God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1570: Soul impact!

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Hundreds of millions of colorful fires, with spirituality swimming on the surface of the gods of the mainland, the gods of the mainland became a hot fireball burning, the hard life was pulled out from the cloud holy land, suspended high in the clouds, let The nearby strong can see clearly. {}

Far-reaching and far-reaching, many ethnic elites are fascinating, and they are keenly aware of the temperature in the domain boundary...

The original cloud and Mongolian domain, the weather is cold, always like autumn, absolutely can not feel the summer heat.

Now, with the huge fireball floating, the temperature of the entire domain is rising, so that the strong people in the domain have a wonderful feeling of being in the hot summer.

They are all perceived by the soul, suspended in the sky one by one, looking side to side.

They saw a fiery red ball, suspended from the cloud holy place, constantly releasing light and heat, and many of the strongmen here gathered subconsciously toward this side.

Then they found out that the vast sky of the entire cloud and Mongolian domain was covered by colorful, and all the continents below the domain boundary burst into beautiful colors.

They realized that there was an alarm in the domain. Many people spontaneously came to gather in the Ming and the Xuanhe, and wanted to know what was happening at the moment.


Hundreds of millions of Caixia, from the Zi Yaoman ketone body, and rushed to the eight wilderness, the pink clouds seem to lock the sky, such as a smashed to the extreme net, bound the sky, imprisoned the sky Let any soul-wounder can't easily step into this domain.

With the rise of the grace of the mainland, the burning of the flames became more and more fierce, and the stone rock that showed the soul to the temple was closely stared at the continent.


The main soul of Shiyan came with a grand soul idea, and the idea connected to the body instantly formed a cross-shaped huge "Ten" space sharp blade, and the sharp blade went straight toward the gods.

"Click! Click! Karst!"

There is a fierce rocky land shattering sound from the mainland. The flame ball was torn apart, and there was a strong energy scent from the middle.

At this time, Shiyan’s deputy soul moved, and turned into a stream of light that did not enter the crack of the continent, and went to the mainland’s star nucleus. The suspended soul ceremonies contracted in an instant and relocated into the rock. Deep in my mind. That's the beginning of the body. There is a violent horror energy, the muscles of the block are rising like mountains, the stars and the stars are turning, and the power is condensed into both hands.

His hands are like a meteor river, and there are countless stars inside. The mysterious and complicated starlight falls like a waterfall. Also suddenly fell into the fireball continent.


The bursts of energy surged, and Shiyan’s huge body of the beginning of the dynasty continued to grow and expand, becoming even more terrible than the sun, the moon and the stars.

His magnificent body. Suddenly located in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, he was pulling with both hands, and countless stars and rivers appeared. Starlight condenses into a chain, hooks on the gods' continent and pulls it on his chest.

When everyone looked at it, they all showed an expression of incredulity, and many people with low visibility were shallow. I couldn't help but scream.

The gods of the mainland, now in the chest of Shiyan’s early body, turned out to be like a flaming ball. Compared with him, it’s so small, so small that Shiyan’s hands can buckle the mainland, just like squatting. Like a flaming ball, it's hard to believe that this is true.

In the eyes of everyone, Shiyan actually took the flames of the mainland with both hands. The violent energy in the body, such as the rivers that broke the banks, merged into the core of the mainland.

The flames of the mainland were burned indiscriminately, and the seawater was not evaporated. From the crater of the demon mountain that day, a strange force emerged. The deputy soul of Shiyan also entered the middle of the star, going to the deepest part of the star. The singular space that hides the source explores.........,

The heart of God's grace is a strange and endless space, with dazzling crystals splashing, and strong heaven and earth energy gathering.

Here, you can see the mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers become mountains. If there is no end...

Now the rolling mountain range, I don’t know why, it is actually squirming, and suddenly I look like a giant dragon lying on the ground, the dragon spine is twisting, extremely embarrassing!

The endless mountain range, as if it were a living thing, is part of a large biological body. It has been in a state of death and sleep. Because of the great changes in the surface of the mainland, the constant stimulation of the original flame, its body has been activated and began to twist. Moving, instinct is the body.

Like Zi Yao's one-day snake, no matter how long you sleep, no matter where you are, once you wake up, the instinct's brand will make it close to Zi Yao's main body.

That is an indelible instinct.

Nowadays, the endless mountains are twisted, and this is also the world, to be included in the body.


Suddenly, Shiyan’s deputy soul appeared in this heaven and earth. He looked at the endless mountains, and the deputy soul rushed out of the strong source energy. That energy... let this ridiculous avatar feel familiar and familiar, it The turbulent body suddenly fell a little.


