God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 854: Venom crystal

As soon as I heard that there was something in the dragon's mouth, the three of them were excited, and Russell, Russell, and Barrett were excited. They did not wait for Shiyan to react, and they rushed away.

Feng Qi’s face sank and his mouth sneered, and he couldn’t help but snorted.

Shi Yan did not seem to be particularly mindful. There was no very fierce move. He looked at the three people with a smile and laughed, and did not stop and did not say a word.

"Brother!" Cato is a bit uncomfortable. "You saved the rich boss. Without you, no one can rush in. Now they have to **** the spoils. Can you just look at it?"

Feng Wei broke away from the chain of stars. At this time, he also came to the side of Shiyan. He was filled with anger and sullenly said: "It is really not the way."

Many onlookers also showed their disdainful attitude and were ashamed of the actions of Jie, Russell and Barrett.

"No matter, let them explore the situation, it is not necessarily a bad thing." Shi Yan smiled lightly, like no competition, let Russell three people rush to the demon dragon.

The on-site refining pharmacist Jester, who has been silent since he came here, does not know when to start, and has a roll of ancient books with yellow and yellow hues. At this time, Jester holds the ancient book and is seriously reflecting what he is, his face is dignified. Extremely.


Three looters who rushed to the demon dragon's mouth, the man was halfway through the middle of the road, and when he fell into a mud, the action suddenly became slow.

Thousands of thunder and lightning came from the sky, like a thunderbolt whip, and slammed on the heads of the three predators.

The electro-optic splash, the fierce thunder and lightning entangled, the three predator leaders did not realize anything, could not help but snarl, and his face became extremely ugly.

From the giant mouth of the two demon dragons, there was a strong green smog, which was very humid, scented and scented, and the strong corrosive atmosphere was released, which could dissolve all the souls and souls.

Russell, Jieshao, and Barrett were all panicked and tried to retreat.

However, I don’t know why, because of the reason, when they want to leave, the thunderbolts slammed their strength, dragged them, and pulled them a little bit into the dragon’s mouth. There seemed to be invisible power in the dark. Tightly bound them.

"Be careful! That is the poisonous dragon! The most poisonous family of the Yaozu, even if it is a decade-long, their teeth flow out of mucus, it is enough to let you all die!" Jester screamed and his eyes widened. The color of fear.

He is a refining pharmacist in the source of the gods. He has a unique understanding of all kinds of monsters and flowers, but... the poisonous dragons have disappeared for many years, and even he can’t be sure for a while, by comparing the characteristics of the corpses on ancient books. It was finally confirmed.

As soon as he heard Jester's screams, Russell's three faces became more and more ugly, and they were madly exerting power there, trying to break away from the power of enchantment.

"Live it!" Feng Qi's low-pitched sentence, "Let them fight for the spoils, they are all going to die."

Shi Yan smiled, didn't speak, and stretched out, and relaxed. "You can't think so. If they die, your father is the most passive. If you say, they are also the head of your predators. We have a dangerous future. And the three forces will meet sooner or later, and they are a big help for us to live."

"Your mentality is so good? Is it true?" Feng Qi bit his lower lip and gave him a white look. "When did you become so kind? When I dealt with me, I didn’t see you have a little pity." ?"

Shiyan is a bit awkward. "It's not the same. At that time we were enemies, but now... at least before they came to the new star field, they were still our allies, and we still have strong enemies behind us."

"Shi Yan knows the general, this is rare, you don't be blinded by hatred. You do, Russell, Barrett, Jieyu do a bit too much, but if they are really dead, We have no chance of winning the battle with the three forces. We are now in a passive position..." Feng Qi sighed and said helplessly: "I will help them."

He has a little eyebrow.

The soul altar is madly swirling, and countless slender thunderbolts are fired from the sturdy body, like a thunderbolt snake, and slamming to Barrett.

Intensively repairing the power of the mine, under the control of the soul, the thunder and lightning snakes directly poured into the Barrett three people, colliding with those lightnings, splashing the dazzling electric awning.

The same as the power of thunder and lightning, Barrett has the spirit of the soul to carry out the traction, seems to use a wonderful way to guide the power of the lightning that does not belong to him, so that the electric awning bound by the Barrett three gods gradually dissipated .

The Barrett, who was exerting his power, immediately noticed the change of the gods and immediately flew away, turning back from the area where the body was bound, revealing the expression of the heart.

"It's not yours, you have to **** it in the past, now you have a good look?" Feng Qi's face was sullen and screamed. "The next time, I will sit back and watch it. You are lucky today. The power that is bound is lightning." I have nothing to do with the energy of a property."

Barrett, Jiexiu, Russell three, the face is not good-looking, shocked, this time sly smile, no rebuttal, but also know the loss.

