God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Fragrant **** battle

The 797th chapter

Fengqi step by step, the bare white skin is creamy and smooth, and the blood before it seems to blend into the blue lines on her skin, which has long since disappeared.

A short skirt leather jacket, worn and ragged, can not cover her full of scenery, walking, beautiful legs swaying, faintly visible between the legs, let people spurt the blood, can not contain the inner desire.

During her speech, the nasal sounds were heavy, um, ah, oh, all the confusing notes of a dream come out, like a drum beat in the heart of the stone, smashing a huge ripple.

In the beauty, there is a sea-like affection, which can melt the human soul, make the body soft and soft, and gather with her demon body. The kind of tempting charm of the heart, even Shi Yan can not afford.

"It's not good to fight and kill. We can talk about it and talk about cooperation." Feng Qi Jiao smiles, and the beautiful body twists and turns, the infinite scenery quietly emerges.

Shiyan’s eyes suddenly turned red. This time, he did not display the three-day violent walk. It was hooked up by the charm of the other party.

He gasped softly, his eyes burning like a fire, like a hoe, staring at the plump body, involuntarily moving closer to Fengqi.

The flamboyant flame tongue sticks out and swims around the corner of the lips, showing an amazing glamorous style.

Shiyan breathed even more heavy, and even a ten-meter-long Fengqi could hear it. The joy on her face was a bit heavier, secretly proud, beautiful and infinite, but my heart was cold and gloomy.

Her voice is arrogant, and the closer it is, the more likely it is to succeed, and the more powerful the horror.

When the stone is close to the stone, it is necessary to strike it and never give Shiyan a chance.

After this period of frustration, she had long dared not to look down on Shiyan. Instead, she regarded Shiyan as a terrible opponent than Ganji and Ponga. She also knew that the other party’s heart was gloomy, and she was afraid of being calculated. She has been carefully prepared. It seems that I don't wait for Shiyan to touch her body, and I will never take the shot again.

In this way, like a lost soul, Shi Yan eyes glared at her, step by step, and finally came to Feng Wei.

"That's right, we can have a good chat, why bother to fight for you to die..." Feng Xiao smiled, charming and moving, the voice straight to the heart, tempted to stretch out the soft jade hand, toward Shiyan The blood hole in the chest touched the past.

Her eyes have been observing the face of Shiyan, and she has not let go of the slightest clue. As long as there is something wrong, she will immediately squat her hand and will withdraw.

Shi Yan's spatial mystery has a peculiar restraint on her power. She also knows that space can help to ban herself for a short time, so even at this time, she is not afraid to relax.

The jade hand slowly swallowed it out, and Feng Yu cautiously stared at the stone rock, a middle finger, has fallen to the chest cavity of the stone rock bleeding hole.


Shiyan whispered, his eyes still stagnate, and he violently hugged Fengqi himself, and pressed it to a slanted boulder.

Feng Weimei flashed a hint of concealed panic, but she did not act rashly, because she found that Shi Yan’s attitude was still sluggish, and she was obviously still controlled by her charm, so although she was kept tight by Shiyan, she also Only when this is a man's instinct, it is secretly hilarious.

Her jade hand, a little bit, finally fell to the blood hole in the chest of the stone, as long as I went a little further, it seems that I can catch the heart of the stone rock and crush it.

At this time, Shiyan, who was holding her tightly, began to work with all the men, and the rough hands were moving in her beautiful buttocks and waist.

Strongly suppressing the inner disgust, the smile is not diminished, but the eyes are cold and hazy, staring at the eyes of Shiyan, her hand, the first time I touched the blood hole in the chest of Shiyan, I was about to meet it. A broken vein.

Feng Qi is discolored in vain, and the red lips of the powdery lips are slightly open, so you have to drink the notes that are terrible.

At this time, an icy energy, violently shrouded it, the power of extreme cold, infiltrated her snow white body, and screamed in her flesh and blood.

At the same time, the short skirt of her lower body was torn apart, and before she reacted, she felt the squat between her legs, pierced by a hard hot and hard object, and violently attacked the whole body. The bottom of the eye showed deep fear, and woke up in vain, realizing that chastity was not guaranteed.

Looking at Shiyan again, the eyes that were originally dull and hot, showing one of the faint shackles, how can they be restrained by the charm of the sound?


The pain came from the lower body, Feng Fu could not help but screamed, and noticed the madness of the bastard. She only felt that the lower body was torn, and that kind of pain, she could not adapt to it for a while.

The most fearful thing for her is that from the bastard's body, there is also the evil energy that has lost her vitality. It spreads from her legs, invades her flesh and blood, and makes her muscles restrained. Stagnated.


In the screaming screaming, Feng Xiaoli refining the little remaining power, and the sound is in line with the sound, trying to break the heart of the stone rock and destroy the most critical part of his body.

