God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1571: Consciousness is coming!

Killing God 1571_ Killing God Full Text Free Reading _ The first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapters of consciousness come! From

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The huge roar of the explosion was heard from the depths of the sky. The whole cloud-like domain of the earthquake panicked and thought that the heavens and the earth would collapse.

In the cloud-boundary area of ​​the Xinghai barrier, Hiro, Haotian, and Mantis are all extremely contemptuous.

Hao Tian reached out and grabbed it. The lower part of the mainland was flamed into a long flame, and he was absorbed into the palm of his hand. According to a starry sky barrier, the hot energy from the flame dragon added a strong force to the crystal wall. The inflammatory energy, the barrier was continuously impacted, and the soul of the heavens had to be fully rotated.

He became a fireman, covered with thick fireworks, sitting in the middle of a sea of ​​fire, to resist the impact of the crystal wall with fire waves.

Mantis and Charm are not far apart. At this moment, Mantis restores the girl's appearance. She constructs time to enchant and tries to slow down the passage of time, so that once the barrier is broken, it can be restored due to the reverse flow of time. By the previous moment, she had firmly secured this piece with this method.

Hero, Judy, Guy, Dracula, etc., belong to all parties, each running the power of the righteousness, exerting different enchantments to prevent the fragmentation of the virtual barrier.

They are all very clear that once the crystal wall is torn, the cloud and Mongolian domain is equivalent to being in an undefended state, and the sense of the soul and all the forces of the wild can be easily penetrated.

Zi Yao is the hardest among the people!

Like her incarnation as a light source, hundreds of millions of Caixia flew out of her body, intertwined into a mysterious light net, locked in the void, and made the barriers of the sky banned.

Once there is a crack in the area where the crystal wall is impacted, she will rush to the first time, condense the power, and repair the void crystal.

The Ming and the Xuanhe people gathered in an area, and looked at the body of the beginning of the dynasty, showing the image in the form of a giant. Both hands clasped the stone rock that constantly poured into the energy of the mainland, and they all looked awkward.

Their realm is low, it is difficult to help Shiyan, and they are all from the wasteland. The soul has a desolate mark of life, and it appears to be counterproductive. It is invaded by the sense of the soul of the wild.

The Xuan Tianzu, the Baigu and the Phantom are gathered together. Add Ziyao together to block the sky. Suffering from the sense of the soul of the wild, the bombardment over and over again, although it seems to break a corner at any time, but surprisingly, this starry barrier has not burst.

Of course, everyone in the sky is not easy. Some people sweated under the rain, some people were pale, and some people used too much physical body to shrink. Some people have been seriously injured by the impact...

The stone rock that appeared in the beginning of the Taiji, clenched the flame continent with both hands, and the sun, the moon and the stars in the eyes turned. The energy of the scorpion was injected into it. Gradually, the natural fire that covered the outer layer of the continent turned into a stream of flames, and it also fell into the core of the mainland.

quickly. The flames on the mainland all disappeared, and a strong source of fluctuations erupted from the interior of the mainland.

Inside the heavens and the earth, the flames landed from the sky and gathered under the stone spirit. At this moment, the deputy soul of Shiyan stepped on the source of the sea of ​​fire, and the head of the Oyifu Tower reflected the mountain-like avatar.


Numerous clusters of flames, condensed into a big flame, branded with the source of consciousness, the center of the palm of the hand still appears the appearance of the stone rock soul, suddenly to grasp the detachment of the wilderness.

The world inside this continent suddenly collapsed, such as shattered mirrors, and there are countless twisted lights.


The volatility of the ruined land slammed out of the interior of the mainland. For a time, the entire Shenneng continent had a strong earthquake, many mountains and rivers collapsed, and many streams and oceans disappeared deep underground.

The rich and natural energy of the heavens and the earth turns into a milky white smog that penetrates into the ground from all corners of the mainland and penetrates into the strange space that is dying.

Xuanhe, the people in the Ming Dynasty, feel the great changes in the world, and look at the mainland with horror.

Surprisingly, the continent is shrinking a little bit, as if a huge balloon has leaked, slowly shrinking and gradually getting smaller.

God's grace is slowly disappearing!

From this, it is the real smelting of Shiyan, with the power of the soul to submerge the mainland, and thoroughly refine the internal waste!

Separated by the infinity of space, it seems that the real smelting has begun.

The collision of the crystal walls in the cloud and Mongolian domain became more and more fierce. The sound of the scorpion that broke the eardrum blew, causing the low-level warriors on many continents to collapse. Many people bleed in seven holes, and they were shaken by the hard-earned people. .

The dragon lizard ancestors, Hero and Gay, many people, the body was wounded, the mouth was full of blood, and the spirit became extremely exhausted.

They are filled with great horror.

