God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1594: Tampering with fate!

In the dark and icy emptiness, a huge cobweb woven from gray and fine lines is quietly suspended.

The strong destiny, overflowing from the spider web, the cobwebs are gray and thin, as if connected to a soul, the cobweb is very big, at first glance, even as the world, the gray lines, Billions of dollars, countless.

At this moment, in the heart of the cobweb, Sorena's wheel of destiny is like a sucker, and it sticks tightly on the spider web. Inside the wheel of fortune, Sauron closes his eyes, looks calm, and runs the power of destiny.

Countless fine gray lines, shrinking from the distant places, even a little bit into the wheel of fortune, through the wheel of fortune to penetrate the Sauron body.

A kind of destiny, holding the horrible breath of the throat of all beings, gradually swayed out from the body of Sauron.

"The chaos has no beginning, the fate is impermanent..."

The voice whispered to the depths of the soul. From the flesh and bones of Sauron's body, he did not open his mouth. The flesh, soul, and altar were echoing this mysterious sound.

The wheel of fortune that he stepped on under his feet, constantly turning, quietly changed.

After a while, it became a thick scripture, and in a moment it became a cobweb that was connected to the life of the people, and turned into a roulette for a while...

Gradually, the origin of destiny is shrinking in his body, flesh and blood, and the soul altar. I don't know how long it took. The wheel of fortune also disappeared into his body. Soren slowly possessed consciousness, and the erratic soul finally came back.

He opened his eyes and his eyes were confused. After a long time, his eyes gradually became fascinating...

"Fate! Destiny!"

The deafening sound of the soul was circulated from his altar, and a thick scripture shimmered with magnificent brilliance, which quickly condensed in his philosophical layer.

Sauron stepped on the wheel of fortune. Gushing up.

He flew here at a rapid speed and passed through a strange area. He saw many undiscovered sources of ignorance. He turned a blind eye and looked for the movement of life.

He came to a gloomy and strange place. He saw the prison of the Soul. The prison wandered in that space in the form of pure soul. Trying to give something to the ok.

Sauron stopped. Smiling, he whispered: "The prison, you have not found your corresponding soul origin?"


The soul of the prison is immediately immersed in his body, and the handsome and handsome prisoner is gloomy. "The Sauron predecessors! I don't know where the predecessors came here. What advice?"

As the strongest of the top ten ancestors, the prison knows the horror of Sauron, even the sorcerer of the year of the prison. They all said that Sauron was the most terrible character in the world, saying that he was able to surpass the powerful characters of an era, and had let the prisoner be careful of Sauron. Don't be easy to deal with when Sauron is easy.

For tens of thousands of years, Sauron has always stayed in the infinite abyss, sitting in the door of the beginning, not out of the sea, so that the new generation of strong people rarely put Sauron in the eye.

Only the character of the prison. Only knowing the horror of Sauron, never dare to take a nap.

This time, when Prison and Rupert followed the Yuan dynasty, everyone secretly speculated that the current turmoil in Xinghai may be related to Sauron. It is recognized that Sauron will be a spoiler and imply a ghost.

Therefore, when Sauron appeared, the prison was immediately on the verge of enemies, and felt inexplicably flustered.

"It seems that you should have told you something, or you won't see me coming, so nervous..." Soren smiled and said seriously: "But it's a pity that you haven't found the origin of the soul." Otherwise, it will take a lot to control your destiny line. It’s simple now..."

The prison is discolored.

Not much thought, he whispered, his head suddenly condensed a head of evil spirits, those fierce souls such as trolls, such as the ancient demon, huge, awkward, overbearing, contains an incalculable terrorist power.

The head of the murderous roaring, banged to Sauron's bite, the **** mouth and claws of the murderous soul, has fallen to the top of Sauron.

Sauron did not move, a little eyebrow, the thick scriptures emerged.

Holding the book in both hands, Sauron's palms are wonderfully creeping, and a root line is connected with the line of destiny in the book. That is, the combination of Soren's righteousness and the source of destiny, the fate of the world's living beings, can be precise The break or the strength of the warrior!

"This era, the soul family, the seventh generation patriarch, the prison... found it."

Sauron flipped through the pages of the book, and countless cumbersome and wonderful lines of light shone from the book.

As his words fell, the sorcerer suddenly had a tight soul and a strong uneasiness in his heart. He gave birth to a sense of horror that he was a puppet and was controlled by the other party.

"The line of destiny, hidden in every soul of the soul, dominates the life of the people, I am the **** of fate, the book of destiny, can judge your destiny and soul..."

Sauron sang softly, looked calm, and smiled at the prison.

The head of the murderer released by the prison, if pressed by the invisible big hand, roaring wildly, it is impossible to get close to Sauron, but it is a prison. If it is tightly grasped, screaming, but quickly flew to Sauron. .

"Take your destiny for you in the name of the **** of fate!"

