God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1562: Eternal seal!

w time can hold intangible things such as soul, consciousness, thoughts, thoughts, etc. Space can block tangible things such as the body, blood, bones and even divine power. When time and space are working at the same time, invisible and tangible things can be All give a complete seal!

This is the year when Di Carlo and the master of the sorcerer lost in the bloodthirsty hands, and spent the rest of their lives trying to figure out the great supernatural powers. Unfortunately, he was only proficient in space and righteousness. He could not find a time-honored person of the same level to jointly verify this magical power. Xuanqi Shenao.

After many years, at the bottom of the sea, Mantis and Shiyan worked together to create a "big seal", which caused considerable power, so that they could calmly enter the Yunmeng domain with the gods and the mainland. Isolated.

At that time, the realm of Shiyan was far from reaching the level of strength today, and the understanding of space ambiguity was not deep enough.

In the meantime, Shiyan also broke through to the ancestral ancestors, and the accumulation of realm, strength, and righteousness is not inferior to Mantis. Once again, the combined efforts of the "big seal ban" can form a great power, even him and Mantis. Some dare not measure.

Layers of space ripples, such as waves of waves, spread from his body to the periphery.

Derived from a mysterious space, such as the illusory world reflected in the mirror, there are thousands of, there are hundreds of layers!

Suddenly, this piece of energy shocked and stagnate, and you can see many strands of blue and green lightning twisting, such as a piece of light completely fixed, the wreckage of many warships, the body of the warrior, the blood of the red, the original As the impact of the battle is suspended, such as the seaweed wandering in the sea.

At this moment, all of them suddenly stopped and solidified.

Centered on stone rock, the area where space ripples spread is hundreds of miles wide, with all the visible substances, blood clots, veins, vermiculite powder, and shards of gods. All will be fixed!

Among them, besides Shiyan and Mantis, only Beverly is left.

Beverly, the face of the snake, has a cold expression, and the stunned color is in her face. Her rich and full body has a strange "squeaky" voice, such as rusty equipment in difficult activities!

Her heart is cold. She is constantly working with magical powers. The blood flow in the body is rushing like a rushing water wave, pulling the body to move.

With the seal of Shiyan's space, she felt like there were countless invisible shackles, which were placed on her, and she was confined to her body, letting her play every time. It’s very difficult.

Fortunately, because the power of Mantis is too great, the time of the righteousness is slightly slower. Failed to keep up with the rhythm of Shiyan...

If the seal of time also comes at the same time, her soul, consciousness, and righteousness will be fixed and cannot be thought. Can not change the mind and the righteousness, in that case, she will not even have the ability to move hands and feet, will completely lose self, become the shackles of stone rock and vines.

She is biting her teeth. Struggling hard, moving step by step to the rear of the world.

The speed of the move is not fast at all. She could have been a million-year-old, and now she seems to be the most ordinary Xiaowu. It is purely a retreat with the power of the gods.

A bright and bright light flies behind the neck of Mantis, as if it was a time that never went back, as if it were an eternal time.

At the moment, the vines are full of glory, and the face is beautiful. The beauty is not inferior to the charm, and the mature and charming charm is rare.

Once the first beauty of the Galaxy, reversing the time, set himself in the age of twelve or three, concealing the thrilling true face, so many people have forgotten her glamorous legends of the year.

Nowadays, because of the loss of divine power, she can't continue to seal the time, and the world is twenty-five and six years old.

A hair like a waterfall, like a long river of time, the time of the righteousness of the flow, her soul can knead in the energy of the stream like time, slowly infiltrating into the strange world of the rocky space of Shiyan, with time To make the seal more stable.

Become an eternal prohibition!

The time streamed by the soul, the righteousness, and the mind, permeated the space that was first influenced by the stone rock, and the space suddenly began to undergo wonderful changes...

That void, slowly and condensed into essence by the void of nothingness, such as turning into a huge amber, showing a tangible state!

At the same time, Mantis's beautiful face, a hint of intoxicating redness, she glanced at the stone rock, the depths of the bright scorpion, a stream of confusion and deep shame...

Her time is righteous, infiltrating into the space of the fixed space, as if the soul is integrated into the soul of Shiyan.

At a glance, her soul and the soul of Shiyan, such as the intersection of the soul, can feel each other's feelings of love, can profoundly understand the emotions of Shiyan, and the experience of a lifetime!

This is an indescribable sense of wonder!

The piece of void, fixed by Shiyan in the power of space, is cultivated in the realm of his ancestral ancestors, and the operation of the righteousness, the power, the soul, and the consciousness will all condense in the shadows, and the energy of the space is also attached. His soul has his spiritual soul and brand.

