God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1561: Cruel battlefield

Volcanic clouds.

The wreckage of the battleship, the body of the warrior, the armor of the broken armor, the volcanic volcanic volcano, all filled with the void here.

The glory of the light group, the color of the seats is different, or the cold and cold, or like the lava sea, or the crystal ice, or the golden soul of the altar is spinning around, rare soldiers such as dragons, warships are bright, many Just like the real domain world, the voids here overlap, and there are countless real illusions...

This place has become the most tragic meatball farm in the Xinghai. The bones are ruined, the residual limbs are everywhere, and the ruined altars are like collapsed mountains and rivers.

The battles of the soul, the clan, the black demon, the ancient demon and the Xuantian, the Baigu, the Zi Yao, and the Tiangong are still going on. In the depths of the void, the Yuan’s body and Ziyao’s body are in the body. Fighting in the black water, the imaginary domain will be torn apart, and the afterglow of energy will smash, and the stars separated by hundreds of millions will burst.

One of the energies, once it happens to rush into a domain door, the natural domain behind the domain gate will come like a catastrophe, so that many races of the Star of Life will encounter innocent disasters, so that the small races will be extinct.

One of the ten great ancestors of the sorcerer, Haotian, Rupert, Beverly, Ega, Mantis, and Hilo are all in the same place.

They did not come to discuss the details of entering the door of the beginning, but to kill each other, to fight for the purpose of unclear purposes, to use the strongest forces.

This battle, the sky is dim, the sun and the moon are dull, the Star River is torn, and the universe collapses!

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the end of the early era was also due to a war, a battle that swept all the beginnings.

Today, the Seven Kingdoms participated in the first battle, gathering the most outstanding powers among the Xinghai. Their battles caused the virtual seas to seem unbearable. The volcanic clouds...has disappeared and become the ruins of the end. . Many volcanoes have been taken up and become weapons of the hands of the Tiangong people.

The volcano with the transmission array also became the blade of Tham, burning with a blazing flame, and he was running with the fire of the fire, rushing to the nearest Soho people.

In the battle, suddenly Tamm browed and slammed into the huge volcano that he had made.

A wave of space. From the heart of the volcano, he immediately knew that the inner core formation was once again opened.


In the splash of fire, a majestic figure appeared in the crater, grinning, and the man arbitrarily tore. The space in front of him was immediately fragmented.

Together with the broken, there are hundreds of souls and souls of the Soha people. There is no room for counterattack. Those who are in the realm of the souls of the souls become the minced meat, and the altars form a crystal substance, which suddenly appears. The young man pointed his finger at the heart and gave him a black spot in his eyebrows.

Tam did not recognize who the young man was. He felt the horror of a wild and beast from the youth. The breath made his temples tremble.

This is the fear of the soul instinct!

"You, who are you?" In the fierce battle, no one noticed Tam's scream, he stepped back and forth, and even the constraints on the volcano were actively split.

"Don't be nervous, it's your own person." Shi Yan was surprised and laughed, and immediately squinted at the situation here.

Haotian, Judy, Mantis, Hilo, and Dracula are the two ancestors of the ancestors. They contend with the prison, Ega, Beverly, and Rupert. Strong. The strength of everyone is different.

among them. Haotian to the prison, Hiro to Rupert. They are still evenly matched, but Judy and Dracula must work together to fight Ega, because Judy is not a figure of the top ten ancestors, and Dracula is a strong older generation, but because of the short time of waking up , not all of them have recovered.

In the end, it was a battle between Mantis and Beverly. In this battle, Mantis was clearly at a disadvantage.

It took too much divine power, and Mandy, who was forced to almost squander, only recovered for a while, and participated in the battle. She was the same as the ancestors of the ancestors. She was naturally unable to fight in the battle with Beverly because of her wounds. Instead of taking the initiative, it can be awkward to compete.

This is the most powerful battle showdown except Zi Yao and Yuan Shi.

After that, they are the squats of their respective races, the struggle between the strong, Napton, Oliver, Rabit and others have died, but the four races are four major races, and they still have several reach domains. The ancestors of the heavens. Those who are not familiar with Stone Rock are fighting with Guy, Roaring, Jia Ni, Tian Xie and others.

Among them, the dragon lizard ancestors are extremely eye-catching. Although he is one of the most important ancestors in the world, he is very amazing because of the blood of the early days!

He drenched the blood of a fellow of the ancient demon family. The guy fought with the demon body of the ancient demon and the giant form of the golden lion, but compared with the dragon lizard who became the body, it still had to A lot weaker, the lion that was killed by the dragon lizard was split.