"Sui people, cool and uncomfortable?" Shi Yan grinned, and stood up, slammed a bit, and the space was released.

The rich notes and the power of condensing suddenly stagnated. Her soft palms that reached the blood hole in the chest of the rock were also slammed by a big hand. The power exploded in her palm, causing her hands to crack. The power of counterattacks has passed away within her own bones.

Looking at the ruthless youth who invaded his body, he felt the bombardment of the lower body like a giant hammer. The beauty of the cockroaches showed great fear. Unfortunately, the body was temporarily imprisoned, and even screaming could not.

"You are looking for a dead end, you can't blame me." Shi Yan sneered, unceremoniously conquered on her, and the two hands pressed two small hands, sticking them to the boulder, no pity, no jealousy, use the most In a rude and arrogant way, she will be forcibly possessed.

"I am fighting with you!" After all, there is a three-day world of the gods, Feng Shui is humiliated by this humiliation, screaming out of life, actually broke away from the space barrier, the small hand is also like a snake snake, and the nails hate抠向石岩血肉.

If she is crazy, Zhang mouth bites the shoulder of Shiyan and resists with the greatest strength.

The **** of the three kings of heaven and earth can not be underestimated. Even the body of Shiyan is a bit too much to eat, and she is drenched with blood.

"Happy!" Shiyan violently screamed, the movements underneath continued, the iron fists swung out, and the unpopular bombardment hit the abundance of the abdomen.

The two men kept a good posture on a boulder, biting each other, such as a wild beast, the boulder could not bear it, bursting open, the two fell to the ground, madly smashing each other The forces collide with each other, and the flesh and blood collide with each other, showing a **** and fragrant picture.

I don't know why, although Shiyan was caught in the blood, but never felt so irritating, I felt that the lower body was dripping and swaying in the wet and narrow roads, and the unprecedented ecstasy was smooth.

Forcibly conquered the beautiful woman under his body, but he did not carelessly, his fists fell like rain, falling in the belly of the Fengqi, playing the rich and crying, shouting, and the two hands were more desperate to catch, let the stone rock body more than a road Deep visible bone wounds.

Outside the cold and dark field, on a huge meteorite, these two people are like crazy, such as the beasts of the cross, rolling around, wherever the gravel bursts, destroying and crushing everything.

After all, Feng Wei was hurt too much, and the two legs were in danger of being defeated. The violent impact, the lower abdomen and the hammer of hate, gradually became unsupported. Slowly, her strength in grasping the stone body was getting lighter and lighter.

Feng Weimei showed a sorrowful sorrow, and the sorrowful sorrow looked at this man who occupied her body. In her charming white ketone body, the face showed an unnatural blush, gasping, and wishing to be on the spot. This is an insult that she can't even think about.

In the land of divine punishment, even the predators and countless thugs did not dare to look directly at her. Now, on such a cold rock, rolling in the gravel, being pressed on the ground, I could not imagine dreaming. Nightmare.

Finally, Feng Wei was so weak that even the counterattack was gone, tears dripped out in the corner of his eyes, and his eyes closed desperately, letting Shi Yan conquer, it seems that it is difficult to escape the poisonous hand.

Shiyan’s eyes are still cold. Seeing her, she paused her hand and foot attack, snorted, and looked at her cautiously, not dare to relax.

The strong spirits of Ganji and Pongka, the two kings of heaven and heaven, were quickly purified, and the negative emotions formed by him were released, which made him violent and unrelenting. A little hesitant.

The crazy purification of energy, the devouring of the mysterious black hole of the Ganji soul altar, is also a strange rotation, slowly nourishing the wonderful powers of the soul altar, mixed into his knowledge of the sea, the strength of the Olympics, the fire of heaven Inside the platform and the soul.

Those strange abilities, as if they can wash and nourish the soul altar, the fire of the sky is full of excitement, seems to have received great benefits.

His soul, under the nourishment of those overflowing energy, seems to be clear, so that he has a more intuitive and profound understanding of space, life and death, and the stars, and the power inside the cave, under the influence of the undead martial arts At the beginning, he has begun to recover his physical injuries, blending his ancient trees and tempering his body.

The harvest of this war is beyond the imagination of his imagination, and his cultivation is enhanced.

In particular, the fascination of the soul altar of the soul, although he broke through, he knows that this is absolutely the most evil power in the world. Beyond anyone's imagination, he has a hunch, the horrible evil effect of swallowing the soul altar. Is the biggest secret of blood pattern ring!

Nourish the soul altar, clear and imprinted, and say, go out, afraid that even the strongest people such as plating can not believe.

Shi Yan suddenly realized that all kinds of wonderful additions, if he can not dominate the party in the flames, he is simply sorry for the gift of **** ring, can not resist the blood and the master's love.


Ps: weakly seeking ***~~

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