A crystal wall in the cloud and Mongolian domain suddenly heard the energy of the ruined land. A sound came from the roaring roar of the ancient times, across the innocent space, and descended to the crystal wall.


The Baigu people condensed a golden sea at the crystal wall, collecting the gold and iron energy of the surrounding three continents, forming the enchantment of the outer layer of the crystal wall. Now, with the impact of the enchantment, the enormous power of a wild beast, The cockroach hit the enchantment, causing the Hiro body to spin away.

Hiro 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 晶 晶 晶 晶 晶 晶 , , , , , 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 骷髅 希

He was eclipsed and stared at the golden sea, and there was a huge panic in his eyes.

"He found it!"

At this time, Zi Yao’s fascinating admiration, the billions of colorful clouds that flew out of her, turned into beautiful beautiful cloud cotton, covered with clouds to the side of Hilo, and countless surrounding The Shenguang River flies like a river, and Hei Luo himself strength, together to counter the impact of the wild.

All the strong people gathered in the cloud and Mongolian domain, Mantis, Haotian, Judi, Dragon Lizard, Charm Ji, Gay have changed color, and the look is very concentrated.

They saw the crack in Hero!

Among the seven ethnic groups, the Baigu people are even more powerful than the ancient demon family. It is the first-class one. It may be the closest to the body of the early Taiji. Hiro himself is, and he has previously condensed the enchantment, actually being a Shock, almost crashed into the body.

What a violent energy?

"There is no space for separation. He is not proficient in space. He must not be physically present. But he can follow the coordinates of the breath of the body, and use the soul energy, consciousness, and power to condense the power and directly collide with the domain barrier. He will not allow Shiyan. He will be refining and refining, and he will be shocked. He will bring up the spirit and resist with all his strength!" Zi Yao shouted.

Hundreds of millions of rainbows, flying out of her eyes, and reinforced to the original guard of the land.


Another wave of fierce and fierce collisions occurred on the barriers of the domain boundary. The barriers in the domain boundary were clearly visible. For example, the big ball hit by a giant hammer was obviously deformed.

If the non-Rainbow light forms a thick enchantment and fills it up quickly, the barrier of the star field may burst in an instant, and the soul power and consciousness of the wildness can immediately enter the cloud and Mongolian domain and directly kill the stone rock.

Zi Yaohua became a **** light, and he was concentrating on guarding the barriers. He was covered in colorful clouds and constantly resisted the collision of the wilderness. ...,

When everyone looked at the situation, they prepared to come over and help Zi Yao to resist.

Zi Yao screamed and screamed, "Keep your own position! Don't leave without permission. His dark energy can be used to guard against your weak points at any end of the domain barrier. Don't come over!" ”

As soon as this statement came out, Hao Tian, ​​Mantis and others immediately woke up and did not leave. They began to play 12 points of energy, gathered all the divine power, and released the most exquisite meaning, forming the most skilled and most skilled. Enchantment, to protect the starry sky wall of your own guard.

The scene of Hero's slamming, so that they no longer dare to ignore the wild, even if it can not come true, only the attack with the spirit of the spirit of consciousness can make Heroo almost smashed the body, the degree of fierceness It must be exceeded!


The heart beats fiercely. From the volcano below, he brings out a thick magma. His soul consciousness floats in the magma, turning into an oil-like enchantment layer to reinforce the virtual wall.

From the memory of his first ancestor lizard, he faintly knew a little bit of power, so he did not dare to relax from beginning to end. He had gathered all the power to counter the collision.

Suddenly, his body was shocked and his consciousness was a little bit. He looked at the empty crystal wall beside him, as if he saw a wonderful ocean surrounded by ambiguity...

Among them, there are countless rays of light intertwined, and the mysterious thoughts of the meteor fly away. If Shiyan is here, I will find that it is the mysterious land that he thought the key could enter. At this moment, the source of the mystery was moved, directly The void crystal wall emerged, attracting the dragon lizard ancestors to explore.

The consciousness of the dragon lizard ancestors drifted, and it was really necessary to be taken away from the soul, into the source of the mystery, and explore the ultimate mystery of the righteousness.

"Don't go in!"

At this time, Audrey's cold sound, slamming, cold sound like an ice sword, pierced the dragon lizard ancestors' minds.

The dragon lizard screamed nervously and suddenly woke up. He looked blank and immediately knew that he was invaded by the soul and almost destroyed himself.


Three times of fierceness, immediately came from the void barrier, three violent energy broke through the magma enchantment, although it was continuously ablated, still the momentum of the rainbow smashed on the dragon lizard ancestors.

Like Nairo, the dragon's ancestor's body is like a kicked ball, rolling all the way, splashing blood all the way, far away to the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

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