God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1575: Soren's invitation

The cloud and Mongolian domain is deep in the sea of ​​clouds.

Shi Yan appeared in the body of the beginning of the Tai, and his body was like the demon **** between the stars and the sea, and the arrogant and overbearing momentum of the heavens and the earth made the sky tremble.

He feels wonderful like never before!

In the body, the gods are melting, and in the flesh and veins, the energy is like a torrent of water, all over the bones, flesh and blood, the internal organs, deep into the ancient trees of the gods, so that the ancient trees are full of energy and pure and strong!

The blood is boiling, countless memory images, and the understanding and experience of the righteousness are extracted from the strange energy that is integrated into the blood, fluttering into his mind and disappearing into his soul.

That is the residual memory in the blood of the gods in the mainland!

In the early days, the God of War was ravaged in the world, killing many of the same kind, and taking away the blood from the beginning of the other party to complete the transformation of the blood, the evolution of the flesh!

In that era, the ridiculousness was the nightmare of all the living spirits. The existence of annihilation in his hands was countless. Among them were the masters of fallen stars, the strongmen who cultivated the stars, and many souls of cultivation space and life. He was killed and refined.

Those who are strong, the perception of the righteousness and the power, the experience of life, are branded in the blood of the early Tai, and are included in the body. In the wild, there are those experiences of memory and ambition.

A picture, a period of memory, the impact of a scene, from the beginning of the blood of the early rise, into the mind of Shiyan, the righteousness, thoughts.

This is a comprehensive benefit!

The **** body, in the fusion of the gods of the mainland, the soul altar, is refining the memory, thoughts, and useful aspects of the picture. At this moment, the stone rock is like a sophisticated machine, digesting all the energy that can bring him strength to grow. nutrient. To be stronger and stronger.

The cloud wall of the cloud and the sky is repaired, and Zi Yao will re-emerge in the true body. Sitting in the amethyst throne, he will be suspended beside the stone rock.

One day, Hao Tian, ​​Xi Luo, Mantis and others did not leave, gathered around Shiyan, ready to adapt.

They did not know that the wilderness would not come again, and they had to be fully prepared to prepare for disasters.

This is equal. It’s been a long time. Shiyan’s body gradually contracted, and as the power absorbed and digested, it slowly changed to the original human form.

Everyone was surprised and still looked at him deeply, waiting silently.

"He can use this to break through to the three ancestors of the domain ancestors." Zi Yao faintly open, the eyelid gloss is gradually shining. "When the ridiculously killed a lot of strong people, those people's views on the righteousness are integrated into the blood of the early days, it can be said. The blood at the beginning is equivalent to the essence of the body, the memory of the body, the cultivation of the ignorance of the ignorance. He is withdrawing from the blood of the early age. At the time, I will condense the memory of the other party and the taste of the righteousness into blood, and enhance my understanding..."

Seeing everyone revealing the color of curiosity, Zi Yao smiled lightly. "Shi Yan combines him with his own body. It also means that the memory of the souls of the tragic and ruthless hands in the early days of the early ages will be figured out to form his own life. The energy of the wilderness is large enough and pure enough to help him reach the peak of the accumulation of divine power."

Everyone is deeply looking at Shiyan.

At this moment, the stone lithification is a normal human form, sitting in the void and closing his eyes.

Time has passed another ten years.

In the past ten years, one of Yunqiang’s domain leaders has never left, but occasionally through the soundstones, commanding the tribes to act and gain insight into the situation in Xinghai.

The battle is still taking place in every domain. Although the seven races are dying, the smaller ethnic forces and the fight against each other have become more and more intense. They are fighting in the vast seas, in the vast world, in many stars. For the rise of race, for the looting of the field, for the cultivation of resources...

Always endless.

The Black Devils, the Ancient Demons, and the remaining tribes of the Souls are still mysteriously disappearing. They have not reappeared in the Xinghai, and no one knows where they are hiding.

The family of the genus stayed in their own ethnic group and did not participate in the war. Because Ega was sitting in the town, because of the shock of the spurs, those small races did not dare to offend, and they tried to stay away from the family.

The Yuan **** had no news, and did not come out to make waves, and temporarily quieted up.

The battle between Sauron, the phlegm and the wilderness is gone. The wilderness has not come to the cloud-monch domain in person. I don’t know if I am chasing Sauron, or I am staring at it with anger.

The cloud and Mongolian community has been calm for ten years.

The Tianyan Continent, which is condensed by the strength of the stone rock, is now a strong cloud. Among them, the Xuanhe and the Qiang Lie have seen the realm of the wilderness and the shackles, and they have seen the realm of the realm of Haotian and Hilo, even within ten years. Dajin, faintly has to break through to the realm of the domain.

Tianyan Continental has gathered a large number of strong people who have left the wilderness. Through the wealth from the Soul, the Dark Lord, and the Ancient Yaozu, the practitioners here have made rapid progress and gradually become a strong force. There are positions to be among the seven races.

