God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Exchange (request for recommendation ~)

Chapter 865 exchange (request for recommendation ~)

There are flowing clouds breaking Tissot in hand, so-called enchantment, ban, array, etc. with energy as the structure of the bond, as long as the impact of the same powerful force, can be cracked by him.

He went smoothly to another head of the poison monster.

The head is slightly smaller, white as jade, and the skull of the crystal is full of thunder and lightning.

A flame emerged from the corner of his eye, and it was dying.

"The power of very pure lightning, if ... can, can you give me absorption?"

"Can you absorb it?"

"Of course. As long as there is no amount of thunder power, most of them can be absorbed by me."

"Oh, then go and absorb it, I don't use it anyway."

The extinction Leiyan was excited, and suddenly flew out from him. A flame was very small, the palms were big, and the thunder and lightning were entangled.

However, until the little flame fell on the head of the poisonous dragon, the power of the thunder in the poisonous demon scorpion was quickly reduced.

Shiyan can be clearly sensed, and the volatility of the dying stagnation has become fierce. The spurt of thunder and lightning has flowed out of the poison demon faucet and poured into the flame.

Not long after, the power of the thunderbolt on the skull of the poison demon faucet was absorbed by the dying thunder.


A crisp explosion, the corner of the poison demon faucet is broken, and a piece of crystal bone bursts, showing a thunder and lightning, like a misty cloud, never dissipating.

"That is a remnant of the poisonous dragon, with his understanding of the power of lightning, only the power of the righteousness, and the rest is not left." The idea of ​​destroying the world Leiyan came out, "I have no use, like me The life of the class, the righteousness of Tianyi, and the cultivation method of the poisonous dragon are not the same. You can collect it and give it to the same person who cultivates the same amount of lightning power. It may be of great benefit."

Shiyan’s eyes were slightly bright and he nodded secretly.

Destruction of the world is a natural fire. The most mysterious kind of life between heaven and earth is different from most living creatures with flesh and blood. Their unique meaning has a unique advanced cultivation method.

The subtle meanings of the living things are a little different from the direction in which they go. Therefore, the thunder of the poisonous dragon, he got no help.

Of course, if you give the thunder and lightning to the righteous, if you get it, then it’s totally different...

"How to charge?"

"It's very simple. Take a cover with a **** and bring him out."

"Let me try."

When the thoughts move, a refinement of the gods, flying out of his soul altar, can not be seen by the naked eye, but forms a layer of bound cover to go to the remnant soul.

The remnant soul of the poisonous demon dragon was wrapped in the cover of his **** consciousness. Without any resistance, he flew directly from the head of the poison demon dragon, and fell safely to his eyes, suspended.

Among the remnants of the soul, there are very strong and obvious lightning fluctuations. There are countless lightning bolts colliding with each other, and there is a thunderous roaring roar.

Shi Yan does not cultivate the righteousness of the thunder and lightning. This remnant of the soul is not good for him. If it is forcibly integrated, it will hurt the soul altar.

Did not take this remnant soul into the ring, took a deep breath, he continued to look around, want to see if there are other items, carefully observed for a while, the soul released, nothing.

Helpless, he followed the original path into the rainbow light created by the Tissot, and the hand condensed by the power of the stars, licking the venom crystal of the poisonous dragon, and with him, slowly from the rainbow channel Got out.

A remnant of the soul, a venom crystal, is all his harvest.

He came to the crowd and reached for a hand. The thunder and lightning spirit of the poisonous dragon flew in the direction of the plump.

Feng Qi didn't react at first, his face changed, and when Shi Yan shot him, his brow was deep locked. However, when the remnant soul slowly moved closer, he did not release a little power, and he woke up awkwardly. Pick it up.

The sound of Fengqi is a little trembling. "Stone... Shiyan, this, what is this?"

"The poisonous demon dragon has a remnant of the head, and it contains the thunder and lightning. I think... he may be suitable for you."

"Ah!" Feng Qi couldn't help but scream, and his body trembled. "You... you said? You gave it to me? Are you sure?" His eyes glowed, showing unbelievable ecstasy, the first time It is.

To reach a rich realm, it would be extremely difficult to break through, perhaps... it’s hard to advance again in a lifetime.

Among the many sources of the gods and the two heavens, Fengqi is not as good as Ogudo, not as good as Li Yuefeng, and not as good as the three of the League, and the central part of the forbidden land. He is the weakest of the two gods.

All of this is fundamental because his understanding of the thunder and lightning is not deep enough, and the time for breakthrough in the realm is short.

If you have this thunderbolt of the poisonous dragon, everything will be different. He is likely to gain great power and even break through again!

How can he not be excited?

Feng Qi trembled, showing the color of ecstasy, and the eyes of the smoldering look at the sorrowful soul, can not help themselves.

"Poisonous dragon family, very strange, has the magical power of the separation of the soul. In general, the newly born poisonous dragon has only one head, the head will only be proficient in toxins, but when the poisonous dragon evolved, reached eleven Level, they can separate the soul, regenerate a head, and then re-cultivate a kind of power. This poisonous dragon has two heads, one head must be practicing toxins, that is their root. The second head, he chooses cultivation The power of thunder and lightning, the rich boss is so blessed." Jester smiled and explained.

