God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1564: Lay the victory

Most of the w souls, the family, the black devils, and the ancient demon are all sealed by the amber space. The battle is evenly matched, and the balance is broken!

If this war continues, the results will not have to be thought out, and will inevitably be extinguished with the destruction of the four armed forces!

In particular, the Buffalo, one of the top leaders of the ancient Yaozu, and one of the top ten ancestors, was also sealed. Without her existence, the highest level of fighting, Ega, Prison, and Rupert were also at a disadvantage.

"Oh la la!"

The sound of the sea is squeaking, and the "small" of the early life is rapidly shrinking in the black water. In the process of shrinking the body, the sea of ​​the black ocean is also a little bit horrible.

In a blink of an eye, the cockroaches disappeared, and the Terran squadron stepped on a river to reproduce.

He looked up and looked at the shadow of the snake in the depths of the sky. He looked at the purple glory of the Lord of the Snake, his face was gloomy and his face was cold. He said: "This war has not continued, we are leaving."

Ega, Prison, and Rupert have heavy expressions, and their brows are wrinkled tightly, looking at the people around them.

After this war, their tribes suffered heavy losses. Those who were sealed were their main force. If they all became fossil ice sculptures, they might never be able to come out.

On the other hand, in the days of Haotian and Hilo, the ethnic groups are so high that they are so angry that they can't wait to kill them. It means that those people have a strong desire for fighting.

Fighting is not something they can control. They must persist. Their families are afraid that they will die here.

Ega, the Prison, and Rupert nodded in succession, acquiescing to the defeat of the tribes, and leaving the battlefield with the Yuan **** to end this battle.

"It's not so easy to leave calmly." Hiro of the Bone-Bone, like a golden sword, a sharp and fierce, and firmly locked the three.

Hao Tian and Judy also sneered. Reaching out to make a gesture, many Xuan Tianzu people gathered together, a soul sacrificial platform floating in the sky, there is a huge wave of energy fluctuations.

"You don't have one person to reach the three ancestors of the ancestors, is it qualified to intercept me?" Yuan died.

The dark river under his feet suddenly extended to the depths of the imaginary sea, and the fluctuations in the flow of water. With the most subtle energy of the water. The people of Nga, the Prison, and the Rupert were immediately sheltered by his power as soon as they stood in the river.

The endless stream, with a black ribbon, will pull all the people except Ega, Rupert, and the Prisoner away at a very fast speed.

Yuan Shi and the three strong. Standing at the end of the river, guarding it.

Haotian, Judi, Hilo, Mantis and others felt the horror of the Yuan and the stream. The heart was shocked, but did not immediately start, but looked at the purple glory of the sky and the stone rock not far away...

Zi Yao Duan sits inside the amethyst throne. High above the top, indifferent: "Let him go."

The crowd immediately looked at Shiyan again. Shiyan grinned and smiled coldly and said: "Let them go..."

Hao Tian and others no longer say more. Cold face, watching the enemy leave, no one shot.

Soon, the tribes of the four races were sent to the depths of nothingness by a black stream. The eyes of the soldiers, the prisoners, and others squatted in the upper reaches of the crowd, and set foot on the stream, gradually drifting away.

When the stream disappeared completely, the purple snake's body was condensed into a cyan light spot. In her eyebrows, she slowly descended from the void, and the graceful figure was graceful. "The strength of the dragon is very strong, it has not experienced too early. The ultimate **** battle of the times, no heavy losses, after so many years of accumulation, his power is terrible. Unfortunately, it is not enough talent, good conspiracy, but not dare to really abandon the cultivation and fighting of life, so that the accumulation of divine power is extremely There is still not much breakthrough in the realm..."

Zi Yao looks at everyone. "We don't want to make it urgent. Its threat will not be particularly big, but once it feels that life and death are threatened and all the forces accumulated in this billions of years have erupted, then, people on our side, In addition to being able to be safe and sound, the rest of the world will be scattered."

When this statement came out, everyone in the sky was stunned, and the inner doubts were solved.

"The three ancestors of the ancestors are the ultimate in heaven and earth. It is the beginning of life. The power stored in the body of God can destroy dozens of domain boundaries. Once all of them break out, there are not many people who can bear it unless they are the same." Yao said lightly.

The people nodded secretly and immediately stopped talking more and knew that they had been stunned by the fruits of victory. It was not rational enough.

"This battle, the victory has been laid, the following is to get the benefits." Zi Yao smiled, bright eyes staring at Shiyan, softly said: "Shi Yan will lead you to pick more fruits of victory, one to reach The space ambition of the ancestors of the ancestors of the heavens will be a nightmare for all enemies!"

