God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 775: Thousand illusion field

The 777th chapter

Outside the Pole Ward, the clarified lakes, the plated music and the five great princes, frowned and looked down to the bottom.

The corner of the lake was covered with a layer of faint gray smoke, and the scene was not seen. The area was the location of the three people of Shiyan, Yalan and Tiemu.

Katsien’s face was gloomy, his eyes were shining, and he looked at the plated music. “What happened? From three days ago, I couldn’t see my two squats. The gray smoke cloud came from Where can we isolate our sights?"

Plated music frowned, but also quite puzzled, "I don't know. There should be someone who has a personal understanding of the mystery of the Pole Wars, so it can hinder the outside world, so that we can not see the truth. Scenes."

"Who is it?" Cassian snorted. "What happened to my two squats?"

Shaking his head, plating Tianle helplessly replied: "I don't know, this is not the smelt of the purgatory. It was originally a secret formation that naturally formed. It coincides with the heavens and the earth. Before taking over The polar road of purgatory exists, and it is one of the most wonderful areas of my country of God. I can't really grasp the mystery."

"Now, Shi Yan has also arrived at that piece, I don't know what happened." Rochester spread his hand and shrugged: "I am most concerned about this kid, and now I can't see anything. It is really boring. ""

"Naya Lan Tiemu should meet with Shiyan. I don't know if there will be anything between the three people." Dalle whispered. "Alan, Tiemu, although extraordinary, can reach the king of God. The rock in the realm, this time, can kill a lot of these realms, I am really curious."

Katsune’s face is more difficult to look at.

Of course, he knows the hardships of Shiyan. During this time, they took a serious look at it. Almost every battle of Shiyan has been noticed. After each battle, the strength and field of Shiyan have become more and more sophisticated.

The leap-forward challenge has been blamed on Shi Yan. In general, there is almost no warrior who can escape his chaos. In the past six months, at least ten people have died in his hands.

Unknowingly, the people killed by Shiyan have surpassed Dalle and Alan Tiemu, including Rochester's two warriors, only a little less than Liana's men and Oglas.

According to the current situation, it will not be long before the people who Shi Yan killed will be able to catch up with Oglas.

At the most critical moment, he and Alan and Tiemu were covered in gray smoke, and they could not see the internal scenes, which made everyone sad.

"It seems that some people are very familiar with the Pole Wars, and can actually affect the energy fluctuations in the field, and then escape our sight. This person is very sophisticated, and should be in conflict with Shiyan." Lianna looked For a moment, frowned and said.

Everyone became more and more curious, and they looked at each other one by one, but they couldn’t figure out the scene changes, and they were sad.

Not only they, but even the Lord of the Kingdom of God, who is far away from Tianni Star, frowned deeply and looked cold.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Even you can't see it?" Zi Yao was amazed. "Isn't the opening of the Pitpark, is it in your hands?"

The plating of the eye-catching eyes flashed a strange color, and after a moment of indulgence, he slowly said: "I know the way to open, but this is the road to the prison, not my own hands. When I took over the Kingdom of God, this road of purgatory exists. It has existed for 10,000 years! This area is a natural evolution of the Purgatory Star in a country of our country. It contains the ultimate mystery of the array. I am not proficient in this sinister path. Naturally, it is impossible to understand the subtleties in this."

"National Teacher?" Zi Yao looked shocked. "The Kingdom of God has not had a national teacher for a long time."

"Yes, the position of the national division, vacant for many years. Originally, I wanted him to be a national teacher, but unfortunately, he refused." In the eyes of the plating, there is a trace of loss.

Zi Yao naturally knows who he is talking about. The old man hiding in the Sun Star burst field is one of the top refining pharmacists in the Flame Star field. He was known for centuries ago.

"The former national teachers of the Kingdom of God are all outstanding figures, and have a profound understanding of the nature of various kinds of righteousness. The source of the mystery of our country is also from the hands of the national teachers. Unfortunately, in my previous generations, The national teacher is gone, and no one can be in this position.” Plated with a sigh, “The original national teacher of the Kingdom of God will be responsible for taking over the Pitlands, but nowadays, because there is no suitable candidate, I will do it for you. However, I have pursued the ultimate strength in my life. I have not been immersed in the evil path of the door. I don’t know enough about the Pole Wars, so..."

"You can't see the reason?"

"Well, my Mirror of Heaven is also the refining of the last generation of the national division. If it can't reflect the truth of the Puritan, I can't."

"What are the conditions for becoming a national teacher?"

