God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 807: The wind is rising (three more for the monthly ticket!!)

The 807th chapter is rising from the wind (three more for the monthly ticket!!)

"Adult, who is he?"

The fascinating Hai woman, curiously asked, her eyes were watery and her smile was good.

The warrior wearing a **** blouse, pushing the sea woman in her arms, sneered and laughed: "The **** are going away, don't be a big man."

The man trailed behind Shiyan and kept staring. He watched Shiyan go to Kraft's shop, and his eyes lit up and immediately left.

He circled the street, went to a hidden training ground, found a skinny old man, and said: "Safa old ghost, I have the kid news."

"Which kid?" The old man squinted and asked without hesitation.

"At the beginning, you gave me a portrait, let me pay attention to the kid, know how to use the power of space, some time ago from our eyelids, grab the empty magic crystal to go." The martial arts screamed, "pay me, I told Where is he?"

Safa’s eyes suddenly turned bright, without hesitation, and a light drink. In a short while, a warrior came over and took a magical empty ring to him.

He handed the magical ring to the warrior and said, "Let's go, let's take a little bit and see if the amount is enough."

Known as the Tire Warrior, he laughed, and the gods wandered around in the illusion of crystal, and his eyes lit up. "Okay, a lot, not bad, that kid is at the Kraft store, look for it yourself." ”

Not waiting for what Safad said, the list will leave immediately.

Safa waited for him to disappear, and immediately took out the sound stone of the communication. After connecting, he bent slightly and whispered: "Cashian, the person you are looking for, has appeared."


After the departure of the list, he circled again and came to the stronghold of the **** head predator. He shouted: "I want to see the leader."

"What are you looking for?"


"The leader is in the secret room, go on your own."

"it is good."

The excitement rushed to the secret room, gently slammed Shimen, and shouted: "The leader, I have important news! About the kid who knows the power of space."


The stone door suddenly opened, and the head of the **** head, Russell, sat on a blue lotus platform and squinted and said, "Where is he?"

"At Kraft's shop, I just saw it, I should haven't left yet."

"If you do a great job, you will receive a hundred pieces of top quality Shenjing, and you will be assigned to a chariot." Russell Hull stood up, excited, and laughed.

He bowed his head and smiled and turned away.


In the southwest direction of the land of sacred punishment, a battleship floated silently and motionless.

Kashun was in front of the battleship, and his hand touched a piece of soundstone and looked moving.

His eyes were slightly stunned, and a glimpse of his mind was released, and he fell directly to the cultivation room of Zi Yao.

Zi Yao suddenly flew up and rushed out of the cultivation room. He quickly came to the side of Kashun and shouted: "Uncle Kashen, is there news from him?"

"Well, it really appeared in the land of God's punishment, and now it is in Kraft's shop." Kashun smiled. "Since I was sure that the kid was alive, I noticed him. Today, I finally got a harvest. Oh, We are going to the land of God's punishment, and it seems that it will take a long time to meet him in the land of God's punishment."

Zi Yaomei is shining, and her mouth is smiling. "I know that he is a big man."

Three months ago, Kashun received news that the person who used the power of space was Shi Yan. After affirming this point, it was not long before they received news from the Tianni God Kingdom that the Purgatory Stars had changed, and the temples established by previous generations of national divisions collapsed.

As for the star map, Platinum also knows that the legendary star map may have been obtained.

As soon as the news was confirmed, Kashun and Zi Yao, who wanted to go to the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, immediately changed their routes and rushed to the land of punishment.

"If there is no accident, the star map should be in the hands of Shiyan and a woman. The Prince last sent a message saying that Liana and Ogudo are going all out to the land of punishment. It has been going for two months, or not. How long should these two people appear in the land of divine punishment," Kashun explained.

"That **** is really a scourge. There is no peace in the place where he appears." Zi Yao bit his teeth, hate and hi, "I hope he is fine."

"The news of the star map, I don't know why, it has already spread. Not only us, but also the Alliance and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce have come over, and it will take a long time for God to be punished." Kashun smashed his forehead. It’s a bit of a headache: “It’s not easy to get a star map. The kid’s relationship with the star map is awkward.”

"Uncle Kashun, you are familiar with the land of God's punishment. Are we going to the past immediately?" Zi Yao was anxious.

"Of course, I have to go, but I can't take a warship. I have to sneak past and hide my identity."

Kashun had long been determined, explaining: "The guy who is in the land of God is extremely hostile to us, especially me. I have been encircling them for so many years. If I go to the warship, it will be too arrogant and will cause unnecessary. Trouble. Well, I only bring Alan and Tiemu. You can bring Auglas up at most, take a chariot, and after you reach the land of punishment, you must never easily identify yourself. Otherwise, it is difficult to leave safely. Feng Wei and Russell, Barrett, and this guy are all source gods, not weak with me. That is rich, the realm is higher than me, if I show up brazenly, I will anger them."

