God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1554: Scattered power

The Tammu of the Tiangong people had blood, and a broken arm was cracked like a scorpion, and it looked like a scalp.

Standing in the crater, the clusters of flames soared, almost drowning the Tamm, and the tribes of the Tiangong people, far from watching Tam, were nervous.

- They are not sure if Tam has broken the secret transmission.

In the void, a large group of warships, such as cruel sharks, the four strong men look cold, faintly can see a soul sacrificial platform emerges, that is, some people run the mysterious power with the secret law of the soul, to maintain a certain seal of the soul of the gods Array.

Many of the Tiangong tribes have born their souls and are suppressed by the mountains. They cannot escape the fear of this place.

They are very clear that the four ethnic groups have secretly started, as long as Tamm fails, or does not cooperate, waiting for their fate will be extremely **** and cruel.

The genocide is not an alarmist. The combined power of the four races can indeed obliterate any creature!

"How about Tamm? How?"

"Tam, should, should... no problem?"

"Never have a bad pool!"

The tribes of the Tiangong people are nervous and trembled, and their speeches are unfavorable. There are many people with low realm, the sweat of fear is swaying, and even the knees are bent, and once the news is not good, they will suddenly stand up.

They are really scared and afraid!

"Tam, you are a smart person, certainly will not let us down?" At high altitude, the black devil's Rupert is like an ancient demon god, a strong magical spirit, like a wolf smoke, skyrocketing, watching makes people feel good despair.

"Should, there should be no problem, the following array of methods... really broke!" Tamm’s lips dry and looked up at the four great ancestors, and he was also shocked.

"He did a good job." The ghost of the Soul. Handsome, youngest, looks the lightest, but always looked arrogant, suddenly nodded at the moment, for the first time a light smile, Rupert said: "The soul of Mantis is still in the heart of the volcano, she did not Use the transmission array to escape."

All the people of the Tiangong people. I feel that the words of the prison are simply the sound of nature. Some people are under pressure, and when they collapse, they fall down, but they are delighted in the mouth: "Fortunately, fortunately..."

Tam also had a loose expression, and he licked his broken arm and handled the injury as quickly as possible.

"You are lucky! Hey!"

Beverly of the ancient demon. The human face snake body, his face is cold, and he sighed coldly. It seems that there is no regret to open the killing ring. Those who are scared of the Tiangong people are ashamed. Even the color is not dare to show it.

"Come out, Mantis, I think we can talk about it." The voice of the prison, such as an electric light, condenses into the essence of the volcano. "You can't get away, for the future of your phantom family, I think you have to stand up and do something for the continuation of the race."

After a pause, the prison said: "You don't always want to know, why can we find you accurately? Well, now is the time to let you know..."

Rupert and Ega, Beverly and others, as well as the hundreds of those who are immortal and powerful, are all looking cold and waiting for the appearance of Mantis.

They know that Mantis, who failed in the heart of the volcano, has no choice.

Everyone quietly looked at the crater. Those of the Tiangong tribes were shy, and the four warriors were gloating, some sneer, some eager to try, and different looks.

In the blazing fireworks, the delicate and delicate body of Mantis gradually rises high, standing in the crater, her clothes are broken, her face is pale, her eyes are full of tiredness, the strongest of the world, the highest leader of the phantom family, now It was so embarrassing behind me.

"Mr. Mantis, I am sorry for you! For the future of the race, I, I... really have no choice, sorry..."

Seeing her appearance, Tam’s emotions were out of control, and despite the blood flowing from the broken arm, he slammed down on a burning flame stone and smashed his head toward Mantis.

"You are right, I am in your position, I will do the same." Mantis sighed, his face tired, and shook his head slightly.

"Mantis, if you are willing to give up the last battle, I will guarantee with my reputation and personality, your phantom family will not be destroyed." The prison indulged, serious and sincere suggestions.

"Prison!" Rupert drank low.

"Don't you know that you want to kill?" Ega sneered.

"I don't agree!" Beverly suddenly violently drunk.

The three strong men, obviously opposed to the proposal of the prison, immediately screamed when he saw his private guarantee.

Mantis listened to the prison, saying that the heart sank, she realized that within the phantom family, there must be a change, otherwise the prison will never say so.

As one of the seven races, the phantom family knows the roots of her race. Even if she lives alone, the phantom family guarded by Candice, Vanderbilt and Charm, is not without the power of a war. The alliance of the White Bone, the power of the race is still strong enough.

