God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1583: Separate

The dragon-shaped ice sculpture is condensed by the ice, and the inside is faintly visible. The snow and ice dragons are stunned. The ice sculptures are moving, and the coldness of the bones is released from the frosty snow dragon souls. It is extremely cold, as if it can freeze the sky.

Shi Yan blinked, the stars in the sky were bright, and his face was a bit heavy.

This **** body, after all, is only a avatar, not the body to face, facing the impact of the dragon-shaped ice sculpture, feeling the coldness of the bones contained in it, he also has some taboos.

He chose to take the lead.


Stretching out, a star-shaped river flashes out of nowhere, fills this piece of nothingness, and the stars and rivers cross each other, turning into a magnificent and inexplicable star map.

He is a avatar, shrinking into a star point, flickering twice and disappearing in the star map.

The dragon-shaped ice sculptures fall into the star map, and the star rivers that meet each other, the starlights of the dragons are frozen, and the creeping star map suddenly stops.

Heaven, earth, space, nothingness, tangible and intangible things, by the dragon-shaped ice sculptures thousands of frosty snow dragon souls and cold forces, have become the flies in the amber, such as the eternal seal that Shiyan once joined with Mantis, will be everything Condensation is imprisoned.

The intertwined star map of the Milky Way turned into a crystal hail form. The Xueyuan and Xuefeng brothers glanced at each other and moved their figures. They suddenly came over the dragon-shaped ice sculpture and suspended in the solidified star river.

"What about people?" Xuefeng let go of the soul search, a white cold, dexterous wandering, to pin out the body of Shiyan.

"It is rumored that this mana is boundless, and the meaning is so varied. It turns out to be the same." Xueyuan frowned, shook his head and said indifferently: "The rumors can’t all be heard, but it’s really hard to be this person. It seems that we are overestimating. He is amazing."

"That is our sinister law is too fierce. Hey." Xuefeng looked proud, "Thousands of frosty snow dragon soul condensed the cold power, three times more terrible than his father's full blow, not to mention the stone rock, Even today's hustle and bustle may not be able to eat!"

Xueyuan also nodded secretly.

The two brothers came from the snowy areas of the snow, and naturally there are some means, otherwise they will not dare to see the sky. They can rely on Sauron. It was brought in by Soren, also because of the thousands of frosty snow dragons.

"This person must be frozen in the Milky Way!" Xuefeng was very sure. He looked at the crystal clear star under his body and said coldly: "As long as the Star River is broken, his body will burst out, even if the soul does not die. The gods are definitely abolished!"

Xueyuan’s eyes lit up. “It is rumored that this person can change into the beginning of the body. He is flowing in his body... It should be too early blood!”

Xuefeng’s expression is greedy. He licked his tongue and his eyes were very hot. "That said. If you smoked his blood, can your brother and I form the beginning?"

"Theorously this is the case." Xueyuan sinking, the same eyes burning.

The two brothers paused for a few seconds, suddenly condensing power from the depths of their eyes. Flying away from countless ice skates, ice blades, ice ribs, borneol, combined into an ice blade storm, I saw tens of millions of ice skates, ice blades, ice ribs, ice arrows whirl and whirl, such as hurricane violent cover.

Cover the frozen star river!


The earth-shattering explosion, mixed with ice and ice, was sputtered from the Milky Way.

The star map of the Milky Way is broken, and it is instantly broken. A mysterious and mysterious star fluctuates, and it sways in all directions, causing more bursts of sound.

Soon, the collapse of the Milky Way disappeared, and all the stars and stars were falling like rain to the endless nothingness.

The two brothers perceive the gods and capture any small fluctuations with the soul idea. They must find out the physical body of Shiyan, and live by the blood of the stone rock to complete the transformation of the body.

However, until the last starlight annihilated, they did not find a trace of stone rock, stone rock seems to disappear from the air, this strangeness makes the two brothers inexplicably uneasy.

"Big brother, not quite right." Xuefeng murmured, his eyes flashing, swimming around, and finally settled on a glacier not far away. "Will he enter the source of the ignorance? Like the previous woman?"

When Xueyuan was stunned, he immediately reacted and said: "It is very possible!"

Before the charm Ji was attacked by them, they couldn't see it, and suddenly they entered the glaciers that represented the origin of the ice, so that the dragon-shaped ice sculptures could do nothing. Now the stone rock disappears, and they take it for granted that they think that Shiyan also learns charm. Ji, see the situation is not good to enter the glacier.

"What should I do?" Xuefeng was anxious. "According to Sauron's statement, if you can integrate the origin of a series of righteousness, it is a kind of ruler of the righteousness. It is the only god! The woman has entered first, we Are the brothers going to be faster?"

"Do you know how to integrate the origin of the mystery?" Xueyuan rolled his eyes.

"do not know."

"Then you are eager to go in?"

"But, but..."

