God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1580: Opportunity

When Shiyan moved, everyone no longer hesitated. Although they did not know the exact direction, they all spread out.

In their view, here is the entrance and exit of the door of the beginning, there must be no mysterious point next to it. Before the stone rock also stated, the sea of ​​life is far away.

They naturally think that they belong to their origins, and they are not likely to be at the entrance, but they should not be far away from here.

Everyone has different meanings for cultivation, and the corresponding origins of the same meaning are different. It is also true that it is impossible for everyone to go hand in hand.

Taking this as the center, Haotian, Hilo, Mantis and others are scattered, each running a mystery, spreading the volatility within the Olympics, and letting go of the soul consciousness.

As long as there are responsive, or familiar fluctuations in the vicinity, they will immediately follow the so-called movement of the 1580th chapter.

Hao Tian, ​​Judi, Guy, Dracula and others, flew in the empty world, searching hard, looking for their own origins, but unfortunately never found.

There are no sun, moon and stars, no light source, there is no concept of time.

Everyone is looking for it.

One day, Hiro was in the golden light and let go of the soul consciousness. The whole soul touched like a ripple, and spread to a great distance...

Suddenly, the original source of his esoteric layer suddenly slammed a slight incitement.

Hiro slammed into a shock, immediately stopped, stagnation in place to shrink the mind and consciousness, all the mental attention, all condensed into one, along the connection of the original source, to the soul to perceive.

I don't know how long it took, and Hiro's eyes burst into golden electric light. He screamed with joy, like a golden arc, disappearing instantly.

Different from Haotian and Judi, there is a Taiyuan source symbol given by Shiyan in the Jinrui Yiyi of Xiluo. The source symbol is made up of the Oyifu Tower, and the Oyifu Tower... is the key to the opening of this place. There is obviously a subtle connection between them. It is because of the original source, he is the first to discover among the people.

After him, he also obtained the charm of the 1950th chapter of the ice, the so-called machine-original Taiyuan source, and the sea shark who got the water's esoteric source, and also had good luck.

- They have been searching for a long time. In a position closer to the origin of the mystery. I also feel the fluctuations of the Taiyuan source in the esoteric layer, and thus connect with the corresponding source of their meaning, and find the direction of advancement.

On this day, Hilo went through a long flight and finally came to a place.

It is a mountain of emptiness, and the mountain seems to be made up of hundreds of gold and iron. Inside the piece of stone, there is a different change in Jin Rui's meaning, the mountain. There was an empty and empty space around, except for the mountain, there was only one Hero. The rest is empty.

Hiro turned into a golden light, and the one that stopped, his mind rumbling, the golden origin of the beginning, fierce struggle. Want to get out of Hiro's control, to fall into the mountain, become a small gravel on the mountain.

This feeling is extremely strong. When Hiro was pleasantly surprised, he was secretly shocked. He died to contain the original source, and looked at the mountain in a hot gaze, thinking about the way of integration.

It is infinitely far from here.

Charm Ji's body trembled, her charming face was full of excitement, her ketone body was frosty, and it was chilly.

In front of her eyes, for the glaciers, the glaciers in the frozen sea, the glaciers are connected together, crystal clear, standing in front of the glaciers, she was moved, and the source in her mind turned into a borneol, which was also beating. To be integrated into the glacier.

The other end.

Seen in the eyes of the sea shark, it is another piece of heaven and earth. It is a drop of water, a drop of huge water drops. Under the water drops, the sea shark is extremely small.

Suspended the waterless beads, the sound of the water flowing from the inside, listening to the sound of the water, the sea shark is full of comfort, the soul is inexplicable and serene, the water of his cultivation is like the water beads, among them The source is also a drop of water, a drop of water and the water that should be integrated.

He looked at the waterdrops, and saw the thousands of changes in the meaning of the water, and saw the mysterious mystery of the water, just standing, and he was born with a deeper and deeper impression of the mystery of the water.

If the source of his source is gradually flowing out, flying out of his sinister layer, to enter the waterdrop, perhaps he will still understand.

Hiro, Charm, and Sea Sharks all got an original source, which comes from the source of the Oyifu Tower. Perhaps for this reason, they feel more sensitive to the origin of the Yiyi. After a long search, they have successively Have a harvest.

They came to the source of the main meaning of the righteousness, but they did not immediately start to merge, they are considering, hesitating, to determine a correct fusion method.

At the same time, Haotian, Judy, Dracula and others are also looking for, they do not get the source, the perception is much worse, more dependent on luck.

The luck is not the same, Mantis, clearly got the source, but unfortunately the direction of finding is far from the source of time, so she did not feel the right direction, but the farther and farther, nothing.

