God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1556: reverse!

Looking at the steady stream of warriors, the heart of the volcano came out, and Mantis stayed asleep, giving birth to a dreamlike feeling.

She clearly remembers that when she first entered the heart of the volcano, she saw that the transmission array placed on the melting pool was absolutely broken. She could not repair the law with her realm.

It was because she was not able to leave, she was passive everywhere, and she was taken over by the prison and other people, and forced by her genocide to force her to be on the spot.

However, nowadays, familiar characters have come out of the crater, making her feel that they have just dazzled themselves.

"Don't the transmission matrix really be destroyed? How is it possible?" She began to doubt herself. This was impossible in the past. Nowadays, because the power of the gods dissipates enormously, the defense of her mind is actually secretly relaxed, so she is not sure about herself.

"撼天! Judy!"

Beverly was continuously attacked by a halo of black and white serpentine condensed on a snake. The water curtain that converges on the sea water, the huge roar of screaming, she suddenly screamed, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes. Gay! White bones!" Looking at the group and then coming out, Beverly looked blue.

The prison, Ega, and Rupert also had a dignified expression. They were disturbed by sudden sudden changes. The arrival of Zi Yao, reversed the situation and broke their hard layout. At this moment, with the appearance of Haotian and Hilo, The forces on both sides have become evenly matched.

"The predecessor of the Yuan Dynasty, please also entangle her, otherwise the battle is difficult to win." Ega quickly calmed down, he was indulging, and immediately asked the Yuan to start.

Zi Yao’s scorpion snakes have caused them a huge threat, and they have no need to deal with the pressure of Haotian and Heroo.

Yuan died coldly and nodded, not to mention, the void stepped toward Zi Yao.


The waves appeared strangely from the sky under his feet, and they condensed into the deep sea. The sea water is dark as ink, and each drop is more than 10,000. Each drop of sea water is condensed by pure soul power, which can drown the heavens and the earth, can pull all the creatures in the real domain, and be crushed by the pressure of the sea.

Deep in the waves, the body of the Yuan Dynasty was hidden, and his original body was looming. One swept the eight wastes and ten parties, the waters that drowned all things fluctuated and spread, and the sea water spread rapidly, and this piece of empty space was shocked.

The four warships, when they saw the sea, the sky was drowned. In the swearing of the leaders of various ethnic groups, they sank and fell on the volcano with a spattering flame.

The roaring, Jia Ni and the evil spirits have already fought with the four ethnic groups at this moment. After many years, the evil spirits have also entered the domain of the ancestors, and they have been cultivated to be exquisite and extraordinary, and the strength is not inferior to the roaring, Jia Ni.

Each of their eyebrows has a dark cyan snake print, which is slavery. It means that they serve Zi Yao as the master and connect the soul with the purple glory.

"Give me a kill! After this war, the virtual sea area will change dramatically. From now on, my Tiangong will also have a place!"

Roaring for the tribes to boost morale, he growled, the top of the head is condensed by a strong flame into a hundred acres of fire lotus wonders, the lotus flower lotus petals are red as crystal, shining the nose of the flame.

A blossoming head-sized flame, tens of thousands. Flying out of the fire lotus. Have a sense of life to the nearest Souls.

The soul of the Souls cultivates the power of the soul. Just fearing the fierce flames, they were attacked by the flames of light. Many of the strong souls of the souls came to know the sound of the burning sounds. They were pale and hurriedly avoided.

The screaming haha ​​laughed and sighed, releasing his tempered fire cone and violently impacting the surrounding area.

The tribes of the Tiangong people were all excited when they saw the screaming and screaming. Many of them grinned and swayed the volcano below with their hearts.

The volcanoes are the melting pots of their refining tools. They have already been united with their minds. Under the guidance of the soul, hundreds of volcanoes with spurting flames boiled, crazy bursts of fireworks, fireworks like fire. The dragon brings terrible damage to the tribes of the four races.

Jia Ni, the mysterious family, squinted her eyes, and she kept painting her hands.

A strange pattern portrayed by the power of the soul, such as a demon, such as a evil spirit, such as the purgatory night of the purgatory, is as tall and mighty as a mountain, and the embarrassing emerges, lifelike impact to the surrounding enemies, The natural secret lines of Jia Ni’s body are creeping, and the fairy face is full of strange expressions.


A tall, fangs and evil spirits with a height of several dozen feet, grabbed the three warriors of the family, and chewed them in the mouth of the stuffing. Then they saw green blood dripping from its mouth, making the scalp numb.

Each demon, devil, and Shura Yasha correspond to the secret lines of Jia Ni, which can easily apply her power to the prey, causing a double attack on the enemy and the soul.