"The best pharmacists and refiners are unique. They must have a unique understanding and mastery of the various methods of the world. They understand the essence of power, can temper the god-level medicinal instruments, portray enchantments, maps, bans, and gods. The nationals have contributed a lot."

"Yeah, Shiyan is also a refiner."

"Refining the division?" Plated with a strange smile, shook his head. "This kid is really miscellaneous, and he is greedy to get everything. It is estimated that he is also a semi-removal master, not much achievement."

"He can refine the gods and utensils."

"God level!?" Plated with a look of horror, could not help but sigh, "How is this possible?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

The plated look is eclipsed, suddenly stunned, and his face becomes extremely weird.


Pole inferno.

The sinister old man is still arguing. "You also know that I am just a person. A purgatory token is enough. I am useless. I just live alive and are not bound by the Purgatory Star. It is easy to decide. The transaction, killing the kid, giving me his purgatory token, I am no longer entangled with you, how simple?"

He chattered, flies like no end, has been in Tie Tiemu and Alan.

"You are both gods and gods, and they are very united. I want to kill you. I also need to consume a lot of power. Maybe I will be hurt. He is different. Only God is a god, or just broke through. You kill him for me. I don't have to use power. You can also get rid of it. Everyone is happy. What do you say?"


The old man’s words were poisonous, the sentence was picking the key, and the words had a wonderfully enchanting effect. Actually, Alan and Tiemu seemed to move their hearts, and their faces were cloudy and uncertain.

Shi Yan looked calm, but his heart was secretly vigilant.

Counting it, he and Tiemu and Yalan did not have any deep friendship, but they had a number of faces, practiced in a gravity room, and talked a few words.

This kind of friendship, the foundation is too shallow, the two want to kill him in order to survive, it is not impossible for him to see.

He stood for a while, suddenly squinting slightly, in front of Alan, Tiemu, so quietly sat down, without a word, hanging his head, breathable and serene, like meditation.

Both Yalan and Tiemu looked at him. Like him, it seemed to be a bit confusing and hesitant.

The sulking voice of the sinister old man is still continuing, and the words are picking the key, and they are holding two people.

Shi Yan didn't say a word, suddenly closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, as if he was not fortified, the breath converges.

Yalan Tiemu struggled for a while, and they sneaked a sneak peek. They seemed to have finally made up their minds and learned Shiyan. They sat down in the same place, stabilized the affected mind, and slowly calmed down.

"Mom, the shameless guy, I almost got fooled." Tiemu, "Come on, if you really have the ability to kill me together, less fucking!"

The rock stone waiting for silence, with his eyes closed, suddenly grinned and the tight nerves relaxed.

A little bit of the stars, the scorpion appeared, lingering around his 20-meter area, shining bright light, the mysterious activity of a star point, spinning around him.

Alan and Tiemu, who kept the best distance from him, also released the field of the gods. The three were triangular, and the fields of God did not conflict with each other, and they were waiting silently.

"You are not looking for death, then you can't blame me. Oh, it's stupid. It's a very easy thing to solve. You have to make it so complicated, why bother?" The old man’s whistling, suddenly left and right, Suddenly, there is no qualitative.

The sound of his voice, a piece of gray smoke, quietly filled, almost in a moment, the stone rock three people shrouded.

There is no abnormal reaction in the field of the three gods, and there is no special energy fluctuation. It is like the smoke, which is the ordinary cloud cluster, without any wonderful effect.

However, the soul rituals of the three people of Shiyan, I do not know why, at the moment when the smog filled, at the same time, an uneasy horror appeared!

It seems that those smog contain unknown dangers...

The soul altar suddenly trembled, and the spirit of Shiyan slammed and his face changed.

His eyes jerked open.

Beside him, there was a figure, and those figures sat on the ground one by one, all of them were Alan, Tiemu and his appearance. Even the field of God seemed to be consistent, and there was no truth.

Just in his left hand, a person who is exactly the same as him, also squinted, looked at the four sides with astonishment, and completely aligned with his demeanor, giving him the illusion that he was looking in the mirror.

Like the man, dozens of Yalan and Tiemu, not far away, are sitting and looking around. Everyone has obvious life fluctuations. The purgatory token at his waist is suddenly confused. It opened up and showed countless signs of life.

When he looked at the man, the man was looking at him. When he was inexplicably inexplicable, suddenly, on the face of the same person, he showed a strange smile.

Shi Yan is not good at all, not too much to think about, the field of God has changed, and immediately *** space.


Ps: It will break out tomorrow! !

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