God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1569: Melting

In the cloud and Mongolian domain, a horrible atmosphere of destroying the earth and destroying the earth is shrouded in the depths of the sky, and all the souls of the powerful people living in the domain are shuddering.

At the original Yun family's holy place, many people were divided and transported to the Tianyan mainland and the surrounding continent. The monks, Xuanhe, Haishahuang, Shaying, Shangchen and other military people kept moving and let the people migrate away.

Yan Yunhai, Xi Luo, Hao Tian, ​​Judi, and Mantis were quietly watching the gods of the mainland, quietly communicating.

Above the gods of the mainland, Shiyan is like an ancient demon god. It appears in the beginning of the Taiji, and the hegemony, violent, and horrible atmosphere permeate, making all ethnic creatures fearful.

The stone rock that appeared in the beginning of the Tai Chi, the body is covered in the shadow of the gods, and the light of the sky is covered.

The huge body is like a mountain, and the stars are shining with the sun, the moon and the stars. When you look at it, the eyes are as deep as the stars, and the hard body is covered with iron. The nails are naturally formed, connected with flesh and blood, and the bones of the body are cracked. Spurs, such as the cold sword, reveal a cold chill.

"...the body of the beginning, it is the body of the beginning, the degree of flesh and blood, the soul is full of fear and anxiety." Gai of the Bone, staring at the early body of Shiyan, sighing and sighing Said.

"This is the real beginning of the world, hey, I am still far away..." The dragon lizard ancestors also felt very much.

As the last group of mortals were evacuated, the people of Ming, Xuanhe, and Lieite sent out the soul message, telling Shiyan that there is no living being in the mainland.

Even a lot of castles, mortal kingdoms, valleys filled with elixir, under the movement of their great powers, are all left by the gods.

Today's gods are rich in continents, forests are vast, and rivers such as meridians are scattered throughout every region. But it is deserted and there are no signs of the country and life.

However, looking at this star of life, no one will feel desolate. They all feel that this life star is still discouraged, and there is a very powerful energy fluctuation inside.

All the warriors in the cloud and Mongolian domain were arranged to evacuate this piece, far from here, far away from them, even as they could not see the huge appearance of Shiyan.

"When I refine my gods into the mainland, you join forces to block the domain. Don't let the soul consciousness penetrate." Shiyan suspended above the mainland and heard the sound of thunder.

Hiro, Haotian and others nodded together.

Shiyan immediately stopped saying more.


His magnificent and magnificent soul altar, such as a picture scroll from the top of the head, appears a little bit of truth.

There is no marginal knowledge of the sea below, and there are overwhelming energy fluctuations. The area of ​​the central soul pool is not small. The soul can be stunned and clear.

The esoteric floor is located above the sea of ​​knowledge, with a prismatic space imprinted. Star-like star branding, life-like life-like branding, black hole-like devouring. Eight evil powers like the eight islands...

Going up, it is a chaos, that is the domain of Shiyan!

The domain world, if it is covered by a blurry air mass, makes everyone unable to see the real scene. However, with the perception of the soul, everyone is aware of the boundless mystery of space, such as the soul touching the window of another universe, can feel the magic of the power of creation.

Everyone looks at each other, it is difficult to cover up the shock on the face, knowing that Shiyan’s domain is afraid of being unpredictable and contains infinite secrets.

The two identical souls are all the appearance of the stone rock body, which are located above the domain of the chaotic color. Like the twin stars, the twin brothers, many fuzzy souls are haunting, overflowing from the two souls. The chaotic domain boundary meets.

Among them, the main soul, the soul faint and the domain boundary are chaotic colors, you can't see the truth, the top of the soul is hung, the Olympics tower is hanging, and the esoteric tower is slowly running, as if it never stops, let people again Surprising and strange.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the eyes of Shiyan's body are slowly closed, and the main soul is to open the eyes, and the light in the middle is like a meteor, condensed on the mainland of the gods below.

Suddenly, the five-color sea of ​​fire flew from the bottom of the sub-soul, and the fire sea flowed out of the flame of the original source, and spread instantly, and flew away from the soul altar and fell to the gods.


In the twinkling of an eye, the gods of the mainland were covered by five colors of fire, and the natural atmosphere of the mainland, consciousness, and soul energy completely drowned the mainland.

Surprisingly, the fire of the origin burned the gods of the mainland, but did not let the forest blaze, the earth did not crack, the ocean did not dry up, the flame, obviously fierce, let Judi, Haotian and others feel the heat wave rolling However, there is no natural landscape that destroys the mainland.

The coverage of the fire of the origins made the gods of the mainland become a huge fireball that burned, and the fire was scared and the air burned.

The surrounding temperature has soared instantly. Many people with low realm, such as Di Carlo and Ayala, can't compete with the spread of heat waves. They have to shun back and retreat far and far away.