They did not think of the distance between them, and the waste brought by the soul energy with the stone rock as a coordinate can actually cause such a big blow to them. It can be imagined that if the ontology comes, it will be able to move the whole cloud in a very short time. The domain is flattened!

They finally understood that the **** of war in the early days was really invincible at that time, and the Yuan **** was much worse than him.

Yuan Shi, far from reaching his kind of shocking pressure, let people even the trembling of the soul.

"How are you?" Audrey looked at the dragon lizard's ancestors as a body, and there were criss-cross wounds on his body. He watched the blood fall like rain and couldn't help but sigh.

The dragon lizard ancestor, who appeared in the real body, swayed in the magma, and the mouth spurted out a violent torrent, infused into the crystal wall enchantment, the crystal wall turned reddish, filling his hot energy.

However, whenever the red-red crystal wall is collided, he seems to have been bombarded by a person, and his body will burst more wounds.

"Nothing, I can continue to hold on for a while, that guy... it’s terrible." The dragon lizard screamed, snoring and screaming, the huge body rolling in the magma, letting the blood flowing out of his body melt Drop, not falling below the domain boundary.

"come out!"

The voice of Zi Yao came from the depths of the sky, and a purple dot was enlarged from her head and quickly turned into a glorious world.

The body of her twelve snakes rushed out of the heaven and earth, and instantly separated into twelve snakes, swimming in the twelve directions of the Yunmeng domain.

All the warriors and mortals in the cloud and Mongolian realm saw the depths of the vast sky, and suddenly there were twelve huge colorful snakes. The snakes, like the long dragons of hundreds of thousands of miles, stepped on the sea of ​​clouds and were separated by a position. Disappeared at the end of the day.

At the same time, a sacred and mighty atmosphere, accompanied by hundreds of millions of rainbows, also exploded in the sky, smashed to the extreme.

This scene must be imprinted in the depths of their souls so that they cannot be forgotten for life.

Zi Yao finally showed the body, and after the twelve snakes split, they went to the domain of the domain that wanted to collapse, and bound the domain to the hard-boiled, not letting the explosion crack.

At first sight, Zi Yao has used all his strength, and everyone is also ignoring all the condensing power, and will promote the most exquisite.

For a time, many of the strongest people in the cloud and Mongolian community felt that there was an earth-shattering atmosphere in the depths of the void, as if the most powerful existences in the Xinghai had come, and they fought in the cloud-monged domain.

In this process, the refinery of Shiyan refining the mainland, a little bit smaller, the volume has been three times smaller.

"Come on, it should be faster..."

Audrey whispered, she pinched her clothes, her expression was uneasy, and she was extremely nervous.


A stream of esoteric flow, infiltrated from the crystal wall not far away, and a stream of light suddenly fell to the left shoulder of Audrey, a current suddenly pierced her mind.

Audrey's eyes suddenly became dull and there was no look on her face.

This strange state lasted only a few seconds.

A few seconds later, Audrey's face suddenly became extremely cold, and her scent was cold and full of scent. She suddenly stepped forward to the dragon lizard ancestors and looked at the magma-rich area.

Deep in her eyes, it appeared cold and ruthless, such as becoming a strange strong.

It was obtained from Neptune's refining soul, and suddenly flew out. The tripod was squirming in the beginning, and countless evil souls were mad, and they rushed toward the dragon lizard ancestors.

The dragon lizard ancestors fully resisted the impact of the enchantment, and did not guard against Audrey's shot. When the reaction came, the countless evil ghosts and ghosts all entered the cracks in his body and penetrated into his flesh and blood.

A cold ice smashed, and instantly spread to the dragon lizard ancestors, he could not help but scream and scream.

In the void, Zi Yao immediately noticed this piece, just looking at Audrey, Zi Yao will be shocked, and his face turned into a streamer, and he said, "I still underestimated you!"

Audrey once merged with the origin of the goddess continent, although her soul origin was stripped off, but there is still a trace of residual atmosphere.

For the sake of the wild, it is not an easy task to enter the mind of any person, crossing the starry sky barrier, but only Audrey is an exception.

Because no matter how Audrey changes, it can't be completely bottomed out, and all the original atmosphere will be emptied.

Following the familiar smell, the soul of a wilderness infiltrate wonderfully, and it is easy to take the autonomy of Audrey's soul, which is to bring a soul to Audrey.

At this moment, Audrey became a small part of the wasteland. He occupied Audrey's body and strength and took charge of Audrey's soul altar.

"How many years? We finally met again, you are as boring as before!" Seeing the arrival of Zi Yao, replacing Audrey's wasteland, said indifferently: "In our time, if you and you are fighting for me, I have already broken the door of the beginning, and I have gone deep into it without any key. It is your trouble, which has caused me not only to open the door of the beginning, but also to split and sleep."


Killing God 1571_ Killing God Full Text Free Reading _ The first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapters of consciousness come! update completed!

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