God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1568: Pilgrimage site

The volcanic sea of ​​clouds, the eternal seal area formed by the stone rock and the vines of the time, is scattered in the outer layer, sitting quietly around the broad amber area, some washing the impurities in the body, and some Encountering the mysterious mystery, but also some of the four elites looking at the fossil statue in the seal.

Here, it has become a spectacle of the imaginary sea, a miracle, attracting a lot of strong people to come to the end, pay respect!

In the eternal seal, the enchanting figure of Beverly's human face snake body is extremely eye-catching among thousands of sealants. Many people point to her whispering words. "She is Beverly, the top ten ancestors. The strong one, the demon statue of the ancient demon, but unfortunately has been sealed for more than 30 years."

The strange land that can seal the seals of the top ten domain ancestors will naturally attract a lot of light. In addition, there are more magical and mysterious places here...

At the beginning, some people practiced at the periphery, and they found that time was slow, and they practiced for centuries on the edge of the seal. The real world may have only passed ten years.

Around the eternal seal, time is confusing, causing the passage of time to be sealed by a small amount of lock.

For some people with insufficient life, it is a perfect place to practice here. In the real time of ten years, in exchange for the accumulation of strength in the past century, the realization of the realm, is it more cost-effective than this?

The same is true. Many scattered warriors are involuntarily gathered together to surround the eternal seal and repair the outer world, saving time in the real world.

The seal is extremely wide, and the edge is innocent. Even if it is cultivated by tens of millions of warriors, they can not interfere with each other.

In particular, some low-level warriors who practice time and space are more than a thousand miles away, and are willing to cross many domain boundaries, such as pilgrimage.

Come to them, here. It is the real holy place!

A strange place that combines time and space to form an eternal seal can inspire them, and they can use this to understand the mystery of time and space.

There are many men and women who have a lot of time and space. I heard that this place is sealed by Shiyan and Mantis. It is a combination of two kinds of esoteric spirits. Therefore, there are many young people who have time and space. Feelings have arisen because of cultivation. Make a connection here and make a good story.

The seal is in a remote corner.

A figure wrapped in a black robes, suspended like a ghost, quietly, the face of the brawl, so that people can not see his appearance, he looks far inside the seal. Looking at the frozen Beverly, after a long time, a low sigh.

I don't know how long it has been. There is another figure coming from a distance. This figure is majestic and full of magic. It also makes people unable to see the appearance.

He came to the black robe and sipped and said: "The prisoner."

The strong magical spirit slowly dissipated, and Rupert's hard and handsome face appeared a little, and he also looked at the body of Beverly. The expression is complicated.

The black robe man took the fight on his head and revealed that the prison was really out. His faint eyes were deep and burning the unforgettable hatred flame. "In these 30 years, we have been fighting constantly, and we have been losing strength and lost the shell. Fu Li's ancient demon family, a plate of scattered sand, has no fighting power at all. You and my two families, but also lost again and again, slowly falling down..."

"Because of this seal, the most elite force of our family is banned, or will we be so miserable?" Rupert looked sullen.

"I have been here for three years. In the past three years, I have tried many methods and even want to enter the seal with a sense of soul..."

The prisoner’s face was blue and green, and he shook his head. He said desperately: “It’s a ghost. This seal is isolated from the soul consciousness. I don’t want to enter consciousness. Oh, this seal does not break, our elite can’t go out, we have to Shrinking, it is impossible to compete against Haotian and Hilo."

"Poor family of millions of children, was slaughtered in the ancestral land, the wealth accumulated by my family for hundreds of thousands of years, was looted by them!" Rupert's arrogant fire is like the sea, gnashing his teeth: "This hatred, I must Newspaper! The glory of my Dark Lord, hundreds of thousands of years of faith, can not be sent off in my hand!"

"The soul family will never fall in my hands!" The prison is also low.


The sound of the water rang, and a black water stretched out in the far distance. A figure in the black water slowly condensed and became the body of the human being. He went all the way to the prison and Rupert and said, "You But you can rest assured that your two families will not be depressed. As long as you can break through the three realms of the ancestors, everything can be reversed instantly!"

"...The domain ancestors are three heavens, hey, how easy is it?" The prison is full of bitterness.

"The opportunity is right in front of me. I received a message from Sauron that the change in the door of the beginning is getting more and more fierce. The timing of the opening is coming. The door of the beginning is not changed in our time. It contains the ultimate mystery of heaven and earth. We There was no hole in the pursuit of the year, but now there are obvious signs of opening up..."

