God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Artistic field

Eighty-four hundred forty-nine chapters

"Don't call, give me a face."

Feng Wei looked at him, his complex complex, and not the same as usual.

Feng Qi is the source of the gods and the two heavens. It is the most powerful leader of the predators, and the most powerful one in the land of punishment.

Today, he asked Shi Yan not to do it, but it was not a forced tone, but a form of negotiation. Let Shi Yan not do it, give him a face...

Because he found that the stone rock that broke through to the three kingdoms of the gods, it seems that you can beat Barrett!

This also means that perhaps... Shiyan has the capital to fight against him!

Treating the same level of the strong, Feng Wei is very measured, know how to speak.

Russell, Jester, and Cato, and other looters, gathered quietly, all looking at Shiyan with a sullen look, and his eyes had a hint of concealment.

"Well, my predecessors have spoken, of course I have to give you face." Shi Yan was silent for a while and nodded. "I missed today. If Barrett continues to think about it, I will not have any reservations."

Everyone has a glimpse.

"Barrett! How are you?" Black Point rushed up and looked worried.

"Big leader!"

"Big leader, you... okay?"


Barrett’s majesty, after coming, was very worried, and they shouted.

Surprisingly, Barrett was not as violent as the previous one. Instead, he frowned and did not go to see Fengqi, nor looked at Shiyan, nor even looked at Heijiao and others.

His gaze, the suspicion of falling down to the ground where he had just been drowned by the boulder, the flash of light in his eyes seemed to touch something.


In the underground, there was an endless roar, and a large amount of flame magma spewed out, as if the flame dragons were soaring, extremely embarrassing.

The willpower of burning the heavens and the earth emerges from the earth and reaches the minds of all the warriors.

Everyone was ashamed, and at the same time, they were shocked and inexplicably looked at the ground.

"What happened? Barrett, this is not your power concept! You still can't reach this point!" Feng Shui Shen, also realized that wonderful things seem to have happened.

"Under the bottom, there is an immortal will in the center of the earth. The true meaning of his cultivation is definitely the flames of the righteousness!" Barrett whispered, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed into the gravel pile, which seemed to be straightforward. Entered the ground.

A raging flame dragon leaps out the depths of the earth and swims on the surface.

Many predators who are not high-level realm are affected by the flame of the flame dragon. If there is no reason, they will burn the flames and become a fireman. For a moment, the gods and soul altars will melt together.

"Be careful! It's all in the sky!" Feng Qi couldn't help but scream, and his face showed deep jealousy. "It's the state of mind! The field of the strong gods has evolved. It will be an enemy who is not practicing the flames. !"

His screams burst out, and everyone suddenly woke up, one by one, rushing to the sky, not afraid to get close to the flame dragon underneath.

The strong flame suddenly overflowed from the ground, only a short ten seconds, at the foot of the crowd became a sea of ​​magma, a willpower to burn everything, constantly enhanced.

Many of the strongest people who practiced the flames of the righteousness, the look of the earthquake, suddenly ecstasy inexplicable, have fallen into the flame magma, and closed their eyes to understand what.

Among them, Barrett's soul fluctuations are the most obvious, spread out in the underground, full of excitement and joy, seems to be communicating with that flame consciousness, to understand the subtleties of the fire.


The fire of the earth and the real fire of Suzaku came out from the stone temple of Shiyan. Without letting him command, they all fell into the ground and disappeared.


In the magma, there are bubbles in the sea, and once the bubbles are broken, there will be a hot inflammation that will be released, so that the high temperature will rise again.

A flaming dragon swims and moves above the magma fire, like looking for prey. As long as it is not the power of the fire, it will become their goal, directly entangled and burned the other party.

Shiyan also flew into the void, with a distance of kilometers from the ground, overlooking the bottom, and his face was weird.

"The battle between you seems to have provoked somewhere in the ground to ban, and then released the immortal will. The fallen, before it died, should be... very powerful!" Russell took a deep breath. , sighed: "The forbidden land is wonderful. We have been exploring for so many years, and we have not solved all the secrets. I did not expect that after a big war, it will become such a scene. It is really magical."

"Barrett is blessed." Jester looked envious. "After this baptism of the mystery, I think... his understanding of the flames will reach a higher level."

"Perhaps, Barrett can take the opportunity to break through to the source of God's two heavens. Among the people, he has the highest realm and the benefits of harvesting will be greater." Feng Qi nodded, and Chong Shiyan said: "Wait for him to break through Well, it should be more powerful. But I can assure you that if he deals with you after the breakthrough, I will try to block it. That... don't bother him."

Black Point and many of the predators of Barrett's Majesty, looking at Shiyan one by one, and hearing Barrett's words, could not help but reveal gratitude.

When you understand the realm, you are most afraid of disturbing. If you are disturbed by your mind, you will go astray in power and morality. You may even go to the soul to worship the Taiwanese. You will not be able to spur the life and smash the will and the righteousness. .