Mantis often travels to the Yunmeng domain, Tianyan mainland, and goes to Tianyan mainland to teach Xia Xinyu time. She personally teaches and takes out many precious treasures and many illusions that she cultivated in the past, so that Xia Xinyi’s realm grows. Very fast, but also into immortality, but there is still a distance from the realm of the domain.

I got the water source of the original source, and I got a lot of water and the treasures to enhance the strength of the sea shark, a smooth breakthrough, in this decade, because of the rich accumulation, entered the domain of the ancestral two heavens.

Holding the refining soul Ding, Qiu Yu broke through the ancestral realm of Audrey, became the patriarch of the Emperor, and taught the many emperors of the royal family to make the realm of the Emperor tribes rise rapidly...

"Sauron called several times and invited us to the door of the beginning. A few days ago, he found us again..." Mantis looked at Zi Yao, the latest situation of Dao Ming.

"We also received the message of Sauron." Hao Tian and Xi Luo expressed their opinions.

As early as before the turbulence of the Xinghai, Sauron and Xiluo, Haotian, and Mantis ditch passed, invited them to go to the door of the early days, because of the crazy killing of Shiyan, in the soul, the family, the black demon, the ancient demon The murder of the scorpion, which led to the great changes in the Xinghai, the riots of all ethnic groups, had to stop.

Nowadays, the seven ethnic groups have not continued to fight each other. The great ancestors of the major domains have either concealed themselves or practiced safely, and Sauron has once again issued an invitation.

"It seems that he is getting rid of the wilderness." Wen Yan, Zi Yao smirked and smiled. "A decade ago, if he and the punctual shot, we are afraid that it is very difficult to resist the waste, and Shi Yan can not smoothly merge. The wilderness will recover some of the souls. It should be the violent anger against Sauron and the counterattack. After ten years, Sauron and the phalanx did not continue their activities. Obviously, they were squandered by the wasteland. Now Sauron once again issued an invitation. Up..."

When I got here, Zi Yao looked amazed, hehe said: "I am a bit curious, that Sauron, how to let the wilderness down? This person, how much do you know?" She looked at everyone.

Haotian, Hiro, and Mantis face each other and shook their heads. Mantis said: "As early as the very old age, he existed. No one knows how long he lived. Rumors, after the end of the early era, he Appearing in the Xinghai, it is the oldest person in this era..."

"How about you, how much do you know?" Zi Yao looked at Dracula.

Dracula is a strong older generation of the Bone. His years of survival are longer than that of Hao Tian and others. At the very early age, he also dealt with Sauron, so Zi Yao had this question.

"When I was born, Sauron was famous all over the world. He was a great sage, a planner for many major events, and a major participant. For example, at our time, the land of imaginary land and the sea of ​​destruction did not exist. These two areas are all places where the creatures can't get involved. All of them are Soren's invited strongmen. They will explore together and eventually dig out the virtual land and the shattered sea. Let's just say, now there are many magical seas. The land is known by the development of Sauron, only to know..."

Dracula frowned deeply, saying: "At that time, everyone guessed, guessing that Sauron might find out what to do, or what to achieve by exploiting the sea and the land of imaginary. But everyone is just skeptical, specifically It is not very clear, but I think he must have his own request, otherwise he will not take everyone around to explore and open up a new world."

He said this, everyone was surprised and surprised.

They didn't even know that the Xinghai Qidi, which was originally destroyed by the sea and the land of the virtual land, was hidden before because it was opened by Soren's invitation.

"So, the door to the beginning, will it be another sea? Is it the place where Sauron wants to reopen?"

"He used to do all kinds of things, only one purpose - to prepare for the opening of the door of the beginning!" Zi Yao looked at everyone, his face flashed brightly, "including the chaos of the stars, the collapse of the domain, and the various ethnic groups. Strangled, it should be behind him to arrange the plan! Everything is for the beginning of the door!"

Everyone looked inexplicable. "Why do you say that?" De Cula was amazed and asked everyone's voice.

"A decade ago, when Shiyan did not carry out the refining and chemical deforestation, I quietly went to the endless abyss and went to the front of the door of the early dynasty." Zi Yao’s eyes flashed with dazzling glory, "The door of the beginning and the former Very different, there was not much change in our time, but now... the change is very obvious. Those changes should be due to the dramatic changes in the Xinghai, due to Solon’s plan..."

People still don't quite understand.

Zi Yao did not have a detailed clarification. He said: "When you have an endless abyss, you can naturally understand it. As for Soren's invitation... you don't have to pay attention to it. There is Shiyan, there is me, we can enter the endless. Abyss, go to the door of the beginning, no need to be with others."

When she got here, she snorted. "I don't want to go to Shiyan. They are in the beginning of the door for hundreds of millions of years. It's just a waste of effort. Soren's constant invitation, I don't really want to invite you, he just invites the stone." Rock is gone!"


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