God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1558: The door to plunder!

w phantom family.

Thousands of light-duty chariots, the locusts float in the sky, the chariots are all white gold, sharp as cones, big ships, and each chariot has ten to one hundred warriors.

This Platinum chariot is far less powerful than a warship, but it is extremely fast and sturdy, allowing for space shuttles.

The warriors on the Platinum chariots, some of them are the phantom people, and the rest are those who are attached to the phantom family. The realm is exquisite, with a total number of 70,000 and 80,000.

The worst in the realm are the kings of the gods. The source gods, the virtual gods, the beginning of the gods are everywhere, and there are many people who are immortal.

This is the real power of the phantom family!

On one of the chariots, many of the fascinating family members of the phantom family gathered around the charm of the genius, and looked at Shiyan with awe-inspiring look.

These people are all strong in the realm of immortality. Two of them reach the peak of immortality. The soul of the soul can be sincere, and it is very close to the ancestors.

They used to sit in a domain domain and dominate the domain. Because of the great changes in the family, they were informed by the charm.

"Is sure there will be nothing?" Ling Xiao looked suspicious. "If your news is true, you will be told by Candice and Van der Leer that the prison will definitely not give her a chance!"

Lingxi is one of them. It is still the elder of Charm Ji. The years have not left traces on her face. She looks like a 30-year-old woman. The figure is very exaggerated, she is fat and fat, and she is sexy. In the phantom family, she was famous for her debauchery and raised many face-to-face.

"There will be no problem, Shi Yan said that Hao Tian, ​​Judy and Heroo have passed, and it is sure to make you safe and sound."

At this time, her strength has recovered, and she is as charming and charming as before. Because Candice and Vandler escaped, Mantis was in danger, and she became the supreme leader of the phantom family. To be responsible for the layout of the battle.

However, she has not yet fully gained the trust of the tribe, and Lingxi is one of the skeptics.

"Do you believe him so much?" Ling Xiao did not have a holiday with the charm, purely for the sake of ethnicity, she did not know how to be polite, regardless of Shi Yan is next to it, said: "If it is not his reason, Candi Silk and Vandler will not betray the people. I will not be in trouble. Now that we are in trouble, our people do not personally participate in the war. Do you have to leave us and think about it?"

The scorpion and the soldiers rushed back from the outer domain, knew the riots in the tribes, and also guessed the crisis of Mantis.

They hope to come to Mantis immediately. Together with Mantis, they contend with the four races, but the charms stop them and make them ready to go. But don't let them leave immediately, just let them wait.

Ling Yu has been waiting for a long time, see Charm Ji still let her continue to wait. It is becoming more and more intolerant, and the tone of Shiyan is becoming more and more acute.

Charm Ji was forced to help, and could not help but whispered: "How is it?"

Standing in the corner of the chariot, there was a stone rock that was extremely violent in the space, and looked up at nothing. The imaginary and infinite space of the sharp edge of the delivery, mutual impact, the illusion of the illusion of light, if you want to open a space channel.

"The Souls have preparedness and added the power to block the space. I can't be so far apart and condense a void passage." Shiyan calmed his face and looked back at Linglong and others, saying: "We don't go to them." In the battle zone, we will meet the Baigu people and go directly into the hinterland of the soul!"

"How do you qualify for our family decision?"

Shi Yan frowned, some tired of the woman's urgency, waved his hand, said: "How far away from the volcanic sea of ​​clouds, you know yourself, if you want to take the battleship chariot in the past, it will take at least half a year in the middle. After half a year, you arrive What's the use? You have to worry, you can leave your people, I am much lazy."

"You are not saying that you can go through the space of the soul family? Why can't you send us directly to the volcanic sea of ​​clouds?"

"Don't, don't quarrel." The Fang, who was responsible for the distribution of the medicinal herbs, looked at Shiyan's anger and changed his face. He rushed out to play the round field. "Shiyan did help us stabilize this place. He is definitely good for us." , Ling Yu, you are not safe, wait a little longer."

She saw Shiyan’s terrorist power with her own eyes. Don’t say that there is only one person in the phantom movie family. Even Candice and Van der Leer are there. If Shiyan is violent, who can compete with the phantom?

What is the diamond? Far from enough to see...

"The people in the cloud and Mongolian domain have been arranged to enter the periphery of the soul. We wait a while. Once the power of the seal space is broken, I will immediately pass through the passage, and bring you and the Baigu people into the soul. Shi Yan squinted and looked coldly at Linglong. He said, "Don't know how to be good, Haotian and Judi have been fighting for a long time. They have not won the opportunity to enter the hinterland of the four races. I am good for you." You still don't appreciate it, it's ignorant!"

