God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1555: Take one million!

The face of Mantis changed from the petite girl, such as a tender flower slowly blooms, and when it blooms to the beautiful moment, it will gradually wither as time goes by...

Everyone looked at her and looked at the beautiful Mantis at the moment. Her hair that fell to her feet was like a waterfall, and the delicate face was shining, like a strong magnet, attracting everyone’s soul. The perfect ketone body of the knife-cutting axe, which was carefully hardened as above, no wandering...

Whether it is the Tiangong tribe, or the soul, the black demon, the ancient demon, the family, the eyes are now shining.

Many of them have only survived for thousands of years, and most of them have never seen vines. Even if they have had the privilege of seeing them, they only see the face of the girl before.

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters are worth one million! They simply don't know the true appearance of the first beauty of the Galaxy, and no one has said to them. Today, they finally witnessed it, just like seeing the perfect goddess in the dream, living out of the dream, so shocked. People's hearts, so thrilling!

They hold their breath, some people are already depressed, and can't bear to see the disappearance of Mantis.


The prisoner sighed low and sighed. Only he knew that tens of thousands of years ago he had been fascinated by Mantis, who had been struggling for a while and sought to be an unattainable goal of adult students.

Beautiful flowers, if you can't freeze the time, you will also go to zero.

Gradually, the moisturizing skin of Mantis began to change slightly, the luster was lost, and the long hair of a waterfall slowly mixed with gray, changing to the white color...

Everyone knows that the distraction of Mantis has already lost her magical time.

When everyone's eyes are gathered on Mantis. Tam suddenly looked shocked. He opened his mouth and looked at the dead crater.

He clearly felt that at this moment, the transmission line of the heart of the dead fire and his body is very different from the one thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters! The turmoil!

The transmission array, if suddenly fixed, and a unknown world has reached a connection!

Tam is horrified. He didn't know what was going on. There was a huge fear in the depths of my heart. His mouth was wide open, and he made a "snoring and snoring" voice, reminding him, but found that he could not speak.

A equally enchanting figure, very strange. Gradually emerged from the dead volcano...

A lavender dress, the skirt is scattered like a flower blooming in the amethyst throne, the glamorous face with a proud smile. She stood gracefully on the huge amethyst throne, and suddenly sighed, and said to Mantis: "Stupid girl. You really think that you are here, they will let go of your race?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, as if this found one more person beside Mantis.

Even the Prison, Beverly, and Rupert all changed slightly, watching the woman have an inexplicable uneasiness. It feels like... a low-level creature is an instinctive awe of high-level creatures!

The three of them are not familiar with coming.

"Who are you?" Beverly suddenly sneered.

With a sneer, Beverly suddenly surprised and looked at the horrified Ega, frowning: "Do you know her?"

Ega went to the wasteland, naturally knowing that this high-end woman sitting on the amethyst throne is sacred. Ega took a deep breath and suddenly said: "How do you want?!"

"You? It's you!"

Mantis was shocked and stared at the sudden appearance of Zi Yao, but also the horror.

When she was in the wilderness, she met Zi Yao. When they rushed from the space of the watershed to the imaginary sea, they saw it once again with Zi Yao. She knew that Zi Yao was a "small" in the early days, but she did not know the present. "虺" has been refining by Zi Yao, and suddenly she sees it again in the void. She is a bit overwhelmed.

"Stop the dissipation of divine power."

Zi Yao calmly stretched out his hand, pointing to Mantis, the crystal fingertips, a striking purple beam, the light is transparent, containing a magical energy source.

The energy ignores the space and time distance, and has not entered the body of Mantis. The old Mantis suddenly starts to shine, the body's old moments are stopped, and even the dissipated power is like a miracle, which is turned into a wave stream. Nothing comes together.

Gathered in her body!

She recovered to a beautiful and beautiful moment, but because her power was not fully recovered, she could not return to the girl's posture and could not completely lock her time again.

"Why? Why are you helping me?" Feeling the change of the gods, Mantis's beautiful face is full of confusion. "Are you supposed to be an enemy of us? In that space, you have to I won the Olympiad, I helped Shiyan, why... Why?"

Sudden changes, so that everyone here is blindfolded, the Tiangong ethnic group stayed, the soul, the black demon, the ancient demon family are also at a loss.

Only Ega clearly understands what is going on, and only he knows that today's Ziyao is the real purple glory! It is the pinnacle of the fusion of the beginning of the birth!

"She, she is the first birth of the Yuanshi!" Ega finally drank, and by the way, he dismissed Mantis. "She is with Stone Rock!"

The prison, Rupert, and Beverly changed their minds and immediately realized that the situation was not good. They knew that the plan that the soldiers would not kill the vines might not be implemented.

"You, you and Shi Yan?" Mantis looked cold and looked at Zi Yao.