Therefore, when Barrett rushed into the bottom of the magma, they were very nervous.

They are afraid, afraid that at this time, Shiyan will interfere, and with the realm and strength of Shiyan today, Barrett will die. This is the best time.

Barrett also knows the danger.

But this is a golden opportunity. I missed it today. He doesn’t necessarily have such an opportunity in his life to understand the true meaning of the flames.

After such a powerful fallen person, after the destruction of the spirit, the domain of God will become a state of mind. Once excited, it may exist for a long time, or it may be extremely short, but if it disappears quickly, he will regret for life. .

Obviously knowing that when I go to comprehend, I will face enormous dangers. Barrett can't hold back the desires in her heart.

There are many people like him. There are not many hesitations about the power of the fire, and all of them go down to understand the subtlety.

The personal realm and comprehension are different, and the benefits obtained are not the same, but as long as the power of the fire is cultivated, the people who are the righteous are not interfered by the flame dragon, and they will always gain something when they understand it under the heart.

No one can resist this temptation.

"He is lucky." Shi Yan nodded and said indifferently: "Do not worry, I will not do this despicable thing. Barrett can understand the essence of fire, and it is not necessarily able to break through immediately, etc. He broke through, and I am still the level of power today? I can still kill him!"

He has this confidence!

Barrett can break through, will he be stagnant? With his strength and mystery, as long as he is given him for a while, his strength will climb without limit.

When Barrett broke through, he might have reached the source of God again. At that time, he would be afraid of Barrett?

"Now the three forces are chasing after each other. If Barrett can break through, we will have more strength. For the future of the predator, I will give him time. Even if he can surpass me in the future, I will not be embarrassed. Heart." Feng Qi took a deep breath, "We have had some trouble, and we have been seriously injured. I... the loss is not small."

"What about Feng Qi? Is she all right?" Shi Yan's face changed and he hurriedly asked.

"Nothing." Feng Xiao smiled. "She is at the rear. I sensed your battle with Barrett. I came here first. Don't worry, I am familiar with the forbidden place. If even my daughter can't shelter, how can I not? Dare to plot a star map?"

"She's fine." Shi Yan relaxed. "I don't know if I die, I don't care. Oh, yes, who have you met?"

"Li Yuefeng of Li's family." Feng Yu looked gloomy.

"How is this person?"

"It's terrible! In the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, his strength is second only to the Van Gogh. The source of God is the second heaven. To be honest, I have handed him a hand, I am afraid it is a bit worse..."

Feng Qi shook his head and sighed, his face was a bit lonely. "The strongest of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is indeed terrible. It is the same as the source god. I broke through the time and did not have his power. Oh, except for Li Yuefeng and Ogudo. People are all strong terrorists. If you are not familiar with the forbidden land, you really can’t think about how much you will lose."

"There is a bad news." Shi Yan frowned.

"What?" Feng Wei was amazed.

Russell and Jester also looked over and expressed concern.

At this time, some people appeared in the distance. In a short time, hundreds of people were introduced to Fengqi and Fengqi, and they came to the chariot.

"Shi Yan!" Feng Qi looked surprised, people have not arrived, have been first screaming, sound like a yellow bird.

Shi Yan grinned and waited for them to come over. He said: "On the other side of the alliance, Tuohai and Monica have come over and have already merged with Bitian. They will be the biggest resistance."

When this statement came out, everyone's face suddenly sank, and suddenly felt that the road ahead was full of dangerous obstacles.

Bitianyuan God's two heavens, has been extremely terrible, coupled with the same level of Tuohai and Monica, alone by the forces of the Alliance, it is enough to destroy all the forces of their heads, as long as they really met, they There are no forbidden places in the sinister sinister area to guard against, the result ... will be very miserable.

"Don't touch them, at least... can't meet in a spacious area. Otherwise, it's really hard to do." The face was pale and smiled. "It seems that the star map really makes them crazy, the three leaders." Come together, the alliance is really a must."

"I hope that Barrett can make a smooth breakthrough, so that we can also provide more protection. Well, I have to re-orientate and try to go from a dangerous area. Previously... we didn't dare to venture into the Jedi, this time we have to take a trip. !" Feng Wei soles.

Everyone was scared.

"Feng Bo, boss, aren't you kidding?" Russell jumped up. "In many areas of the forbidden land, we simply couldn't find out the secret. Once we broke in, we don't know how many people are going to die!"

"No? Really want to go from those areas?" The introduction was also shocked and his eyes were scared.

Knowing that some of the horrible predators of the Jedi are also trembled, they are more chilling than hearing the beasts, as if they were the real places of lore, entering the mortal.

"You must go from those areas!" Feng Qi nodded. "With our familiarity with the forbidden land, we can also crack a bit. Although it is dangerous and difficult to move forward, there is still hope. But if it is blocked by the three powerful forces, then it is true. There is no way to live, for the future of the predator, this risk... we must take it."

Everyone was silent.


Ps: second! !

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