God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1581: Look for

In front of Shiyan is the ocean of life, the strong and turbulent life fluctuations, from the milky white ocean, such as the big heart beating, let his blood boil.

His face was a bit ugly, and his eyes were full of horror. He was fiercely stopping, preventing the struggle of the life sphere in the mythical layer!

In the soul altar, his transparent ball burst into a strong life wave, which represents the original source of the word "life", like a very dragon, dragging the ball of life, to be integrated into the ocean of life in front of him. .

As if, the source character should be integrated into the sea of ​​life, with the vitality, body and soul of stone rock, together with it.

The feeling of Shiyan is not good!

He gave birth to a big fear that would annihilate and all the souls would disappear. This feeling comes from the depths of the heart, like some kind of warning of the unknown prophet!


Although struggling with restraint, the transparent sphere, which represents the essence of life, is still tenaciously flying out of his altar, and suddenly rises to the top of his head.

It represents the original source of "life", and it is not only shaken in the transparent sphere, but also to die in front of the sea of ​​life.


If the body's blood is burning, an endless stream of life energy erupts from him.

The violent life energy, even out of the control of his soul, with his body, with the transparent ball and source, suddenly rushed toward the ocean of life.


In the sea of ​​life, the infinite life wave is violent, and the drums roar and vibrate.

The terrible explosion sounds like a sinister rush into the mind of Shiyan. His soul rituals are fiercely violent, and the sea, the soul pool, the stars, the space, and the engulfing of many mysteries are in the madness. As if to break apart, to be rushed out of his mind by the fluctuations of life!

This is an extreme self-rejection!

The origin of the mystery in the sea of ​​life, the purest law of life, does not allow other mystery to exist in his altar, and all the meanings that are different from the meaning of life will be completely destroyed in the glimpse of the sea of ​​life!

Ming Wu together, Shi Yan scared the soul to fly. He made the full potential. Do not hesitate to change into the body of the beginning, hard to live into the body of the life of the ocean, a burst of smashing, in the surface of the blood spatter, difficult step back, away from the life of the ocean as far as possible!


Double eyes. The sun, the moon and the stars are like a meteor waterfall. They are gathered in the transparent sphere, and the starlight is turned into a crystal claw. Take the transparent ball and pull it back.

Return to the soul altar!

No longer dare to hesitate, such as a wild animal roaring and retreating. He gradually moved away from the ocean of life.

For a long time, until he could not feel the violent volatility in the ocean of life, he really breathed a sigh of relief, re-shrinking his body, and once again showing the human body.

He is sweating. Looking at the ocean of life in the distance, there are undisguised taboos in the eyes.

He understood that...

If you want to integrate the ocean of life and smelt the origin of life into the altar, you must first ruin the rest of the cultivation, and use the purest life to save the only meaning of life. Eligibility to enter the ocean of life, try to integrate into life.

An origin of ignorance, only accepting the purest practitioners, such as the ocean of life, only those who have devoted their lives to the wisdom of life, all dedicated to the life of the righteousness, and ultimately only cultivate the meaning of life, never give up on other meanings. In order to be recognized by the original source.

He obviously does not meet the requirements.

For him, the meaning of life is just a kind of mystery. In his many mysteries, it is only one, not the only one!

At the same time, he also cultivated the mystery of space, stars, engulfing, and eight evil forces. Once he entered the sea of ​​life, first of all, the other imprints of the righteousness will be completely cleared. He has studied, understood, and realized other mysteries for hundreds of years. Memory will be erased by hard life.

Only retain the meaning of life, and then truly qualify, the qualification of integration!

"Mom, this is the rule of the people who set the rules. It is not a blessed land, but a disaster for the fellow initiates." Shi Yan looked angry and angry, but he did it all. No.

It is difficult for him to give up the space, the stars, the devouring, and so on, and even if he abandons those mysteries, he can't guarantee that he will be able to integrate into the source of life!

Just get the qualification to integrate the meaning of life!

The price is too great!

He hesitated, roared, cursing the rule-makers, looking at the ocean of life, he bit his teeth and meditating.

After a long time, he found that his knowledge and memory could not give a perfect method - he had nothing to do.

"For the time being, let's take a look at them, let's take a look at other people's situations, and then make a decision." Sinking, he calmed down and kept a distance from the ocean of life. He began to work with life and spirit. With the blood of the beginning of the condensed his body, with a divine soul.

In a short time, when his body's life energy gradually weakened, he had nine avatars beside him. He was connected with his body and had the same soul consciousness with his blood and soul.

