God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1557: Zhilong Huanglong

w 虚 无 无 深 deep sea, the soul of the settlement.

After the destruction of this place by Shiyan, after this period of reconstruction, it gradually restored the former prosperity and prosperity. In the rolling mountains, the cold and cold air flowed, and the ghosts floated like green lanterns, with ghosts. The shadow soul is manipulated by people, and the sacred spirits are tempered.

The clouds of gray cover cover the sky, making this piece of heaven and earth as hidden. It is not familiar to the soul family. It is difficult to enter here even if it comes to the vicinity.

Most of the souls who have stayed here to repair the souls are not superb. The kings of gods, gods, and gods are mostly in the realm of the gods. There are a small number of immortal people sitting in the town to prevent being invaded.

Between the mountains, there is a vast blue sea, where the sea is muddy, faintly screaming, crying, roaring, screaming, watching, after a while, you can see a ghost ghost struggling on the sea, and then it is tightly bound It was quickly re-entered into the sea.

Hundreds of soul-strongers, both in the realm of the realm and the immortal, are scattered around the blue sea.

A set of soul ceremonies, such as the vain peaks at the top of their heads, those soul ceremonies are deep and dark, surrounded by many murderous souls, and there are strong soul fluctuations.

Hundreds of altars were run by them, forming a strong soul cover, covering the ocean.

In the ocean, the magical energy of stabilizing the void is constantly coming. Those energies cannot be seen by the naked eye. For example, invisible ripples, such as invisible big hands, press the space and do not allow the condensation of any space array.

In the past 10,000 years, the imaginary domain has not created the space power of the ancestral realm. For this reason, the Soul’s defense against the ancestral land is lax, which makes it easy for Shiyan to tear the space and reach the core hinterland of the family. Killing, so many powers have fallen.

There was a painful lesson. Before the squad left, he restarted the space defense array of the Souls, and also issued orders, so that the tribes could not relax for a second, to ensure that the law suppressed the space, and that no one could come to the space again. Here.

He has taken away too many powerful people, and he can't come back in a short time, in order to prevent the tragedy from repeating itself. He himself has left a soul. Help the people to lock the space.

On the blue ocean, the space like a meteorite suddenly shook a little.

The Souls who gathered around the ocean and even released the soul altars immediately felt that their faces were dignified. Adjust the meaning of the meaning and condense the power.

Seeing from the sea of ​​many soul altars, I shot a green stream. Put together in the cyan ocean.

The energy of the gods of a stock, entangled in the power of the gods, all merged into the ocean. Every soul of the tribe has a cold eyes and seals the space.

They are very clear that the anomaly of the space must be someone's space in the sky. To forcibly condense the passage, you must rush into the hinterland of the soul.

They will never allow!

"Someone tried to invade! All the tribes are paying attention, they must block the space connection of the people!" A soul-like leader of the immortal peak, sitting on a eagle-like murderous soul, shouting in a voice, the soul The guards of the people are awakened.

Many of the Soha people in this area were all dispatched and gathered around the ocean. They all released their own soul altars, connecting the green oceans and forming a force that could block the space and contribute a force.

Gradually, the anomaly of the space stopped, as if the intruder voluntarily gave up.

After half an hour, seeing the space safe and sound, they gradually breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the invasion is over, and it is not necessary to gather all the strength to guard against it.

On the periphery of the Soul tribe, deep and thick clouds, a space light blade tears, and many figures are transported.

When the first person was the sea shark, then the people of Audrey, Minglu, Ayala, Xuanhe, and Lie Leite, they came from the Yunmeng domain, there are thousands of people, all of them were in the wilderness. Following the strong stars of Shiyan’s departure, the elites of all parties’ forces.

"Stone said that it is forced to run through the space. It is too difficult to fall in the hinterland of the soul. It is said that the souls have been guarded by the last painful lesson." The meditation stood deep in the clouds and the eyes were cold. "Others are still The phantom and white bones communicate, but they must also condense the empty passages. They can't come in, let us find a way to open a gap and destroy the blockade space."

Through the painstaking work in the cloud and Mongolian domain, as well as the discussion with the sea shark, it is only one step away from the realm of the ancestral dynasty, only the accumulation of divine power and soul energy.

The Xuanhe River and the Holy Beast Qinglong also reached this level and glimpsed the threshold of the domain ancestors.

"The seven races, the ethnic groups of each ethnic group are very dangerous, and it is not easy for outsiders to invade step by step!" The sea shark emperor's expression is awe-inspiring. "Before the stone rock can come in, it is because of the magic of space, directly let He bypassed the peripheral array, enchantment and ban, otherwise he was not so easy to break in."

"You mean that it is very difficult for us all to break through the outer enchantment and prohibition."

