God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Heavenly city

Chapter VIII, Heavenly City

The land of sin is a peculiar place.

The powerful members of the flames of the stars, the mobs who created the **** tragedy, the thieves, the recidivism of the major forces, the strong people who want some special cultivation treasures, the crazy monks, all like to appear in the land of divine punishment.

Here, the most brutal madman in the flames of the stars, there are dozens of large and small predators, the center of the world of punishment, the largest trading ground in the flames, and a large amount of material transportation every day. come.

The materials that the predators robbed in other areas of the Flames will be brought in, in exchange for their scarce supplies, huge crystals, and various materials for enhancing strength.

The cultivation materials of the three major forces, the city will be fined, and the materials that are not available in the three major forces will appear here.

Today's land of divine punishment has become the most chaotic and tempting area of ​​the Flames, and is dominated by the four predators to maintain order.

Feng Qi is one of the top four predators and the strongest one.

His shackles are "green ghosts", and Russell's "blood scorpion", Barrett's "black curtain", the introduction of "blood rain", known as the four fierce sacred land, the name of the world.

Tianmao City’s largest auction site, Tianduoqi, was formed by the joint efforts of Fengqi, Russell, Barrett and Jieyu.

It is also the largest auction house in the Flames, and most of the auctions are unidentified. They are often robbed from the powerful forces of the three major forces and the flames. Only dare to sell it publicly.

The land of sacred punishment is a huge abandoned mineral star, which is even wider than the Shen's mainland. The ruling city is the only city in the land of sacred punishment. It is extremely huge and wider than the average country.

In the land of divine punishment, many areas are used to hold warship chariots, powerful predators, have their own special venues, and have their own rest areas.

The whole land of divine punishment is divided into countless large and small areas. Each area has its own master. Each master is killed by blood and fire and is recognized as a strong.

Shiyan is in the sky of the land of sacred punishment, overlooking the bottom, with a shocked look and bright eyes.

At first glance, there are countless abyss in this huge mine, and there are warships and chariot activities inside. On the sky, there are times when the chariots are whizzing past, and there are also warriors flying like flesh.

Those warriors come from different races, some look indifferent, some look fierce and cold, some sneer, look at the people around them like prey, like ferocious beasts, want to make a vote at any time.

"The land of sacred punishment is a chaotic place. There is a day to punish the city, no one is going to take care of it, no matter what life or death." Feng Wei seems to be very interested, pointing downwards and whispering: "Many people have acquired in Tiancheng City." The cultivation materials, because of their incompetence, were killed when they left the city, and they fell into a dead end. You see, there are many murderers around the Tiancheng City, which can be seen in the cold land. Many families of corpses?"

Shi Yan looked at the situation, his face changed slightly, and nodded lightly.

Near Tiancheng City, there are a lot of strong people who are staring at the prey with a smile. If they find that they can **** it, they will be unceremonious.

Beside the city pool, inside the huge gully, the corpses are visible from time to time, and there are also demon bones. When you look at it, it is as terrible as Shura’s hell.

"In the city, it was not too flat before, until my father and Russell, Barrett, and the mediators made the rules together, and they were not allowed to fight in the city." Feng Yu explained in detail, "Anyone dares to come to the city to punish the city and will be surrounded by four forces. If you don't know how many people will be killed, the city will be banned from fighting in the city. This is also to prevent the weak and acquire the heavy treasure. Can't leave the city of heaven."

"According to what you said, in the day of the fine things, the acquisition of the treasures of the heavy treasure, if you are weak, can you never leave the city of heaven? Stayed for a lifetime?" Shi Yan was surprised.

"Not like this." Feng Xiao smiled. "They can use a lot of money to seek refuge. My father's green ghost, and Russell's **** head can guard them to leave. Of course, you need to pay a heavy god. Jing as a **** fee. In the city, in addition to the huge auction site of the world, there are countless sale of medicinal herbs, spirit grass, strange ore, slaves, glamorous women, esoteric secrets, chariots, and even The shops of the warships, most of the shops, were robbed and sold by other predators. Some shops were directly responsible for the predators, and the things sold here were unknown. Most of them were stolen goods. Only in this place can we dare to recognize the sale."

Shi Yan nodded secretly.

When he broke up with the blood butcher, Cato once gave him a blue spar as a token, let him go to the city to find Kraft.

Kraft, who should be the owner of one of the shops in Tiancheng City, is responsible for selling the card holders and selling the weapons that Cato has snatched, in exchange for the battleships and various types of training materials required by Cato, so that Cato accumulates strength and forces. More powerful.

