God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1565: Endless abyss

The land of emptiness.

The majestic city is wide open, and all the cities are empty and dead. There is no one-person activity, as if it had been dusted for thousands of years.

Virtual City is one of the major trading areas of the imaginary domain. It has been stationed in thousands of warriors all over the country. The strong and powerful ones are numerous and numerous. There are numerous warships in the daily life.

However, nowadays, the entire land of emptiness is dead, and the silence is terrible.

Deep in the sky, several dark black caves slowly contracted, and countless strong gods like meat, stuffed in the black hole, and gradually disappeared with the black hole.

There are many warships and chariots in the sky of the virtual city, but there is no life in the chariot.

Time flies.

On this day, a warship of the Pharmacy League came from afar and settled on the Virtual City.

A cold man, standing in the first section of the battleship, looked at a deadly virtual city, his feelings shocked to the extreme, and hurriedly conveyed the news here.

The mysterious disappearance of thousands of creatures in the virtual city spreads at the fastest speed, echoing in every corner of the Xinghai, and astounding countless races.

Today's Galaxy is at the most turbulent moment, and an era may end.

The land of the black demon and the ancient demon's ethnic core, Hao Tian, ​​Hiro, and Mantis led their respective armies, impacting the seal enchantments that the two tribes arranged for tens of thousands of years, to break through.

Many powerful races attached to the Xuan Tianzu, Baigu and Phantom of the Opera received the above-mentioned subpoenas and gathered their fighting power to rush to the neighboring domain.

For example, the Tianmu people, Ma Xisha, Evelyn and others received the accurate news of Judy, let them take the opportunity to invade the nearby comet domain, or a little closer to the Tuxter domain, the two stars, originally They belong to the territory of the Soul. In the past, both sides were well water and did not commit river water.

just now. Because of the fighting of the seven races, because the power of the soul group has been sharply reduced, because of Judy’s command, the people of the Tianmu nationality gathered all the fighting power, formally set foot on the road of aggression, united several small races attached to the Xuan Tianzu, and began to work nearby. The race started to kill.

The battle of the seven races is not limited to the seven races themselves. Attached to their many races. Because their battles are all involved.

The vast expanse of the sea, the infinite virtual sea, the countless domain boundaries, and countless races have already fought, strangled, invaded, and fierce ethnic wars. There is no end to the death of gunfire, spreading to every remote corner of the universe, sweeping almost all races!

this era. Because of this war, the stars are boiling and many stars are annihilated. Some domain boundaries suffer eternal damage and may burst.

Death, killing, destroying the family, fighting together. It has been staged in every domain.

The vast universe is destined to be turbulent, destined to have countless strong people falling with the stars, the imprint will be erased.


A dark and chilly land, the bottom is an endless abyss, and the top is gray and nothing.

The sun, the moon and the stars are like raindrops, falling from the gray and vain of heaven, falling in this strange and chilly land, many collapsed domain boundaries, suddenly seeing a broken ball, also annihilated from the sky, fell in this world .

Here, there are colorful clouds and seas, and there are magnificent dragonflies, but the most is the abyss of huge water pools. The abyss is scattered all over the sea of ​​clouds, clusters, blocks, countless, and there is no way to count them.

The sun, the moon, and the stars that fall from the sky will fall into those abyss. Even the huge domain boundaries will be sunk and fall into countless abyss.

This place is called the endless abyss, the space at the bottom of the universe, and the world under the imaginary sea. It is rumored that no soul can get involved.

When the universe is dead, when the universe collapses, the stars will fall and fall into the endless abyss.

Nowadays, because of the fierce battles of the universe, the stars of life are smashed, many domain boundaries are torn, and the broken stars and sun will continue to sink, passing through the endless void of darkness, and will fall here. , sinking into the abyss of a huge pool of water.

One by one, in the abyss, in the sea of ​​clouds, those inside the abyss are eternal death, cold and cold, without a trace of soul.

A vague figure, quietly condensed, emerged a little bit in this endless abyss.

This is a middle-aged man with a white hair shawl, eyes faintly like an abyss, and looks like a pale old man. He is a simple bright silver gown, walking in a deep abyss, looking up at the fallen sun, moon and stars from time to time. Muttering to himself: "Quick, it will take a long time to reach the conditions for opening..."

He is Sauron, one of the top ten ancestors of Sauron! He is a Terran, and is the true master behind the Pharmacist League. The ancestral ancestors of the three heavens, the most peak of this era!

