God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 847: I think... I can ruin you!

Chapter VIII I think... I can ruin you!

Entering the ocean, it was a lot of smooth, no trouble, all the way through the gallop, just after half an hour, he fell on an island.

The island land is brown and brown, and there are dead old trees everywhere. There are many potholes and huge gullies.

In the middle of the island, there is a fairly flat area where Cato’s tiger sharks are parked.

When Shi Yanren arrived, the knowledge of God was released, and Cato sensed it.


On a tiger shark chariot, Cato shouted loudly. There were dozens of chariots beside him. There were his envy, and most of them were kings and real gods. It was not particularly strong.

More than two hundred Cato's embarrassing, seeing Shiyan came over, are quite curious, and they will condense their sights far away. I want to see the young people who have recently become famous in the city. .

Cato and Kraft brothers greeted each other and looked very happy. "How did you find it?"

"I can sense the fluctuations of your cultivation." Shi Yan pulled a scorpion and fell behind Kato. He looked around and smiled. "Is this your brothers?"

Cato nodded and looked a little embarrassed. "I am not particularly strong among the predators near the land of punishment. The brothers under my hand are not too many, and the realm is deep, so the brothers laugh."

It is difficult to really win the top of the strong strongman's attachment, and Cato is better than Barrett, Jiexiu and Russell. It is only the leader of the Three Kingdoms of God. Central, it is still a little bit famous.

Powerful as abundant, there are nearly a thousand strong men, most of them are kings of the kingdom, and true gods are rare.

And Cato, because he is only the realm of the gods and three heavens, the team that constitutes his power, there are many warriors of true gods, naturally far less than Feng Wei, Barrett and others.

"It won't be like this in the future. I believe in your strength. As long as you break through the source of the gods, I think your power in the predators will rise, and more than Barrett, Jielai and Russell are just around the corner." Rock smiled and relieved.

"Don't say it, I seem to be breaking through. In the recent period, the soul is fluctuating abnormally. It seems that as long as I have an epiphany, I can cross that threshold." Cato excited.

Get the complete and correct power of the mysterious inheritance, Cato recently learned with the heart, and indeed made great progress.

He was originally in the realm of the king of the gods. Under the gradual enhancement of the righteousness, it is a matter of course. It is only an opportunity to break through. Sometimes it is only a step away, but it is often difficult. If it is fast, it will break instantly. If it is slow, it may be A hundred years.

"When we were shocked, we were chased by the Heavenly Alliance's Bitian, and we were together... almost all died in the hands of Bitian, but he let us go, let me say hello to you." Cato Suddenly remembered this embarrassment, doubts: "Brother, you and Bitian also have friendship?"

"Oh, that's right, I didn't expect this person to be very careful, um, I remembered it." Shi Yan was amazed.

He did not expect that Bitian sincerity was so big. In order to win over him, he was not only willing to marry his daughter, but also sold him face in advance. For him, he let go of Cato and others.

Although this guy is not as strong as the ally in the League, his heart and knowledge are indeed first-class, so people can't underestimate.

"I broke through." Shi Yan indulged for a while, grinning and smiling.

With the understanding of the power of the stars, he broke through and condensed a lot of undead blood, which was very close to the thorough blood transfusion. He broke through to the three kings of the gods, and the body was once again quenched, reaching an incredible height.

In the breakthrough, he was keenly aware that his undead martial arts and petrochemical martial arts have undergone a long-term transformation. He believes that today, his physical strength and horrible resilience will enable him to resist any one. The source of God is a heavenly realm.

Exercising the full force, releasing the three esoteric realms, his combat power will climb to the point of extreme horror.

The Cato brothers’ eyes slammed brightly.

"I think, if you meet Barrett again, if you really fight and die, you will eventually lose. It should not be me." Shi Yan is sure.

Cato brothers are overjoyed.

"Where do you agree with Feng Qi?"

"A little distance from this, it is also a forbidden place. There is more danger. Unfamiliar people are rushing into it. It is very likely that it will be impossible. Our predators are also paying countless lives and gradually find out the situation."

"What is the secret of the forbidden land here? What do I think, like a broken area of ​​the ancient continent? Before very early, was there a lot of stars near the land of God's punishment? The star of life?"

"Brother, how do you know?"

"Guess, because those mountains, lakes and islands, although split, are clearly a star."

