God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Zi Yao’s resentment

The 208th chapter of Zi Yao's resentment

In the crushed ice of a place, Shi Yan frowned and stood, and the gods wandered in the crowd, and the heart moved.

His eyes wandered around the crowd, and suddenly he felt that his eyes were slightly bright, and he found that he did not turn his attention to the direction he sensed.

In the mysterious forbidden field of the Sun Star burst field, he and the Zi Yao Zhao sword have been together for a long time, and used the life of the righteousness to restore the injury of Zi Yao, is very familiar with her life magnetic field, Shiyan.

In the battle with Black Point, his **** knows the cleanliness of Yu, and captures all the subtle movements around him. At that moment, he knows that Zi Yao is in the crowd.

Zi Yao is the princess of the Tianni God Kingdom. Once the city of Heaven is exposed, it will inevitably cause trouble.

His heart is clear.

Therefore, it clearly sensed the direction of Zi Yao, he did not pay attention to see, worried that attracting others' attention, will make the purple Yao "" pre-exposure.

This battle was interrupted by Barrett’s withdrawal and slowly began to fall. Feng Qi haha ​​laughed. The mood seemed to be good. He said with a loud voice: “Let’s go, don’t stay any longer, um, the parties are invited. The leader of the team, please leave a narrative, I am looking for you to have something to discuss."

He sent a message to let the heads of the gods of the penalty land come together to discuss the important things in the new star field. It’s just that Barrett suddenly went crazy, and there was such a battle. Now that the dust has fallen, everything has to be on the right track, and no one can continue to stay.

Feng Qi was so stunned, and the green ghost predators guarded Shimenkou everywhere, and began to follow his words.

Those who were not invited to the martial arts were forced to leave after Feng Qi’s deterrence, among them, Kashun, Bitian and others.

In a short time, the stadium full of ice debris was in the middle of the center, only the heads of the parties were left. Russell and Jieshao ignored it and frowned at Fengqi. The Jester was staying. Do not move, a pair of eyes staring at the stone rock, seems to have a thousand words to say in general.

Feng Qi is in a good mood, with a smile on his face: "The parliament in a while will be extremely boring and uninteresting. You don't have to get involved. Well, this magical space ring is for you. There are thousands of top grades in it, you bring the rock in the city. Turn around and see what needs to be bought. He has to come to the city for the first time, there should be no time to go shopping, you go, it will take some time to discuss, and I will tell you when the results are available."

Feng Wei also smiled. "Little girl, the realm and strength of the kid is indeed extraordinary. You have to look a little tight. After this battle, his name will surely spread to the land of punishment, and we have a lot of hot women here. Very, don't be taken away."

"In the land of God's punishment, who looks better than me?" Feng Hao proudly smiled, confidently said: "Do not worry, I will be optimistic about him, um, I am leaving.

During the speech, she flew down from the stone platform and came to the side of Shiyan. She said: "Go, let's just stroll around, there are many interesting places in the city, there are countless shops, what you want. Everything has everything."

Since coming to Tiancheng City, Shiyan did not have a moment of stability, and it was not long before the Cato brothers stayed. It was Russell’s forced escape, and he immediately kept hiding in the heavenly city, and had no chance to hang out.

Feng Qi said this, it is exactly what he wants, he also needs to pass through the wide streets of Tiancheng City to meet with Zi Yao.

Refreshingly agreed, Shiyan and Feng Wei went out together to repair the stadium and went to the spacious and lively streets of Tianducheng.

The two figures came one after the other. The first came was Kraft. He smiled and said: "My big brother stayed, I have nothing, Shi Yan, would you like me to accompany you?"

Blood Tukat was also invited. After discovering the close relationship between Fengqi and Shiyan, he decided to stay and explore. He did not rush to leave. He secretly told Kraft to let him stay with Shiyan, so as to avoid any accident. .

In the day of the fine city, Kraft is the lake, and the value of the goods sold in all the shops, he has a lot of thoughts, if Shiyan really wants to buy something, he will follow, certainly will not suffer.

"No need, I will do it." Shi Yan was trying to promise, Feng Hao suddenly sipped, refused first, frowning: "Kraft, you still go back to your shop, do your own business. Let's go."

Kraft smiled bitterly, but did not answer immediately, just looking at Shiyan.

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

Kraft no longer said anything more, arched his hand, and disappeared in the rushing crowd.

The figure that appeared in the latter group was the refining pharmacist Jester. The refining pharmacist who had been inside the green ghosts and had a lot of business with the heads of the Penang New Star field actually took the initiative and found Shiyan.

"Jester Sage, how come you come out?" Feng Qi inexplicably whispered, his face was positive, and he introduced to Shi Yan: "This is the Jessian sage, the refinement of our inner world." The pharmacists, the three of them, were healed by Mr. Jester."

Shi Yan was so moved and respectful, and thanked him. "Mr. Dacai, without your treatment, my three friends are afraid of how long it will take."

