God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 792: Meteorite

Seventy-nine ninety-two chapters

On the cold rock, the rock piled up, the stone rock sat down on the ground, sitting side by side, solemnly closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, only wearing a black and black robe.

Not far from him, on a column of icy stones, the rich and delicate ketone body covered with a robes of the same color, the snow arms were exposed, and they were already fainting and sleeping.

Hard ice, she and the stone solidified cover, thick ice layer is five meters thick, cold and chilly, braving a faint white ice fog, extremely cold and overflowing.

This is the credit of Xuan Bing Han Yan.

Feng Qi has the cultivation of the three kingdoms of the gods. After being severely wounded by Shi Yan, it is not without a bit of counterattack ability. It is also a last resort to use the cold force of Xuan Bing's cold flame. Otherwise, she will wake up and make trouble. Rock rushing to cope is also troublesome.

The thick crystal ice layer confines her rich and white body, and the sparkling white ice is like a piece of cut white crystal. She is a living fossil in the crystal, which has a different beauty.

Shi Yan closed his eyes and secretly adjusted his power. The soul altar slowly swirled.

I don't know how long it took, a mysterious force, and overflowing the whole body, turning into a flesh-and-blood essence in his skeletal bones, tendons, and flesh and blood, which restored his injuries to the original.

Breaking into the king's kingdom and condensing the body, Shiyan knows that the strength of the body is endless. As long as he is willing to work hard, this **** can always continue to be strong.

The formation of the gods, under the nourishment of the mysterious power, he is covered with a layer of faint blood, and the luster released in the blood pattern ring is quite similar, far from the perspective, giving a mysterious and unpredictable feeling.

His blood and bones, like the sponge's water absorption, draw a lot of mysterious powers, making the body more and more horrible.

At the same time, the spinning of the soul altars, as if there were wonderful changes, the strange energy that overflowed from the black holes, split a stock and flowed in various areas of his altar.

His **** knows the ocean, and with the help of those forces, it is more and more broad. Every **** is refined like a straight, soft and cotton, and it is sent and received by the temper.

The spinning of the soul altar, the top of the soul of the soul of the righteous imprints clear, his understanding of the three powers of the righteousness, as if there is a further improvement.

The skyfire altar, several kinds of natural fires are all over the hooks, all of them are desperately pulling the energy that overflows, and integrating them into themselves, making wisdom accessible and life forms sublimated.

That power, the great role of the soul altar, made Shi Yan also stunned, because all kinds of skyfires came to memorize and told him that they all got great benefits.

Among them, the nine secluded soul flames, the mysterious ice cold flames and the mortal fires actually crouched, to break through the first order.

This change made Shi Yan shocked and inexplicable. He had an ecstasy understanding of the black hole that could engulf the soul altar.

Engulfing the mystery of the soul altar, not to mention that Feng Yu has never heard of it, he has never heard of it, but now it happened to him, how can he not like it?

After the three kinds of skyfire benefits, it is necessary to break through the first order, which means that the energy that overflows, and it has a miracle, which makes him more and more shocked.

Silently adjusted to recover, I don't know how long it took, he opened his eyes, like a star, shining.

In this battle, he spent a lot of effort and strength, and finally did not let him down, it really has a great harvest.

The lost power is not only restored to the original, but further, the ancient trees are filled with the power of crystal, the soul altar is washed, the soul is clear, and the faint ambiguity, he feels that it is only one step away from the king of heaven. It’s gone.

It seems that if there is a new level of understanding in the power of morality, he will break through the rules and reach the double heaven.

This cultivation speed is the innumerable strongman of the flame star field and can't even think about it.

If Lianna, Zi Yao, Kashun and others know that he is in a short period of time, from a heaven and a world, to a state of breakthrough to the double heaven, I don’t know how much to be shocked.

Looking at the direction of the Purgatory Star, Shiyan’s eyes were cold and could not help but smile.

He naturally remembers the madness of the original. Within a hundred years, he took a lot of people from the ancients, and he wanted to kill Oglas, and he would pay a painful price.

Oglas and Ogudo, in order to frame Lianna, take him as a fish, and almost let him be robbed.

On the Purgatory Star, Ogudo couldn't help but say that he would kill him. If Lily came out, he would not be able to live into the Prison.

This hatred, he will not easily forget.

For a hundred years, it is not a big deal for other warriors. Maybe a big realm can't break through. For him, it can be more than enough for a hundred years, and it may be able to cross the barrier continuously to reach the source of the gods.

With his hidden means and ability, if it really breaks through the source of the gods, killing Ogudo is not an empty talk, very successful.

Slowly stood up, he came to Feng Wei, frowning and looking at the woman, his eyes cold, thinking darkly.

For a long while, he snorted and extended his left hand to press on the crystal ice, and the sun turned out.

A red circle of red light spread from his palm and covered the thick ice rock.

Under his fascination, the extreme cold force in the ice rock formed a thick ice mist to dissipate, and a drop of cold water merged into a stream, flowing away from the stone underneath Feng Feng.

