God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 848: Starlight is not extinguished

The VIIIth chapter of the star is not extinguished

The stars are full of stars, and the stars are circulated to the righteousness. On the star-shaped giant sword that has been condensed, there are broken stars shining with brilliance.


The Stars of the Great Sword carries the stars of the sky, as if the Star River is included, and countless stars are swirling, pulling out a bright star, and Barrett is covered in faintness.

A chain of stars and stars, flying out between Shiyan and Ten Fingers, seems to be connected by the stars, with a wonderful star bound energy concept.


The spurs of the three bone spurs continued to tear, and in the center of the void, three slits of space visible in the eyes were drawn, blocking Barrett in front of him, behind him, and in the top of his head.

In the center of the Shiyan Shuangyu, a little bit of starlight overflows. He seems to be a star that is unbroken outside the domain. The body emits immortal will and realm fluctuations.

Many of the predators appeared scared. At the moment when his power was released, he felt that the heavens and the earth were small, and only the stars would never die.

No one has urged that even the source of the gods, such as Russell and Jester, began to subconsciously retreat to make room for the battle between Shiyan and Barrett.

Barrett’s embarrassment, did not go forward to participate in the war, it seems that I know that today’s Shiyan is not something they can contend with, even the black horn, but also use the eyes to indicate that everyone will retreat, do not take the refusal.

At the top of Cato, when he saw the black horn, he evoked the message, and he also took the initiative to evacuate, leaving Shiyan and Barrett a battle area of ​​a hundred acres.


Barrett's body came with a crisp blasting sound. His body seemed to swell up a point. The red and bright red, orange-red fireworks burst out of the pores of the body, forming a flame ocean.

The soul altar whirls, Barrett's flame power is condensed into the realm of God, and the gods are attached to a group of flames. Each group of flames seems to be Barrett's esoteric avatar, implying the essence of flames. In the sea of ​​fire, it is constantly condensed, forming hundreds of huge fireballs.

The fireball rolled and horrified, so that the area was dry and burnt, and many dead ancient woods burned, and the flames were even worse.


Barrett is violent, and a huge fireball is skyrocketing. And those fireballs are condensed to the extreme. They suddenly look at each other and change into Barrett's face. The flames are hot, and the flames are poured out. It is terrible.

The Great Stars of the Stars descended from the sky and fell into the sea of ​​fire. As the meteors blasted into the magma pool, hundreds of thousands of stars and flame spots were sputtered.

Two distinct forces collide with each other and the power is counterbalanced, making Barrett's flame gods filled with the stars, and the fireballs are rolling, and the flames are shining like the sun.

Three cracks in the starry sky, wandering in the void, such as the light knife that cuts the space of all the materials, slashed down.

The flame ocean, which was transformed from the field of Barrett, was divided into three flame oceans under the blade of the space where the three bones were brought.

Barrett is in the middle of the three flames of the ocean. The flames of the whole body are burning, and the soul altar is madly spinning. I don’t know where to pull the burning flame, which makes him a condensed juice. The fire man, Zhang mouth will spurt a raging fireworks.

The flame sun, the same as Barrett's face, suddenly became a burning white, showing a hot high temperature.

The squares were covered with flames, the earth was cracked open, the stones were broken, and the substances that could be burned ignited the flames. This place seemed to be a flame hell, melting any body and will of the living beings.

"The strong source of the soul of the achievement, not the kind of **** kingdom you can compare, boy, I will let you know today, it is you broke through, it is also a dead end!"

Barrett roared in the raging fire, like an irritated flame beast, releasing the flames and heat energy. One big fireball shot out, rolling in the void, all coming toward Shiyan.


Within the cyclone of Shiyan Dantian, there was a wave of vibration, and the earth was shining with a big fist.

As soon as the stars came out, countless stars condensed and condensed. In an instant, the big star of the boxing had a size of a grinding disc. The crystal was like a huge white crystal. It was so beautiful and beautiful. It was the most exquisite refiner in the world. The magic that can't be tempered.

This is the star nuclear! It is the true star core!

The stars circulate the light points of hundreds of millions of stars. The glory of many warriors does not dare to face up, the artistic conception of the stars is immortal, and the trajectories of stars follow the stars.


The flame sun that Barrett condensed was hit by the star, and it immediately spread out, sputtering thousands of fires, splashing all over the sky, and after the fire fell, the hard earth was cut into small holes.

The star that flew out of the nebula in the Cyclone of Danyang, slid and swayed forward, and was invincible. Any flame sun collided with it, and it would burst into the sky and turn into a spark of the sky.

An eternal mood of the stars, swaying in the stars, can directly rush into the other side of the sea, people are fascinated, subconsciously born a sense of incompetence.