"If the poisonous dragon continues to evolve, reach the 12th level?" Shi Yan asked again.

"You can split the soul again, regenerate a head, and re-cultivate a kind of power." Jester is in the same color. "This is the terrible thing of the poisonous dragon family. It is very mysterious and not very ethnic. There is such a supernatural power."

"If a head is smashed, will the poisonous dragon die?" Feng asked.

"No, it can grow up, it will only be a big injury. It may take a thousand years to recover." Jester thought for a moment and said: "The poisonous dragon's strange magical power makes it difficult for them to die. This poison The demon dragon died here, and it can be seen that the forbidden area is terrible. Everyone should be careful."

Feng Wei did not listen to them, all the energy was placed on the sorrowful soul, excited and hard to make, and began to try to merge.

Barrett, Jiefang, Russell and many predators are also envious, and they admire the good fortune.

Feng Wei is in the realm of the gods and gods, and gets the thunder and lightning spirit of this poisonous dragon with the same attribute. Once it is merged, it will surely reach a new realm in the understanding of the power of lightning, and the power will be greatly Upgrade.

"You are this person... you know each other." Feng Xiao's face is full of laughter, radiant, more happy than her own benefit, beautiful and colorful, a thousand charming and charming, I look at Shiyan, affectionate.

Shi Yan gave her father's remnant, she knows how precious, this moment, even if Shi Yan let her do the shameful things, she will be willing.

"What is this?" Jester looked at the crystals that followed the star, revealing amazement. "In it, there seems to be a sticky liquid. Where did you get it?"

"The main head of the poisonous dragon, the crystal of a pair of sharp teeth, I think ... should be the poisonous liquid of the poisonous dragon." Shi Yan explained.

Jester’s eyes are bright. “Good things! This is a very poisonous thing. It’s the best medicine for refining poison. Can you sell it to me?”

Everyone looked at him and immediately looked at him with all the weirdness.

Jester is a refining pharmacist, or a refining pharmacist who is proficient in poison. The reason why he is in the midst of a fortune is because the direction of his research is different from that of most refiners in the flame field... he studies poison.

This is a sinister slogan for many refining pharmacists.

The strongest of the flames, most refining pharmacists, are very repulsive to the medicinal pharmacists, and the three major forces are also strictly prohibited by the refining pharmacists in this direction.

Jester is nowhere to go to the city, because no one cares here, he just toss.

Refining the poison, the more toxic the drug needs, the better. The venom crystallization of this poisonous dragon is definitely the best medicine for Jester, and it is the treasure he dreams of!

However, everyone listened to his excitement and excitement, but there was a chill in his heart.


The poisonous mucus of the poisonous dragon, he is so excited, how is it terrible if it is made into poison?

Everyone was a little creepy.

"You want to change? What do you have?" Shi Yan grinned, did not immediately agree to come down, "Oh, to be honest, I don't have too strong demand for Shenjing. If you want this venom to crystallize, you have to take out my rejection. The exchange that was lost."

"How is the god-level five-product supplement Tiandan? Even if it is the strong source of the source, if the source **** is created, it can be restored with the supplement Tiandan! I will give you three!" Jester stunned. He bit his teeth and said: "I only have three, and I have exhausted countless materials to refine them. A god-level five-product supplement Tiandan can change your life at a critical time!"

Barrett, Jie, and Russell, the eyes suddenly heated up.

"Jester, you bastard, don't you say that you didn't make up for Tiandan? I was seriously injured and found you, you denied it, how do you admit it now?" The first one screamed and his face was ugly.

"You don't have what I need." Jester's face was cold and unceremoniously refuted. "How precious is Tiantian, do you think that you can buy it by Shenjing? The whole flame field can refine the Tiandan. How many pharmacists are there? How high is the failure rate? You can waste it on you!"

There is no way to talk about shame.

"Jester, you can sell Tiandan to me, just ask for your bid!" Russell shouted.

"Consider me." Barrett also said.

Shi Yan stunned, frowning, looking at the plump side, "Is it so precious?"

"If the source of the gods is injured, the source **** is extremely difficult to recover. The supplement Tiandan does have this ability to help the source **** to heal. This medicinal medicine, refining is extremely endless, ten refining, the most successful once, in any area Tiandan is a treasure. The auction site of Tianducheng City has only auctioned Tiantian once for many years, attracting many source gods. "Fengyu nodded, "three supplement Tiandan, can In exchange for the three top warships, it is indeed worthless. The source of the gods has a supplement to Tiandan, which is equivalent to one more life."

"Change!" Shi Yan indulged, decisively promised.


Ps: New week, ask the brothers to recommend tickets and evaluation votes. The evaluation ticket is in the upper right corner of the book page. Everyone can vote for one. If there is no brother who has voted, help vote, don't need extra money, thank you~~

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