The evil spirits and the patriarchs of the protoss families are also working hard to match the body of Zi Yao, releasing power to the four warships.

I saw a soul sacrificial platform, which emerged from the heads of the protoss patriarchs. The altars were rolling and rotating, as if they could gather strength and kill the killers together. In a short time, hundreds of soul ceremonies shot the power of light and turned them into protoss. The "death", a bright battle, a warship was pierced.

"Who dares to fight with me?"

The mysterious ancestors of the Xuan Tianzu, full of red light, excited eyes.

Stepping out, it is manifested in the fiercest battle. He is like two flame worlds, and the endless flames are burning inside, like being able to burn a domain boundary into ashes.


Extremely magical, his body was turned into ashes, and the raging fire rushed out and spread his body. He became a burning fireman. He could not see the appearance and could only feel the violent flame energy. The surrounding air was burnt and the cockroach exploded. Many people couldn’t stand it and quickly evaded it.

"You are crazy, be careful not to burn yourself to your family!"

Seeing that many of the Tiangong tribes were also smashed by the heat waves, Judy could not help but scream, and immediately came to the side of Hao Tian, ​​calmly ordering the people: "Do it."

Many Xuantian tribes have heard the screams of rushing, such as a wild beast who broke free from the cage, and madly shocked the people of the prison and Beverly.

"Kill it." Hero, like a weapon of invincibility, suddenly shot at Rupert, coldly said: "I have long wanted to fight with you, and I am going to kill it today!"

The Baigu tribes released a group of white bones, and they stood on the island and joined the battle circle.

That Yeouido Island, like hundreds of thousands of times of gimmicks, is chilly and has a strong suffocation. Every white bone family’s crystallized body is filled with energy like water, and its power is strong. pole.

The people of Xuantian and Baigu, under the leadership of Haotian and Xiluo, rushed to the tribes of the four ethnic groups. In this remote volcanic sea of ​​clouds, the most violent and cruel battles of the imaginary seas that have been calm for many years, this battle will Deciding the status of the future seven races can affect the distribution of power for hundreds of thousands of years!

"Little girl, you have to recover for a while, I can't be easy, I have to start it myself."

Zi Yao converges on a smile, knows the vines beside him, and then looks like a rainbow, with the amethyst throne sitting in the head of the snake to the main snake, she fell, the eleven divisions The celestial snakes have gathered together, and the singular connections of the snakes and tails merge together.

The body of the snake, crossed the space of the heavens and the earth below, rushed to the upper void that was submerged by the black sea, and entered the deep sea of ​​the sky with the activity of the Yuan Dynasty.

Two horror creatures that should not be active in this era, in the volcanic sea of ​​clouds, tens of thousands of empty battles, the darkness of the dark sea, with the spur of Zi Yao, began to have hundreds of millions of rays of light tearing out, will be here The numerous fireworks explosions shine, the starry sky in the sinister, and the thrilling and beautiful.

It should have been the protagonist of Mantis, and turned into a bystander. She stood in a crater, looked up at the sky, and looked at the fiercely turbulent battle, watching the soul of the altar bursting, a ship The huge battleship broke, and she suddenly lost.

"No, it shouldn't be just these people, my ethnic group? What about Shiyan?"

Now, she has already figured out that the transmission method of the heart of the volcano must be repaired because of the interference of Shiyan.

Throughout the heavens and the earth, only the stone rock that is proficient in space and breaks through the realm of the ancestral realm can achieve this, and transport the entire army of the Xuantian and Baigu.

So where did Shiyan go? This will be able to lay a battle for the future, almost covering all the most powerful forces in the entire Xinghai. How can Shiyan not participate in this battle?

Mantis is very confused.

This doubt, there is also the heart of the Yuan pawn, there are people in the minds of the prison, Ega, Beverly, etc., so that they have a snack in the battle.

The arrival of Xuantian and Baigu people means that the most tragic battle in Xinghai occurred. At the most critical moment, Shiyan could not be absent!

It was discovered by the Yuan dynasty that Shiyan’s now terrible people could not see the appearance of the stone rock. There was always a shadow in the heart, and it was difficult to really settle down.

Because Shiyan is a god-killing person, it is a madman who completely ignores the rules of the heavens and the earth. In order to be self-satisfied and bloody, the destructive power that such a person can form will make anyone feel scared.

At this point, he has clearly proved through the devastating massacre of the four ancestral homeland.

A space-strength that can lie in the void and freely appear in all major domains. It can be a nightmare for all the enemy's minds. The threat is so great that every enemy will sleep hard!

Who can make peace of mind?


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