God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1573: Shiyan Tiantian!

The star-studded sea, the innocent universe, is truly one of the few characters that can be seen in the wild, and Sauron and the phlegm are two of them...

Just like the wilderness of Sauron and the power of the savage, Sauron and the horror of the deeper and more ridiculous, it is clear that once the wild will divide the soul, the whole body will be completely horrified!

No one is happy to see the waste recovering all power!

Because that is the greatest disaster for the existence of other creatures, and it is a heavy blow that cannot be resisted!

Sauron and the singer have to start!

There is no space in the sea, and the space is turbulent. There are many stars in the domain, which are like glaciers that slowly melt away and melt into the sea of ​​nothingness, and become part of the virtual sea.

At this moment, there is a partial corner of the virtual sea, a shining light spot is expanding, and there is a strong soul energy, which penetrates the layers of space and shackles, reaching the end of the world at the other end.

Space can limit the body and the body, but it can't limit the pure soul energy. It can't limit the artifacts that blend with the soul energy. Here is the wasteland, the wilderness domain, the soul energy that flows from it, and the cloud energy. In the world, the other side of the virtual sea.

Those soul energies ignore the obstacles of space, invisible and colorless, and become the line of the wilderness of the cloud and Mongolian domain, and continue to enhance the power of the wasteland.

Suddenly, another soul energy penetrated from the depths of the imaginary domain, and the soul could change quietly, condensing into a black rice grain, and the rice grain gradually changed, suddenly flying out of the eight islands of the white bones, the island One show. The thick, pungent smell of the sky rises. All pounced on the white spot.


The inflated white light spot quickly became bigger, and there was a roar of ruined earth inside.

Almost at the same time, there is another soul energy coming from the endless abyss, the soul energy condenses into a vague figure, the figure holds the brilliance of the roulette, and the two hands push the movement, as in twisting the power of destiny.

Countless illusory images floated out of the roulette and slammed into white spots.

It shook the sound of the dragon-like whistle. From the white light spot, the energy of the soul that escaped from it, like being suddenly cut off, the fate of the soul is like a moment of confusion. All kinds of ambiguity deviated from the original direction and began to become uncontrolled.

The black spots turned into a dark cave. The eight white bone islands, which are located in the thick sea of ​​blood, are swirling around the wilderness. Eight evils, such as death, destruction, despair, and darkness, spread from the eight white bone islands. Come out and infiltrate into the wasteland.

Sauron, who is dying and coming, has a tacit understanding of each other, not making a statement, but at the same time. Together to suppress the real body of the wilderness in the wilderness, cut off the energy of the soul that he released.


The screaming screaming out of the wilderness, a huge dragon head suddenly emerged in nothingness, screaming at the black hole, the shadow of Soren, and the energy of the soul, such as the flood of water, swept across the eight sides!

Eight white bone islands were struck by the energy waves, and suddenly swayed and quickly receded.

Soul's vague figure. Was swept up by the huge waves, such as a leaf of the wind, floating around, but the wheel in his hand is still shining, there are more images such as memory torrents. With the mysterious atmosphere of distracting destiny, it merges into the soul wave.

Here Sauron, ignoring the spatial distance. With the pure soul of the soul pool, the tacit understanding starts to bind the wild body and the general soul.

At this moment, some of the souls of the deserted thoughts fell to the cloud and Mongolian domain. In the face of Zi Yao and the strong threats, they were vying for the separation of the souls of Shiyan. When the situation was very good, they did not expect the old nest to be ambushed, Sauron, He learned that his soul came and began to work on his body and other parts of the soul.

The threat of Sauron and Phaeton made him violent, but there was no way to be indifferent.

Almost all of the world's most powerful creatures did not want to see him recover all his strength. When he discovered that he was trying to integrate all of them, he couldn't help but start to break his steps.

"I will kill you sooner or later!"

The roar of the wild, the endless spread of the sound, the sounds are everywhere, the sky is falling apart, and the stars are trembled.


The cloud-boundary boundary of the cracked barrier.

Zi Yao took the first part of the body snake, and the two hands condensed the law. The twelve snake heads spurted out the broad meteor-like strange light. The strange light was like a bright rainbow, and built a strange bridge to bind the wild soul. tree.

Haotian, Hilo, and Mantis all run the power of the righteousness, showing the domain realm, and rushing toward the soul tree of life.

The rock of the early age of Shiyan is rolling in the stars, holding the fallen star river, and smashing the giant scorpion, and flooding the soul tree with the sea of ​​stars.

In the wilderness of the town of Audrey, the soul of the altar, the mind is moving, a series of ghosts and ghosts swim in the sky, the stagnation of the cold, so that the ambition of Haotian and others, if mixed with impurities, is greatly restricted by the operation.

In general, the destiny of the soul descends, cuddling with the soul tree of life, relying on the refining soul of Audrey, and resisting the strength of the cloud and Mongolian domain, it does not fall.


