God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Organic edge

Above a long silver river, Ogudo, Bitian, Li Yuefeng and his party, the three powerful forces, proceeded cautiously.

Along the way, they had a very bad luck triggering dozens of enchantments and bans. More than 30 gods and kings were inadvertently sacrificed, and even the bones were not left behind.

They are completely unfamiliar with the forbidden land and cannot evade in advance. This also makes them suffer more than ten times more dangerous than the predators.

The death of more than 30 strong people, so that they all learn to be smart, do not dare to take radical action, every time you see a strange area, you will be careful and careful, for fear of being shrouded in.

"Following this speed, it will only get farther and farther." The alliance's extension of the sea, frowning, a little annoyed in the heart, "the predators are familiar with everything here, they are flying fast, and we can't Without worry, they will be farther away from them."

"Too Big Brother, do you have any good ideas?" Monica smiled, and the beauty flowed away. "You have always been smart, or else, how do you guide you?"

Tuohai’s face calmed down. “If I had a light method, I would have been rushing ahead. I need you to remind me?”

"You can't help, what do you complain about? Useful?" Monica smiled and smashed the sky next to him. "But if it's like this, wait until we meet them, maybe the secret of the star map." Has it been solved? They still have time to calmly arrange, you say, Big Brother?"

"In the predators, the most powerful people are only the source of the gods and the heavens. They are not the opponents of any of us. Do you need to worry about their layout?" Bitian smiled coldly and dismissed: "How about preparing them for time?" The horror of the deepest place in the forbidden land, even the predators can not be solved. When the piece is reached, their speed will naturally drop, there is nothing to worry about."

"Yes, the depth of the forbidden land is dangerous, no one can prevent it in advance. Perhaps, when we see Fengqi, his people are almost dead." Li Yuefeng not far away, nodded, calm , no hurry.

He and the Van Gogh of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce were privately connected through the soundstone, and it will not be long before Van Gogh will come.

With the realm of the Van Gogh, once it arrives, many enchantments and prohibitions do not pose a threat, and their nine-star chambers of commerce will take the initiative.

Li Yuefeng is not in a hurry, and he wants to slow down a bit, so that the Van Gogh will arrive soon.

Ogudo and Kashun are also from the Kingdom of God, but because of the break of Zi Yao and Oglas, the two sides did not come together, keep the distance, and have a sense of strength.

After Oglas left Zha Yao, the whole person became very silent. He rarely said anything. When he had leisure, he would sit indifferently. It seems that he used all his energy in the realization of power, and no longer paid attention to purple. Yao.

His sudden opening, Ogudo is very gratified, often explain to him many of his experiences in breaking through the realm of the year, helping Oklas to quickly find the threshold of breakthrough.

On the other side of Zi Yao, it belongs to the weakest of all the people. Although Kashen is one of the five princes, it is a pity that the realm is not high. It does not reach the source of the gods, and compares with those of Li Yuefeng and Bitian. It is inferior.

The same is true, Kashun is very low-key, not interjected, but with Zi Yao silently followed behind everyone.

On the outskirts of the Silver River, there are countless singular flashes of light. The strongest of the three forces are in the process of rushing into the mind.

Zi Yao and Kashun, together, have been paying attention to the strange light beside the long river, and sometimes stayed and silently sensed.

On this day, Zi Yao looked at the strange light shining and slammed something.

She squatted and squatted down, slightly closed her eyes, and the soul altar whirls, and her thoughts flew out and fell into those strange lights.

The colorful glazed waves spread out from the field of her gods, and the blue light that swirled around the Changhe River swam like a snake. It was wrapped tightly by her gods and suddenly fell into her. The soul is in the altar.

The wonderful ketone body, Huo Ran trembled, Zi Yao's colorful body light flowed, the sweat was dripping, a kind of ambiguous from the soul of the altar of her soul, the ray of light burst into the strange light next to the long river In the middle, it seems that what connection has been reached.

The splendid brilliance, flying out of those strange lights, gathered a little bit on Zi Yao.

The strong source of many source gods in front, the eyes lit up, and turned and looked at her, showing the color of shock.

"The Princess of the Princess must break through!" Iron grazing, full of alarming colors, subconsciously looking at Kashun.

Kashun is also shocked by the body, showing a happy color. "Yes, she has some days in the king of the gods. The wonders of this place seem to trigger something. It seems that she is right."

On the other side of Ogudo, a blond Auglas, with bright eyes, looked at the purple ray that was about to break through. His face was dark and difficult to distinguish, and he didn't know what to think.

"The more dangerous and easy to die, the easier it is to comprehend the heavens and the earth. The qualifications of this girl are extraordinary. They are blinded by power all the year round. Today, they suddenly realized that it is very valuable." Bitumin’s Bitian nodded and praised. One sentence.

"You just watched her break through?" Monica was amazed, laughing and said: "Don't want to stop?"

