God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1553: What is the end?

The imaginary domain is a corner of the sea.

The flaming sea of ​​clouds gathers. There are many volcanoes on the sea of ​​clouds. The volcano is located in the sea of ​​clouds. From afar, the sea of ​​clouds is blazing, and volcanoes such as steelmaking furnaces.

Many warriors who practice the flames of the righteousness are scattered in the blazing volcanic craters, swallowing fireworks, tempering the body or the blade. Those people's skin is like red-hot rock, their hair is red and the body is not particularly tall.

They are all typical Tiangong people.

This is a unique area of ​​the volcanic sea of ​​clouds, the domain of the imaginary sea. The refiners of the Tiangong people who refine the weapons of the gods will cultivate in the volcanic seas, because this is the natural melting pot area, the flames of the volcano can The hardest metal is smelted and turned into a fine armor.

At the earliest time, the Tiangong tribes regarded this place as the only refining area. However, as the Tiangong people strengthened their power, they successively found other places in the domain and other regions. Gradually, many exquisite refiners of the Tiangong people were scattered.

However, the volcanic sea of ​​clouds is still one of the largest refining areas of the Tiangong people. This refinery area is not far away from the phantom and white bones. The Tiangong people are responsible for the strong people in this place, and they also deliberately and the phantom and white bones. Good exchanges, and the two families have been safe for many years.

Tam, a warrior of the immortal triple heaven, is also a skilled craftsman of the Tiangong nationality. He is here to teach the tribes and to maintain the safety of the place.

A volcanic crater of several kilometers high, the red crystal spar sparkles with flames, and Tam sits on an altar paved with sapphire, burning with a blazing flame.

An ice-blue axe, beautifully sparkling, wrapped in clusters of fireworks, was baked in the palm of Tam.

A blazing flame that escapes from the volcano below. As the fire snake coiled around Tam, it constantly enhanced the flame energy of Tam.

Gradually, there were many fine patterns on the axe, and those patterns could not change. The final form was not fixed, and the cold breath was actually sent inside the axe burned by the fire, which was extremely strange.

There are nearly 100 young people from Tiangong. Beside the masters of the refining tools. The expression is focused, even the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

"Oh! Heaven, heaven!"

Suddenly, a Tiangong ethnic group could not help but scream.

In the place where only the fire "啪啪" burns, this scream is extremely harsh. The axe in Natam’s hand suddenly shook, as if it was slightly affected.

His face was angry. I was prepared to reprimand, but I was attracted by the horror of the young man.

Tam looked up and looked at the sky. His face suddenly changed and he screamed: "Mantis!"

In the depths of the fiery red clouds, thousands of meters above the head of the people, a delicate and petite body, instantly became clear. It’s Mantis!

She was covered in blood, and there were fine wounds on her small face. She could see the flesh and blood cracking, and the shirt was also ragged, like a wolverine.

The strongest of the fascinating phantoms, one of the top ten ancestors of Xinghai, the famous name of Mantis, will be fearful of any race!

But now, she was so embarrassed that she looked so bad that she was seriously injured.

This greatly shocked Tham, and Tam thought about it and suddenly said: "Get out!"

Stopping the refinement of the blade, Tham let everyone retreat, standing respectfully in the crater, and said uncomfortably: "Tianmu, the Tiangongzu, have seen the adult of Mantis, I don’t know how the young people of Mantis are coming. What do we need to help?"

"Let's use the volcanic heart's transmission array." Mantis's voice was weak, and he replied at high altitude, rushing to the crater beside Tam.

Tam looks blank.

In the heart of this volcano, their Tiangong people have tried their best to cultivate a transmission array and can directly reach another secret place of the Tiangong people. The news has been strictly for many years, only the core people know that the vine How is Tis clear?

What's more, the place where the transmission array is connected is far away from this, and it is very remote. It is far away from the phantom movie family. What happened to Mantis, actually used the transmission array of their Tiangong people to reach That area?

"Master! Master! Look at it, look at the sky! God! What is this?"

The people of the Tiangong ethnic group in this area looked up at the sky and showed their expression of fear to the extreme. The body of the gods could not help but tremble.

In the sky, there are a lot of warships. There are tens of thousands of warships and 100,000 people on a warship. So the number of warriors on those warships is terrible.

This is not to scare them. They are terrified by the side flag on the battleship, the flag of the dark abyss, the roaring figure of the giant enchanting, the purgatory sea of ​​the ghost clusters, the breath of the magical atmosphere, that is the family, Ancient demon, soul, and black demon warships!

The four races come together, in front of their respective camps, as well as the unique signs of the Prison, Ega, Rupert, and Beverly, which means that the four strongest people are coming!

The momentum of destroying the earth and destroying the earth was uploaded from the sky. Here, the people of the Tiangong people trembled and did not know what happened.

