God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 850: The gift of the fallen

Chapter VIII The Fall of the Fallen

Under the threat of the three major forces, Feng Wei and his party had no choice but to make a difficult decision.

The forbidden land is ten times more dangerous and horrible!

In many areas, even the predators have not been able to probe thoroughly. If they venture into it, they are likely to be wiped out.

However, if they are in direct conflict with the three major forces and are blocked by them, they will almost certainly be wiped out.

One is possible, the other is affirmative, and they naturally know how to choose.

During their speech, the flame magma at the foot seemed to have changed again. There was a flame dragon, and for some reason, it slowly disappeared.

The flames of the two groups of fists pulsed in the sea of ​​magma. When they passed, the flame seemed to be swallowed up and disappeared quickly.

Soon, everyone noticed the body, revealing the color of movement.

Among them, Feng Xiaoran smiled, and looked at Shiyan with a beautiful look. He knew what the two flames represented, and also knew why the flames of the ocean disappeared.

In addition to Feng Wei, there is another person who knows the real situation. He is the refining pharmacist Jester.

At this point, Jester looked up and seemed to suddenly think of something, quietly came to the side of Shi Yan, whispered: "You promise me, help me with medicine..."

"Good to say." Shi Yan smiled.

Jester immediately rest assured, and expressed his gratitude. "Don't worry, it won't let you do anything. I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

"Okay." Shi Yan was also very happy and agreed to it.

The attention of all people was placed in the magma fire under the feet. After a long time, the flame dragons that appeared appeared, one left, were swallowed up by two flames.

At this time, everyone also noticed this anomaly, and they looked at the two groups of flames with strange expressions.

Some people just saw it, knowing that the two groups of flames flew out of Shiyan's body and contacted Shiyan. They all looked and moved with amazement.

This guy... How much mystery is hidden in the body? Why are the two flames flying out of his body able to engulf the flame dragon?

Not everyone knows the existence of Skyfire, so they look at the changes underneath, and it is difficult to know that Skyfire can absorb the power of the same attribute and will be puzzled.

Barrett hides inside the flame magma, and has long since disappeared, even the soul has no fluctuations.

However, the immortal flame will always exist, covering the 100-meter fire and sea area, and there is still a constant vibration.

Each of the powerful powers of the fallen fires of the cultivating fires linked the volatility of their souls to the eternal flames of the will, and used the soul to feel the heart, and the whole body was entangled in a flame. Enjoy the exquisite experience.

I don't know how long it took, even the flame magma gradually disappeared. I saw that the two groups of flames had been rolling, and the fire had disappeared a little bit.

Everyone can't help but look at Shiyan.

Including Feng Wei, Russell, and Jie, the eyes are confused and the expression is exclaimed.

Under their gaze, Shi Yan smiled lightly and explained: "I have two little guys who know the flames. They can absorb the flames to strengthen themselves. Oh, don't be surprised, everything is smart, not only. The living creatures of the flesh are present."

"Heavenly Fire! It's a fire!" Russell's brows, suddenly remembered something, and looked at him with a burning gaze.

"You guessed it, it is indeed a skyfire." Shiyan nodded.

"Where are you from? In our flames, there seems to be no skyfire. Only the oldest star of life has a natural fire. Are you... from a more advanced star field?" Russell The look is shocked.

He said this, everyone suddenly realized that the look of Shiyan’s eyes was more and more awe-inspiring.

Many people know that the Flames are not a part of the vast river. They know that there are more advanced stars in the endless stream of the stars, and the stars of those stars are unpredictable and have powerful means and realms. .

The realm of the great three gods is the source god, the virtual god, the beginning god. However, in the flame star field, the most powerful warrior is only the source of the gods, the triple heaven.

Beyond the horror of the source of the gods, today's flames have not appeared. It is said that in the deeper depths of the Milky Way, the existence of the virtual gods and the first gods can be reached.

These kinds of characters have the power to directly destroy the star of life, and they can spur a huge extraterrestrial meteorite as a battleship as their own habitat.

The existence of that level is just a legend, spread in the flames of the stars, but no one has ever seen it.

Shi Yan, a guy of unknown origin, once set off a frenzy as soon as he reached the flames, constantly demonstrating the power of leapfrog challenges and subverting people's understanding of power.

Everyone couldn't figure it out. I don't know why such a miracle happened. But if it is connected with a higher-level star field, then everything seems to have a reasonable explanation.

