God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1572: Broken domain

The wilderness of the wilderness, with Audrey as the carrier, makes Zi Yao as an enemy.

Soon, the dragon lizard ancestors realized that it was not good. They used the soul to communicate and tried to call people like Mantis, Hilo, and Haotian to help out. Zi Yao looked at the movement and noticed the action of the dragon lizard ancestors. : "Do not change! His soul energy can penetrate deep into the barrier at any end, and give me the same place!"

The voice of Zi Yao, let the people who are ready to move, react, and while watching this piece, continue to condense the power and keep the area of ​​their protection.

The wild soul settled in Audrey, and Ao Li’s cold face was distorted and changed, and the faintness became blurred. With the body of Ao Lili as the source of strength, he suddenly looked at the rock in the distance, and spit out a burst of mouth. The nightmare-like strange sound, after the sound is emitted, each one is shining and the first time, and it is condensed out beside him, as if the elves are arranged into an ancient array.

Not far away, it turned into a rock of the beginning of the body, with both hands clinging to the shrinking Shen En Continent, with all strength to quench.

Suddenly, from the deputy soul inside the gods of the mainland, there was a very fierce turmoil, and the connection between the main soul and the deputy soul of Shiyan was instantly cut off!

The gods and the mainland flew out of his palms, turned into an arc, and quickly flew toward the desert.

"My soul and my avatar, is it easy for others to refine? It's just too naive." The coldness of the words, the body of a faint flame, Audrey's one in the soul family The soul of the domain, she was hidden in the space of the refining soul, at this moment the domain of the soul turned into a faint black light, instantly immersed in her soul altar.


The crisp and pleasing sound came from the Ao Lili soul altar, and the domain soul was instantly melted into a small soul pool, located in the depths of the Audrey Ghost.

In an instant, Audrey's realm is a breakthrough. Shenli ancient trees grow up!

"It’s the soul that I have chosen for my avatar. The qualifications are extraordinary, and the artifacts are available, wonderful!"

The coldness of the little nod, the refining soul Ding suddenly emerged, steadily suspended in the void, the crying screams of hundreds of millions of souls, whistling out from Ding.

"This is a very early artifact. It only falls into my hands. It can really show the power of application." He looked at Zi Yao and said calmly: "What do you say?"

There was a chill in the heart of Zi Yao. She thought it was just a glimpse of the dying of consciousness. She couldn’t make waves in the Yunmeng domain. But now, listening to the words of the wild, she finally knows at any time. You must not be a **** of war in the early days!

Audrey was originally only an immortal realm, and there were many different levels in the realm of demarcation. The wilderness releases all the power of Audrey, and it is at most the level of the immortal peak, limited by the power of Audrey itself. He should not be a threat to himself.

However, now, Zi Yao found that she was wrong...

A domain soul captured in the Souls is Audrey's preparation to break through to the immortal triple heaven, so as to advance to the ancestors, so I have not taken it. I also know that the timing is wrong.

In fact, the original Audrey, indeed does not reach the realm of the refining domain soul.

However, after her soul consciousness was temporarily abandoned, it was completely different. At this moment, the savage tyrants occupied her soul altar, and the height and insight of the realm of ruin, refining a domain soul did not take much effort, in a short period of time, The soul of the domain is wonderfully integrated into the Audrey Soul altar and turned into a soul pool!

After the fusion of the domain soul, the power of Audrey's body can immediately reach a new height, and Audrey also holds the refining soul, which is the original artifact of the soul, which contains countless evil spirits, the real artifact Power, Audrey has no way to play it out.

It is ridiculous!

With the words of the wild, the souls of the souls of the refining souls are screaming and screaming, and the sorrows and sorrows are screaming, and in the wilderness of the wilderness, hundreds of ghosts and ghosts are condensed. The ghost dragon is black and inky, the scales are sturdy, the eyes are blue and secluded, and the body is cold and sullen, all screaming and screaming, crazy biting to Zi Yao.

A series of ghosts and ghosts, condensed with millions of evil spirits, their most fierce and cruel spiritual energy is a wonderful, converging, the overwhelming soul impacts the momentum, so that Zi Yao is completely discolored.

"Oh la la!"

The sky is filled with waterfalls, falling from the depths of nine days, and a group of snakes in the sky, all of them spit out the rainbow of light, used to kill those ghosts.

"It's a pity that the soul of the refining souls is still too little. If there is a sacred soul sitting in the town, this refining soul will definitely be better." On the mainland of the gods that flew toward him, he said: "My avatar, my soul, can also be integrated into this scorpion body and soul. After this soul and body are integrated, you can fight with you." It is."

The grace of the mainland turned into an arc, and flew away to Audrey, which appeared in the beginning of the Taiji, just after the quenching of the rock, after a few seconds, suddenly roared like a thunder.