Rupert and the prisoner listened to him, his eyes gradually brightened, and his spirit was a microseismic.

As the most outstanding group of people in the cosmic galaxy, both of them have had contact with Sauron. Naturally, they understand what the first door means. In fact, if it is not the sudden outbreak of the seven races, they should all be Prepare to enter the door of the beginning.

"The door of the beginning, can change everything, can reverse all your disadvantages!" Yuan Shi sees the two people's heart, and swears: "Your remaining people have been hidden by my strength, it will be very safe. You follow me. Going to the gates of the beginning, but also to kill them, as long as we win in the first door of the door, the situation of the Xinghai, the future of the universe, or what you said!"

"Soren, what is the attitude?" Rupert indulged, suddenly.

The prison is also a serious face, "Yes, how is Sauron an attitude?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I think that Sauron has been planning for tens of thousands of years, and he must have his plans." Yuan Yuan bowed his head and looked at the clouds under his feet. He said: "I always feel that the chaos of the Xinghai is the dark guide of Soren. Although this person is a human race, but the magical power is boundless, it can be said that it is the strongest person of this era, even I can't see him. He must have his plot, but the variables of the beginning of the door, not anyone can master! As long as you are willing to help me, I promise that in the future, your Dark Lord and the Soul will be the most powerful race!"

"Will you enter the door of the beginning, except us, who else?" The prison asked again.

"The Peacock and Ega will inevitably participate in it. In the past few years, they have been devastated in the land of the virtual land and destroyed the sea. They are recovering their strength and preparing for the opening of the door. They must be one of them." There is a strange light shining. "Hey, Hilo, Mantis, Shiyan, Zi Yao are one of them, and they are the key ones. The stone rock has the meaning of the tower, Soren will definitely try to Everything is going to get him over..."

After a pause, the Yuan died and said: "There are connections in the darkness of Sauron and Yuru. After the heavy losses of the Wanshou people, they also sold out. It is natural that they have reached a tacit agreement with Sauron. Soren has been in the door of the beginning for tens of thousands of years, and they will be one of the most terrible forces, because Sauron is familiar with many mysteries of the door of the beginning."

"Is there?" Rupert asked.

The Yuan dynasty suddenly silenced. After a long time, his face showed awe and color. He said: "It is impossible to miss the ruin. At that time, he even dared to use his powerful power to rush to the door of the beginning! Failure has caused him to suffer heavy losses. Even if he is united, he may not be able to split his body and fall into such a long silence."

"The wasteland, is it so terrible?" The prison was awkward.

Yuan’s face was bitter and sighed. “He may be more horrible than you think. Every time, there are amazing people, such as Sauron in your time, that is the peak, invincible, at our very beginning. In the age, he is similar to the existence of Sauron... He is an unbeaten myth, and all the powerful creatures of our time are living in his shadow."

"If you let him recover, I can't imagine who can fight him alone. At that time, he may be the biggest variable. Hey, over the years, I know that he is sleeping in the wilderness, and he dare not step in. One step in the wasteland, I dare not take the opportunity to integrate him..."

Rupert and the sorcerer face each other. From the mouth of the Yuan pawn, they appreciate that the Yuan **** has the instinctive fear of the wasteland. The two people who have not paid enough attention to the wasteland are also heavy.

"If we can wake up Beverly, we may have a better chance of winning. You really have no way?" The prisoner looked deeply at the Yuan.

"Before you came over, I have tried it for a long time. This time, the seal of time and space has indeed become a miracle. It is difficult to break open." Yuan died helplessly shaking his head. "I can break open, I have already started, no. I will wait until now. With some time, we should make more preparations to deal with the battle of the beginning of the door..."

"What else to prepare?" The prison is in vain.

"In the early days, I did not participate in the final battle. I was hiding in a place. It was the only preserved ancient land in the present era! It was covered by me. No one can capture the arrival. There is still the early age. Some good things can give you strength." Yuan Shi smiled.

The prison and Rupert eyes lit up at the same time.

"Follow me, before Soren finds me again, we must accumulate strength and finally prepare for it." Yuan died on the black river and went in front of the innocent. "You don't think too much, don't think because of race. There is a burden in losing the heart. You must know that as long as you have the harvest at the beginning of the door, all that you have lost today will be returned to the palm of your hand, and you will get more than you have."

.... . )

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