God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 819: World War I became famous

The VIIIth chapter of the First World War became famous

The horned god, like a broken kite, swayed in the void, but never fell.

Extremely cold, overflowing from his body, strong white fog covered his whole body, let his body form a thick ice, and suddenly looked at it, the black corner is like a huge ice sculpture, sparkling.


Three white bone spurs galloped, tearing the scorpion, screaming, and again and again, hit the black horned body.

The ice rock was broken, the black horned body splashed with blood, and the broken ice, the thick white chill, wrapped around him, and his body was firmly guarded. Although it was bruised and bruised, it did not hurt the root.

The black horn is the Mozu Longjiao tribe, and the flesh is strong and indestructible. After reaching the three kings of the gods, after many times of hard work, it is harder and harder.

Although the spurs are sharp, they can only leave a blood hole in his body, and cannot directly penetrate his body.

The star-light broad-sword splatters out the shining stars, and the stone rock follows the trajectory of the stars, constantly changing its orientation, and condensing a flame meteor between the two hands, such as Changhong’s shooting to the black corner.

Black Point cultivation of the extreme cold power, by Zhuque real fire, the heart of the fire and heat can penetrate the body, the body's blood and blood disorder, a time can not reunite power - this is the reason for his temporary inability to cope.

Shi Yan knows that the black horns are strong and strong. Once they are shot, they will spare no effort and the energy will be fully stimulated.

In the context of the three heavens, the stars and the space gods are transformed into a variety of unpredictable power martial arts, forming a flame meteor, confining the space, condensing the space wind blade, and spurring the three bone spurs. Aspects of the attack, such as the Thunder storm, will bind the black horned body.


The violent roar of the earth-shattering sound came from the area where the black horn was located, where the ice splatter splashed, and the numerous broken ice crystals were shining and dazzling.

The power of extreme cold lingers around the whole body of the black horn. Under such a fierce attack, his body is as hard as ice and iron, and the sound of gold and iron slams is heard. The power is quickly consumed, and the ice shield is sacrificed. defense.

A series of dazzling changes made the onlookers look shocked and inexplicable. They all paused and talked, looking at the belligerents.

The rocky rock that is being glacier is just a glimpse. The whole body burns a strong flame, violently breaks out the ice, penetrates the black horned body with flame, and makes the black horn unable to exert its power for a short time, and then bursts into a wave of indiscriminate bombing. Black Point is tired of coping, and there is no point in counterattack.

This series of battles made everyone stunned, and after a long while, they reacted and could not help but scream.

"The power of the flame! How has it changed? Is the master of his cultivation the righteousness, is it the power of ice?"

"Hell! Look at the obvious changes in the power of space? How come there is a flame show? What is the origin of this kid, the power of cultivation is too complicated?"

"However, there are several kinds of powers that are unconventional."

"The black horn has been suppressed, it is terrible, and the outsider is very strong!"

"It is really strong!"

Almost all the onlookers have unanimously affirmed the strength of Shiyan, and the king of heaven and earth, the suppression of the black horn, is enough to prove everything.

Even the source gods such as Feng Wei, Russell, Jie Jie, and Jester were silent at this time, showing a shocked complexion and secretly horrified.

Barrett's face was surprisingly ugly, and he didn't say a word, just staring at the center of the battle.

He seems to be still looking forward to what...

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful." In the crowd, Katsien sighed. "Bareet should expect the power of the black horned body. Unfortunately, he does not know the rock boy, the body is also abnormal." I think Barrett is out of order."

Both Yalan and Tiemu, secretly nodded, the same channel: "The strength of Shiyan's body is unprecedented!"

Zi Yaomei is a colorful singer, and the sight of the burning condenses on the stone rock, for a moment, it seems that she does not remember being next to her, and there is the existence of Oglas who admired her for many years.

"Awesome boy, you are stupid, don't take it, it's your biggest dereliction of duty!" Bitian looked gloomy and looked back at Arad and Birou. He took a breath and said: "You think about it yourself, and Is there no room for recovery?"

Arad and Birou, laughing together, don't know how to answer.

“Always try it.” Bitian brows and twists, and orders: “After the end of the war, you will find a way to tie him with him and see if he can move him and join us. This kid is definitely a role in the future. If it can be used for us, it will be a big boost!"

"Father, he...has you really been so powerful?" Birou whispered.

"I have never seen such a big boy in the flames of the stars." Bitian took a deep breath and said with a serious look: "If you can win him, marry you, he Never hesitate!"

Birou's flower is eclipsed and suddenly stunned.

Before she and Shi Yan were separated, she once boasted that Haikou had to pay for Shi Yan, so that Shi Yan would one day understand that she would offend her and how much it would cost.