In the roar of the roar, the stone rock eyes are scarlet and bloody, and they are fully operational.

"Whirring whirring!"

One by one, the black hole is condensed in the sky of the cloud and the outer world. The black hole is hundreds of acres, and the internal violent evil forces are raging.

Soon, several devour black holes merged into a huge black hole that swallowed the heavens and earth, covering the top of Audrey's head.

The power of the devour of the heavens and the earth to the evil to the evil is released from the black hole and suddenly applied to Audrey.

Audrey’s soul altar was taken out by the hard life, and emerged from her head. In her nine sinister sacred altars, she saw her main soul on the side and turned into a sneaky cold and cold look. The appearance is really the human race that changed in the past.

He is located on the auspicious altar of Audrey, and the altar is dark and dark, and there is no internal truth.

Looking up at the crazy swallowing black hole, he looked cold and faintly said: "I was able to swallow me up when I swallowed up the Olympics. What can you do? I sigh that he is going to deal with me and will be partially imprinted. Inheriting to bloodthirsty, and ultimately creating a powerful bloodthirsty, the branding has repeatedly fallen on you, you and him, unless it is merged into one, or you can devour the mystery and the eight evils can not help me..."

During the speech, the gods of the mainland will have to immerse in his soul. The volatility from his soul, which was printed on the first day of the day, has an irresistible appeal to the gods of the mainland!

The gods of the mainland and the souls of them were originally part of him. At that time, when he was asleep, the avatar and the soul could compete and have a sense of autonomy. However, now his strength is restored, and the energy of the stone in the soul is divided. It is no longer possible to curb his soul energy.

"Stars fall!"

The fallen star river emerged brilliantly, and it became a galaxy of galaxy. With the violent drinking of stone rock, the stars were like gems, and suddenly fell and fell.

Falling to point to the soul of the wild!

"The Fallen Star River?" It’s ridiculously laughing. "When the owner of the year was killed and killed by me, how could it hurt me?"


The energy of the violent impact on the barriers of the domain has become ten times fierce. The dragon lizard ancestors could not bear it, and the shocked blood-splatter fell from the void.


As the explosion of the crystal wall broke open, the rolling energy flooded down and condensed into a lush, towering old tree. The old tree seemed to connect the heavens and the earth, and the top pierced the cloud barrier. I don’t know where it is. There are hundreds of thousands of forked branches suddenly shaking.

Countless crisp leaves, with a strong and vigorous life, in an instant impact on a star.

The explosion of the sky, the sky of the cloud and Mongolian domain is like a torn, Guanghua broken the space, the domain seems to have collapsed, the towering ancient trees grow wildly, the roots and stems steadily fall, reaching the top of the soul of the desert.

The soul tree of life!

This is the towering ancient tree that Shiyan once saw in the interior of the barren continent. The roots of the ancient tree are deep inside the barren continent, the branches and leaves cover the sky, and the deep and quiet are not at the end. It is the most famous artifact in the early days!

When the artifacts came out at the beginning, the whole cloud and Mongolian domain seemed to burst, and the virtual crystal walls were shattered like mirrors. All the creatures in the cloud and Mongolian domain would be exposed.

His original small soul also swelled in an instant, and the energy rose wildly.

The deep-sea-like soul energy, all of which did not enter the Audrey Soul altar, in a short period of time, at least half of the wild soul power came across the air.

At the sight of Zi Yao, the situation was not good. I couldn’t take care of the life and death of the Yunmeng domain. The body of the twelve snakes was reunited by the division. She herself was sitting in the crystal throne of the snake. It became a colorful neon condensate, and millions of rainbows bloom every second.

Haotian, Hiro, and Mantis are eclipsed.

From the description of Zi Yao, they have regarded the wasteland as an invincible strongman. However, when they are really out of the wild, they understand that they still underestimated the terrible parts of the **** of war, just some souls who landed in the body of Audrey. It can be so horrible, if the body really comes, heaven and earth, who can be enemies?

And they are still very clear that the waste at the moment is not the strongest waste!

Only after the integration of the avatars and the souls is completely integrated, the wilderness is the **** of war in the early days, and it is in the true peak state!

If so, what is the existence of today's era that can suppress him?

As they think, in this era, no one wants to see the complete integration of the wild, one of them is far from the ban of the ban, and Sauron, who is at the beginning of the door, is another.

The wilderness spans the space, the soul flies and shakes, and Soren, who has been paying close attention to the changes in the Xinghai, immediately knows what the desperate desire is.

He couldn't help but take the lead!

Almost at the same time, the murder of the land of the virtual land, the destruction of the sea, the restoration of great power, and the same power as Sauron, in order to prevent the integration of the wild is forced to move hands!


Ps: Sorry, I have a chapter today. . )

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