God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1593: Engulf each other

Looking at the evil body of this stone rock in front of him, it has produced a lot of remorse. How can he not expect that Shiyan can grow to such a strong degree today!

He secretly regrets, regrets that he should not let this evil body, so early into the swallowing black hole, the first step in the thick negative evil energy in the tunnel.

Now, this evil avatar, because of the absorption of unimaginable negative power, the terrorist momentum is even more terrible than the body, which makes him feel a headache.

The endless negative energy surged from all directions, and the face of Shiyan gradually condensed a black gas that could not be turned on. The black gas was extremely strong and contained horrible evil spirits. His scarlet eyes stared at him. The black shadows, the overwhelming negative emotions, such as the fabulous rivers, the madness of the shadows.

"I admit that you have become a climate. Now you are indeed very strong, but the meaning of your cultivation comes from my inheritance! Do you think that you can use my power to destroy me?"

In the shadow of the black shadow, the tone is sinister and erratic, such as the screaming of the ghost and the ghost, it is horrible to listen.

A total of nine shadows, as he spoke, eight of them were ghostly shadows, turning around the central shadows, and a circle of evil spirits containing destruction, despair, and darkness was released, and the eight evil spirits were like a rope. Together, slowly squatting, forming a more condensed and terrible energy.

The negative fluctuations caused by Shiyan’s sudden outbursts were affected by the energy of the eight evil forces in the circle. If they were set aside, it would be difficult to truly spread to the depths of the shadows.

"I want you to look at my domain..."

Thick black clouds are pouring out, and a mad field of chilling and ruthlessness emerges on his head.

The world slowly evolved clear, the sky was smeared by ink, the black was scary, the earth was blood red, and at first glance, it was all **** pictures, countless residual limbs. Death, destruction, despair, darkness, chaos, corpses, decay, and wildfires are all in the middle of the day, pervading every corner...

As long as there is a living mind with a good mind, look at the day. Will lose spirit and collapse the soul.

It is the most horrible world in the world, and it is also the source of evil in the heart. It is his persistence for many years. Let the racial people dare not go deep into the land.

In that day, it should not be born, the world should not even form...

Even Zi Yao, in the face of the domain of the field, is also amazed by the soul, trying to purify the evil and filth with the holiness of the light. The results have not been successful.

In the sky and the earth, the vast sea of ​​stars, any powerful creatures, as long as they show up in the domain, can not be unaffected.

When the early God of War, the nickname of the strongest, and the battle of smashing and killing, it was also very jealous of the domain of the phlegm. There is no way to guarantee that it will not be affected by the soul. Will be sinned by the realm of the realm, will lose self, will go to extremes!

The souls of the soul, the seven emotions and the six desires will be very complicated, and the inner side has an evil side, as long as there is a little evil thought. Will be affected by the domain.

Today, Shiyan is an evil avatar and even more extreme. This avatar, which was placed on high hope by Shiyan, is branded with engulfing and eight evil forces. Take away the evil side of Shiyan's heart. After this period of evil energy absorption, this stone rock can be said to be the most evil creature in the world!

There is no trace of good thoughts in the heart. This stone rock is purely an evil body. It looks like the domain domain that is released from the liberation. It is surprisingly not only not affected by the spirit, but also the excitement of violent excitement!

"The power of my power can't hurt you. It's because we share the same homology. Similarly, how can your domain domain affect my heart!" Smashing his chest, Shi Yan looks horrible. Screaming and screaming: "My heart, there is no trace of good thoughts. I have this body, which is formed by the evil side of the body. I am the embodiment of evil. How can your domain domain hurt me?"

The domain of the field that floated, floated from the top of his head, slowly covering the rock.

Shiyan violently smiled, a little eyebrow, a black hole in the eyebrow suddenly emerged, the black hole flew out, a dark whirlpool, crazy operation.

"The battle between you and me, the eight evil forces are ineffective, only the devouring of the righteousness can be divided into wins and losses! You and I can only destroy one, to complete another, or you engulf me, or I engulf you! This is suitable for us. battle!"

The dark vortex that flew out of his eyebrows, the inner darkness and deepness, is exactly the same as the source of his devouring esoteric ecstasy. In the gloomy face, he runs the mystery and flies away from the islands of the eight evil forces. The black hole that swallowed, all appeared.

He lifted the mysterious layer from the soul altar, and all his powers condensed out, and he devours the black hole at all costs!