Today, her father, Bitian, wants to marry Shiyan, even at the expense of her life's happiness, let her marry Shiyan, how can she face Shiyan?

At that time, it was really a blind eye...

Arad deeply hangs his head, dare not say more, but also full of bitterness and helplessness, secretly thinking.

When the crowd was smashing, Shiyan was covered with starlight, and the **** scarlet rushed toward the black horned body. In the thick central part of the white frost, the two men slammed and slammed.

After the body of the Mozu is strong and condensed, in the various races, it is definitely the top of the body. The stone rock dares to rush into it, and the black-horned body slams, it is to look at his own body. To what extent is it strong?


Like the roaring drums, the two men fought in the thick white mist, and they were close to each other, and there was a deafening noise.

The explosion was continuous, for a long time, and it took nearly half an hour to calm down.

Gradually, the thick white mist gradually dissipated, and the training field was reappeared a little. The center of the site was riddled with holes, revealing numerous hole craters, scattered crystal ice and smashed.

In the center, the stone and black horns, all over the body, are opposite each other.

The black horns were tired, the blood was dripping on the cheeks, the eyes were pale and weak, and the legs trembled. It seemed that the station was standing still.

On the other hand, Shiyan, although it is also bloody, full of spirits, eyes are still shining, it seems that there is still plenty of power.

Black Point insisted for a while, gasping for a sigh of relief, snoring and sitting on the ground, staring at Shiyan for a while, and then dejected to Barrett: "I am exhausted, I can't ask you a woman." The energy of the gods is also drained, and I am sorry for you."

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Barrett looked indefinitely. He looked at Shiyan and looked at the black horn. He was half-sounding and nodded. The figure flashed and he came to the corner of the black horn and carried the black horns from the crowd. Rushing out, it disappeared in a moment.

Under the eyes of the public, he and Feng Qi had an agreement. Now that he has lost, there is nothing to say. It is only a ridicule that has been left behind, so he left immediately.

Barrett and Black Point went away, and everyone in the room boiled like a frying pan, screaming, roaring, and screaming and screaming.

Many people look at Shiyan's gaze again, and they are completely different. There is a respectful color.

"Big Brother, you are right, I am completely convinced." Kraft in the crowd, also came to witness the second half of the battle. At this time, the face said, "Fortunately, our brothers did not do it, or else, Will steal the chicken and not turn back a meter of rice."

Blood Tukat grinned and smiled. "That is of course, or do you think that I will be willing to call his brother? I am so embarrassed?"

Kraft haha ​​laughed.

"You are a gimmick, but you have picked a good guy." Feng Xiao said with a smile on her face, said to her daughter: "Well, it’s a good vision! Be careful, give me that kid, don’t let him be by your side. It’s easy to slip away.”

"Know it, do you want to remind me?" Feng Wei shyly whispered, the beauty filled with joy and excitement, holding his fists secretly excited.

She did not expect it beforehand. Shiyan actually could have such a powerful force. Even the black horn of the king of the gods could win, and she really gave her a big surprise.

After this war, the name of Shiyan was completely smashed in the area of ​​the land of sacred punishment, and it was no longer a small person who was not known.

"If he can use it for us, it will help us a lot. If you really find a new star field, a star of life, give him him. He is worth the price!" Feng Wei said, and said .

Feng Wei was also moved and nodded. "This person has endless potential and can really be used for us. A star of life is really worth it."

Feng Meimei beats, the color of her face is more intense, Shi Yan can be recognized by her father and brother, she naturally excites and excites, feels that the future is just a bright light, and feels that the grievances of the Purgatory Star for many years are like being resolved. There is no more knot.

"His Royal Highness, you are really lucky, that kid can actually become your follower." Kasiuen in the crowd was silent for a while, suddenly no more, whispered: "I will arrange as soon as possible, so that you have the opportunity to see On the one hand, I hope that he has not changed, and will try his best to do things for you. Otherwise, in a hundred years, there will be a total of four people in the land of God’s punishment, such as Feng, Russell, Jie, and Barrett. The horrible guy! This is not the blessing of the kingdom of God!"

"I, I don't know if he has changed, and he doesn't know if he will be my follower." Zi Yao looked bitter and seemed to feel that there was something to be lost. He slipped away from his fingertips and was sad and sad. .

"There are countless predators in the land of sacred punishment, but in the future, there may be real masters." The squad leader Bi Tian took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Soft child, did the kid have a table for you?" Exposed... good feeling?"

Birou stayed, seriously thought about it, and immediately shook his head.

"If you don't have one, let him have it." Bitian's face is full of color. "With my daughter's beauty, let him like it, shouldn't it be difficult? You should plan it, give me this guy, he is This is second only to the goal of the star map, give me serious treatment!"


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