God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1559: Fight for the domain soul

w soul territory.

A splendid passage, such as the Bridge of Heaven, traverses from the void to the blue ocean of the Soul.

Like the mountain-like high-altitude refining soul, the horrible soul energy, the countless fierce souls screaming, rushing out from Ding, chasing the souls of the cyan around the blue ocean.

Audrey looks cold and cold, runs the sinister law, and works with the imperial clan, such as Ming, Ayala.

The Souls had to gather the soul altars to fight Audrey and others, which led to their relaxation of the space defense. When they realized that it was not good, it was too late to see a virtual passage.

Immediately, I saw the enchanted family of the phantom family, and they came in a platinum locust.

When they were desperate, they were a void passage, and they all smashed out, and the Baigu people appeared.

Without a prison seat, he was taken away from the elite Soul territory. In the face of the invasion of three forces, there was no counterattack.

An electric light flashed, and Shi Yan appeared beside Amar, watching the murder of the phantom family, the Baigu and the Yunmeng domain. He knew that the place would be ruined, and the roots of the soul group might be destroyed.

"Domain Soul!"

Audrey suddenly screamed, and she hurriedly took back the refining soul, and under the protection of the seven murderous souls, she rushed to a distant mountain.

Deep in the mountains, there was a sinister and evil atmosphere, and a horrible soul was suppressed.

The soul of the domain is the treasure that the souls have tempered by the secret method. It can greatly enhance the power of the tribe, and even promote the family of an immortal triple heaven to the realm of the domain.

Audrey refining the soul of Singer and getting the soul of the refining soul, naturally clear the preciousness of the domain soul, and feel the breath. I rushed to pick up the treasure.

Shi Yan was stunned, watching her disappearing direction, squinting and feeling dark.

He sensed the depths of the mountain, and there were three huge souls hidden. The three souls could gather the pure soul energy of refining and refining, which is the soul of the domain ancestor level, and the consciousness is vague and simple, so it is easy to be absorbed by the people. .

The energy of three souls. No less than a warrior like Ferrer. The purity of the soul is slightly better.

He believes that after Audrey has captured these three domain souls, he can break through the domain ancestors with three souls, and grow up at an alarming rate.


A few figures moved, but also trailed behind Audrey, and plunged into the mountains where the domain spirit was.

Among them are the charms and the scorpions, and the Aimar and Xiaoyan of the Baigu. They are all high-level phantom and white-bone people, and they all know the value of the domain soul. If Lingxi can absorb a domain soul. Can quickly break through to the realm of the domain, the same, the real strong of the Bone. It is also possible to reach the realm of the domain ancestor through the absorption of the domain soul.

The soul of the domain is a treasure that is not more precious than the immortal Dan. In the entire Xinghai, only the souls know how to cultivate refining.

The cultivation of a domain soul. Need countless treasures, need a lot of powerful evil spirits as an aid, but also need the strong to obliterate the domain soul consciousness.


A group of figures gathered in three brown peaks of several thousand long heights. The three peaks and cliffs were filled with black smoke. The evil spirits and ghosts in the smoke floated, and there was a scream of screaming.

They seem to be food, a material that feeds the soul of the domain, helping the soul of the domain to constantly condense its power.

Audrey, Charm, Ling, and Amar are all here. In addition to the three peaks, there are many ordinary mountains and rivers nearby. These mountains and rivers are the material storage places of the souls, including the soul. The gods, gems, medicinal herbs, military blades and armor that have been plundered in these years, are strange things.

When Amar came over, her eyes suddenly lit up. She said that she was gentle and said: "Children, you need a domain soul, so that you can enter the realm of the domain."

Xiao Yan excitedly nodded.

"As long as a domain soul, I can break through to the realm of the domain ancestors!" Ling Yu is also very excited, Chong Mei Ji said: "If you will help me to capture a domain soul, then you will have to fight for the patriarch, I also Will help you all!"

The arrival of Charm Ji and Amar, the face of Audrey, who is preparing to collect the domain soul, is slightly changed. Looking at these two people, her eyes are not good and faint.

Soon, the tribes of the Emperor, such as the Ming Dynasty and the Adele, also discovered the movement of this piece, and they also gathered together.


"The domain soul can help the immortal triple heaven realm, break through to the realm of the domain ancestors, here, there are three domain souls!"

Mind, Ayala's eyes are bright, and immediately on the same line as Audrey, to compete for the domain soul.

Seeing that the civil war will start, Shiyan, who is quietly watching not far away, is forced to come over and has to come over himself. He said: "Three domain souls, we take one in the cloud domain, one in the phantom family, the white bones One, I will divide it early, or I will know it to the Xuantian people. I am afraid I have to intervene."

"I don't have any opinions. I have already broken through the domain ancestors anyway. I just have to win one for him." Amar took a little bit.

"That's it." Charm Ji also agreed.

"Stone!" said a low voice, saying: "Three souls, if they all belong to us, we can have three more ancestors!" He used to be a person on the side of Shiyan, and heard the soul of the domain. Wonderful, I finally couldn’t help but fight. "I will forget, I will soon be able to break through the domain ancestors, but Xuanhe and Yan Lie are not so easy. If there is a domain soul, it will be different..."

