God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1582: Glacier battle

The Xue people live in the snowy cold capital, which is the most icy land in the virtual sea. It is in a frozen state all the year round.

The snowy colds have been the source of the cold and hurricane of the imaginary seas for hundreds of millions of years. It is cold and cold, and even the same righteous people who practice the ice, and rarely dare to set foot here, where the Xue people, every Xuezu The tribes are naturally able to adapt to the cold, and they are also natural ice skating practitioners.

Ten thousand years ago, there was a Xue nationality in the snowy area, which broke through to the domain of the ancestral ancestors, making the race of the Xue people suddenly dazzling.

This person left the snowy cold capital, wandering in the bustling and bustling areas of the imaginary sea. The world was frozen and it caused great trouble to all races. In the end, he happened to be in a territory of Xuan Tianzu. The sacred days of practicing the flames of the righteousness, the heavens are extremely disgusted with the cultivation of the ice and the righteous.

The two did not have resentment, but there was a terrible battle. After the war, the man who was regarded as the **** of the snow in the snowy area was hit hard and returned to the snowy area, and never appeared again.

The man called Snow Night is the pride of all the Xue people. Today, these two Xue brothers are the sons of Snow Night, Xueyuan and Xuefeng.

When the snowy night was hit hard by the hustle and bustle, it made the world's unfamous reputation. It was not long after returning to the snowy area. The domain of the snowy night was still burning. He knew that it was difficult to live, and he consolidated the cold power of asceticism into two. The stocks were sealed in the bodies of Xueyuan and Xuefeng. The two cold forces eventually created two new ancestors of the Xue family.

The two brothers, Xueyuan and Xuefeng, are the realm of the ancestors of the ancestors, and are the new pride of the current Xue people.

They attached to Sauron to restore the glory of the Xuezu, to find the revenge of the heavens as the goal, step into the door of the beginning of the age, to integrate the origin of the ice, to enter a higher realm, and pursue the ultimate of the righteousness.

therefore. When I saw the glaciers that had been painstakingly searched for by the origins of the ice, the two did not want to, and immediately rushed to the full force.

Snowfield and Xuefeng, the body twisted, and turned into two frosty snow dragons, frosty snow dragons all over the body silver, roaring in the sky, the frosty whistling, the icy snow dragon high horns. Suddenly turned into an ice thorn to the charm Ji sta.

Extremely sharp ice edge. If you ignore the distance of the space, you will fall to the chest of the charm Ji in an instant, and the chilly chill will infiltrate, if you want to freeze the world!

With the same ice and ice, the charm of Ji is feeling the coldness of the infiltration, cold and low drink: "Your realm is not enough!"

The emptiness in front of the charm. It was frozen into the ice-stained solid state visible to the naked eye, and the ice ridges of the two dragon horns were stabbed. Just stabbed on the ice crystal face.


The ice is smashed, the piece of ice is splashing, and the snow and snow peaks are snowed. It is also screaming and screaming.

In the whistling of the frosty days, the charm of Jiji is cold and cold, and the people of the Xue family. The natural ice-cold sorcerer, it is no wonder that you can find it without the help of the Taiyuan source. Unfortunately... your realm is still Not enough, the district area ancestors have only one day, and even want to touch the source of the ice, the dream is still not awake?"

“咔嚓 嚓!”

Covering the crystal ice of the whole body of the charm, breaking and cracking, thousands of pieces of small ice ridges, turned into ice rain, like a tornado swept to the two frosty snow dragons.

In an instant, the two frosty snow dragons and white dragons were shot by thousands of wounds. In a small gap, the coldness was like a needle, and the fierce and sinister thorns spurred the souls of the two brothers.

The screams of screams, the frosty snow dragons of the two brothers ruptured, the snow flew back, and the two men reappeared as the Xue people, but there were many fine wounds on their bodies.

Those wounds, braving the coldness of the white, the two brothers who cultivated the ice and the righteousness, turned out to be stunned, and the cold souls seemed to be stiff.

"Brother, she... she is a double heaven realm." Xuefeng sounded hard.

Xueyuan looked cold and silent. He said, "Come the two cold forces that my father gave."

"Brother!" Xuefeng drank, his face suddenly changed.

“This is the only way to win!”

Xueyuan screamed and screamed, and immediately shot his chest. In his heart, he suddenly shot a cold light. The cold light was crystal clear sword, sharp and cold, and the cold air flowing inside made the snowy body stiff.

Xuefeng only squatted, and when he found that he could not stop it, he finally stopped hesitating.

From his heart, the same shot of a cold mans, cold mans like a cold sword, strangely integrated into the cold light of his brother Xueyuan.


If the two swords are combined, the two cold awns condense, and a glaring cold light suddenly turns into a dragon-shaped ice sculpture, which is stabbed toward the charm.

Charm Ji Jing looked carefully, the feminine face showed a deep dignified color, she saw inside the dragon-shaped ice sculpture, sealed with thousands of frosty snow dragon soul!