Everyone could not help but look at Shiyan.

Shi Yan grinned and laughed, and said leisurely: "The door of the soul of the hinterland is opened, and the three souls of the prison that have been cultivating for thousands of years have been collected. The cultivation materials accumulated by the souls for tens of thousands of years, at the moment, should They have all been evacuated, and the Emar's predecessors and the charms of them may have started to work on the territory of the Dark Lord and the Ancient Demon..."

Haotian, Hiro, and Mantis, everyone was overjoyed and couldn’t help but laugh.

"Despite the strength of the Yuanshi, he does not understand the ingenuity of the space. After the speed of the prison, even if he knows that the core of his family has been looted, it is not a short time to truly return." It became evil and it was cold. "But I can let you arrive outside the territory of the Dark Lord and the Ancient Demon. When they return to their homes, everything we should do should be done."

Everyone's eyes are bright.

Shi Yan suddenly closed his eyes, a bright space mirror, flying out of his eyebrows, the space mirror swirled, reflecting different illusory space.

From those spaces, a sudden burst of space shines, and the light slowly condenses, quickly forming two space ramps.

"You can reach the Dark Lord and the Ancient Yaozu separately. As for whether you can break the enchantment of the periphery, look at the means of everyone." Shi Yan Shen shouted.

Hao Tian, ​​Xi Luo, and Mantis ignored the roar of one, and all told the strong within the family to rush toward the two void passages.

A large number of Xuan Tian and Bai Gu ethnic groups disappeared one by one in the passage. Through the end of the passage, they could faintly see the vague appearance of the charms, sea sharks and others.

Not long after, in this volcanic cloud area, except for the amber closed space, only Shiyan and Ziyao were left.

"This absolute time and space seal is very terrible. The Yuan can't be broken, and I can't open it." Zi Yao looked at it and looked deeply at the land of the eternal seal. "This is a miracle, by you and The miracles created by the gimmicks can be respected by future generations."

"To be honest, if I come again, I have no confidence to recreate such a miracle." Shi Yan frowned. "Some things are part of the resonance and resonance of the divine power and the righteousness. Opportunity and luck are also part of it. I believe in Mantis and Like me, I know that it is impossible to create this miracle again."

"You are very correct. Many magical meanings require luck to be able to work." Zi Yao nodded, and immediately turned around. "How much energy do you collect?"

Shi Yan did not answer, suddenly smiled and closed his eyes.

In the vast battlefield where the battleship fragments were suspended, suddenly there were seven huge engulfing abyss that emerged a little. The seven black holes swallowed like a hurricane, and the inside was filled with violent energy. The energy was very complicated. With too much dregs and negative odor.

It has to be purified, and it is necessary to remove the dross and extract the essence.

There are many soul fragments, which are the Xuan Tian, ​​the Baigu tribes, and the Tiangong tribes. Those soul fragments are bursting with the soul, leaving only the fuzzy memory wrapped in energy, and the possibility of rebirth is lost.

"In this case, there are a group of people who are Xuan Tian and Bai Guzu. Although they have completely died, if you give Haotian and Hilo to see me, I still feel uncomfortable. So, I can only When they leave, they can gather them one by one." Shi Yan whispered.

Zi Yao smiled and nodded. "Well, after all, it is their own people. Even if they are dead in their hearts, they should rest in peace. This is why they can't look away. The vastness of the dead, the dead souls will disappear and change again. Heaven and earth energy..."

Seven swallowed black holes, under the rock and stone, slowly turned into seven black and black spheres, which disappeared into his eyebrows.

His face was slightly twisted, and he took a breath of cold air and sipped: "Good luck, this harvest is not too small. It seems that only a **** war is the fastest way to break through."

"What you can achieve, that kind of ... can also be done, this era of war, it will not continue to settle." Zi Yao eyes sorrow, "it is from the return of the family of the family, the power is Slowly recovering, it should be the family of the gamuts, and they will capture the domain-bound spirits they have led and give it to engulf refining. If its strength recovers to a certain extent and has confidence not to fear the true power of the seven races, then It will definitely leave the ancestral home of the family, and engulf it in the vast Xinghai. I always have a hunch that it will take the opportunity to start..."

"Between me and it, there must be a battle. My devour of the mystery comes from it. I only refine it, it is the only thing that devours the righteousness!"

"The light in the tower of the Olympiad, perhaps, will be the key to your victory!" Zi Yao's eyes are bright, "that is the light that helps you to break free from the invasion of Ruo Ru, rumors, that light, wake up for the beginning." At the time, the first light from the blink of an eye. One of the main materials for tempering the Oyifu Tower is the eye of the beginning..." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. m

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