The three bone spurs continue to whistle, like the devil's tentacles, sometimes hidden, sometimes flashing away, there is no way to grasp the trace, at the moment the spurs appear, there will be a space gap, so that Barrett has to temporarily avoid the edge .

The space blade that can cut any substantial object is comparable to the existence of any sharp artifact. Even if Barrett is the **** of the **** level, it can only escape and there is no way to resolve it.

If the realm of non-stone rock is different, it is impossible to lock Barrett's soul altar with the soul. Barrett will be even more difficult. He will be chased by three bones and he will lose the power of counterattack.

However, at this time, Shiyan, although once again broke through, is still a strong king of the king.

A whole level, the low-level spirit can not lock the soul of the source, he can only pursue the consciousness of the control of Barrett's body as seen in the eye.

As the pupils shrank, Shi Yan’s face suddenly became cold and there was no slight mood swing.

Power is up again!

The ambiguity of the imprisoned space, along with the guidance of his two hands, the energy tide formed by a space force, poured into the sea of ​​fire in Barrett.

The flames that jumped, the flames of the slap, the big fireball that rolled, and the point at the point of his finger, suddenly stagnate.

At that moment, the star giant sword was cut down, and hundreds of millions of stars were lighted like sea water, and it fell to Barrett.


Barrett's body, like a firecracker, exploded, the body that was dropped by the stars, if it was penetrated by a sharp weapon, blood splashed.

The stinging attacked the whole body, Barrett's soul altar slammed away from the space, and the two scorpions touched two hot flames, activated the field of the stagnation of the gods, roared in the sky, and spit out the flame ball.

In the flame ball of light, there is Barrett's source of God's thoughts, and his countless years of understanding of the fire's righteousness, the flame ball rolling, crushing the starlight, crushing everything, carrying unimaginable The violent fire can hit the starry light group.


The landslide-like vibration, the dazzling radiance, the horror-sounding aftermath of the horror, and the swaying of the mountains and the waves, the earth is shaken, and the earth is constantly rolling and roaring.

The magma emerged from the depths of the earth and merged into the flame ball of light. It ran straight and slammed into the body of Shiyan.

The stars flying out of the Shiyan nebula, with his consciousness, were burned by the flames.

The star, quietly suspended in the sea of ​​fire, and temporarily lost contact with him.

The flame ball is like a Barrett strike. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a Barrett soul in the flame ball. There is a virtual soul altar as the source of strength, and quickly condense the underground magma. The conception of burning the heavens and the earth swept over and drowned the heavens and the earth.

Shi Yan suddenly closed his eyes.

At the most dangerous moment, his face was light and his body swelled.

Reaching out, the force of the fingertip space splashes, he pulls hard.


The sky was torn, a space of a kilometer long space, and the inside was radiant, and he was torn apart.

The flame light ball rushed, and he did not expect that he still had such a move. He couldn’t take it back. He suddenly rushed into the gap of the space, and disappeared after a flash.


The horrible explosion came from the sky, and the voids of the heads of the people smashed out of layers and became flames. If the monsters were wrapped in the sky, they would break freely in the air, and the sky would change and the fire would spurt.

Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes and the soul sacrificed.

The stagnant star, if activated by the potential, is astounding like a meteor, slamming into the pale Barrett chest.


When Barrett was bombarded by the Wanzhang Mountain Peak, he flew all the way, crushed several kilometers of mountains and rivers, and flew hundreds of miles before he stopped in a mountain and was submerged by the collapsed mountains.

The space gap at the top of Shiyan slowly healed, and his thoughts changed again. The star whirls and whirls, floating above his head, like his own star.


The three bone spurs returned, quietly staying on both sides, and the space was sharp.

In the horror of Russell, Jester, Cato and others, Shi Yan took a deep breath and calmly walked toward Barrett. His eyes did not have a trace of emotion, such as the death of life.

Thousands of predators, this moment is silent, just looking at him with awe and fear, not dare to say a word.

Black horns are full of anxiety and anxiety, worried about Barrett's safety, subconscious condensing power, trying to intervene in this battle.

"stop fighting!"

Suddenly, the screams of abundantness came from far away.

The sound fell, a thunder and lightning flashed over, and Feng Wei appeared in the sky above Barrett, his face looked solemnly at the foot, watching the collapsed mountains and rivers.

When I came to the rock in that area, I frowned suddenly, stopped, and looked down at the ruins. Cold and cold: "Come out."


The 100-meter boulders burst open, and Barrett, who was reddish in red, gasped out, and looked horrible, with blood flowing from his neck and chest.

"Shi Yan, don't fight, give me... give me a face." Feng Wei's voice is low.


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