"In the city of punishment, there are dozens of shops of the predators. In the vicinity of the land of divine punishment, there are many heads of the plunder of the king of heaven. The blood butcher is only one of them. Not so powerful." Feng Xiaozui smiled. "You are looking for Cato is also simple. He has a younger brother named Kraft, just in the east shop. Oh, others don't know that Kraft is his younger brother. I naturally know that the guy is very cunning, you should be careful, don't be pitted by the Cato brothers."

"I have an idea, you can rest assured." Shi Yan smiled lightly.

The entry of Tiancheng City does not require any identity token. All military personnel can come directly regardless of their ethnicity or identity.

Even if you have committed a lot of serious crimes outside, you will be wanted by the three parties, and even after you have a master to chase, you can also come to the city.

The more fierce the name is, the more the means of cruelty and fierceness, the more the city is fined, the more respected.

In the view of the predators, only powerful forces and **** means, such strong people, is considered the number one character, the weak and incompetent guy, will not be valued in the city of heaven, will not be yours.

The same is true. Shiyan and his entourage entered the city of Heaven, and they did not encounter any obstacles. It was easy.

In the city, there are shops of strange and fascinating megalithic buildings. On the spacious and huge streets, the martial artists are screaming, and they are happy to drink and drink. There are many manor gates next to them, and they are exposed to the Yan Yanyan, which looks like a sultry person.

Many warriors came to those places, and when they were hooked by the glamorous women's eyes, they couldn't move, and they snarled and rushed in.

The predators have lived a life of **** knives. They may die on that day. When they come to Tiancheng City, they will indulge in indulgence. The big bowl of wine and the big bowl of meat will linger in the woman's bed, and they will not think about it.

All kinds of sell spiritual medicine grass, ore, strange wood gold and iron, **** weapons, female slaves' shops, all over the region, walking on the spacious streets, seeing the inside of the shops, there are warriors picking what.

The violent, thorny, and wave-like three people who were bound by the sucking demon flower came here, and their eyes were bright, and they were moved and moved, and they were shocked by the malformation of this place.

The warriors who came and went, after passing by the three people, also looked like a strange, only the violent three were the stone slaves that Shi Yan and Feng Qi took down. They were prepared to wait for the demon flowers to mature, and sell the demon flowers on this day. of.

The people who punish the city, have seen the scenes, not surprised, and did not pay too much attention to Shi Yan and his party.

"You take care. When I meet next time, I hope that you are safe and sound." Shi Yan suddenly stopped and looked at the violent three. "I believe that you will not have anything. Fengqi is for my star map. It won't be difficult for you, but you can rest assured."

The violent, thorny, and waved nodded gently, and the heart sighed slightly, without saying anything.

"If it's fast, they will recover in ten days and a half." Feng Xiao smiled. "The source of the god-level refining pharmacist, every once in a while, will come to the city to live in small cities. When I came over, I found There are a lot of people in his direction. He should be in the city at this time. Don't worry, the three of them will soon be inaccessible and will continue to cultivate."

The refining pharmacist of the source of the gods also sells special medicinal herbs for the coming days, or people who give big prices, refining certain specific banned remedies.

Many medicinal herbs, very vicious, evil secrets, are not allowed in other areas, and there are no taboos in the city.

The refining pharmacist, it is said that it was only because of the study of poisons that it was not allowed by the world. He had to come to the land of divine punishment and continue to enter the country. His research on medicinal herbs required countless kinds of strange spirits, and special drugs were needed. It costs a lot of money, so he will supplement the consumption by refining the remedy for others.

"That's great." Shi Yan looked at the movement and said with a smile: "I just need to make sure that the three of them are safe and sound, and the star map will be handed over to you, and will not make you difficult."

"Well, I took them first, you... free." Feng Mingming stared at him for a while, then stopped staying, pulling the violent three people with strength, and moving fast in the direction of the city. go with.

Shiyan stood in the middle of the street where people came and went. Looking at the disappearance of Fengqi, a little smile, he changed direction and walked slowly toward Kraft's shop area.

It is a stipulation that he is not rushing to fly in the city. He is not particularly anxious. He travels from time to time to look at the shops on both sides of the street. His eyes are curious.

A hundred meters behind him, a warrior with a **** head pattern, carrying a glamorous sea woman, smugly touched the woman's bulging chest, eyes stunned, and suddenly looked awkwardly. The eyes burst into the light, and a low drink: "It was the kid!"


Ps: Come to the recommended ticket~

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