"The closed domain!" Shi Yan's soul evangelism suddenly filled the entire domain, so that every strong person here can feel it.

When Hao Tian, ​​Hiro, and Mantis ignored it, they were ready to proceed, and the barriers of the entire domain were strengthened, and a domain boundary was completely sealed, so that a sense of consciousness could not penetrate.

"You are a little reckless, you have to communicate with me in advance to refine the avatars." Just when they were going to do it, from the depths of the clouds, the voice of Zi Yao came from all the people. "Return Ok, I feel it when you start. Well, I am here to help you, so that even if you know what you are going to do, you will not be able to influence you."

Everyone was shocked to look at the sea of ​​clouds.

In the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, Zi Yao, which has disappeared for many years, rises from the lower bounds of the border, and is still glamorous and dazzling.

In the past ten years, she has been cultivating in the Mongolian boundary of the lower layer of the Yunmeng domain. The cloud and Mongolian domain is formed by the cloud and the Mongolian boundary. The clouds in the sky hold up the cloud and the lower continent forms the boundary.

Out of the borders, Zi Yao smiled lightly, and the snakes in her eyebrows trembled strangely.

In the meantime, hundreds of millions of colorful lights, such as the possession of life consciousness, turned into countless spirit snakes, spreading to the entire domain boundary with her as the center, coiled to every domain barrier.

The whole cloud and Mongolian domain has become splendid. If hundreds of millions of fireworks are released, the beauty of the people is like a dream, and there is an unreal dream.

As if there were colorful light curtains, they suddenly formed, covering the entire domain, so that every continent in the entire domain was in the colorful neon, the magnificent mystery.

It is a miracle!

Haotian, Hiro, and Mantis felt the change of the domain, and realized the horror energy released by Zi Yao. They were secretly scared, and there was a deep awe in their faces.

They quickly realized that after 30 years of silence, the power of Zi Yao was much stronger than when he was in the volcanic cloud.

"I know that you don't sit back and watch in the lower bounds, so you can always do it. It seems that your strength is about to recover completely." Shi Yan looked at Zi Yao and showed up, grinning. "If you are not there, I am really I dare not do it so early, I have to wait for the three ancestors of the ancestral ancestors to start refining the ruin."

"Then why don't you continue to wait? If you break through the ancestral three-day, even without me, you can successfully refine his avatar and minimize the risk." Zi Yao frowned.

"He won't give me so much time..."

Shiyan was silent, and the doubles flowed like a galaxy. For example, he penetrated all the space barriers and looked at the mysterious depths of the universe. "I don't feel his specific position, but I can feel that the pressure he gave me has not weakened. He It seems that I am almost ready, and I will come to me soon, I have no time."

Zi Yao listened to him saying that his expression was also dignified. She knew the horror of the wilderness than anyone else, so she could fully appreciate the uneasiness of Shiyan.

"That's good, let's do it now. Together we should be able to stop his crazy shock." Zi Yao did not hesitate to hesitate. "He didn't come over, indicating that he still has scruples and quickly put him in this position." Refining. If you can go up with this power and really face him, you will be able to have a battle..."

She looked solemn, took a deep breath, and told Hiro, Haotian, Mantis and others, saying: "You listen to me, go to the major barriers of the Stars, and follow the guidance of my soul. Strength, don't fight for each other, otherwise you can't completely release your realm."

"Hello, you go to the end of the horizon in the east! With the power of Jin Rui to increase the thickness of the crystal wall, the golden stones of the three continents are piled up to form a gold and iron fortress!"

"Hey, you go to the south sky, there is hot and hot, there are many volcanic seas, it is more suitable for your power penetration. You remember, gather all the power, condense all the flame energy nearby, form a sea of ​​fire, any consciousness debris penetrates into , immediately notify me, don't do it now!"


Zi Yao is a polite, dignified command to Xiluo, Haotian, and Mantis, so that Judy, Dragon Lizard, Gay, Dracula, and Charm are all in different positions, and will be a domain. Probably the weakest areas to arrange the right candidates, with different ambiguous energy, to best defend the domain.

In order to prevent the destruction of the wild, she was more cautious than any moment, and she did not have the ease to deal with the death of the Yuan.

Hao Tian and others are convinced of her ability. No one has raised any objection. They all cooperate very much. They all acted with her instructions. They rushed to each section of the domain, and condensed their strength according to what she said. Suitable for enhancing the natural world of your own righteousness.

After a long time, Zi Yao looked at Shi Yan and said lightly: "Now, you can start!"


Ps: "Scrapping God" simplified version, will be listed in major bookstores in the near future, friends who like to kill God, brothers who have a hobby for physical books, you can pay attention to the major bookstores in the near future, thank you everyone first, and finally have a simplified entity. The book is full of tears. . )

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