The frosty snow dragon is regarded as a sacred object by the Xue people. It is a kind of beast that survives in the cold of the snowy region. It is very powerful and can engulf the cold cultivation. This frosty snow dragon is also the patron saint of the Xue people, guarding this race. The snowy cold has been proliferating from generation to generation.

Xueyuan and Xuefeng brothers, when they got two colds from his father, used the cold gas to break through the ancestors, found a frosty snow dragon soul habitat in the snowy area, and refining those dragon souls in two cold chills. In the middle, the two most horrible colds are formed.

The two were prepared to deal with the scorpion, and at this time they were forced to condense for the sake of the origin of the ignorance.

Thousands of frosty snow dragons, the chill of the bones, the horror of the horror, fear that it can be compared with the attack of the three heavens of the ice-cold ambitions, just the charm of the double heavens, seeing the dragon-shaped ice sculpture Come, measured it in a short time, and suddenly found that there is no way to compete.

Just stunned, Charm Ji bite his teeth, suddenly like an ice arrow, directly fell to the land of the glaciers.

"She, she is this?" Xuefeng screamed in surprise.

Xueyuan can't understand, he just concentrates, and the condensed spirit will continue to pursue the charm in the dragon-shaped ice sculpture that seals thousands of frosty snow dragons.

Surprisingly, the body of Charm Ji fell to the land of the glaciers, and it was like a drop of water into the sea, disappearing silently.

The dragon-shaped ice sculpture, which was condensed by the frosty snow dragon soul, roared. When it was about to enter the glacial land, it suddenly stopped from the control of the snowfield.

From the glaciers' land, it feels the shudder of the soul, as if it is one of them, the souls of the thousand frosty snow dragons will all dissipate immediately.

"Big brother, how can this be?" Xuefeng screamed confused, unable to coagulate the soul energy, but the dragon-shaped ice sculpture did not listen.

"I don't know what's going on." Snowfield is also puzzled.

The two were confused and hesitated when the next step was going on. One of Shiyan’s avatars came closer in one direction.

Soon, just above the glacier territory, Shiyan emerged as a avatar.

The nine avatars flying away from the body can faintly perceive the charm of the charms, the sea sharks, the vines, and the heroes. Those who are given the original source by Shiyan may have the same meaning as the syllabus in his soul. The subtle connection allows him to feel the movements of Charm Ji and others in this place.

According to the weak connection, when his nine avatars were scattered, they also went to the location of the charm.

One of the avatars, the first to find the charm Ji, but unfortunately, after the arrival, but found that lost the connection of the charm, and did not see the charm on this glacier.

Instead, he saw the snowfield and Xuefeng brothers.

Similarly, the brothers of the two Xuezu also saw him. Xuefeng and the two had just recovered the dragon-shaped ice sculpture. When they saw a stranger suddenly appearing, they were all vigilant. Asked by Xueyuan: "Your lord who is it?"

He did not feel the coldness of the ice from Shiyan. He knew that Shiyan was not the same kind of sinister cultivator, and the hostility was not very strong.

"Who are you?" Shiyan was amazed.

"We are the people of the Xue nationality, looking for the origin of the ice and ice, the lord is not practicing the ice and ice, it seems to be looking for the wrong direction. I hope everyone will not make the river water." Xueyuan took the initiative.

He couldn't see through the realm of Shiyan. Although this is just a detachment, because Shiyan's body is in the realm of the three ancestors, the avatar is not something he can guess, so he is very vigilant and does not want to get into trouble.

"Who did you follow?" Shi Yan quickly understood, his brow wrinkled, "Sorren, Yuan pawn, family, these three parties, you and that party come over?"

As soon as this statement came out, Xueyuan’s face changed immediately. He tried to say, “You, which side are you?”

"The first party to come." Shi Yan grinned and smiled.

"Who are you?!" Xuefeng screamed. "Which of the sea sharks and dragon lizards are you?"

Before they came here, they listened to Sauron carefully, knowing that some people who followed Shi Yan came together, and when they heard the first arrival, the two immediately reacted and knew that the situation might not be very good.

"I know a lot." Shi Yan continued to laugh. "I am the opener of the door of the beginning. My name is Shi Yan. Look at your appearance. You should come in with Soren." After a sudden, his face suddenly disappeared. A cold, screamed: "Where is the charm? Before I came over, I felt her breath clearly. Where is her now?"

The snowy and snow-capped brothers’ brains shook, and the subconsciously retreated, and the expression became extremely ugly.

The name of Shiyan is now spread throughout the Xinghai. As long as the powerful warriors in the realm know what the name means today, the killing of the clan, the soul, the black demon, and the ancient demon's hinterland will cause the battle of the seven races. Eternal seal, a combination of multiple mysterious killings...

A series of descriptions about Shiyan quickly passed through the minds of the two people. The two of them were bitter and sighed.

"I ask again, where is the charm of the people?" Shi Yan slammed in the light, gradually becoming intolerant, volleying to the two brothers, cold and violent.

Xueyuan and Xuefeng ignored it and screamed in silence. They once again condensed the dragon-shaped ice sculpture that was condensed by thousands of frosty snow dragons. Try to try their best. To be continued)

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