In the past, when his realm was low, and when he worked with Mantis to run this "big seal ban", he did not reach the resonance of the soul, the fusion of consciousness and soul, so he did not feel anything at first.

Similarly, at the last time, Mantis did not have any strong feelings.

This time is not the same...

According to the speculations of Di Carlo, the old ghost master, if the two people are running this magical power, and the two people’s realm, ambition, and strength are very close, then when they run this “big seal ban”, they can The soul blends, can resonate with resonance, and achieve a magical situation of transient integration.

Today, Shi Yan is also in the domain of the ancestors of the two heavens, the realm, strength, and the righteousness are the same as that of Mantis. The abnormality that was not triggered last time has finally come out here.

At that time, the instinct penetrated, and the invisible void became tangible and looked like a liquid lake.

At the same time, the hearts, thoughts and souls of Mantis and Shiyan seem to be a short-lived fusion. The two men, one man and one woman, the mixture of the souls of both sides, has reached a mysterious soul-crossing effect, the resonance resonance of the soul, caused by Fluctuation, more intense than the intense stimulation between men and women, is even more violent!

Shi Yan insisted on his heart, and locked his face with space. He seemed to be expressionless, so that he would not be refreshed, and he would show ugliness in front of Mantis.

But the stimuli of the soul, such as the endless wave of waves, the cascading impact, let him scream out the strong and difficult to contain the Shutai wonderful.

Mantis, who has survived for tens of thousands of years, once the first beauty of Xinghai, has always adhered to the creed in pursuit of strength, and pursued the masculine phantom. He never enchanted any man. In his long life, he did not even have any men. The skin's communication, she did not try such a little bit of a wonderful thing between men and women.

Today, however, the ghost makes God worse. In the strange fusion of the "big seal ban", she and the soul of Shi Yan are incredibly connected. The resonance resonance of the soul fusion is thousands of times stronger than the real good. Stimulating, she almost fell into an instant, completely submerged by the inexhaustible sea of ​​desire.

She no longer went to see Shiyan, her eyes were closed and her face was flushed with red, but there was a glimpse of time flowing out of her body, and she could not help but inject the seal space.

Centered on her and Shiyan, the amber-like seal of the world spreads at the speed of terror!

Beverly, the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors, could not escape, was frozen by the space that was mixed with time, and suddenly looked like a small snake frozen by amber, her face kept horrified, still doing The action of retreating is thus blocked.

"Leave me and Mantis's shrouded space! At the fastest speed!"

At this moment, Shi Yan’s body was burned up at the beginning of the age. With his incomparable willpower, he passed his thoughts to the minds of the people of Haotian, Hilo and Dracula, and they were immediately prepared.

Because he felt that he and Mantis's soul blended together, and gave birth to a "great seal ban" to an uncontrollable degree of horror, the crazy spread of amber's general space, has already imprisoned Beverly, the domain of the ancestors. Once it has completely extended, I don’t know how many people will be fixed.

He gave birth to a sense of horror that once he was sealed and even unable to unravel it again, the true integration of time and space, and the horrible effects he could achieve, made him very uneasy.

His last conscious warnings made everyone in the sky horrified. They all ignored the temporary downwind in the battle and passed the news of Shiyan.

For a time, all the Xuan Tian and Baigu tribes who fought against the family, the black demon, the ancient demon, and the soul, and the Tiangong and the protoss who depended on Zi Yao, were all desperate. Leave, at the fastest and most speedy, away from the space where Mantis and Stone Rock are located.


Countless figures walked away, the battle was confusing at this moment, and the four ethnic groups who were killed and stunned, did not know what happened, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, soon, they found a huge amber space, madly spread over and shrouded this world!

In the twinkling of an eye, thousands of souls, ancient demon, episodic, and black demons are frozen, and they are given the eternal seal by the power of time and space.

The imaginary god, the first god, the immortal, and even the ancestral realm, once spread by the amber space, is like a small bug in the fossil. The consciousness, the soul, the altar, the thought freeze, the gods are stagnation, no longer It may come out of it, and eternal life will last forever.

Centered on Mantis and Shiyan, a vast expanse of hundreds of millions of miles, a huge clear lake, with thousands of families, black demons, ancient demon, and souls frozen inside, all of them are four The elite, the strong and powerful in the Xinghai, and even a few people in the realm of the domain!

At this moment, the space is locked, the time is fixed, and all things are humming.

Eternal seal!

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