God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 774: Severe old man

The 777th old man

Both Yalan and Tiemu are the kings of Heaven and Heaven. Kashun’s majesty, following Kashun’s battle for many years, is extremely experienced in combat. Who are they, can they be so embarrassed?


Shiyan suddenly screamed.

Naanyan and Tiemu not only did not stop. On the contrary, when they saw his figure, they suddenly burst into trouble, and suddenly they released the meaning.

When Alan cultivated the earth, the land of God began to unfold, and the land in her area tumbling violently. The power of a majestic earth suddenly turned into dark dust and suddenly covered the stone rock.

Tiemu did not hesitate, and the wind swept through the wind, and the wind blade was like a swaying knife, breaking the broken branches of hundreds of ancient trees.

These two people have had a relationship with Shiyan in the gravity room for a period of time. He is very clear about the strength of the two people. The earth's righteousness and the meaning of the wind, once formed into the realm of the gods, can cooperate with each other, making people enter the sky. There is no door to the ground, it is extremely terrible.

This is why Kasiuen allowed them to join forces in the Prison War.

Two different kinds of ambiguity, bursting together, the gray air mass rolling over the earth, with a hurricane, the stone rock body was drowned in an instant.

In the gray air mass, Shiyan’s perception of consciousness is greatly affected. It is impossible to distinguish the orientation of the two people. The hurricane, the violent energy of tearing, uprooting the old tree, fierce fluctuations, seems to cut his body. Smash.

Unlike the death row of Shiyan, the same as the king of God, the power of Yalan and Tiemu is even more terrifying, and the understanding of the world is more profound.

Their fields of gods cooperated with each other. After Shiyan was covered, he could not break free from the roots. The hurricane rushed in, and his body was caught, and he could not help but sway in the void, and immediately became dizzy.

Yalan and Tiemu are the strongmen who have been conquering for many years. They have swallowed a lot of medicinal herbs. The body is refined and powerful, and the strength is profound.

Shiyan is in the realm of the two gods, and he has to concentrate on releasing the realm of the gods formed by the space.

Just a glimpse of the land and the hurricane that hit the land, if frozen, all stopped for three seconds.

It’s only three seconds.

After three seconds, the two forces were arrogant, and they broke away from the space and continued to sweep over.

But in three seconds, it is quite long for Shiyan, a god-like king, especially in combat, enough for him to do a lot of things.

He got out of the blue-eyed field of Yalan and Tiemu. It was just a flash, and he came to the two people and shouted: "What the **** are you doing?"

In the violent drink, he condensed the power of the gods, and turned into a unique star. The stars were like a broken diamond, and the whole body area was covered with brilliance.

"Stars are righteous!" Tiemu suddenly screamed, as if suddenly woke up and hurriedly said: "Alan, he is true!"

Alan also stunned, staring at Shiyan and looked at it deeply. Suddenly said: "In the gravity room, you talked to me. How many brothers and sisters do I have?"

"One brother, one sister." Shi Yan frowned, wondering: "What are you doing?"

Yalan suddenly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief. "It is really you."

Tiemu was relieved and gasped. He said: "I thought it was another time. Mom, the fast spirit of the ghost guy collapsed. Countless illusions, I am almost unable to tell what is true, what is Unreal."

Shi Yan was amazed. "What have you encountered?"

The two recovered their power, and the field of God disappeared. At that point, this piece regained its calm.

"Are you breaking through?" Tiemu’s eyes couldn’t help but scream. “Are you breaking through in the Prison?”

Alan also showed a horrible color, even crying.

Frowning, Shiyan is slightly intolerant. "Yes, I did break through, but it has nothing to do with your business. What have you encountered, why do you want to escape? In the Pole inferno, who can push you to So, is it Auglas, or is it the singer of Liana?"

"Nothing." Alan and Tiemu laughed at the same time.

"Is it the death row? Are you being besieged?" Shi Yan was amazed and said: "Those who are dead and thugs are not weak, but each of you is a war, you don't know how much tempering you have experienced. You will suffer? What the **** is going on?"

"The old man of the three kings of heaven and earth, the cultivation of the mysterious and strange, can constantly create illusions. The illusion of people, the illusion of the scene, the illusion of ancient trees, stones, mountains and so on, like the real world." Tiemu reveals the rest of his heart. Expression, "In his illusion, we experienced a lot of friends' sneak attacks. Even Kashun's adults have been morphed out, and almost let us be deceived and killed. Later, once we are separated, we will meet each other's illusions. If you are not careful, you will be attacked by sneak attack. This road is lurking by the person. We are tired and cope, and it is really exhausted."