"What are you doing?" Ling Xiao screamed again. "We have even assigned you to the Yunmeng domain. What do you want? Don't be so greedy!" Seeing the heart and soul, I want to be a domain soul, she is angry. The child broke out and was anxious to rush to fight and fight.

"Shi Yan, my child must have a domain soul, count me for you." Amar also said.

Several people are deeply looking at Shiyan. They all know that Shiyan’s attitude is crucial because it is because of the power of Shiyan that everyone can get into this place.

"I have just said that the three parties are a domain soul, so they are distributed." Shi Yan said a little, and said to the meditation: "You can rest assured, I promise that Xuanhe, 腓 特 特 they will be able to break through, I am , and I left the friends of the wilderness together. Naturally it is impossible to do so."

He listened to him saying this, thought about it, and knew that if he continued to persist, it might lead to evil with the phantom and white bones, so he finally agreed.

"Your phantom and white bones are one of the seven races. They have accumulated a lot of wealth and heritage for hundreds of thousands of years. We are different. We are poor and white. There is no time to collect resources after coming from the wasteland, so those mountains are inside. The cultivation resources of the soul family, I hope that you can give us more." Shi Yan looked at the charm and Amar said.

"That is natural." Amar smiled.

"I just want a domain soul, everything else doesn't matter, I think. Charm Ji is definitely pointing to you, naturally there will be no problem." Ling Xiao smiled.

"You said so, can I disagree?" Under the watchful eyes of Shi Yan. Charm Ji said with a smile.

"Then it is distributed, the three parties each take a domain soul, the cultivation resources in those mountains. We are first selected by our people, and more are allocated." Shi Yan grinned.

"I will destroy the outer enchantment first, let the sea sharks come in, or they will always be trapped outside." Audrey expressed his position.

She is holding the soul of the soul, although she came to the soul for the first time. But many of the secrets of the soul family are well known.

I saw her incarnation in a gray air, suddenly went deep into a huge mountain range, into the interior of the mountain, and soon after, I heard the earth-shattering roar of the mountain, the roaring sound, the dozens of nearby mountain peaks shook, Shooting tens of thousands of mysterious runes in the sky.

In the depths of the clouds covered by the entire Soul Territory, there is a ray of light that penetrates through and sees many ghosts, scorpions, and genital clouds falling from the sky and being sucked into the mountainside by those peaks.

Not long after, the laughter of Hai Shahuang and others, from the sky, saw the excitement of many warriors in the wilderness.

There are the cold fronts of the former war leagues, there are Lin Xin, there are Qinglong and Di Carlo, there are Sacred gods of the gods, etc. They have been waiting outside for a long time, just waiting for the enchantment to tear.

"Come here!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Xuanhe laughed and turned into a **** light. He came to Audrey and Ayala in an instant. The Sea Shark also led the Shenblae to land.

"I really didn't think that one day I could come to the core of Baoshan of the Soul. When I was chased by the people of Neptun, I fled the empty sea. I thought that I would hide in this life." The sea shark sighed and hoped. Looking at the mountains and rivers below, he knows that he can be inseparable from Shiyan today.

"I didn't expect that one day I could show my strength in this imaginary sea. Before we all sat on the ground, we thought that the wasteland was an innocent world. Now it seems that we left the wasteland right, otherwise, maybe It has become ashes..."

Gut, the tyrannosaurus, came down with Bath and looked at the strong underneath, and he was filled with emotion.

"Under the mountains!" Sea Shark proposed.

Shi Yan smiled lightly and nodded.

A huge space blade suddenly condensed out and cut toward those peaks. In the sound of "咔嚓咔嚓", the stones of those peaks were quickly cut off. Like the scorpion, the stone rock accurately manipulated the space blade and the mountain peak. The outer rock wall is cut away.

Soon, the brilliance of light, from one of the mountains, countless wonderful crystal gems, releasing an amazing pure atmosphere, the internal flow of energy of different attributes, suddenly flashed out.

In another mountain, there are a lot of huge medicines that slowly flash, and many of the medicines are inside a space. Some transparent medicines can see tens of millions of small bottles, each on the bottle. There are labels to indicate the value and function of the drug.

Shiyan continues to cut the mountain, and more mountain peaks store the treasures of the treasures, piled up the cultivation materials of the mountains, the exquisite goddess of the swaying, the mysterious books recorded in various ethnic scripts, many magical sources of mystery, and the crystals of stars, almost The extinct Lingshu and other rare things flashed out one by one.

Everyone held their breath, their eyes were smashed out, and their faces were greedy and greedy.

"Get rich! Haha! Made!"

"The souls are really amazing. The odd treasures gathered in these years are really astronomical numbers! These things are enough to make a small race that does not flow in, grow rapidly in hundreds of thousands of years!"

"If the sorcerer knows that we are here, I am afraid that the soul ritual will be broken, and I will be mad at life."

After a long time, everyone laughed and slammed like a hungry wolf. Unfinished m

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