With a heartbeat, nine avatars flew out and ran away in nine directions to find a way to solve the dilemma.


A black shadow wanders in the void of nothingness, and Ega is silent and follows closely.

Every half hour, there will be a black shadow, coming back from a distance, falling to the shadow, for a maximum of tens of seconds, and those shadows will leave.

Ega looked back and forth with a black shadow, knowing that this is the soul of the ancestor, the enchantment of the sacred soul, the avatars flying a lot, each one is filled with energy, one energy can make the avatar After leaving for a long time, after the energy is exhausted, it will return again.

Those who are separated into souls are not the flesh and blood. The speed of flying will be very fast, but because it is a virtual body, it can't carry too much energy, so it needs to be recharged.

Shiyan's nine avatars are made of condensed blood from the early dynasty. They can carry a lot of strength and have a certain fighting power. They do not need to be recharged, but the speed of flying is relatively slower than that of Compared with the virtual body, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

One by one, the soul is instinct, coming and going, coming in and out of the body.

Like ghosts and ghosts, he flutters, aimlessly, constantly searching for the surroundings with his soul, and the world he has lived, the soul of the virtual body spreads, the scope of the search is extremely broad, and he carries out this method, one day sooner or later. He can find his corresponding origin.


Suddenly stopped, Ega found that his shadows were fluctuating, as in the perception of meditation.

Far from this, the sea shark emperor stayed above the huge waterdrops, condensing the soul consciousness, opening up the righteousness, and proceeding to try a little bit of the origin of the water.

At this time, a faint shadow, flashing out in the distance, such as a ghost, eyes green and green, faint.

The sea shark is a great change. He doesn't know that the shadow is the soul of the body. It is also a special evil creature here. If you don't want it, it is a cohesive attack.

"Oh la la!"

A well-pulsed stream was shot through his eyes. When the stream came out, the sea shark was shocked. He discovered that the water of the exhibition was like the resonance of the origin of the water. The rules are subtly integrated into the stream, which makes the stream bend and bend, and it has evolved into many changes of water's sense of impermanence.


A soul-incorporated body that has been smothered is hit by the stream, and the dark soul of the virtual state bursts into a green waterdrop, and the green faint light flashes in the waterdrops, such as the eyes of the eyes.

A strange look, staring at the sea shark, looked at it, and suddenly flew away.

At the bottom of the sea shark, the bottom of the heart was chilly. He was stared at the green faint water. He gave birth to the uneasiness of the evil spirits. Hesitated for a while. He temporarily stopped the fusion of the origin of the water, and waited for it to change. To see if there will be any changes in the next.


At the other end, it was a black shadow, twisted a bit, and in a few moments, a green secluded waterdrop flew back from a distance.

As soon as you get to the side of the body, the water beads will turn into a strip of green awns and blend into the shadows of the phlegm.

"The ancestor, what did you find?" Ega whispered.

"Which sea shark emperor, luckily found the origin of the water, began to try to merge. My soul virtual body, because it can not carry too strong power, was smashed by his mystery." "I remember him. When I find my own origin, I will swallow him after the integration."

"Do you want to tell me?" Ega snorted and asked again.

"No, if the guy takes the lead in merging the origin of the water, it will become very tricky." The phasing stopped Ega, and said coldly and faintly: "The most urgent task is to find my origins, which is more important than anything else. ”

"Understood." Ega nodded reverently.

Magnificent glacial land.

She is hesitating for a long time, and feels the initiative of the ice in the soul. She finally tries to enter the glacier and enters the magical place that represents the origin of the ice.

"Found it! Finally found it!"

A heartfelt surprise, suddenly came from far away, and the two figures came side by side, all of them were cold and quiet.

It was the two Xuezu people who were invited to join in after the Sauron. The Xue people lived in the snowy cold capital. Every Xue ethnic group cultivated the ice and ice. The two Xue people were two white hairs. Man, wearing a white fur coat, a cream white.

After the two men and Sauron respectively, wandering around, after a long period of searching, according to the intensity of the chill, slowly explored here.

As soon as they arrived, they discovered the charm of a goddess of ice sculpture, and saw that the charm is over the glacier and try to integrate into the glacier.

The two brothers ignored one eye and smashed into two frosty snow dragons, roaring toward the charm.


Ps: Simplified version of killing God has been listed in the country, the major formal Xinhua Bookstore should have, and interested brothers may wish to pay attention, thank you. . )

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