Next is the battle of the immortal, the first god, the virtual god, and the source of the gods. The battles at this level are more messy, and the battlefield spreads. Even the eyes of Shiyan have no way to see them all. The battle zone that rises up is as wide as a domain.

This low-level battle is the most fierce. The warriors of both sides also have the most deaths. At first glance, they are all dead bodies, the wreckage of warships, bursting armor and crushing weapons.

After a little observation of the battle, he smiled lowly. In the laughter, his eyebrows released a black hole that was swallowed up. The singularities that swallowed the black hole were covered by the space illusion. After the appearance, they first swelled and dispersed, and then disappeared strangely. Hidden.

When Tam heard that Shi Yan said that he was his own person, he was paying attention to him and found that a strangely swallowed black hole came out, and immediately he was shocked and guessed the origin of Shiyan’s identity.

Seeing a few devour black holes hidden, Tham eyes shining, subconsciously looking around.

He already knows that Shiyan is fishing in the muddy waters, taking advantage of the opportunity to devour the mystery to absorb the power of the battle. With the death of the surrounding powerful people, those invisible black holes that will be invisible will absorb unimaginable energy and bring huge to the rock. The change, he can't imagine it.

"Mantis, you are proficient in time, then have you seen the future of your phantom family? The era of extinction!" The ancient demon of the human face, Beverly, is cold and faint. The sword of the cold, stabbed on the face of Mantis.

More than 900 fist-sized transparent water droplets, such as water polo in the middle of her and Mantis, the transparent water polo inside, carefully see, can see a clear water world, the water world has underwater wonders, and even A stranger of human face snakes similar to Beverly.

More than 900 transparent water droplets, each of which is a water world, is connected to the domain of Beverly.

Her soul energy, ignoring the limitations of space, injecting into the center of the water polo, makes the water world become magnificent, and the water world gradually affects the real world, as if the real world slowly disappears, it becomes her Part of the water world.

Mantis suddenly gave birth to an inexplicable fear.

She feels that she seems to be one of those water worlds. It is a weak creature inside, born there, living in the domain of Beverly, able to be controlled by Beverly, and she is free to erase the mark of the soul.

This is the invasion of the domain of her soul to the altar!

As soon as this thought came out, the water inside her body penetrated into the water, and her body gradually became transparent. It seemed to be a drop of water. It should be integrated into the nearest water world, and it can really be killed by Beverly. Dead creatures.

Beverly is in a drop of water, transmitting the soul energy in the domain boundary, the magical power of running the water can melt the magical power of all things, to integrate the vines into the enslavement of her domain, and she is imprisoned forever. .

She sneered, watching the faint confusion in Mantis's eyes gradually deepen, secretly: Fast, very soon, or how long, you will lose yourself, I will control the soul, I will give life to torture, until Depleted the last trace of soul thoughts to eliminate!

"Water melts the world?" Suddenly, the sneer of Shiyan came.

Beverly stunned and slammed back, and then saw Shi Yan silently appearing behind her, like a ghost.

"If it is not the loss of Mantis, can you take the upper hand?" Shi Yan stretched his finger to the ground where the water was scattered. The startips flowed into the starry stream. The star flow entered the middle of the water world and changed into a fallen star river, a bright starry sky. One of the stars shines like a diamond, releasing a starry glow of tranquility.

The water world in each of the water droplets is illuminated by the starlight of the galaxy in the early days of the artifact, and the inner world is completely disfigured.

The vines dissipated quickly. As soon as she realized the real situation, she immediately bite the tip of her tongue and wash the water in her body with blood. With a small amount of time, she returns to the moment she was not confused.

She is sober.

“Shi Yan...” She whispered and sighed, and she was relieved. “It’s not too late.”

"Can you still run the seal of that time?" Shi Yan smiled.

The eyes of Mantis slowly came to the fore. "You mean, the big seal of time and space?"

Shiyan nodded.

"There should be more room to work out." Mantis confirmed it.

"Then let's join hands to try it." Shi Yan looked at Beverly, and the body was rippled and slowly spawned a strange space. The space was condensed from his body, and there was no boundary in the air. When it appears, it will lead to the distortion of the real world, such as being replaced by his space.

Beverly looked at the spread of space, felt the real world's imprisonment, and his face changed slightly.

At this time, Mantis did not say anything more. After the euphoria was rushed, countless waves of light were reversed. Time seemed to be controlled by her, and it was fixed like this.

Beverly finally had fear.


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