The terrible sucking force went to every corner of the world, and the negative energy in the tunnel came like a river.

"You are right, the battle between you and me, the end result is to swallow each other, or you die, or I destroy, mutual engulfing, is the best way to fight for us."

After being in the realm of his field, he was finally able to realize the facts after he was able to work on Shiyan.

The strength of the two men, the righteousness, and the evil are almost no difference. Under this situation, the operation of the eight evil forces will not work at all, and the strong negative emotions will not really affect their hearts.

Only by swallowing each other can we really end this and completely destroy one side!

The epitome of the soul that succumbs, instantly condenses together, and turns into a black hole that devours the black hole, which is exactly the same as the change of the stone rock. Even from the **** islands that devour the black hole around it, It is completely consistent with Shiyan!

"come on!"

Shi Yan roared, crazy roar, this evil avatar jumped into a leaping, and actually fell into his devouring inside the righteousness.

Such as a tongue in the darkness of the darkness!

Standing in the black hole that swallowed, he looked at another black hole in front of him, feeling the fluctuation of the soul from the phlegm. This evil avatar suddenly trembled fiercely. From his shackles, the intense negative energy rolled out and lived. Swell this black hole!


The black hole that he turned into, after the expansion, actually took the initiative to attack, and there was a huge roar inside, such as the mouth of the demon, to swallow the black hole.

In an instant, the black hole that was formed into a vein, accompanied by eight **** bone islands, was swallowed up by the **** hole.

From the power of hundreds of millions of years of souls, the consciousness of chaos, the thought of ice and cold killing, such as the eruption of volcanoes, the spread of terror!

Spread a huge black hole that condenses into the rock.

The huge black hole bulged. If the black balloon to burst, the stone rock soul, immediately felt the horrible impact of the negative energy, such as the most terrible bomb in the world, bursting in his body, to destroy him. The body, the soul, the mark of all existence!

He was eclipsed, and immediately ran out of enlightenment, to digest the amount of violent violence.

However, when he acted, he suddenly found a suction force that swallowed the heavens and the earth, bursting out from the inside.

At this moment, he gave birth to a very uncomfortable feeling. He felt that his own body was being eroded a little from the inside!

It seems that there is a greedy demon in the body, swallowing his flesh and blood in a little bit, licking his muscles and bones, to eat him from his body!

He suddenly gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. In the past, those who were plucked into the black hole by him, those people, should be the same when they swallowed up the esoteric movement...

A little bit of being eaten!


Another kind of singularity is also produced at the same time. His soul has a kind of pleasure, which is the magical feeling of absorbing the power of the righteousness!

His incarnation of ignorance is also running in madness, and he is also absorbing everything. He seems to have a mouth to eat delicious, swallowing food, this kind of satisfaction, he is very familiar!

He is also swallowing up!

His body is being smothered, and his devour of the righteousness is also absorbing the power of the phlegm!

This is mutual!

He quickly realized that he was not feeling well now, and that he was experiencing the same experience. The other person, like him, was also swallowed by him!

Like two beasts, biting each other, madly swallowing each other's flesh and blood, all hurt on one side, while adding their own strength!

This is the most brutal endurance battle!

"so far so good!"

After he understood it, he was no longer nervous and uneasy. He put down all the burdens of the soul, concentrated his spiritual strength, soul, consciousness, and righteousness, and tried his best to devouring the meaning.

This will be a very long battle. He and the singer will survive, who will take the time to sin the source of evil, and integrate into this devour, will all have a result through this battle.

He is different from his other star, and he is not in the same situation as the origin of the stars. Here, he does not take advantage of it, nor is he at a disadvantage...

This place swallowed up the righteousness, did not take the initiative to favor one side, did not give up after the entry, discarded him, consciously merged with the body.

Because of his evil avatar, the cultivation of the engulfing of the mysterious inheritance, originally comes from the phasing, that is the most orthodox evil sin, and he is also the ancestral ancestor of three heavens, the realm is not inferior, his body is also The blood of the early age is condensed, or the transfer of all evil ideas of Shiyan...

And this evil avatar comes first, and absorbs the evil energy of terror early, completely making up for the lack of peace.

Whether it is from the realm, strength, ambiguous cognition, blood, his avatar is no worse than the phlegm, which leads to the devouring of the origin of the ignorance, treating him as the same level as the singer, so the two are not partial.

This is a battle that is evenly matched and relatively fair!


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