God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1563: Create miracles!

Space and time seem to stop at this moment.

The vast space of amber has become frozen and dead, the four tens of thousands of martial artists are fixed, the soul and the body are all condensed, and there is no power between the heavens and the earth, as if there is no more power to free them.

It is time to continue the fierce battle of race, the strange pause, the collision of the top ten ancestors, and silently live.

All eyes are gathered at that moment, gathered in the stone rock, Mantis.

A strong heart, from the dragon lizard ancestors, Guy's chest filled with people, spread in the flesh and blood of their whole body, they secretly glad, glad to leave first.

A fresh warrior, alive and alive in the first moment, became a fossil in the next moment.

That space, such as the seal of the heavens and the earth, makes the cages of all things and ancient silences lock everything, life, consciousness, wreckage, flesh and blood fragments, all frozen and can not be moved a trace!

Including Beverly who has reached the horizon of the ancestors!

"What happened? How could this be?" Looking at the tens of thousands of martial artists, even Heroo was shocked. He felt deeply and his face was shocked. "A powerful seal, even my soul consciousness." I can't even penetrate it! God!"

"The eternal seal of time and space, this level of power is not what we can understand." Dracula's eyes are bright and radiant, the white body is moving, creaking, it seems that only through the fragility of the bones, Only to prove that he is not imprisoned, but also free to move.

The evil spirits and the protoss strong, the Xuan Tianzu's Judy, Hao Tian also stunned, his face was in doubt.

They are lucky...

When Shiyan’s consciousness came, they sensed the urgency and anxiety of Shiyan from the violent turmoil. They chose to believe in Shiyan and let the tribes move at the fastest speed.

Do not hesitate to pay the price of the body!

It turns out that their trust in Shiyan is right. Most of the people of Xuan Tianzu, Baigu and Tianxie were separated, and those who were hesitant for thousands of times and those who were with the family were frozen.

In general, their losses are much smaller and acceptable.

The three prisoners, Rupert and Ega, cannot accept this fact. They have left many powerful people. At this time, they are all sealed. How does this battle continue?

Looking at the Beverly, they couldn't believe their eyes. The ancestors of her ancestors were sealed, how could it be?

After dozens of seconds of silence. Ega, the prisoner's face was determined, and he abandoned the people, and suddenly rushed to the space of the seal.

"Give me a crack!"

The thick blood on the head of Ega condenses. Turned into a huge blood blade containing despair and destruction of the will, the blood blade is ten million meters long and wide as a long river. The snow is bright and bright, and it is directed to the world.


The blood blade that can destroy the stars, cut in the amber solid space, a dull, blast-like loud noise, burst out.

The blood blade is broken!

Ega’s eyes suddenly looked awkward. Can not help but a stream of blood poured out, controlled by his hard life, did not give a spout.

The face of the prison changed a lot, and the bottom of the heart was deeply shocked. He hesitated a moment, and spit out countless ghosts. The ghosts were intertwined into a net, covering the amber space. He immediately ran the ambiguity and tried to shake the space.

"Whirring whirring……"

Numerous ghosts and ghosts shouted, echoing from this starry sea, the power of the sorcerer rushed out of the river, infusing those ghosts and ghosts.

It is a pity that he can't shake the space and can't get the people out of it.

When Rupert saw Ega, the prisons failed, his eyes were gray, and he did not try to start again, but he was gloomy: "It seems that we must have three people together..."

The prison and Ega looked shocked and felt that the method was feasible and ready to try together.

At this time, from the space, two gods came, and after the light broke through the space, it became a figure of stone rock and vine.

The two stood side by side, their expressions were extremely complicated. They didn't go to the prison, Ega, but looked at the amber solid space below. The light in the eyes shone and became more and more strange...

The solid space in the seal below is made up of their soul, consciousness, mystery, and divine power. Sealing the heavens and the earth will give the strong to the permanent imprisonment, but now they look at the following, and they have an unspeakable sense of strangeness, as if The space below does not matter to them.

Even if they want to enter it again, it seems impossible.

Shi Yan indulged a bit, and turned into a space light blade, trying to rush into it, freeing those who were imprisoned and Xuan Tian and Baigu.

The strange thing happened. He hit the space, like a huge ball, and was pushed by a soft but huge pushing force to push it away again!

His face changed, his eyes were stunned, and he couldn’t help but look at Mantis.

