so easy to deal with. I don't think it is easy to find him. So I can only retreat to the next level. I will use you as a breakthrough. I advise you not to waste your time, to repair your realm. There is no way to contend with me, you can't even form the body of the beginning!"

贞 神 神 神 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 藐 贞 贞 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石Of.

The same is true, she will take Shiyan as the primary goal when the world is in turmoil, with the advantage of her genius talent.

"What are you waiting for?" Shi Yan sneered.

"When I release the little baby, I will completely control your body and soul to the sea, and then I will be free to drink your blood and eat your flesh." 贞茹眯眼, slender eyes Cold and cold, like a ferocious and hungry female wolf, want to eat deliciously.

Shiyan was silent, and slowly closed his eyes. The flesh and blood and bones of the gods were gradually eroded by the mutated red-gold ants. In the altar, the sea and the soul pool were also tainted, and his mystery and magical power were imaged. It became stagnant and it was not working properly.

He tried it over and over again to clean up the abnormalities of the flesh and soul with the eight evils, life, stars, and flames.

He soon discovered that those who were ignorant of the flesh and the filth of the soul were ineffective.

The two strange creatures, with the genius of the genre of the genius, breath and life fluctuations, are consistent with his flesh and blood soul fluctuations!

Unbelievable to the extreme!

He is temporarily helpless.

He looked at him with a cold eye, and there was no follow-up. She just wanted to see it, under the madness of her two mutant creatures. There is no way for Shiyan to compete.

After a few minutes.

Shiyan made the first decision!


Throughout the ice-cold chamber, the space has a strange cracking sound, and a layer of space ripples, which is obviously rippled. As the space ripples spread, the space of the chamber is sealed one by one.

No way to stop, he will first close his flesh and blood, the most terrifying seal in space. Self-enclosed!

A circle of light. Reflecting different illusions of space, the rest of the changes in front of the stone rock, suddenly look at it, there are more mirrors around the stone rock, there are countless different stone rocks.

As the large space of the Chamber of Secrets seals towards a small range of rock rocks, Yan Ru realizes what Shiyan is going to do.

- No way to use time to be righteous. To stop the fluctuations of the soul altar, we can only block the crisis of the physical body and seal the space. Can seal all tangible things, including the flesh!

"Oh, once the soul altar is completely framed. The space seal will not break, I will look at it..." Ru Ru said to himself.

Sealing the body with space, if she wants to break the seal, it is necessary to smash those space enchantments, and so on. This will lead to a huge explosion in this chamber, which will alarm the people of the phantom family, and may also cause the idea of ​​Mantis, let Mantis return one step ahead.

For Mantis, she is still very scrupulous, knowing that her time is terrible, this sudden shot, but also deliberately avoided the vines, naturally do not want to alarm Mantis.

She believes that she has stocked the invisible creatures in Shiyan's mind. After rapid breeding, Shiyan knows the sea and the soul pool quickly falls, and then controls the stone rock altar.

The altar was smashed, and the rock of the flesh and blood was just awkward, and there was no threat at all.

So she is not in a hurry.

Shiyan’s mind is deep.

As Juru judged, the big barriers of a barrier were actually madly breeding in his knowledge of the sea. Through the capture of his knowledge of the sea, he captured the power of his gods, the terrible creatures, crazy. The speed of the spread, the final impact on him.

God's knowledge and soul pool are the cornerstones of the soul altar. Like the ancient tree of the flesh and blood, it is the source of strength.

It is also the source of energy for the promotion of the altar in the altar. It is the core to keep the mind clear and maintain the flourishing development of the domain. Once the sea of ​​knowledge and the soul pool fall, the soul sacrifice of the warrior means being contributed, and it can be won by people. Taiwan, killing the soul brand!

Shi Yan is very clear that the key to this battle is to know the sea and the soul pool. Only when the breeding creatures are destroyed or refining, can he have a chance!

With the consciousness still awake, he runs the power of the soul, and above the sea, the domain suddenly tears a hole!

Among the domain boundaries of the Canro Sea, a black hole is spinning, and it is still purifying the energy that is obtained through **** killing. His domain is different from others, and it can connect the acupoints wonderfully. The energy is poured into the domain.

That domain is like a brand new space, with the injection of energy, constantly expanding the margin!

The domain boundary is expanding, the energy is precipitating and gathering, and the star of life is re-condensing. With the changes of his soul, thoughts, and righteousness, the stars of life have undergone subtle changes. There are mountains and lakes, cold and icy land, and flames. In the violent zone of Haotian, there is a jungle full of vitality, a desert that is deserted...

Different natural landscapes are distributed on different stars of life, and the faintness corresponds to many of the meanings of his cultivation.

However, there is no real race, and he is given birth to a new student...

The domain boundary splits a hole, those who are filthy to know the sea, the soul of the pool, the extremes of the jump, such as the smell of flies, excited to split a part of the war domain!

Externally, 贞Ru also has a bright eye, and it seems that the battle will soon end.


Ps: Recommend a new book, "The Law of Wufa," No. 2568169, I think it looks good, so I recommend it. In addition, today's chapter, the character has been lost, no longer promise anything, this book may be this month or At the end of next month, I am very annoyed in the later episodes. There are a lot of things to be sorted out. I can’t get up quickly. I’m really sorry, sorry for you (to be continued.)

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