Zi Yao is also looking for, looking for her source of mystery, she is like a speed of light, flying here, no purpose.

I don't know how long it took, Zi Yao suddenly stopped, her face suddenly dignified, she looked to the side, there is a dark whirlpool, such as a dark cave, next to the vortex, there are eight islands, eight islands It is octagonal and surrounds the dark vortex.

The horror of a stock to evil to evil, from the dark whirlpool, is inspiring.

Just glanced at it, Zi Yao will have a huge earthquake. She instantly understands that this dark vortex and eight islands correspond to all the meanings of the phlegm. This is the source of the ignorance and the eight evil forces!

It is also the meaning of Shiyan cultivation!

Zi Yao lingered for a while, she slightly withdrew from the dark vortex, and immediately stopped. She let go of the soul consciousness, tried to contact Shiyan, and called Shiyan to merge the original meaning.

Here, if you find it, you will merge the origin of the mystery here into one, and the power of the realm will reach an unimaginable height.

At that time, it will be a nightmare of Shiyan, which will completely engulf the stone rock and make the stone rock become a stronger nutrient!

Zi Yao suspended her search for the source of the righteousness, and constantly spread the soul consciousness, to find Shiyan.

It is a pity that the mystery layer is boundless, with her soul consciousness covering, and there is no way to control everything. Naturally, it is impossible to lock the stone rock and bring the stone rock.

She was anxious and hesitant, hesitating to leave temporarily, and looking for Shiyan in another direction.

But she is equally worried, because there is no clear direction in this place. Shiyan, Xiluo, Charm, and Sea Shark can find the source of the righteousness. All of them rely on the guidance of the mind source. Once she leaves this place, she may be lost in an instant. It may not be so easy to find it.

When she was hesitant, this space was another remote, like a projection, showing several figures.

Those illusory shadows slowly condensed and turned into reality. The person who led the head was Sauron, a silver robes. As he was old, he fell into his eyes and immediately closed his eyes and burst into a strong soul. fluctuation.

Ruo Ru, Candice, Vanderbilt and several other ethnic ancestors, and at that time, the charms of Ji, Hao Tian and others were confused, looking at the empty and empty nothing, frowning, disappointed.

Soren was quicker than Shi Yan’s judgment at that time. It was only a few dozen seconds. When he blinked again, he smiled. "This is the strange place with the origin of the mystery. It is its esoteric layer. From then on, everyone can separate. Each of them looks for the source of yours. Anything that exists in our universe has a corresponding source of ambiguity here, but there is only one, and if you are first promoted by others, it is the regret of your life..."

Unlike the charms, Haotian and others, Yan Ru, Candice and others apparently heard that Sauron had spoken about the origin of the mystery. After listening to Sauron’s explanation, their eyes burst into terrible light, and they immediately became one and the same. Say goodbye, each to find their own chances, to find their own origins.

Sauron blinked and watched them leave, looked down at his feet and muttered to himself: "It turns out that everything is really..."


In another place in this unique space, phlegm, jealousy and jail, Ega, Rupert, etc. also descended. After the opening of the door of the beginning, it seems that there is no further healing. All people can find the door of the beginning as long as they can penetrate into the infinite abyss. , you can enter here.

"Nothing." After the prison fell, he looked around and looked confused.

The appearance of a black shadow, once it appears here, becomes erratic, and many long black lines visible to the naked eye, such as his million tentacles, break the body and leave in all directions in the sky and underground, and suddenly disappeared. .

When Yuan Yuan blinked, the sound of the rapid flow of water came from the soul, and he also let go of the soul consciousness.

Did not let everyone wait too long, the Yuan **** to see the phasing, the two people sing a low, the voice is filled with ecstasy and shock, the same channel: "Ouyi origin!"

the other side.

A blue thunder ball slowly condensed out, and the soul tree in the thunder ball covered the sky, suddenly protruding, and the thunder ball suddenly expanded and burst after the contraction, and immediately disappeared with the sneaky human body.

When the wilderness came, many broken memories in his mind, such as an instant twist.


On his head, a singularly small space suddenly emerges. The light beams in the small space are intertwined with each other, forming a mysterious and cumbersome sea of ​​clouds. The meteors pass by, and there are golden woods. Water, fire and earth, and so on.

If Shiyan is here, it will find the strange space that emerges on the top of the desert. It is the so-called "source of the righteousness" that the soul can reach after the fusion of the original skyfire. It is the magical world inside the desert.

"I finally understood." It was a long time here, and suddenly he laughed.

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