Zi Yao smiled, like a blossoming flower, and it seemed to make the dark sky brighter. "You don't have to ask this gimmick. You just need to know that the phantom family is fine. Rest assured, Shi Yan let me Come over, I will naturally guarantee that you are safe and sound."

When the voice fell, she suddenly looked up at the sky, nothing, and a little green man appeared!

The blue light point suddenly swells, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes a world surrounded by rich energy flow! The body of her twelve snakes roared out in it, and blocked the void!

The pressure of horror, the endless spread, let Ega, the prisoners have a fear in the eyes.


Twelve heavenly snakes split, each one is like a continuous mountain range, and the snake head rises high. Suddenly spit out the dazzling colorful brilliance, and the brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance into a dragon, smashed into the battleship of the four ethnic groups.

The terrible explosion, the impact of the energy, the glare of the splash, suddenly burst out!

The strange warships of the four races, one ship is tens of thousands of meters long, but under the impact of the colorful light. It turned out to be like a thin paper. Fragile and unimaginable!

A warship that had no time to come out with a shield suddenly burst and exploded, and the wreckage of the battleship rolled around.

In the smog explosion, many of the warriors' flesh and blood pieces fell like rain, and a huge soul sacred sacred out.

Zi Yaozhen appeared, and a few words have not been finished. Actually, the sudden killer, in the face of the super-strong warriors such as the Prison, Ega, Rupert, and Beverly, directly launched a violent offensive against their people!

Four days of snakes. Twisting the body, staring at the prison, Ega, Rupert, Beverly, the mysterious serpent of the snake turned into a gorgeous aura. It is the ultimate wonder of the world, and it is impacted by the four prisoners.

For a time, this space flashed thunder, and the void was to be drowned by the body of the twelve giant snakes of the Zi Yao body, the peak of the four races. Countless powerful tribes were actually beaten by her alone!

After the separation from Shiyan, Zi Yao, I do not know why, it has become so powerful! Strong enough to reach one thousand, in the case of including the four strong, still do not fall!

The people of Mantis and the Tiangong people looked silly and were shocked by the invincible momentum of Zi Yao.

"Give me out." Zi Yao looked calm and elegant and whispered.

The snake's mouth of the snake's main body suddenly opened. From the dark and deep mouth of the snake, suddenly there were countless dense figures. The first one was awe-inspiring, the famous master of the refinery of the Tiangong people, and the faith and pride of all the Tiangong people. !

"Old ancestors!"

"Zu Shiye!"


The Tiangong tribes screamed when they saw the roaring, and the children who were bullied suddenly saw the adults appear, and many of them burst into tears.

"Please ask the master." Surprisingly, the screaming face appeared, and even the void was squatting on one knee, and he was pleased to pay tribute to Zi Yao.

"Please ask the master." He is also accompanied by Jia Ni, as well as the evil spirits, as well as the family leaders of many protoss.

"Give me a kill." Zi Yao extended a finger, point to the four major ethnic warriors, smile and give orders.


The screaming, Jia Ni, and the evil spirits did not hesitate, turned into an amazing stream of light, and rushed toward the four major races.

Such a change, the fun and joy of Mantis, when she thought that she must die, even when she gave up her own initiative, the situation turned out to be earth-shaking, and the incredible purple glare turned out to completely reverse her destiny. To regain her life, there is a sense of unreality in a dream.

"Tam! You stupid, kill me with the sky!" The screaming suddenly shouted.

All the timid Tiangong tribes, when they saw him spoke, clamored for the sky, and those who were not afraid of death and the four ethnic groups were killed.

"Do you think that you can completely reverse the situation? Do you think that I will sit back and ignore?" In the depths of the ancient Yaozu people, suddenly the voice of the Yuan died. "It seems that you have found a lot of recovery. The blood of the beginning of the blood, let the power recover, but I am enough to contend with you, I am out, who can block the prison, Rupert, Ega, Beverly?"

Zi Yao smiled lightly and looked at the dead crater with great depth. He said: "The Yuan **** appeared, are you still shrinking?"

"Yuan graduates, what do you think of me? Can you block them from the prison?" Haotian’s hearty laughter suddenly came from the extinct volcano, and then he took Judy, the dragon lizard and the mysterious The strong people of the Tianzu flashed out one by one.

"Yuan's predecessors, me? You see I can contend with Rupert?" Hero's cold voice, with a sneer, also came in time, he also walked out from the dead crater, with him There are also many Bole ethnic people such as De Kula Gay.

The heart of the dead volcano seems to have opened the door of space, and has brought together many peerless powers scattered around the country.

Listening to the voices of Haotian and Hilo, the Yuanshi who came out of the ancient Yaozu group, his face was gloomy to the extreme. He knew that his plan for careful planning had already appeared a huge flaw.

The situation will start to run out of control!

......! ! !

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