God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1574: Soaring!

The broken domain boundary crystal wall, with the restoration of the stone rock space, a little bit of healing.

The whole of God, who was swallowed into the belly of the gods, there was no trace of fluctuations. When the descending Tianwei was intercepted by humans, those desperate mortals and warriors could finally feel at ease.


Audrey's body turned into a dark line, suddenly falling from the sky.

When the wild souls are evacuated, the main soul of Audrey is still in a closed state, and it is still impossible to take power to the altar, unable to run the righteousness, and cannot think that it cannot coagulate.

Three purple, light blue, and orange-red gods, running through the three corners, wrapped her body like a ribbon, and pulled her toward Zi Yao.

Zi Yaoming’s glare is dazzling, and he looks at Audrey and screams: “Not awake!”

The three ribbons that bound Audrey suddenly turned into three spirit snakes, and the current did not enter her body, causing her body to tremble in the void.

Like a person who fell asleep, and was towed by a flash of light, Audrey suddenly woke up.

She was shocked, and her face was deeply feared and she screamed.

Below, Ming, Ayala and several emperors have been worried about their eagerness. They are flying into the sky. They are also preparing to wake up Audrey. Seeing Zi Yao’s first step, he did not dare to intervene and heard her. The exclamation, the sorrow, the aunt hurried over, looked at her with dignity.

Hao Tian, ​​Xi Luo, Mantis and other strong people, as the enemies of the enemy gathered around Audrey, each person's face is full of heavy.

"That is coming through her soul. She is the medium of the wildness. She is here. Is it possible to penetrate the void wall at any time and come through her?" Hilo’s eyes are like a cold sword, cold and cold. To Audrey, don't hide your intentions. "In order to get the most out of it, the best way is to destroy her soul, so that the waste cannot come easily!"

Hiro is a person who is unreasonable and often only recognizes death. He feels that the right thing will never be hidden and will be directly stated.

This statement came out, the clan, the Adele and the many tribes of the Emperor. The look has become chilly. The faint light flashed in the middle of the sigh, and it pressed against the inner anger.

Unexpectedly, Haotian, Mantis, Guy, and Judy all nodded and nodded and recognized Hilo’s statement.

"To ensure that the cloud and the field are unhindered, to ensure the safety of the life of the stone. This girl... It is very wise to kill." Judy said.

Hao Tian and others also secretly nodded.

The terror power displayed in the wild has deeply shocked all of them. Haotian, Mantis and Hero are the strongest of the top ten ancestors. But when they faced the wasteland, they felt powerless.

That is only a part of the soul coming, with Audrey as the carrier. If all the souls are coming, can the people join forces to stop the violent violence of the wild?

No one has that confidence!

They are very clear that Audrey has been integrated into the wilderness, and there is a soul in the soul, which is most suitable for the realization of the wild. As long as the Audrey is here, as long as the energy is broken, the next time you can still come to the soul through the previous method.

That means the disaster will come!

They are really scared, don't want to come again, don't want to face the waste again.

Looking at the Hero and other people, the face was dark and terrible, and he bit his teeth secretly. He waited, waiting for Zi Yao’s decision.

At the same time, he condensed his soul consciousness into a detachment, and fell to the distance, quietly moving closer to Shiyan.

Once this decision is unfavorable to Audrey, he will immediately pass the stone rock, regardless of the key to the fusion of Shiyan at the moment, but also to force the stone to express his position and keep Audrey.

"You have to worry about it." Zi Yao looked at Audrey deeply, watching her slowly wake up, suddenly smiled and said: "The next time I want to pass her soul, it is definitely not easy before. You can rest assured that because of her, she has already entered the realm of the ancestors, and the soul of the wilderness has come. For her, it is an incomparable opportunity in her life..."

Everyone is puzzled, and they are also very surprised to see Audrey, including the people of the Ming Dynasty, the Adele and the Emperor.

A spooky ghost dragon that has not dissipated, drifting away from far away, gloomy, evil, strange, cold and cold breath spread over the night, even the people in the meditation are all out of the cold, such as deep into the depths of the ghosts.

The spooky ghost dragons, lingering on the side of Audrey, swung in a circle, one by one into the top of her head.

On the refining soul, the symbol of the scorpion form emerges immediately. There are hundreds of thousands of souls and souls twisting and flashing in the ding face. The big ding is rolling and slowly seated. It is placed on Audrey’s head and blends into her mind.

In the meantime, Audrey's eyes were closed, but the refining soul entered her mind, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

The eyes are faintly photographed, and if there are ghosts swaying, the demon is terrible, and the breath that comes out of her also makes people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.