Feng Wei’s enchanting body is gradually thawed, and the slender brows seem to move quietly.

Shi Yan grinned, and smiled low, her eyes swaying in the curve of her bumpy curve, and her eyes were full of strange smiles.

A warm current emerged from his palm and disappeared in the belly of Fengqi.

This is the life fluctuation of life and death, it is full of vitality, can nourish life, and is wonderful.

When the warmth fell into the abundance of the lower abdomen, she subconsciously whispered, and her brows stretched out like a very happy, uncontrollably guiding the warm current, and circling in the veins of the body.

Gradually, Feng Wei felt that he was bathed in the hot spring pool, and he was exhausted and his spirits were flourishing.

Soon, she fanned her long eyelashes and opened her eyes.

Shi Yan's persevering cold face appeared in the depths of her fortune.

The memory of shame, such as the flood, drowned her in an instant, confused and plump, suddenly awake, exquisite face, screaming of cold and cold, and pale white lips squirming, a popping drink: "Dead! ”


A dead word provoked her residual energy, such as a landslide, and locked the young man who was close at hand, slamming into it.


Shi Yan's face is not moving, the heart is violent, the space is righteous and the ban is lifted, and the target is covered.

The syllabary of the dead word rushed over, letting the space in front of Shiyan stir up, and the ripples of the layers appeared, such as being stabbed by sharp objects.

However, the strange syllables did not really cause harm, and the power was quickly dissipated.

Slightly squinting, Shiyan raised his hand and grabbed it. He buckled the rich white neck and looked at her. He sneered coldly: "I still want to kill me? You don't seem to recognize the situation?"

Feng Yan’s eyes are full of grievances, and he is screaming at him, and he wants to eat and eat him.

"Hey, your girl's pungent hate, even when we hand in it, it tastes so good, I like it." Shi Yan grinned, his eyes were cold and ruthless, clasping the big hand of Feng Nian neck, force Relax a little.

"Shameless!" Feng Qi broke away from the heavy drink, snow white arms waving, accidentally ripped off his robe, a white suddenly revealed, white wavy ketone body on the delicate blue lines activities, people are fascinated.

Shi Yan snorted, her eyes lingering in her rich and full double peaks, and her mouth was amazed. "It is really raw, this figure, this bust, sly, spectacular."

Feng Yu was full of shame, biting his teeth, his lips had blood, and he looked at him with extreme anger and resentment, and he could not wait to eat his flesh.

"I didn't take the initiative to provoke you. You tried to kill me first, trying to kill me. I just shot back." Shi Yan sneered, snorted, suddenly stopped, did not continue to be difficult for her, and put the robes on her naked The body, turned around, said: "Don't try to irritate me, in your current state, want to kill me crazy. Now you, the power is less than 20%, not my opponent, if you take the shot, just kill yourself. road."

Feng Wei died in his back, silent for a few seconds, silently took out a leather pants from the magic ring, dressed, and swallowed the drug, and did not say anything.

Shi Yan suddenly turned around and looked indifferent. She stared at her for a while and said calmly: "In your case, if you want to restore all your strength, at least ten days and a half. But you are hit hard, the time of recovery is natural. It will slow down, um, that is to say, at least in a month, you are definitely not my opponent. Oh, yes, forget to say, even if you reach the peak, you can’t kill me, die, you can Retired from the whole body."

"Who gives you confidence?" Feng Wei was silent for a long time, hanging his head and couldn't see his expression. "Do you think that the sneak attack kills Pangga Gandhi, and there is really the power of the **** Wang Fengfeng strong? If it is not Pangga, Gan The base consumes too much power and fights against each other. You think you can attack it successfully."

“Nature is not that easy.” Shi Yan smiled indifferently. “The reason why I have a sneak attack is that you have three. If it’s just a person, I won’t be bothering.”

Feng Qi looked up, and the beauty of the ice was cold and savage. "Do you really think that your strength is enough to compete with the gods and the three heavens?"

"I just thought so." Shi Yan nodded very seriously and said: "Unfortunately, I will not give you the opportunity to try, you don't want to provoke me."

"What do you want?" Feng Qi gritted his teeth and secretly scorned him shamelessly. "You don't know anything about the star map. Why are you involved? Are you the power of that side? Is it plating to send you over?"

Shiyan stunned, "Is the tube plated with a strange thing? I was rooted by Jiang Ge, and gave him the calculations. If the three of you deliberately count me, why should I fight for it? Are you resentful to me? Funny!"

After a pause, Shi Yan suddenly smiled. "But the mistake is wrong. Now I am coming in. The star map is in my hand. Of course, I will not give up. Well, tell me, what is the secret of the star map? You can honestly change your life."


Ps: There is only one more today. Sorry, my wife was sick yesterday. My mother took care of her. I care for my son. The spirit of the stinky boy is too strong. I must hold it. Otherwise, I will cry. I am going to die all day, and I am really incapable. I can only come out with a chapter, I hope everyone will understand, I will make up tomorrow, and I will say sorry again~

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