Why is the prison saying this?

"In addition to 贞茹, your sister Candice also reached an agreement with us. She and Van der Leer will join together to ensure that 贞茹 can successfully kill Shiyan. Today's phantom family, no accidents It should be controlled by Candice and Vandler, and your people have already lost power."

The prisoner's expression is indifferent, stating his speculation, "I lost your phantom family, how to compete with us? Funny, your sister naively thought that after we killed you, we will recognize her status in the phantom family, will put Passing through the enchanting family? Her talents and abilities are far from being comparable to you. We will crush the past, swallow the vast territory of the phantom family, and constantly kill your people, including Candice and Vanderbilt... ”

Pause for a moment, the prison looked at Mantis's pain, watching her body tremble, not rushing: "No accident, the phantom family will be annihilated in a hundred years! Of course, if you are willing to let yourself, let us save With some power and less risk, I can guarantee to leave some blood for you."

Waiting for Ega, Beverly, and Rupert to oppose, the prisoner sighed coldly and turned back: "I think you all know the horror of Mantis. If she is at the expense of the soul sacrifice, I will try my best. Fight, can you be confident that you can be unaffected?"

The scream of the prisoner slammed the three men of Ega, and the three men hesitated.

After all, Mantis is the strongest of the ancestors of the ancestors, one of the top ten ancestors, a blow at the expense of death, at least able to reverse the surrounding time for hundreds or thousands of years, what will happen, they also There is really no way to predict.

The people of the Tiangong nationality listened to the words of the prison, one by one, like an ice cave, and the chill around the body.

The phantom family of one of the seven races has already experienced such a change, and it is on the verge of extinction. What an unimaginable change in the future of Xinghai?

Looking at the appearance of Mantis, they are sad and sad, such as seeing the situation of the Tiangong people in the future.

"What do you guys say?" The prisoner frowned and sipped.

Ega, Beverly, and Rupert ignored it. After a long time, Rupert said: "The most 10,000 people in the phantom family, and no one in the realm is higher than the realm of illusion! Those who are guarded by our four families To ensure that they have not re-emerged within 100,000 years!"


Tamne was shocked and stared at Mantis. The decision of the three men was to completely kill the hope of the phantom family, and they could not be strong for hundreds of thousands of years.

Mantis was powerless, and she struggled with pain during the demise and continuation of the race.

"You first dispel the power of God..." The prison was indifferently urged.

"I want you to swear together, you four! In the name of the ancestors, pledge to ensure that you abide by your commitments, leaving me the continuation of the seeds of life!" Mantis suddenly looked up, showing a firm look, fierce stare at Egypt Plus, Beverly, Rupert.

She can't believe the three.

In her gaze, the Ega three people hesitated a little, and they raised their hands and vowed that the last pledge of the scepter, at the expense of Mantis, to preserve the blood of the future of the phantom family.

"Now it is ok?" Beverly sneered.


A sad and sullen atmosphere, from the cute figure of Mantis, the most powerful phantom family in the Xinghai for many years, she is the top ten ancestors, between the continuation of the race and her own destruction, she chose the former.

Originally, the face and body are the girl's vines, suddenly growing up, the body is pulled up, the hair grows like a wild grass, the posture becomes tall and moving, and the petite figure gradually looks graceful and sexy...

As she grew up overnight, she soon became a surprisingly beautiful woman, and she was not inferior to today's charm.

No one is so beautiful for her, everyone knows that after dispelling the power, Mantis can no longer shrink the time and freeze the youth. She will soon be old, and will quickly go through the transformation process of a woman's life, and eventually become a pale bone with the loss of time.

"After tens of thousands of years, I did not expect to see your original face again, hehe..." The prison sighed.

"It is the first beauty of Xinghai in the past, but unfortunately it will pass away in a while, and it will be a beautiful thing for me to watch you die." Beverly sneered and looked excited.

Tens of thousands of years ago, she and Mantis made her debut at the same time. Her enchantment was also a famous world, and all men were dumped. She once thought that she was the most beautiful woman of her time, and she was therefore proud...

However, the appearance of the phantom family Mantis directly took all the men's eyes away from her!

With the unparalleled face and the outstanding talent, Mantis completed her comprehensive suppression with her time and mystery.

This pressure is tens of thousands of years!

Beverly’s hatred for her is hidden in my heart and has not changed for tens of thousands of years! Today, I can witness the annihilation of Mantis, which is the most happy event for her.

She is already a little waiting.



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