"There are rumors about this. As with your judgment, it is said that very early, the land of God's punishment is very prosperous, there is a very large star of life, the order is extremely high, and there are strong terrorists stationed. Just, I don't know why, the huge stars of life burst open, and everything on the stars split into pieces, lingering around the land of sacred punishment. There are many warriors fallen, and many secrets disappeared. Mysterious land is near mysterious There are many places, and the territory is vast. Even our predators have not fully explored them," Cato explained.

Shi Yan listened carefully and nodded. "Sure enough."

"Let's go, go to the area agreed with Fengqi, brothers, you can join me. Near the neighborhood, I am familiar, there will be no danger." Cato laughed.


The next time, Shi Yan and the Cato brothers took a tiger shark and ran through the island and crossed many islands.

Later, I rushed into a thick foggy area, surrounded by a very violent wind and howling, there is some kind of invisible danger.

Cato is really familiar with this piece. His tiger shark chasing around is not a straight line. Every time he can avoid the danger, let everyone walk through the heavy fog and enter a forbidden place.

Here, Shi Yan couldn't help, and he was too lazy to bother and handed the itinerary to the Cato arrangement.

After five days of speeding, they passed through many enchanted and banned areas of danger, and they came to the area agreed with Fengqi and another area of ​​forbidden area.

A undulating mountain stream, nearby thunder and lightning and blasts, the horrible heaven and earth energy seems to be formed naturally, and can be used to kill everything.

When Shi Yan and his entourage came over with the tiger shark, they found that many of the warships had been parked in the mountains and rivers. There were Russell and Barrett’s predator flags, and there were other small forces. Others, such as Yan and Jie, did not know why the delay was not there.

The tiger shark chased an area and only fell a long time. Shiyan saw Barrett, Russell, and the refining pharmacist Jester. These three source gods were originally negotiating. Whatever they saw, they frowned when they saw them.

Barrett's face was gloomy. When he saw the appearance of Shiyan, it seemed to be full of irritations. He said, "Boy, what are you involved in? Are you a predator? What qualifications do you have?"

Black Point and a few of the gods and kings of the three heavens of the strong, a heavy armor, all of them have a strong suffocating, but also laughed and surrounded.

Shiyan looked indifferent, far away from Barrett and others. The yin and yang sighed: "The star map was brought into the city by the day. If you are qualified, who can compare me? Oh, no my star map, you are now There are no more than even!"

Barrett is cold, "The kid, there are lurkers in the heavenly city to maintain order, here, I want to kill you, who dares to stop?"

"You kill me?" Shi Yan burst into laughter. "Barrett Barrett, you didn't kill me in the city of heaven. You have no hope in this life. I am here now, you can try. See who we die first!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent and evil momentum rose from the back of his head, and the field of the gods that were driven by the death of the righteousness spread, and all kinds of negative emotions washed away, such as the ghosts crying around him, evil, despair The madness and the sinful smell spread, and it seems that everyone’s will to fight will be destroyed.

In the realm of God, his face was indifferent, and his eyes sparkled with blood and faintly said: "Barrett, you can give it a try."

"The King of Gods Three Heavens!" Russell and Jester exclaimed at the same time.

"Hey, Barrett, you still have a rest, not not optimistic about you, I think... you really can't kill him." Russell snorted and suddenly smiled and persuaded, "Don't make trouble, fight It’s not worth it to lose both. For a woman, it’s not necessary to kill you. Besides, Feng has already made a decision, and you have lost a bet...”

"Forget it, you can't kill him." Jester also blocked.

As soon as the rock power was released, the Cato brothers and his aunts came together and confronted the strong men on Barrett.

Not far away, there were other predators who came together and looked at them. Many people also spoke and made Barry special.

"Do you really think that if you break through the three kingdoms of the gods, you can compete with the source of the gods?" Barrett's face is violent, the flames in the body are soaring, the volley is floating, and a sea of ​​fire is formed, step by step. Approaching Shiyan.

"Not a counterbalance." Shi Yan looked at him seriously and shook his head. "I think... I can ruin you!"

Everyone changed color, and Barrett was also a stagnation.

At this time, Shiyan violently attacked, and even took the lead, and both hands and ones pulled, countless stars and light bloomed, quickly condensed, a crystal starlight sword formed, and small stars danced above, implying The wonder of the endless starry sky.


The smashing of the Stars' Great Sword, the harsh and screaming of the screams came out, and the eardrum of the shocked people had a dull pain, but they could not sense the orientation of the three spurs.


Ps: Three consecutive days and three more, seeking ***~~

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