The refining pharmacist Jester waved his hand and looked excited: "Small things are small. That one, can you take the liberty to ask, the flame you released before, but... Skyfire?"

"Not bad." Shi Yan did not hide this point, nodded affirmed.

Jester’s expression suddenly trembled, and both of them sneered at it. “Can your skyfire be sold out to me?” Innocent price, as long as you nod, no problem?”

Skyfire is the foundation of refining pharmacists and refiners. If a powerful refining pharmacist or refiner is full of fire, it will be even more powerful in refining and refining, and the realm will be improved. It has extremely significant help.

There is a refining pharmacist in the sky, refining drugs do not even need medicine Ding, Skyfire is the best Ding furnace.

Jester, a paranoid superb refining pharmacist, also heard the wonders of Skyfire. Therefore, when he saw that he had affirmed the skyfire, he immediately "followed the name" and wanted to integrate the skyfire into the soul altar and let the refining One way has become what you want.

"Sorry, no matter how much you pay, I can't sell it." Shi Yan shook his head with a smile. "You are a refining pharmacist. You should know the wonders of Skyfire. And I, except for a warrior." In addition, it is still a refiner, Skyfire is as important to me, so I will never use it to sell."

Jester looked shocked.

Feng Wei also stayed a bit, "Are you still a refiner?"

Touching the nose, Shiyan said casually: "What's so strange?"

"Are you a refiner who doesn't go into the flow? Or else, can you go so far in power?" she subconsciously thought.

Shi Yan smiled and did not explain.

"I know that there is no way to impress you." Jester sighed and sighed for a while and said again: "Can it help me a favor, help me with a smoldering fire? Of course, I naturally Will pay enough!"

Jester looked at him with a serious look, a slight sigh, and a desire in his eyes.

"If you don't have trouble, you can help him, Bi Gui."... He saved your friend's life. Feng Qi said a good word.

"Well, I can help you back, when?" Shi Yan thought for a moment, there seemed to be no inconvenience, and he readily agreed.

"Don't worry, huh, no hurry, I am not ready yet." Jester slammed his hands and looked "exciting". "That, don't bother you, I will go in and listen. Shiyan, you remember, When I gather the materials, please ask for help, I thank you first."

"No problem." Shi Yan smiled and watched this Jester return to the green ghost stronghold. He said casually: "This old man, not as difficult as you said before? You said that he wanted him to help, difficult. Will it be lie to me?"

Feng Wei looked black. "You know that he promised to heal the violent three. What price did we pay?"

"What generation?"

"Fifty thousand top grade Shenjing! Plus three of his designated god-level herbs!" Feng Qi bite his teeth, a face of a painful drink.

Shiyan suddenly stunned, and immediately hid his heart, grinning. "So, the old man is very rich, so very good, when he asks me, I let him spit out half."

Feng Yimei shines, nodded again and again, and rejoicing: "It should be like this!"

The two spoke and walked on the streets of the city where the city was fined, not rushing, and lingering in a family shop.

Shiyan seems to have no purpose, many strange shops, he seems to have little interest, no desire to buy "looking", just curious, a family's change, seems to simply enjoy the pleasure of hanging out.

Feng Wei didn't know that he was hanging around at random, just waiting for the arrival of one person, but secretly stealing it, thinking that Shi Yan likes to feel alone with her, and he is not too anxious, and he is eager to take him away without aim. Gradually away from the streets, I came to a stream on the north of the city.

An arch bridge was erected on the river. The two stood on the arch bridge and watched the water flowing down the foot. They suddenly felt that the whole heart had calmed down.

At this moment, Shi Yan’s eyebrows moved a bit, and suddenly he smiled and said: “I’m convenient, you are here waiting for me for a while, I will be back soon.”

Feng Qi is not suspicious of him. He looks at him with a red face and shyly said: "Bastard, what should I tell you about this? You go, what should you say so clearly?"

Shi Yan chuckled, turned and left, swaying in the lonely alley, disappearing.

In a secluded and elegant courtyard, a beautiful figure stands under the dense banyan tree, facing away from the open door, and faintly said: "You thought you would not come over...",

"His Royal Highness." Shi Yan stopped at the door, slightly covered, and his face complex: "You haven't seen you again since Zi Yaoxing left. It really has been a while, why are you coming to the day? city?"

Zi Yao turned around, the flesh-colored mask had already faded, and the unparalleled face of Fenghua was still "soul", but the depths of the beauty, but there was a subtle sorrow and sorrow, said softly: "Cashian received the news, Saying that the star map appeared in the land of sacred punishment, so I came, and I, because I heard that you are also punishing the city, so come over to see you. However, I thought you were in a difficult situation and wanted to save you, but I didn't expect you to be happy. It seems that I think more, and I have looked down on your ability. I don't want to worry about anything for you...",

Shi Yan’s eyes showed a touch of emotion, but he was temporarily silent. He didn’t know what to say.

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