The sea shark emperor nodded. "If you rely on brute force, you will definitely pay a very painful price. If you don't believe it, let me try it first. You will be careful."

They don’t wait for them to continue to ask, and the sea sharks will condense their power and run the altar.

A crystal clear stream, shot from his eyebrows, there are stones in the river, water plants, and even a tail fish, no difference from the real river, the people close to you can smell The water in the small river...

However, the people in the Ming and the Xuanhe know that the closer to the real river, the more mysterious and terrible, because the river is condensed with pure power and soul, almost the real meaning of the world, with unimaginable huge power.

They stared at the river and watched the stream flow through the thick clouds and slammed into the defense of the inner soul.


In the depths of the thick cloud, there are hundreds of thousands of screams of screaming, screaming, gloomy and screaming, such as countless spiritual shocks, instantly tearing the stream into pieces, sputtering into water droplets to dissipate. .

If the sea shark is slammed into the chest, the wolverine's squat back a few steps, his face horrified, "a strong enchantment power. I almost got hurt, damn! It's more terrible than I thought!"

He is the strongest person in the middle of the world. He is very aware of his horror. Even the impact of his running power almost hurts himself. Who can break the enchantment?

From this point of view, Shi Yan expects them, I am afraid it will fall through.

"It's really hard." Aunta shook her head. Reluctantly said: "It seems that we can't be impulsive. We must be careful and slowly consume consumption, but we can't rush to kill the past... Hey! You gimmick, what do you do?!"

Her opinion has not been published yet, screaming and screaming at Audrey. Screamed: "You give me back!"

In the eyes of everyone, Audrey turned into a cluster of shadows, and actually ignored the wounds of the sea shark. Fly to the cloud inside the soul enchantment.

The sea shark is also dumbfounded, subconsciously licking his head and swearing: "She didn't understand me?"

"This..." I don't know how to answer.

"The tribe of the royal family. Let me go with me, remember, all run the mythical law that I used to teach." Suddenly, Audrey turned her head and looked at her mother and her meditation. Said: "These righteousness decisions are from the secrets of the soul family. The souls of our royal family are quite similar to the souls. As long as you follow the power of the righteousness, the enchantment here will not target us..."

Then, her beautiful and refined body entered the depths of the cloud. Surprisingly, the tempering reaction to the sea shark's temptation had been strongly banned, and her words were in vain.

- She was so easily involved in it.

Everyone looked at her and watched her enter the enchantment and go deep into the family of the Soul. There was a short mistake.

However, everyone soon reacted, and they couldn't help but look at the tribes of the royal family. They looked at the cicadas and the aunts and looked at the ones who were thin and thin.

"She is right. No one of us is more familiar with the soul than her, because even Napton's refining souls are integrated into her soul. Singer's fierce souls are refining her. She is familiar with the souls. Everything, including these enchantments and bans..."

When I looked at my face with a thoughtful look, I immediately smiled and slammed Aunta slightly. He followed him like a ghost and went deep into the soul enchantment.

He even wore it, and the enchantment and prohibition of the soul group was also ineffective for him. He proved Audrey's judgment with his own actions.

When Ayala’s eyes lit up, she immediately understood and conveyed the command: “All the tribes who practiced the secret technique are running secrets and rushing into it with me.”

Many of the Pluto people sang in unison, and acted to respond to the command of Ayala, turning into a ghostly shadow, all in the soul of the enchantment cloud.

A figure disappeared one after another, and no one was banned.

Breaking through the enchantment, Audrey appeared in the family of the Soul. It is even bigger than several planets. There are mountains and mountains in the depths of the clouds. Everything can be seen by conventional planets. There are also many souls around. Active.

Her attention, soon fixed to a position - the blue ocean, the surrounding soul of the warrior, she can see a lot of strange energy from the ocean, to stabilize this complete Space, preventing any space anomalies from damaging this place.

She naturally knows what the Souls are doing, and also knows why Shiyan can't do it again, and use the power of space to penetrate the passage and reach the hinterland of the Soul.

"Come out."

Seeing the innocence, the mother and the tribes emerged one after another, Audrey's expression was calm and her eyes suddenly lit up.

That was the beginning of the artifact refining the soul, suddenly gathered from her head, such as a gloomy mountain, numerous words, lines, symbols mixed with fresh words squirming, a head of evil spirits emerged from the top, Roaring silently below.

"Refining the soul!"

"It turned out to be a refining soul!"

The Lower Souls, looking up, couldn’t help but scream and their faces became iron.

They are very clear that the refining soul has not belonged to Napton, has been snatched away, and soon realized that the enemy's invasion, in fact, did not stop.

... is not to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. m

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