"... poisonous dragon, is it very powerful?" Feng Qi did not look too far, seriously looking at Jester, "They are a strong race of the Yaozu?"

"Well, the very powerful Yaozu, this poisonous dragon family, are proficient in poison, and the toxicity is terrible!" Jester took a deep breath. "In legend, tens of thousands of years ago, the poisonous dragon was a flame. One of the strongest races in the star field, at that time, unlike the current ethnic groups, the ethnicity is very harsh. The poisonous dragon family, tens of thousands of years ago, is a powerful branch of our flame star demon, each poison The demon dragon can make a violent storm, much more terrible than the strong ones at the same level."

After a pause, he pointed to the corpse of the poisonous demon dragon. "This poisonous demon dragon should be an eleventh-level high-order, like the existence of our source **** triple-day level. Just, if it really is against the source **** triple heavenly realm , winning, in all likelihood will be poisonous dragons."

"So powerful?" Cato also screamed. "So why are poisonous dragons never seen in these years? If they are so powerful, today's flames should be the poisonous dragons, where? Is it still the three major forces?"

"I don't know, my volume of ancient books...not all, the records are very one-sided. I can only be sure that in the depths of this forbidden land, there will be terrible changes, so that the poisonous dragons are dissipated." Jester smiled and didn't know why.

"Barrett, you three... still want to see it in the past?" Shi Yan was not anxious at this time, and his posture was leisurely.

Barrett, Jierui, and Russell were all scared. When they said this to him, they seemed a little embarrassed and shook their heads.

"That's good." Shi Yan nodded. "If you don't go, I can smash the past without worry. I want to come... Don't you have any opinions?"

The three men shook their heads together.

Feng Qi pretty face changed, "Don't! You know that there is danger, do you have to break into it?"

Jester also discouraged, "Don't take risks, poisonous dragons are terrible. They are even fallen, and they don't want to be cut off and become our refining materials. The power of lightning is a barrier. There are still other barriers, and we don't have to take risks."

"Stone, there is something in the poisonous demon dragon mouth, but it is not necessarily what we need. The purpose of our smashing is only a star map, you don't need extra-budget." Feng Wei also reminded.

When he was deeply immersed in the fog of the corpse and was struggling to resist, he suddenly saw Shiyan alone and came to save. At that moment, he was grateful to Shiyan.

Unconsciously, he became more and more fond of Shiyan, and he was more sincere than Russell, Barrett and Dijon.

He also did not want to have an accident in Shiyan.

"It's okay, I used to swear, but you can rest assured." Shi Yan grinned and smiled, waiting for everyone to continue to dissuade, as Changhong, suddenly shot at the front of Barrett three people.

The flowing clouds broke through the chest and flashed out on his chest. A fierce force that smashed all the enchantments was turned into a gorgeous rainbow of light, which directly penetrated the layers of enchantments and went straight to a demon head.

His figure appeared inside the rainbow, and was not affected by any banned enchantment. He walked calmly toward the poisonous dragon's bones, and there was no trace of lightning.

Everyone was stunned and stared at him. He suddenly realized that he was not afraid of it. He was not afraid of enchantment. He had sufficient confidence.

The cloud breaking Tissot can penetrate many enchantments and prohibitions. With the gradual enhancement of his realm and strength, the ability of the cloud to break Tissot has also been improved. It is with this enthusiasm that he feels that The sinister Jedi has not had a chance.

What's more, he is also proficient in the power of space.

If there is a continuation, a ban, and a tactic of the Tissot that can't be broken, as long as the tearing space leaves the space gap, it is not necessarily impossible to return to the flame star.

The power of his cultivation is unreasonable, and the strengths in his hands are also very wonderful. All kinds of skyfires are infinitely useless. There are so many means available. He feels that the dangerous area of ​​the Jedi to others is impossible to really bind him.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Shiyan easily walked in the rainbow light passage and came to a poisonous demon dragon.

Sensen's teeth are ten meters long. Like the hanging swords, the poisonous dragons have died for countless years, and there is no breath left. But the giant mouth has a bit of sharp teeth, but there is a white crystal, the internal paste. Sticky, it seems that there is a flow of water.

The crystal, at the bottom of the staggered teeth, has a thick wire connecting each tooth, as if the crystal is a venom on the tooth.

Frowning, Shiyan looked at the bright crystals and looked at the mucus inside, and his eyes were extremely cautious.

After hesitating for a while, he released the star of the stars, and formed a star hand with the essence of the stars. In the past, the crystal was pulled down.

He did not dare to touch the body.

The poisonous demon dragon toxin is extremely horrible. The crystal of his venom toxic liquid is the toxin essence of the poisonous dragon. Once the body touches, who knows what will happen?

The star smashed the venom and hesitated. He changed direction and went to another skull area.

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