He walked through the sky in a deep abyss, looking up at the stars falling in the day and night, feeling the disappearance of the soul, feeling indifferent, alone.

The surface of the abyss he walked through slowly evolved into a miraculous picture. The ethnic groups in the pictures were strangled, the strong were annihilated, the soul sacrificed, and the memories of those pictures, such as the stars, fell into the abyss. Silently telling what...

He rarely appeared in the universe. For tens of thousands of years, he has been stationed here, observing the door of the early days hidden in the depths, and deducing the opportunity of opening the hole.

At the beginning of the door, in the depths of the endless abyss, a mysterious wonderland, from the early days, is in an eternal seal.

At the expense of the end of the age, no one can break the domain ancestor and enter the ultimate eternal realm.

The door of the beginning was always closed, and it was not open at that time.

Soren observed here for tens of thousands of years, struggling to search, looking for ways to open the door of the beginning, for the opening of that door, he did everything!


He stepped on an abyss, and the abyss changed to form a clear lake.

In the lake, a figure slowly condenses out and finally settles as a figure of 贞茹...

On the icy death star of the imaginary sea, from the dead star, many tens of thousands of people can be seen. Those people are full of grief, some are crying softly, tears for the dead people.

"You deceived me! All my efforts were smashed by the light in the tower of the Olympiad. I almost couldn't get out and escape! My people, in order to protect me, suffered a lot! For your plan, I sacrificed too much. More, the death of my people is responsible!" The cold snoring of Ruo Ru, through the lake, came from the depths of the universe and fell into this infinite abyss.

Sauron, a white-haired shawl, looks indifferent and has a cold voice: "It is your own greed that has harmed you. I should remind you that you just provoke the hatred of Candice and Vandler and let them fight. I didn't let you kill him. He can integrate the Olympiad. Do you think you can kill him?"

Not waiting for Ru to refute, Sauron is indifferent: "I let Mantis cut the cloud to the world, let him get the fallen star, so that he can be transformed into the beginning of the body, that is, he wants to live, good Alive! He is the most important part of my plan. It is the key to the opening of the door of the beginning. He must live for me before the door is opened!"

"The war of the Seven Kingdoms is the part of your plan. Now the Seventh National War, the riots in the Xinghai, the numerous annihilation of the stars and the moon, the era of prosperity and prosperity, may lead to the end! This is you Wanted?!" 贞 贞 怒 怒.

"No era can be eternal. In the early days, it was extremely powerful. It was annihilated in the long river of history... What is the big deal? In my eyes, the end of the early era has no value at all, because they have never opened the door! We If this era can be opened at the expense of the end, I think it is worth it." Sauron is sure.

"Put in the Xinghai, killing in the major realm, in order to restore energy. Its mad engulfing has already made the Xinghai almost unbearable, its power is also rapidly strengthening, if it is completely restored, Even if the door is open, do you really think that you can control the situation?" Ru Ru said.

"The situation today is still under my control. Even if it is the peak of recovery, as long as it can not take the final step, step into the eternal ultimate. Then, it is still in my grasp..." Sauron faintly said For the first time, he frowned for the first time. "The only variable, just the rock, because I can't capture the line of his destiny, so I will wipe it out after he opens the door to the beginning." ""

"Whose stone rock, who is it? What is the matter? Why can't you capture the line of his destiny? You can see the line of destiny, the fate of the wild, how can you not see him?" Ru Ruran.

Soren’s silence, for a long time, faintly said: “For tens of thousands of years, I have been sitting in the endless abyss, observing the door of the beginning, watching it change. The tens of thousands of years have passed, and there is no change in the door of the beginning. Everything is as usual, I once gave up..."

贞 Ru reveals a very curious expression, listens carefully to his story, and wants to know what happened.

"When I was desperate, on a certain day hundreds of years ago, from the inside of the door of the beginning, a light of soul was born! The light of the soul ignored the limitations of space and wore an endless abyss. After crossing the starry sky of countless domain boundaries, piercing into the wasteland, landed on the mainland of the gods of the wilderness, the light of the soul...the soul of Shiyan!” Soren low drink.

"From the soul that flew out of the door of the beginning?" Ru Ru was horrified.

Sauron nodded. "After his soul flew out, the door to the beginning of the tens of thousands of years without a trace of change has really begun to make subtle changes...". . )

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