God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1584: Fusion road

Thousands of frosty snow dragons are condensed, raging and raging, and madly biting the snowy brothers.

A series of frosty snow dragons appeared in the cold and cold flow. In this glacial land, the snow dragon's icy power was extremely strong, and the two brothers who gnawed bitten again and again.

Shi Yan was so surprised that he saw that the two brothers were killed by thousands of frosty snow dragons.

"Is the frosty snow dragon not the holy beast of the Xue family? Why attack these two Xue brothers?" Shi Yan was very confused.


The sound of the thick flame burning came from afar. When Shiyan was blaspheming, the sky-high laughter had already sounded. He turned into a fireman, and his whole body burned with red fire.

However, after coming to Shiyan's side, he burst into flames and recovered his normal appearance.

"Snow people?" Hao Tian looked at Xueyuan and Xuefeng, and said: "No wonder, I said how to feel the snowy night, but also when the snow night is not annihilated, I also ran here. I still want to come over. Fighting again with the snow night, I didn’t expect just two juniors from the Xue family."

"I haven't found the source of the flame?"

Hao Tian bitterly nodded. "I wandered for a long time. It may have been bad luck. I have never found it. Hey, it seems that it can only come slowly." He paused, his eyes were slightly bright, and he smiled: "It turned out to be just a avatar." You, with your ability, should you find out?"

Shi Yan looked helpless. "I have a little trouble. I will come here to see if I can find a way."

“What happened to these two guys?” Hao Tian pointed to the two Xue brothers, who hated: “The people of the Xue family have gone astray since the snowy night, and they have lost the snow. The night is the **** of the snow, I am! The two juniors of the Xue family, and the snowy night of the year, should be killed by the frosty snow dragon!"

"Do you have a lot of grievances against the Xue people?" Shi Yan smiled faintly.

Hao Tian looked coldly at the two Xue people who struggled in the frosty snow dragon. Said: "The snowy colds first have frosty snow dragons, and later there are only the Xue ethnic group. The Xue people are said to be a combination of the frosty snow dragon and the human race. It is not an exaggeration to say that the frosty snow dragon is the ancestor of the Xue people. For hundreds of thousands of years, the frosty snow dragons in the snowy areas of the snowy areas have given the snowy people the most suitable places for cultivation in the snowy areas, and guarded them to cultivate and teach them the power of the righteousness. Let the Xuezu people proliferate from generation to generation... ..."

The sound of the sky is low. Cold shouting: "Unfortunately, the Xue people do not know how to return. For their own strength, the power of power, even the places where the frosty snow dragons rest in peace, will be opened, and one of the dragons will seal the seal and strengthen their strength. Their approach is simply to bully the ancestors, and the gods are angry!"

Listening to Hao Tian said, Shi Yan also said: "Sure enough, shameless!"

"I was innocent and innocent in the snowy night. The snowy night passed through the territory of my Xuan Tianzu, but I didn't dare to chaos. The reason why I was looking for him was to see the power of the frosty snow dragon in his power. I know what he has done, naturally I want to give him a good look!" The gods are cold and cold, "I practiced the flames of mystery, and once I went into flames, I was invaded by the fire poison. I have been to the snowy cold, I hope to be cold. A little bit of offsetting the blood poison. There, I got the help of Frost Snow Dragon, they are very friendly and simple animals..."

He showed his gratitude for his memory.

Shi Yan suddenly realized that the Frost Snow Dragon had saved the once in a while. When he knew that his benefactors could not rest even if he died, the Xue people who were taken care of by their generations would be treated in a big way. The mood can be imagined. It is no wonder that Haotian will be angrily shot and bombard the so-called snow god.

When the two spoke, the Xueyuan brothers were bitten and shattered by thousands of frosty snow dragons. The snow dragons that were purely condensed by the soul cold force, after the traitors who sealed them, could not last for too long. Without the host, they lost. The power of rest and sleep, gradually dissipated.

"It seems that these frosty snow dragons are extremely jealous of the two people, knowing that the host is dying, they will quickly dissipate, and they will kill the two brothers." Shi Yan sighed.

Hao Tian did not answer, watching the snow dragon gradually dissipated, he made a trip to the line, and his head was silent.

When all the frosty snow dragons dissipated, he sighed and immediately turned his attention to the glaciers below. He was shocked and said: "Hey! The glaciers are gathering in a little bit, how is this shape? Is it a woman's body?"

"Gui Ji is inside..." Shi Yan explained.

Hao Tian looked at the micro-shock, and laughed loudly: "This little girl is really a good day, she has entered the domain of the ancestors for hundreds of years, and now finds the origin of the ice, the future achievements are simply unimaginable." He looked at it. To Shiyan, it is obvious that the charm Ji can find it here, can integrate the source of the ice, and all of them are in the dark.