Shiyan is roaring wildly, tearing his chest, and flesh and blood. If he breaks through the emptiness of the void, the power of the invincible space turns into the electro-optical light of the crystal, and the electro-optic strips condense to form a giant that can split the world and cut the domain. Blade, the giant blade is pulled out from his chest!


The giant blade crossed, and the void of the cloud and Mongolian domain was like a tofu block. It was cut off, and the domain boundary was divided into two. The middle was divided by a river of hundreds of millions of spatial streams, and the river of light flowed through the real nothingness, the land of eternal death.


The horrible giant blade can tear the domain boundary, but it can be cut on the tree of life soul, but there is a blunt instrument to cut the sound on the stone. The soul tree of life is not broken, but a huge gap.

The giant blade immediately splashed in the white light, and a life machine inside the soul tree flowed through, and the crack instantly healed, and no trace of injury was seen.

However, this embarrassment is not without any effect. Everyone sees that the giant blade is in the air, and the soul that is concealed as a substantial soul is violently twisted and turbulent, and becomes slightly blurred.

"Continue to cut with space!"

Zi Yao's delicate drink, from the depths of the clouds overhead, and the Jiao drink together, there are twelve rolling Changhong, Changhong such as the twelve swords of tens of thousands of miles, also stabbed in the tree of life soul.

The soul tree of life suddenly shook a bit.

Shi Yan looked up and excited, and the catalytic power of dying again, condensed dark energy, turned into a new void.


Suddenly, the barriers of the cloud and Mongolian domain can not withstand the split of the void and directly collapse.

Numerous deadly icy hurricane, the turbulent force of the turbulent flow outside the field, the violent sun volatility, slamming from the outer layer, there are many meteorite streams, dragging the bright flames of the flames, also to the cloud area The continent of the world fell.

The warriors and mortals living in the Yunmeng domain, looking up to the Tianzhu, have a desperate feeling of a dead end, seeing the sky fall, they seem to see their own lives, they will soon be taken away, falling together endless nothingness, Eternal dead world.

"Sauron! Sauron! Turn!"

The wildness of the suspension of the Aussie Souls' Sacrifice, when the cloud and the Mongolian domain burst, the madness is generally screaming, and the God's grace that is to be taken back by him is instantly out of his control.

The connection between Shiyan and Shen's mainland and the deputy souls was re-connected because the line of destiny was disrupted.

He didn't know what was happening in the wasteland, but he never missed the opportunity. In the moment of contact establishment, he temporarily stopped the condensation of the power of space, gathered all the soul consciousness, and led the gods to the mainland with all the power. It, a little bit, pulled to his chest.

"no no!"

The wrath of the wilderness, the power seems to be uncontrolled, and it seems that there are more important things to do. His soul tree of life and the soul of the Audrey altar suddenly become a river of energy, and the energy river is rewinded. To the outside world, through the broken virtual wall, returning to the unknown deep land at a faster speed than before.

Everyone looked up at the sky and was full of horror. I wondered why this murderer had lost the chain at a crucial moment and inexplicably withdrew.

"Stone! Relock the space and fix the void crystal wall!" On the lower part of the continent, Di Carlo screamed and looked scared.

Screaming together, everyone suddenly realized the disaster in the domain, seeing countless storms coming, and each of them exerted their own magical powers to help Shiyan to counter the terrible natural disasters that could destroy the cloud and Mongolian domain.

At the sight of the crisis, Shiyan did not hesitate to hesitate. The space prism in the soul altar of the Taiwanese sacred to fly out. The space light curtain inside the space prism, such as the crystal chain, suddenly flew to the square and turned into a pair of dexterous spaces. The hand, coagulates the space energy, and reorganizes the broken crystal wall.

With the penetration of his power, the broken crystal walls, if they are really like a broken mirror, the pieces are combined, and they are glued by the force of space to become the original strong appearance.

Only those who have reached the level of his realm of the realm of the realm of the realm can make the broken domain realm be restored to the original!

The natural wonders of those landings were intercepted by Zi Yao and Hao Tian, ​​and they were directly crushed in the void, and there was no mainland that could really fall to the bottom.


God's grace re-aggregates in the chest of Shiyan. As a huge heart beats and slowly contracts, the deputy soul of the internal stone rock actively releases the power and smelts it a little bit.

Shiyan, who is making up the sky with the power of space, turns the stars and turns, and looks at the gods and the mainland, suddenly opening his mouth and suddenly sucking!

The mainland was dragged by countless stars, like a walnut, completely immersed in the mouth of the rock, and slowly disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

He swallowed the mainland of God's grace into the belly!

"Sorren, phasing, is it that these two people also shot?" Zi Yao through the crystal wall, looking at the dark and deep secluded, deeply pondering, "It should be them, and only they exist at this level, can force The ruin has to return the soul to the body. It seems that between heaven and earth, I don’t want to see the real recovery."

.... . )

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