God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1567: General trend

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Shiyan got up, black hair grows down to the waist, body is majestic like a mountain, his face is like a knife and a chisel, full of men's unique tough charm, he grinned and said: "What is the current situation in the Xinghai?"

"Just calm down." Charm Ji looked at him, the fascinating color in the beauty, charming and chuckling, explained: "The battle between the seven races led to the battle between the small races attached to each ethnic group, strangled Death, blood, and corpses are scattered throughout every domain, and are scattered throughout every life star with military activities."

Everyone was embarrassed and sighed for the cruel battle of Xinghai. They didn't interject, and continued to explain it by Charm.

"We and Xuan Tianzu, Baigu and you, the soul of the soul, the Dark Lord, the ancient demon family's nest, and they have accumulated tens of thousands of years of cultivation wealth.

After the prison and Rupert returned, they found the ancestral land that was ruined, and immediately got up. They gathered the power to stay in other domain circles and fought fiercely with us. ”

"Unfortunately, they were killed by you first. When the volcano was in the sea, most of the elites were eternal, so that they were incapable. In the battle, the soul, the black demon, the ancient demon were defeated, and finally the prison. Rupert knew that he couldn’t go back to heaven, and he took the rest of the people up. Now even our phantoms don’t know where they are hiding.”

"In this way, the territories and domain boundaries controlled by the Soul, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Demon are all divided by your three tribes?" Shi Yan squinted and looked at Haotian and Mantis.

Oh, I laughed and didn't deny it. "You are carrying a lot of cultivation materials in the hinterland of the Soul, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Demon. We didn't fight for it at the time. Let's let you choose the first choice." At that time, we had the interests of the first and the future, and we naturally had to take up a little more."

Hiro intervened in a timely manner. "You are too shallow and the number is limited. The domain and territory of the Soul, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Demon are even for you to occupy. You have no ability to go on for the time being."

Shi Yan nodded and waved: "Well, since the family knows their own affairs, they really can't get more for the time being. Let's continue, let's eat the family?"

Everyone's expression gradually became dignified.

"In the four ethnic groups, the phalanx is the least relative loss. When we fought in the volcanic clouds, we finally couldn’t stand it. From the virtual land, we started the **** madness of the billions of creatures, now the land of imaginary land. Become a dead domain, a living being does not exist."

Charm Ji’s expression was cold. “It’s crazy action didn’t stop, and then it entered, and it will destroy the sea and drown the many spiritual races that have destroyed the sea. It’s taken away. Now the sea is really like its name. The same, completely shattered..."


After talking about the "death" of the creatures, everyone's expressions are not very comfortable. Hiro, Haotian and others are also dignified and treat them as a big worry. ...,

"After ravaging the land of imaginary land and breaking the sea, the phasing has also stopped. There is no more activity. We have got the news. It has remained in the gamut territory for a few decades," said Jiao Ji.

Shiyan nodded and said: "It is like me. After crazy engulfing, we must refine the dross and purify it. Otherwise, the chaotic soul may lead to the collapse of reason, but the realm will be reversed. The silence of these years must be It is purifying the power to restore the previous trauma, and it will become terrible when it wakes up."

Listening to him saying that everyone's face is getting heavier.

"But the days of the clan are not so good. Those who have been immersed in the land of imaginary land and smashed the sea, killing and killing, have hundreds of millions of friends, and they are filled with deep circles in the vast fields of the Xinghai. They unite and gather together. Forces and races, several attacks on the family."

When I got here, Charm Ji smiled coldly. "We also secretly participated in it and rushed to the domain of the gamut several times, causing the gambling to suffer a lot. Now the ward is also learning the soul, the ancient demon, the black. The Mozu, who also withdrew from the original place of life, now does not know where to leave, and can’t find it for the time being."

"That is because it takes time to recover, it can't be in riots, or you are afraid that they are not so simple and forced to retreat." Shi Yan frowned deeply and said: "When it recovers, it will inevitably make waves again." By then, it will be able to suppress its existence, and there are not many stars in the sea..."

The crowd suddenly became silent.

After several difficult battles, they clearly realized the horror of the primordial spirits such as phasing and Zi Yao. They realized that the three heavens, if they were too early, could release the power, how terrible, how Earth-shattering.

They also understand that the Soul, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Demon can hide, and even they can't search in the universe. It must be because of the help of the Yuan, only the Yuan has this power and means, in the Qixing River. In the meantime, the tribes of the three ethnic groups are covered together.

"Where did she go?" Suddenly, Charm Ji asked, his eyes flashing, did not go to see Shiyan.