"I really didn't help her. She came up with it. I came over to see how this mysterious source is integrated, so I can give myself some inspiration." Shi Yan laughed and looked at the details below.

Charm Ji understands the charm of the technique, this is the talent of the phantom family, every woman of the phantom family, will know that the birth of this charm is not purely righteousness, the true meaning of the charm of the charm is the cold ice, she The hidden ice and ice of the years is the fundamental meaning of her life-long cultivation.

From this point of view, she is qualified to integrate the origin of the ice, so she went deep into the origin of the mystery, but it is not as strongly rejected as Shiyan.

In the glaciers, the charm has apparently begun to merge, which is confirmed by the direct convergence of the glaciers and the flashing shape of the woman's body.

The soul is in the glacier, and the sacred altar is used to quench the body. The glaciers are shrinking, which means that the mysterious rules within the origin of the mystery are being integrated into her body, the altar, and the soul. In the end, the glacier may disappear and disappear. In the charm of the body.

At that time, the charm of Ji is the goddess of the ice and ice, the rule makers, can understand all the changes and wonders of the ice.

It is not impossible to break through the realm of the domain.

Among the people who came here, the dragon lizard ancestors hoped to restore the blood of the ancestors, and Haotian wanted to find the mystery of breaking through the domain of the ancestors. Mantis had to understand all the wonders of time... Each of them had a clear purpose.

Charm Ji has to work hard, but there is not much extravagant hope, she originally wanted to follow Shiyan, in the side of Shiyan, the most hopeless woman, did not expect that the most is the fortune, not only found the ice The origin of the Austrian origin, but also took the lead in the beginning of the road to integration.

"You should continue to look for your source of fire." Looking at the glacier below, Shiyan suddenly said: "The two Xue brothers, coming with Sauron, that Sauron... definitely not just with two snow When the tribe enters, there are still soldiers, and those who are gnawed, they will come in. Among them, there must be those who practice the flames, and you better not wait for others to find the source of the flame first."

"I naturally know, but I have been looking for a long time, I feel that my path is running out."

"Generally speaking, the ice and the flames are opposite, the ice is the origin of the ice, the flame is the origin of the ignorance, I don't think it will be too far away from here. You have found a lot of directions, those directions have no origin, you are here now. Excluding the position you have been looking for before, this shows that the source of the flames is really high, there is indeed a great possibility in the vicinity..." Shi Yan thought and said.

Haotian eyes brightened a little bit. After dozens of seconds, he nodded and smiled. "It makes sense. I will continue to search for it. I hope that your good fortune can really make a difference."

"Well, everything went well." Shi Yan smiled and watched the day leave.


Shiyan soul is a avatar, wandering aimlessly, hoping to find someone else to integrate the origin of the mystery, and glimpse the mystery of fusion.

I don't know how long I have been swaying. I don't know where to go. He suddenly feels a familiar atmosphere.

That is the unique atmosphere of Zi Yao, the smell of holy and pure in the breath, that is the special smell of the light of the Holy Light...

At the same time that he perceives Ziyao, he has been looking for him for a long time, and the soul is shocked. He immediately sends out the message: Come to me, I have found the source of the ignorance!

This one-in-one glimpse into a streamer, aiming at the direction and quickly leaving.

After swallowing the black hole, Zi Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the dark vortex, watching the islands corresponding to the eight evil forces, calm down, waiting for Shiyan's coming.

It was so received, and suddenly one day, Zi Yao’s body was full of uncomfortable feelings of sin.

She jerked her eyes, and her eyes penetrated into the space, looking in one direction.

In that direction, a dark shadow flashed past, and ghostly fled away.

That is the soul of the body!

Zi Yao and Pei have been dealing with each other for many years. After a moment of sinfulness, I recalled it and suddenly understood it. "Oops! It was discovered by him. It is difficult to do this!"

Devouring the black hole and the eight evil forces, it is the Austrian sorrow who has worked hard for a lifetime. He has devoted his life to this evil sin. It is also the ancestor of these evil sins. If he is to integrate the origin of the sin, he will The threat will be ten times soaring!

At that time, don't talk about Shiyan, and even the wilderness is not an opponent.

This 茫茫 star field, all the spiritual races, may be devastated by the catastrophe, devoured by madness to devour, to achieve the goal of the pedigree to achieve his own, the real destruction of the earth!

"The phlegm has also been discovered. You gather all the power and come together with the body!" After a few seconds, Zi Yao re-emerged.

She understands Shiyan, the mysterious mystery, and has long discovered that the stone rock is just a avatar. It was nothing to do. Now that she has searched for it, she immediately took the opportunity to let Shiyan gather all the power.

"Yeah!" Shiyan returned, the body, the body were dispatched, and the speed came.


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