Mantis also tried it once, and it was time to enter it. Similarly, she was also excluded, and she could not go deep into it.

“What happened?” Judy came quietly and took the initiative to stop when she was ten meters away.

"We use time and space to integrate and use a seal to imprison this place. The effect is very obvious, but the degree of power is more than we expected. Even the two of us can't enter and leave the space now. The space is like an eternity. No, no power can tear open."

Mantis restored nature, meditation, and faintly clarified the facts. "This ban is too strange. It combines the seal of time and space. It will be so terrible and magical. Everyone inside, maybe it will be such an eternal existence. Unless there is any force that destroys the space, it can no longer come out..."

"There is no seal that will last forever!"

At this time, in the emptiness of the heads of the people, the sigh of the Yuan died.


Everyone’s soul ceremonies are suddenly shocked. Even if they see the dark ocean, they will see that the body of the Yuan’s death suddenly sinks, and the horrible giant tortoise is bigger than several stars of life. The amber space, you have to break it.

His ontology is the birth of a young man, and the existence of the three ancestors of the domain ancestors can be said to be the most prominent existence in the present Xinghai.

Heaven and earth, the universe, the innocent space, the end of the mysterious abyss, and the one who can truly compete with him, only the same level of phlegm, waste, purple Yao Yao, in addition, the dragon looks at the end Sauron is also one, and this is the ultimate one who truly breaks through the triple ancestor of the ancestors.

Even in the early days, they were the top of the power level, and no one could compete.

Hit by the body, the dark water of the sea fell together, and its body is condensed into one, this collision force, horrible, earth-shattering, as if to destroy a complete natural domain!

All the strong ones were terrified, and even Rupert, the Prison, Rupert, and Mantis had a slight change in their faces and had to avoid it a little.

Only Shi Yan’s face was cold and snorted, hiding himself in the gap of a space, watching the body of the cockroach bang.

"Booming! Rumble..."

The shape of the giant tortoise, the weight of the ocean that condenses countless domain boundaries, the impact of the ocean in the amber solidification space, the shock of a collision force, so many strong people shed blood, even Rupert and others are flesh and blood The giant earthquake, the veins are shaking.

But the solid virtual space, which is a combination of time and space, such as the seal of the huge amber, is not moving!

The people who gathered the strongest of the Xinghai, regardless of the enemy and the enemy, were shocked to the extreme look, and looked at Mantis and Shiyan.

miracle! It is a miracle!

"Impossible! There is no space that I can't break, no seal that doesn't break!"

The body roars and screams, and the raging wild animal is on the verge of extinction. The giant body like a giant tortoise shakes vigorously, and the energy waves formed extend out, and the heavens and the earth are discolored!

Extremely far away, due to the endless penetration of his energy, many broken stars, such as fireflies, sink to the abyss of the universe and disappear into the secluded land of no one knows.

Further, the domain domain that was infiltrated by his energy broke down, and countless souls went to the end of the end.

"Ably impossible!"

It is also impacting, with the righteousness, with the power of the body, tearing the impact and twisting, to open the world of this seal.

It is a pity that everything is in vain. The sky that blends into the rock, the silky soul, the righteousness, and the will of the will, has made eternal and transformed into a miraculous miracle of the world. It seems that on the day of formation, there is no longer Any power can change, and you can unlock the closed world.

"Absolute time and absolute space seal, if you can achieve resonance resonance, no fusion, rumors can ban the universe, and eternal stagnation of an era. Millions of people will be like the insects in amber, will keep that forever Form can no longer be changed..."

In the depths of the mist, Zi Yao sat in the head of the snake of the Snake, overlooking the bottom, and exclaimed: "In our early days, there were no strong people who could make time and space so wonderfully merged. I did not expect Someone in this era has done it. Fortunately, fortunately, you have not entered the realm of the ancestors of the domain. If not, not only this piece of heaven and earth, but the entire virtual sea will be frozen!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the strong people showed their expressions of inconspicuous thoughts. They did not expect the fusion of time and space to seal the entire universe!

"Hey, you can't tear that space, I can't, even the **** of war can't!" Zi Yao looked coldly at the giant turtle below, and said indifferently: "Unless you can cross the realm of the domain, you can reach all living things." The ancestor... At the beginning of the level, you can truly understand the ultimate seal of time and space.

Her words made all the strong people in this place silent. No one can refute them. Even the shackles were awakened and muttered: "It turns out that the original rumors are true..."

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