Yalan is also bitter. "Although I know that there is a warrior in the world of purgatory, we can join hands, but it is not really fearful. But the guy, the cultivation of the righteousness is special, until now, we have not I have seen his true face and can only hear his insidious laughter."

Shi Yan’s look couldn’t help but dignify. “The Three Kings of God? Do you know how to create illusion worlds and creatures? Can you not distinguish between your soul and soul?”

"The realm is not as good as him. He can't break the illusion. The illusion characters he formed are all volatility. We can't tell the truth." Tiemu shook his head and his headache was inexplicable. "The guy's esoteric special, but attack We shouldn’t be able to do it. Otherwise, we can’t live to the present. But even if it’s been done by him so much, it’s a bit of a bad thing.

"It seems that your troubles are not small." Shi Yan indulged, and suddenly smiled. "Since it is met, it will be dealt with well. Is the old man still there?"

In this way, he knows the purgatory token of the waist, and feels it carefully. He finds that there is no trace of life fluctuations, and he can't help but relax his vigilance.

"It must be nearby, this old man is not smoldering, never really left. Mom, he is looking for us to do nothing, just want to take the lives of both of us, escape with the purgatory token!" Tiemu yelled, Yang Tian roared: "Old bastard, there is a kind of frontal battle, sneaky, what is the fun?"

"Hey, I just like to hide my head and tail, I don't dare to see people. You have to bear more points." An erratic voice swaying in the vast forest, without qualitative, like the wind, people can't capture the exact position. .

"It's so funny, there is another prey, or the king of heaven is a heavenly realm. Oh, it seems that I have a greater grasp of going out." The voice continued to float, seemingly in the ear, and seemed extremely far away, confusing people. .

Stone rock suddenly changed color.

He re-examined the purgatory token again, his face suddenly heavy, and he was shocked and whispered: "Can he avoid the life induction of the purgatory token?"

Tiemu and Alan smiled and nodded.

"How did he do it?" Shi Yan was extremely shocked. "In this Pole inferno, my purgatory token has not been missed. The old man is clearly nearby. Why can't he understand the traces of his life?"

"We can't figure it out. This is his terrible thing. There is a purgatory token. We will be hunters. But now, he can know our position. We can't take him out. We are in the clear, he is In the dark, we became the prey of others.” Alan frowned deeply, and some of his distressed licked his hair. “This old guy is very familiar with the Pole Wars, and seems to have been tempered more than once. The terrain and special environment of each region can be used to form an illusion. If it is not well known, it is impossible to achieve such a subtle point."

"The little girl guessed it well. Plus this time, the old man has participated in the trials of the five-pronged purgatory. Every time, the old is a prey. However, for the past two hundred and fifty years, the old man has been alive and lived well. Hey, the Pole Wars is a good place. If I have not broken through the bottleneck, I can’t continue to rely on it. Maybe I don’t want to leave. It’s possible to let you go.” The old man’s feminine laughter and timely It sounded like it was lurking beside them, no matter how low they sounded, they were clearly heard by the other party.

His remarks made Shi Yan and Yalan and Tiemu all change.

Participated in five polar roads, and the Purgatory Star meant to stay for at least two hundred and fifty years. This is a recidivism prisoner two hundred and fifty years ago. It is absolutely impossible to insist on five times of purgatory. Unfortunate characters.

According to him, if you don't reach the peak of the gods and reach the barrier of breakthrough, you will continue to stay.

Such a character, just stared at them, stared at the purgatory token in their hands, Yalan, Tiemu is very speechless, secretly unlucky.

"Actually, I am a very kind person. I don't necessarily want your life. Well, you took the initiative to give me a purgatory token. I will not stare at you anymore. How?" The old man in the dark smiled. The poisonous said: "Your god, a small companion of the gods, has the lowest realm. It should be easy to kill him? Well, kill him, and he will vacate a purgatory token and give it to me. I let you go, how? ?"

The old man said that kindness, out of the provocative idea, but it is extremely extreme, directly tearing the relationship between Shiyan and Yalan and Tiemu.

After his words fell, Alan and Tiemu suddenly silenced and their eyes flickered.

Stone rock in the heart, could not help but scream, frowning, coldly looking at the two, seems to be waiting for the decision of the two.

In the Pole Wars, there are no real friends. Don't believe anyone except yourself. This is the teaching of Alan and Tiemu.

Today, this statement seems to be really going to happen.


Ps: third! Announced a group of ***, the subscription can be added, I will enter the play when I have time, group number: 85667807, welcome to stay ~

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