The guy who came from a more advanced star field, if there is no unusual thing, is strange. When I think about it, everyone feels that it seems to capture the truth and is excited.

"It turns out that you are from a more advanced star field, a more powerful star of life, which is reasonable." Jester first said.

"No wonder." Russell nodded.

"What is special about your high-level star field? Can you tell us something about it?"

"Talk about it." Feng Qi also came to interest, his eyes filled with hope, and looked at him seriously.

The people who heard the news were all excited and their eyes were all like a yearning, and they looked at him without hesitation.

"You got it wrong." Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Yan whispered softly. "My star of life is not surprisingly much compared to yours. On the contrary, it has reached the end of the energy cycle, and the power of heaven and earth is about to dry up. The reason why I came to the Flames is just to find a way out for my relatives and friends in my hometown. For up to two hundred years, my hometown will no longer have the energy of the heavens and the earth, and will not produce new warriors. Those original strongmen also It’s hard to break through, hehe..."

Everyone is ashamed.

"Which level is the strongest in your hometown?" Feng Qi asked.

"Oh, the real world of three gods, there is no king of the king. When tens of thousands of years ago, when the energy was still full, it seemed that there was a more powerful existence, but... it has disappeared for a long time." Shi Yan said indifferently.

"Ah!" Feng Hao looked blank and seemed a little unbelievable.

After Shiyan came to the flame star field, all the way rushed forward, and the realm of realm improvement was rare. More than any young man in the flame field, he broke the miracle.

Is such a landless potential guy from the homeland just like this?

They can't imagine it.

"I am going to explore the purpose of the star map. I hope that I can hope for my family and friends in my homeland." Shi Yan took a deep breath and his face was more serious than ever.

"Do not worry, as long as there is a star of life inside, I promise here, than you have a stone rock!" Feng Qi promised to come down, "This is what you deserve."

"Thank you."

Many predators, after this conversation, saw that Shiyan’s eyes had undergone new changes and had sincere admiration.

For the hope of the homeland, I came alone to the flames of the stars, and wanted to rely on one's own strength to seek a place for the hometown. This persistence and persistence made many people feel moved.

Everyone was silent and began to look at Shiyan with a new look. Asked if they were in this difficult situation, would they also want to go to a higher-level star field with a glimpse of their thoughts and give their family and friends a hope?

"It's almost over." Jester suddenly whispered.

The people bowed their heads and looked down.

Covering the flames of the ocean with a radius of a hundred miles, unconsciously, there have been not many flames flying, and the earth gradually emerges.

That immortal will seems to creep out from the bottom of the earth...

"There is something floating up!"


"What is it?"

Everyone felt something at the same time, and they watched it carefully.

A bright and flamboyant head emerges from a gap in the ground, such as a red-burning iron, which is a radiant flame.

The will of a fire force is released from the head of the flame, and the vibration is very obvious.

Barrett also came out, suspended beside the flame head, and together with dozens of martial artists who cultivated the power of fire, and worshipped the flames of the head, from the heart of awe.

Gradually, the immortal will is scattered into the delicate fluctuations of many fires, as if the completion of the inheritance, turned into a fire point to evaporate.

Barrett was in the crowd, and the fire of the earth and the real fire of the Suzaku absorbed the fire that had evaporated from the skull and carried out the final absorption.

Every warrior who gets the fire is full of raging flames. It seems that there is a fusion of power, and the eyes are devoutly acquainted with a certain inheritance, excited, and grateful to his gift.

The power of the gods and souls, the field of God is turned into a field of intention, and there is a trace of will left, containing the subtlety of his cultivation. These people are the ideas of inheriting the power of their own countless years. Later generations.

The strong man of good luck, with his last will to inherit, will make a great breakthrough in the Olympics.

And leaving the inheritors, there will still be nothing left, a little breath will be completely dissipated, this kind of person, is selfless, deserves any respect from the same property.

The flame skull disappeared completely, Barrett and others kept the meditation posture, closed their eyes and realized the gift of the righteousness, while the heart fire and the Suzaku real fire flew back, did not enter the stone rock body, and stayed in the Tianhuo altar.

"Breakthrough the first order! Can continue to break through!" The heart of the fire came out of ecstasy thoughts.

"I also broke through the first step." Suzaku is also excited and excited. "It's a good person, leaving the mind and the disabled, let us make a breakthrough, a big good man!"

The fifth stage of the heart fire, the real life of the Suzaku reached the sixth order, all thanks to the people.


Ps: broke out for three consecutive days, seeking support! !

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