"Nothing! Let's take a look first, just stay here and see what happens!" Xueyuan gradually calmed down. "It is definitely not an easy thing to integrate a kind of mystery. If the woman wants to merge There must be a strange change here! We will wait to see what happens, and if there is an opportunity, kill the woman!"

"it is good!"

The two brothers did not act rashly, stayed close to the glaciers, calmed their minds, watched them day by day, and carefully realized the small changes in the glaciers.

The glaciers are the origin of the ice, and the two are silently on the side. Under the sense of the heart, they are surprised to find that the understanding of the ice and ice is daily.

This discovery made the two brothers ecstatic, more and more eager to enter the glacier, but also feel the cold current fluctuations in the glacier with the soul and carefully understand.

There is nowhere to be empty, a drop of pure blood like ruby, and it is flying at a speed. In the crystal clear blood, a cluster of stone rock souls are quietly suspended, this drop of blood is the former detachment from the glacier.

The strange dragon-shaped ice sculptures of the two brothers, Xueyuan and Xuefeng, are sealed with thousands of frosty dragons and dragons. The power is extremely fierce and terrible. The one who is hard to resist is unwise, and temporarily avoids the edge and finds the nearest avatar.

At the same time, another nearby body of Shiyan also took the initiative to approach.

"call out!"

This avatar flew and suddenly stopped, only to see the drop of red blood, dripping and sloppily, immersed in this avatar, into this blood.

After the integration of the avatar, life volatility is doubled, the soul is also skyrocketing, and the strength is greatly enhanced.

"The two avatars should be even worse. From the point of view of insurance, it is still a fusion of a detachment..." Hey, this avatar is close to another avatar.


Two identical rock rocks, such as phantoms, overlap and become one.

This stone rock, which is condensed by three avatars, rises again, regardless of life, soul, or breath strength. The new stone rock and the body are also closely connected, and even the energy infusion of the body can be obtained across the boundary.

"Now is enough!"

The stone rock mouth moved and turned into a hidden wave, which was thousands of miles away, and went to the glaciers.

"Big Brother, is there... Is there a strange feeling?" Sitting on the snowy peak beside the glacier, opening his eyes and temporarily stopping the feeling of the righteousness, he said: "The glaciers that are rolling across the river seem like... Move, slowly moving, like having your own life, what do you think?"

Snowfield looked a little shock, and he also looked at the glacier. "It seems that there is such a feeling."

In front of them, the glaciers are continuous, one is connected, the cold is filled, the white fog is thick, and the glaciers below the glaciers are at the moment. No matter whether the glaciers or the glaciers are moving slowly, the kind of faint movements are also Only these two brothers who practice the ice and ice, and who use the soul to explore the mysterious glaciers can feel faint.

"The glaciers seem to be shrinking, slowly shrinking..." The snowfield suddenly stood up. If you think of a terrible thing, he hurried to the sky and looked down from the high and the empty.

"God, this, what's the matter?" Xueyuan screamed.

I saw that the glaciers that lingered, converge from the edge a little bit, and looked down from nothingness. The glaciers squeezed and deformed slowly, gradually forming a form of a woman's body.

That is the body of the charm Ji!

"She, she is starting to integrate the ice and the origin of the ice!" Xuefeng volley, just glanced at it, then he came over and screamed: "Absolutely can't let her succeed!"

"Nature wants to stop!" Xueyuan looked cold, and he wanted to run the righteousness, destroying the fascinating opportunity of the charm of Ji.

"He, he appeared again!" Xuefeng body stunned, suddenly subconsciously stepped back and looked at a ghostly re-flashing figure.

"Shi Yan!" Xueyuan drunk.


The two had almost no hesitation, and they were re-applied, and the body was condensed into a dragon-shaped ice sculpture, and the same attack was launched again.

Shi Yan's face was calm, a little eyebrow, and the fallen star river burst out.

The stars are full of stars, and in this darkness, the seemingly incomparably dazzling, star-shaped stars like giant diamonds, suddenly burst into the stars.

It is also a star map of the Galaxy!

But this star map itself is an artifact of the beginning, such as opening a splendid domain, a brand new vast universe.

The ice sculpture of the thousands of frosty snow dragons released the cool cold white air, but the star map is still mysteriously running, such as the ancients.

On the contrary, one of the souls of the frosty snow dragon is infiltrated with a little starlight, and the ice sculpture is sharply reduced!

"Star burst!"

The giant diamond-like stars burst into flames, and the star map is changed again. It turns into a starry sky of annihilation. The heavens and the earth collapse, and the universe is collapsed. The horror of the universe can destroy the eternal star river and destroy everything!

The dragon-shaped ice sculpture is broken!

Thousands of frosty snow dragons, from the ice sculpture, came thousands of horrible horror, anti-sick master, crazy biting snowfield, Xuefeng brothers.


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