This place is relatively remote. The refiners here are all uninformed, and rarely pay attention to the situation of the Galaxy. It is not very clear that the recent seas have changed dramatically.

However, Tam is clear.

Seeing the fleet of thousands of miles of warships, like a cloud, emerged in the void, reminiscent of the injury of Mantis, and he immediately realized what happened to Mantis.

"Tam, you dare let her leave from the following array, and your Tiangong people will destroy the family. All the Tiangong people scattered among the Xinghai will be left alone and killed by us!" Behind Ega For the endless darkness, those gamuts are hidden, he looks down at the bottom, coldly said.

"This is a battle between the seven races. You better not interfere, or you will be at your own risk." Rupert also stated.

"Transformers, dead!" Beverly was the coldest.

The prison did not speak to the Tiangong tribes. He just looked at the mantis falling to the crater. He said indifferently: "If you can't get away, we will follow you all the way, killing all your ethnic groups. Now you are left alone. Now, you can come here. It is because of the mystery of time and righteousness. How can you win with one person and four of us?"

They chased all the way, and whenever they were about to stop the vines, they would all have a flower, a soul, and when everything was restored, they would find that they had returned to the position dozens of seconds ago. It was also fully opened by Mantis.

Mantis always goes against the time. Send them back for the past few tens of seconds to open the distance and not be chased.

The prisoners know that the people are very powerful, and they will not be able to eat the time. This is evident from the injuries on her body.

... Those wounds are not left by the prisoners, but are repeatedly back in time. The cost of power loss is enormous.

They are not in a hurry, but they are happy to let Mantis act like this. What they fear most is Mantis’s despair. Staying with the strongest force to fight, once Mantis is at the expense of the altar, the ultimate euthanasia of time, may lead to time confusion, so that they all pay a painful price.

Rumors. The time is right to the extreme, allowing the enemy to return to the past and return to the weakest era.

The four prisoners are the ancestors of the ancestors. They are all accumulated under a long period of time. They gradually break through the realm and reach the point of today. If Mantis is desperate to kill, he will not even have his own life. For thousands of years, the prisoners will inevitably go backwards.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the four prisoners were only the beginning of God and the immortal realm. In fact, they will vomit blood, and they will have to recover tens of thousands of years to accumulate strength before they can return to the realm of today.

This is definitely not the result they want to see!

For this reason, they dare not die, and they hope that Mantis will have a glimmer of hope, and continue to use a small amount of time to countercurrently to lose the power of the soul. When the soul pool is about to dry up, the four will join hands and will make a slap in one fell swoop. Silk, or directly kill!

They are very thoughtful and very thorough, and they can continue to delay.

However, when Mantis entered the road all the way, he had to take the secret method of the Tiangong people, which completely disrupted their steps.

They must stop it, or they will end up suffering if they leave Mantis.

"If Mantis is gone, your Tiangong people will destroy the family and watch it." Beverly in the sky, no hurry, no cold, and a cold reminder.

All the Tiangong tribes here were completely scared and screamed.

The other party said very clearly, the other party is to destroy the family! - Not just the Tiangong ethnic group who killed the volcanic clouds.

If Mantis is gone, their entire race will perish, and they will never afford it!

Those who say these words are the strongest of the soul, the family, the black demon, the ancient demon, and the four of the top ten ancestors!

They are absolutely enough! It is also really capable of destroying the Tiangong people!

When Tam was at a glance, he found that Mantis had entered the crater. When the tribe screamed, he had no choice.

"Do not!"

The flames mixed with blood, suddenly turned into a **** spark, and the fire was like rain, falling on this dead volcano.

"Booming! Rumble!"

The transmission array inside the extinct volcano was motivated by his blood and established a short-lived connection with his soul.

"Manidis, I can't let you go! My Tiangong can't be killed because of me, so I am sorry!" Tam screamed, and he broke his arm and tore it!


The transmission of the heart of the extinct volcano, he was quenched with blood, and had a magical connection with his body. After his arm was torn by himself, the internal transmission array suddenly burst.

A flame-melting pool, the magical transmission of the surface, bursts into a corner.

Mantis struck all the way, just before he stepped on the transmission array, suddenly saw the fragmentation of the array, and the broken area was very large, not that she could repair it.

Her face was stunned, her eyes were desperate, and she muttered, "Is it really going to die for me..."

If Tamm just cuts off his five fingers, then the breakup of the transmission will not be so serious, and it can be repaired by her means.

For the continuation of the race, Kotam rips an arm, causing the transmission of this volcanic heart to almost break a quarter!

- She has no way to regroup.

"Is this my fate?" Mantis looked up at the crater. Through the red flame, she saw the intensive battleship and saw the four prisoners, but did not see a glimmer of hope.


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