Everyone looked shocked and looked at Shiyan deeply, showing a curious color.

Shiyan naturally knows who they are asking...

In the past 30 years, Zi Yao has disappeared mysteriously, and has never appeared. The intelligence news has run through the entire phantom family of Xinghai, and she has not found any trace of her, so they are also very shocked.

Zi Yao is the beginning of the birth of the "spirit", her power has been popular, in the hearts of people such as Mantis, Hilo, Haotian, Zi Yao is undoubtedly a fixed bone, is able to counter the existence of the phlegm and the death, they are particularly concerned The movement of Zi Yao, so as to determine the future movements.

They are very clear, the sky and the earth, the Xing Xinghai, if anyone can know the movement of Zi Yao, then this person is not Shiyan!

"She is the same as she is, and she is doing all her energy to restore her strength. As for where she is, I really didn't feel it." Shi Yan gave a vague answer.

"Another one, the waste... How is it now?" Hao Tian Shen for a moment, showing the color of awe. "In the past few years, he has not moved, the wasteland... has disappeared. I have been to Judy. If you break the sea, you want to go through the domain door to see the wilderness. Unfortunately, behind the domain door is endless nothingness, and the wasteland has long since disappeared."

Judy’s face is horrified. “It is rumored that he is the **** of war in the early days, the strength of power is the peak of that era, and his movements are equally important to us. Only you can faintly perceive his existence. What happened to him?"...,

Everyone looks at Shiyan.

Shi Yan looked a bit ugly. After a long time, he shook his head and said: "I can't sense his existence. As it recovers, I gradually lose my sense of him. He seems to have disappeared from my soul lock. But the pressure he gave me, but it always exists!"

Taking a deep breath, Shiyan Shen said: "He must have become stronger, because now I am even a battle with Yuan, I think there is a certain chance of winning! But his pressure has been still The depths of my heart seem to exist forever. The only thing I can be sure of is that he is even more terrible than the Yuan!"


Everyone’s stunned expressions showed an expression of disbelief, and the heart was covered with shadow.

The **** of war is the strongest of the early life, and the realm of the ancestors of the ancestors is only one step away from the ultimate realm. When they smashed and smashed it, they could not win. The three ended with the final battle of the early era. Declared the end of an era.

"You are here, if you want to know the movements of the wild, this may be a good opportunity." Half a ring, Shi Yan suddenly looked calm.

"What?" The sky is unknown.

"Follow, for a while, help me to seal the heavens and the earth in the domain. I want to refine the gods into the beginning of the world!" Shiyan sinks.

Nothing is waiting for the horror of the sky, and his head suddenly has a soul, a ghost like him. The ghosts flew at the new land named "Tianyan" to find Xuanhe and Ming.晧, Audrey, everyone, pass on their consciousness

Soon, the domain door of a secret land in Tianyan mainland suddenly opened.

The sea sharks, the Ming dynasty, and the Xuanhe people all poured into the domain door, went to the Shen En continent of the Yunmeng domain, and the warriors and hundreds of millions of mortals who have been living on the mainland of the gods, all accepted the order of the move, the whole The creatures who lived on the mainland, and those who reached the boundary, began to migrate to the vain Tianyan continent.

The warriors and mortals in the realm of the king of the gods are scattered and go to the continents where the cloud and Mongolian borders are close.

The cloud and Mongolian domain is in the clouds.

Shiyan is suspended like a god, overlooking the Shen's mainland below. Looking at the dispatch of the leaders of the sea shark, the meditation, and the Xuanhe, a group of warriors and mortals diverted to different continents.

Gradually, the ethnic creatures on the mainland of the gods began to be taken away. The soul consciousness of Shiyan, such as hundreds of millions of tentacles, swayed in the upper reaches of the gods, accurately pointing out a remote area, letting the sea shark, Xuan Rivers, meditations, they will not care about the life of the soul.

On the mainland, many cities, kingdoms, castles built by megaliths, in the hands of the great gods and warriors, were pulled out hard and turned into vain mountains and cities, leading to different continents.

Thirty years ago, he attracted the meteorites and the stars to open up the Tianyan continent, just to move the warriors on the mainland.

The grace of the mainland is originally part of the wild body. In the interior of the mainland, there is also a section of the vast body of the wild. The rock of the body can be deeply perceived, and it can be refining to the body of his early life and become part of the blood of his body.

For the fifth of the wild body, he has been planning for many years, and the time is finally ripe!

.... )

Author: canteen buns


After the "Great Star Age", "Crossing the Fire Line", and "Tao", the popular and powerful people took the latest force to attack "Jiuyang Tengtian"...

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