"Do you dare to stop?" Tuohai snorted. "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The guy who plating the sky is extremely fond of his daughter. If she knows that she was disturbed when she broke through, I think... the flames will rise. A huge wave of waves, fearing that the lord will also protect you from the s...

Monica was slightly discolored, her face was not smiling, and her eyes showed a hint of fear.

In the flame star field, among the three top peaks of today, the number of plating is the most arrogant, and he was intoxicated in his early years, ruthlessly killing his brothers and sisters, and boarding the supreme throne in the bones.

In the hundreds of years since then, he has been bent on expanding his territory, and his five princes have been madly killing each other, laying the foundation for the strength of the gods.

However, in the last hundred years, the plating of Tianqi has suddenly converged and has been lowered.

People who don't know, think that he may be old, and the heart of the competition is weak.

There are different levels of existence such as Bitian and Tuohai, but there are different regrets.


Plated Tianqi is not a matter of heart but a new avenue, using all the energy to break through the source of the gods, the ultimate path of the virtual god.

In these hundreds of years, he has been in a state of retreat for many years, and he has no greed for his power in his early years.

When the Van Gogh and the ally are still expanding their power, he puts it down and puts everything down.

Even the future of the Kingdom of God is no longer noticed.

Do not show up for decades, are seeking breakthroughs.

His laydown seems to be insufficient in the eyes of many people because he has not shown more **** atrocities and will ignore him.

Subconsciously think that he may not be as good as the Van Gogh and the ally.

Only the real strong, the person who has reached a certain level and is familiar with his own nature, knows the present.

More terrible than early years!

It’s easy to take it, but it’s difficult to put it down. He can put everything down, use his life energy to gamble on a new realm, and even not be completely annihilated. This kind of madness that is not afraid of death is terrible!

Therefore, listening to Bitian said that Monica was silent, and the smile that never fell on her face disappeared.

She is afraid from the depths of her heart.

This is also why Ogudo clearly can ban the Kashen and Zi Yao people in the forbidden place, but they dare not act rashly.

He is naturally not afraid of Kashun, nor is he afraid of Zi Yao but afraid of the shadow behind Zi Yao...", the **** country hegemon who let him bow down at the peak of his peak.

"Zi Yao wants to break through, what about you?" Ogudo took a breath, his face was dignified, and he looked at the nephew next to him.

"Half-year time, up to half a year, I will definitely break through." Auglas indulged a bit, seriously said, full of confidence in his eyes, "I even think that every day can touch the gods of the three heavens, I think, really will be very fast……"

"Very good, you can't talk too much, if not, she will look down on you from the heart. And you, you can never conquer her heart, why Shiyan can occupy a great position in her heart, because that The strength of the kid is really horrible." Ogudo Shen Shen.

In the eyes of Ogils, there was a fierce flash. "I am relieved, I will kill him, I will kill him."

"Well, as long as you are the same as today, you are not bound by emotions, and your qualifications can definitely break through quickly." Ogudo nodded.

Within the forbidden area.

Shiyan continued to move forward, and the time was fast. One blink of an eye, five months passed.

In these five months, they were not fast, they encountered many dangers, and many people were killed and injured, but they are still moving forward and still rushing deep into the forbidden area.

Feng Wei has been very silent for a while, and he does not express his opinions. His energy is used to fuse the thunder and lightning of the poisonous dragon. The strength is very obvious. It seems that every other day, he has new gains.

Jester and Shiyan exchanged the venom crystals, and they were very excited. When they were fine, they fell into a bitter thinking. They studied with many ancient books and seemed to be thinking about how to refine the venom crystal. There is no solution for the time being.

From Shiyan, the thunderbolt of the poisonous demon dragon was given to Fengqi, and the green ghost predators changed greatly on Shiyan, treating him as a grandfather, and he did not evade him.

Feng Hao also became enthusiastic, and Iran regarded him as a brother-in-law. Every day, nothing happened to find Shiyan to drink and talk, and deliberately handed over.

Shi Yan and Feng Wei, the feelings in these five months are getting deeper and deeper.

...... will dissipate for a while, when re-emphasizing, Feng Qi is full of spring, seems to be moisturized, looking at the beauty of Shi Yan, there is infinite affection.

And Barrett, every time I see the two disappear, they are like a knife, but they forcefully curb the inner temper, the patience

... It is really great.

In a gravel pile, the body of Fengxie is naked, and the beautiful snake is wrapped around the strong body of Shiyan. The face is red and the hand is caressing in his chest. He said softly: "I don't know if we can Going to the target of the forbidden land, I don’t know if I can find a new star field according to the star map, I don’t know if it will kill the three forces, but at least... we are alive now, this time is the most in my life. Beautiful scenery, I always remember, as long as I am with you, it is dead, and I have no regrets."

Shi Yan’s big hand unconsciously swims around her smooth back hips, and her mind is quiet and leisurely: “Relax, anyone can die, but it won’t be us.”

At the time when the two were lingering, there was a scream of screaming in the distance, and the predator seemed to encounter terror.

The two changed their faces and immediately separated. After they were dressed neatly, they galloped away.

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