"The soul of the wilderness has come, so that she can't control her own altar, but her main soul can know everything that has just happened, and she can deeply understand the use of her ignorance, and the mastery of the development of the refining soul. She is like It is a very lucky apprentice. He witnessed the soul teaching and training of the super master. The experience of the war, the mystery and strength of her, and the soul of the refining soul are all incalculable...."

Zi Yao smiled, and when everyone was horrified, he continued: "The most important thing is that the original soul she could not absorb the refining of the field, because the soul of the wilderness guided the energy quenching, it has turned into a soul pool. Into her knowledge of the sea. That is to say, she has directly entered the domain ancestor from the immortal realm, there is no such thing as a waste of time, this breakthrough process may take thousands of years, but now, just a moment!"

Audrey's eyes are suddenly bright, such as the cold moon, such as the cold star, inspiring!

All the people who looked at her were shocked and immediately exclaimed, and they were amazed by the luck of Audrey.

The clan, the Adele, and the people of the Pluto are even more pleasantly surprised, almost screaming with excitement.

"Before, the wildness can easily come over because her own realm is not enough, and her understanding of the righteousness and strength is slightly shallow. She breaks through the realm of the domain ancestors, and truly understands the magic of refining the soul, the destiny is to come again, just to It may take a lot of means to occupy her soul.” Zi Yao sighed and said leisurely: “At that time, Shiyan’s sensitivity to the wasteland could be detected early, and it’s possible to take the opportunity to give it a lifelong unforgettable experience. It’s a big hit. I think that this is a failure, and next time I will never rush to come with my soul. When I come back, he will be the body.”

Ziyao said so much, that is to tell everyone that Audrey is not a threat to Shiyan, and will not become a medium for random entry and exit.

She is a very early-born soul, and Yunmeng domain is now the strongest force. No one dares to question her judgment, and no one has any other thoughts about the existence of Audrey.

In the midst of a sigh, Ayala saw everyone’s sigh of relief, but also settled down, and the vigilance on his face converges.

"Thank you." Audrey hesitated a moment, slightly bent toward Zi Yao, and some uncomfortable trips.

"You little girl..." Zi Yao smirked and calmly conveyed with the soul: "You have no fate with Shi Yan, I will not interfere, what you think inside, you need your own heart to prove and take the initiative, I don't Will break your way, so you don't need to be hostile to me."

"Thank you, thank you." Audrey was stunned, and immediately whispered and looked a little happy.

"I will pay attention to Shiyan. This is why he is really good in transportation. It is also because the wildness is too strong, causing Sauron and the sputum to take the opportunity. They are preventing the complete integration of the wasteland. Naturally, it is cheaper, and he can go smoothly. Refining the waste and turning it into a part of his early body." Zi Yao smiled and said.

Everyone in the sky was shocked, and they looked into the distance and looked at the stone rock standing between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the stone rock appeared in the body of the beginning of the Taiji. As a giant mountain inserted into the depths of the clouds, when he was working on the space to repair the crystal wall of the domain, he was stunned by the stars. When he suddenly went to see it, he would find that the cave was like a A huge bright star, dazzling.

Reaching the realm of Haotian and Hilo, you will feel the feeling of a scorpion, and the interior is vast and innocent, and it is a mysterious world.

Seven hundred and twenty points, if they all become a mysterious new world, then the stone rock body is not like the vast starry sky, can be incorporated into the sky?

"Hey! Hey!"

The blasting of the landslides came from the heart of Shiyan. During the turbulence, he smashed his body and smashed the vitality of his life. He was surrounded by vast and unbounded life, in his body, blood, bones and organs. Rolling, he suddenly pouted toward the vain.

In the sound of drinking, his huge body of horror has actually started a new round of growth!

A piece of dragon-scale natural nail piece grows out of his chest, arms, legs, and underarms. The roots are sharp and thorny, and the knees and shoulders are covered with grass. It becomes a bone wing that is not revealed after the beginning of the body. In the sound of the bang, the spine of his back is cracked!

The bones are blooming, covering the sky, covering the light, such as the huge wings of the devil, the endless evil atmosphere, as if the eight evil forces are divided into two, respectively into the bones of the two sides.

Looking at the broken bones, everyone's heart trembled, there was an instinct fear of the birth of a troll evil god.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two thorns pierce the dragon's horns, and they are strangely condensed from the top of his head. The power of life in the dragon's horn is extremely strong, and there is space for sharpness, like being invincible and tearing the earth.

All kinds of changes in the body of the beginning, the body's growth again, let everyone see the fear of trepidation, do not know whether this situation is good or bad, everyone can not help but look at Zi Yao.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zi Yaomei said: "In the early days, the wilderness hunted many similar species, smelting too early blood and strengthening their own strength. His body is the strongest in the early life, and it is integrated. The most primordial blood, his avatar, once again revitalized Shi Yan, Shi Yan's physical strength, at least doubled!" To be continued

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