"Who do you say ignorant?" Ling Yu was furious, and the surrounding space was suddenly soared by gravity due to her anger. People who were pressured were breathing hard.

She was the last one to come. I was talking about major events. I don’t know the specific situation that happened before. I don’t know how terrible the power of Shiyan is...

Like her, there are many people who are skeptical about Shiyan. They will think that Shiyan has enchanted the charm of Ji, and they have to take the opportunity to seize the rights of the phantom family and do something that does not use the phantom family.

"It's too annoying. Shut up for a while." Shi Yan was so impatient, reaching out to the diamond, and grabbing it, a spiritual will to seal the world, suddenly spread over, and the scorpion and her all underarms The chariot battleships were all covered, and the people of Linglong screamed and tried to fight back.

However, the world, such as suddenly becoming a space of **, such as a huge bubble, they all wrapped up.

No matter how many people attack, no matter how the rhinoceros yells and uses gravity, the space like big bubbles is safe and sound.

The people of the phantom family who arrived later, like the scorpion, were dissatisfied with the decision of Shi Yan to take over the master. They also wanted to let Shi Yan know their power.

But now, looking at the strongest of them, they are so weak that they are shackled, and they are all shaking, and they can't help but be silent.

Fang Yan looked at them and snorted. He whispered, "I told you earlier, let you not provoke him, don't listen, now honest?"

Everyone around her was stunned and embarrassed.

"The Soul, the Ancient Demon, and the Black Devil are the most powerful races in the Xinghai. Over the years, they have accumulated countless wealth and treasures. Through the plundering of one domain, they have occupied most of the resources in the Xinghai. And cultivation materials. Today, the prison, Rupert, and Beverly take the most elite of the family and temporarily leave the family. Their ethnic land is almost empty and undefended. Once they have been compromised, they have accumulated for countless years. Heaven and Earth materials are easy to change..."

Shiyan’s words are here, and all the people of the phantom family, including the fragrant scorpion, and even the scorpion that is sealed by the space, all have their eyes shining, and their faces are full of shock and great excitement.

They did not expect that the violent man of Shiyan, this is actually to take advantage of this opportunity, with the phantom family to make a fortune, to rob the four families of hundreds of thousands of years of hard work of cultivation materials, the treasures between heaven and earth, countless gods Crystal and medicinal herbs.

Those resources are the key to a racial race. They can turn a small race into a powerful race. If a race like the Tianmu race gets the huge resources of any family of the four races, after tens of thousands of years of growth, the Tianmu can become One of the strongest races in the Xinghai!

What's more, this is a powerful phantom family?

When I think of it, they are all fascinating, their faces are all greedy, and they are going crazy.

“Hey!” Shi Yan’s face was cold and cold. “I’m excited now? The wealth of the four races is not something that your phantom family can swallow. Before the war, the Xuan Tianzu and the Baigu people participated in the war, about the distribution of wealth and the future domain. I have already agreed with me, you can only take one of them. Of course, as a direct actor, there will definitely be a right to choose."

The people of the phantom family have already seen their eyes, and the lingering cymbals are not snoring. It seems that they are secretly summing up how to maximize the interests.

“When can I enter?” Fang Yi is also looking forward to asking.

"Wait, it should be very fast, I believe they can destroy the power of the soul family to lock the space." Shi Yan from the channel.

Everyone suddenly had patience, surrounded by Shiyan charm Ji, and waited honestly.

After a long time.

The emptiness in front of the stone rock, a swaying space light blade, suddenly splendid, began to undergo intense fusion and condensation.

Shiyan’s eyes suddenly lit up and violently said: “It’s done!”

The layered space energy, such as the ripples spread out, merges into the glare of the light blade, as if there is a pair of hands twisting the light edge, pinching the space energy, slowly creating a bright passage.

A vain rumor that runs through this place and the soulland of the soul!


In the fierce tempering of space energy, the passage gradually formed. Under the gaze of all the fascinating people, Shiyan grinned and nodded. "It's almost ok."

Then, he was the first to fly, and a flash disappeared.

All the phantom family members, as well as those who rely on the phantom movie family, are inexplicable and madly flocking to the void passage.

next moment.

Shiyan straddles the space and appears in the territory of the Baigu. The mother of the small priest, Amar, said: "The time is right, how are you prepared?"

Amar, who did not enter Dracula with the volcanic clouds, looked at him and looked happy. "Everything is ready."

"That's good, I came through the space channel, and you also entered the hinterland of the soul family, starting with the soul family and carrying out internal damage to the four races." Shi Yan laughed.

On top of a huge gimmick, many of the Baigu tribes are cheering in the ancient language of the Baigu, and they are called the roaring sound.

In the huge sound waves, it is also a void passage, which slowly condenses under the influence of the space power of Shiyan.

... is not to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. m

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