"The only way is this." Zi Yao nodded.

"When Liana comes, there will be no problem. When they want to escape, they are the predators." Kashun smiled. "We go first, hide our identity. Anyway, the place where the city is fined, never Will not check the identity of the person."

"Well, I will arrange it, then we will take the chariot in the past." Zi Yao is also very decisive.

"Hey, if Oglas can't bring it, try not to bring it. He and the kid are not on the right track. Once they meet, they may make a contradiction." Kashun hesitated, and his friendship reminded him.

"Difficult. As long as he is alive, I can't beat him. Don't worry, if it is a contradiction with Shiyan, I will handle it well."

"That's just fine, when it's time to make it, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Well, I know."


Heaven is fined, and the green ghost predators gather.

Feng Qi with violent, thorny, and wave three people, the first one appeared, the predators in this place were shocked and inexplicably, repeatedly shouted: "Miss is back! Miss is back!"

Many of the green ghost predators, sneak out, one by one, and excitement.

Before Feng Wei did not leave, there was a reputation among the green ghost predators. Many people received her favor and were very respectful to her.

Her appearance has made many of the warriors here excited, and they all greeted them from the land of cultivation.

"Little girl!" Feng Hao flashed, ecstasy, laughed. "You are finally back, my father has been worried about you, great."

"Father? Is it here?" Feng Wei asked.

"Not in the city, but in the place of God's punishment, I informed him that he will come soon. Haha, my father knows that you are safe and sound, must be very happy, will come soon." Feng Qi joy, I looked at her deeply and said: "Little girl, you are much thinner than before."

“Big brother?” Feng Wei looked around and said: “Isn’t this always been guarded by my eldest brother?”

Feng Xiao’s face smiled and his eyes suddenly faded. “The big brother died in battle and was killed by the encirclement of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. It has been dead for more than 100 years.”

Feng Yan’s face suddenly paled, her eyes were wet, and she stood there without God. “How could it be?”

"We live in the land of God's punishment, and we all have preparations for war. Who can guarantee forever?" Feng Hao also looked sad. "After the death of my eldest brother, my father has been low for a long time, I have been chanting you, I hope you are safe. Nothing. Now that you are finally back, your father should be able to be a little more concerned. Hey, just hate that we are not strong enough, we can only let the three forces sweep us, but we have no strength to revenge in their territory."

"It won't be like this forever. If I come back, I will bring the possibility of reversing it all!" Feng said biting his teeth and hating it.

Feng Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened. “Little sister, rumor...you got the star map, but really?”

"The star map is not in my hand, but it is similar to me. I want to see my father immediately, and I will explain the situation."

"Okay, I will inform my father immediately!" Feng Wei immediately took out the sound stone and sent a message.

"I will come over!" In the sound stone, the voice of ecstasy of the lord of the gods was sent, "Hey, wait for me, come to see you as a father!"


In a large shop, there are a lot of colorful stones, and there are many medicinal herbs in the utensils, which exudes a seductive fragrance.

A rough martial arter who broke his right arm, lazily lying on the soft collapse, squinting at the people on the street.

This is the shop of the **** cartons, but it has been quite deserted for a while.

Since Cato lost in the Sun Star burst, the fierce name has fallen, and it has been concealed and cultivated. For a long time, it has not come out to rob the warships, so that there is no high-value Qibao in the shops during this time, and this shop is relatively Calm down.

At the doorway, a majestic figure appeared. As soon as he entered the door, he whispered: "Who is Kraft?"

"I am? Young man, what do you want to buy?" The broken arm of the soft armor, a spirited, enthusiastic little over, full of faces, "I have everything here..."

"I am looking for Cato!" Before he finished speaking, Shi Yan cut off directly, took out the tokens and said: "He told you not?"

The broken arm Kraft snorted and woke up, took the token and looked at it carefully. He said, "Are you Shiyan?"


"Big brother is here!"


The power of chaos flashed a bit, and from the quiet ground behind the shop, a figure emerged suddenly, it was the blood butcher.

"You finally came!" Cato rejoiced, "I will wait for you to give me another copy of the righteousness, so that you can break through the source of the gods! Haha, my good brother, I have been waiting for you!"

"Big Brother, you didn't hear that the star map appeared, but came from the old nest? Feng Hao, but early in the morning, to gather the heads of all parties, and seek this matter." Kraft was dumbfounded.

"What is the chart of his star map? There are Fengqi, Russell, Barrett, and the guys who are in the middle of it. How can it be my turn to take a share?" The blood butchery snorted. "Would it be so easy to grab food from the old ghosts? The reason why I came over is to wait for the brothers to come here, haha, only when I break through the source of the gods, I have a glimmer of hope for the map, otherwise it is all It’s futile.”

"Not necessarily." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "The star map is in my hand, you really have a chance."

Both Cato and Kraft, listening to him, said that they were stunned.


Ps: Three more finishes, ask for *** support! ! !

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