Soren Weng smiled and held a thick scripture in one hand, and separated one hand. The palm of the hand pressed the eyebrows of the prison, and numerous fine lines, such as the spider web, flashed into the soul of the prison.

The spider web is hidden, the soul of the priest is worshipped by a net, and the altar of the prison, such as the fish caught by the fishing net...

Soren stopped, the book of destiny did not enter his eyebrows, but the forehead of the prison had a small mesh pattern, and the eyes of the prison changed one after another. It didn’t take long for him to calm down and respectfully Sauron crouched down, "The prison sees the master."

Sauron nodded with a smile, stepping on the wheel of destiny, leaving with the prison.

In the same way, he wandered around, and successively took the warriors who entered the place, and the people of Haotian, Mantis, Rupert, Dracula, and the dragon lizard eventually became the wheel of fortune. The guest has a little spider web on his forehead.

I was tampered with the fate!

Sauron enters the door of the beginning, finds the origin of the destiny of the destiny at the fastest speed, quietly merges, has the terrible magical power to change his destiny, he wanders, and those who have not been able to integrate the origins of the righteousness, one by one, become his 傀儡Based on him.

Haotian, Prison, Mantis, and Rupert are the top ten ancestors. The dragon lizard ancestor and Dracula are also strong and abnormal, and there are more domain warriors. In a very short time, Sauron became the strongest force in the region, taking charge of the life.

"Not enough, we must find a stronger assistant, Shiyan is more difficult to do, the wilderness... It should have been a source of ambiguity. Once the origin of the mystery is merged, the line of destiny will become cumbersome and tough, and it is difficult to tamper with it. The guy is not easy to handle, it seems that only find and smash."

Sauron’s hand was on the wheel of fortune, muttering to himself, behind him, the sorrow, the sorcerer, the vines, the Rupert, and so on. The soul altar was stunned by the destiny spider, and lost the **** and soul. The control is completely dominated by him.

"Hurry up..."

Soren secretly thought about it, driving the wheel of fortune, holding the book of destiny, flying and plundering, the warrior encountered on the way, as long as he did not integrate the origin of the mystery, he was easily enslaved by him.

I don't know how long it took, Sauron's eyes lit up, and took the wheel of fortune to the front of a huge crystal waterdrop.

In the water pearls, the soul of the dragonfly fluctuates strongly, and the water droplets shrink slowly. Looking at the posture, it seems that it will soon be merged and become the original meaning of the dragonfly.

The wheel of destiny of Solenna quietly descended, and many powerful people behind him released horrible power fluctuations.

"Fortunately, it's not too late. If it's really a fusion for you, it's hard to do. It takes too much energy." Sauron looked at the huge water droplets, smiled and smiled, and played the power of destiny. Turning the source of destiny and the strange book of his righteousness, he whispered in his mouth: "In the early days, the spirit of water, hehe..."

"Give me out!"

Sauron's hand specifies the grid on the last page of the book, and the fingertips suddenly burst into singular glare, a terrible breath that bans the fate of the soul!


A rushing stream, wrapped in the body of the scorpion, lived and was smashed out of the source of the water, and it was full of enthusiasm for the origin of the water, violently roaring, "Who? Who is disturbing my path of integration?!"

"Forbidden." Sauron drank low.

Behind him, the prison, Rupert, Mantis, Haotian, Dracula, the dragon lizard ancestors, all out, their respective forces, the flames of the sky, the terrible evil spirits, the time to settle the soul stream, raging The ice storm, the thick magma covered it together.

Many powerful people joined forces, and the energy fluctuations that destroyed the earth and the earth were unprepared. His huge body was condensed into a layer of water film, and it was necessary to resist these forces.

"Someone is available, and it is a lot easier. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to tighten your destiny..."

Soren smiled lightly, and the last page of the peace of mind was pressed on a large gray line.

A sharp pain came from the depths of the Lord's soul, and he could not help but scream.

The enchantment of his condensed water immediately collapsed. The huge body was smashed by the crowd, and the mad powers that could destroy the domain were all dropped. The body suddenly heard a roaring explosion, and it was not hurt at once.

"This is much easier."

Soren nodded and stretched his finger to the shackle, such as the puppet controlled by the line, flew involuntarily to him.

"You dare! How dare you control me! Who do you think you are?!"

He was mad and screaming, struggling, and his body flew to Soren, slowly stagnate, and was stuck by his powerful soul consciousness.

"It is one of the most powerful early-born creatures. The line of destiny is stubborn. It seems that there is more trauma." Sauron sipped.

Haotian, Prison, and Rupert, with his words, the most exquisite and upright of the dying of the dead, the overwhelming slamming down, the smashing of the smashing of the smashing, the smashing of the huge body of the body, the gyro Rotate the same.

"Why are you suffering?" Sauron sighed and reached out again. This time, the soul altar was turbulent, unable to concentrate, and was finally drawn to him. (To be continued)

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