God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Self-contained temple

However, from now on, the broken palace does not have most of the beauty, but it will feel evil and secret. It seems to contain some kind of invisible fear.

All the predators were shocked, and the spectacles that looked at the sudden emergence of the eyes were silent, not knowing what to say, and subconsciously awe.

No one dared to rush down the broken palace.

Everyone was only watching silently, eyes awe, and kept a distance from the broken palace underneath, for fear that there would be no more unknown dangers.

Feng Wei, Russell, Jie Yi, Barrett are also forbidden to explore underneath, just let go of what God searches for.

Shi Yan frowned, and a glimpse of the space with the meaning of space, looking for everything with vitality and energy.


He suddenly felt that his eyes were moving, and the three stars flashed from his palms and swooped toward the palace below.

The three groups of stars were elongated and turned into three star geeks. They twirled for a while in the sandstone of the palace ruins. They unscrewed three bluestone scorpions and carved three large characters in the temple.

Three bluestone scorpions, full of a hundred meters, under the entanglement of his stars, the stagnation in the void, the three large characters are engraved on the plaque, the glare is faint, only the weak breath overflows, three The bluestone is connected by a void and is combined.

The blue light flashed.

A surge of volatility emerged from the vortex of the water in the palace. The sound of the blisters broke, and a crystal corpse emerged.

There are two more bluestone cockroaches coming out, also depicting the characters - free.

When the thoughts moved, the two bluestones flew up and merged with the Heavenly King Hall to become the five cyan characters and the free king.

The five characters of "Freedom in Heaven" are combined into one piece, and the broken palace is bursting into a loud sound. The dark blue gully is fresh and lively, and the smoldering chill is filled with the ruins of the palace. The smashed palace, if repaired by unknown forces, seems to have countless invisible ghosts in action, and a piece of gravel regroups, and the collapsed palace reunites and stands at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Less than an hour, the ruined palace was restored to its original state. The suspended mountains and rivers were stagnant, and a circle of rich vitality swayed from the mountains and rivers. I don’t know how many years of trees died, as if they had sprouted, and the vitality appeared.

Everyone looked dull and looked at the underlying changes. No one said more than one sentence. It seemed to be over-excited.

The giant plaque engraved with the "Freedom of Heaven King" is separated from the shackles of Shiyan's power and is embedded in the main hall. It is magnificent and magnificent, giving people a kind of spiritual shock.


The boiling water vortex splashed, and the mellow water spattered, violating the heavens and the earth, and watering the mountains and rivers that were suspended.

The rich vitality, uploaded in the mountains and rivers, restores the original sapphire palace to shine, and flows in the glory of the moon, like a dream, a fairyland.

"Freedom in the Temple of Heaven!"

Jester couldn't help but violently, his face was terrified, and he took a roll of old books in a hurry and shivered and opened, seemingly trying to determine what.

Everyone was ashamed and looked at him involuntarily. His eyes were full.

After a short while, Jester took a deep breath and his eyes were full of surprises. He said: "It is the Heavenly King!"

“Well?” Feng Hao frowned deeply, and he didn’t know the situation. “What happened? Jester, do you know this palace?”

“Have you heard of the Protoss?” Jester took the hand of the ancient book, and some of it was shaking and his voice was very excited. “In the ancient legend of the Flames, the family that once appeared, the Protoss, have you heard it?”

Feng Qi shook his head.

Russell, Barrett, and the group of people were also awkward and uninformed.

The strongest of the flames of the starry field, one by one, did not know, but the stone rock, showing a hint of horror, stunned, and said: "detailed!"

"Let's say that." Jester sighed for a while and sorted out his thoughts. "The martial arts heritage of our flames is from the race. Before this race did not come, our flames were stunned. I don't know. The martial arts are righteous, and the method of cultivation is not clear. The ancestors of that period still stayed in the primitive tribal stage, and did not know how to use the power of heaven and earth. The ancestors at that time were extremely extremely weak!"

Everyone showed a sense of moving, silently looking at him and listening carefully.

"A race that claims to be God has come to the flames of the stars, to spread the martial arts, to teach our ancestors to use the power of heaven and earth, to get us out of the wild, and to find a suitable method of cultivation. This race is the martial art of our ancestors. They, their appearance, created the power of the flames of the star field, and the emergence of the warrior." Jester took a deep breath, the voice trembled and explained.

"This race, what happened then?" For the first time, Feng Wei heard that his face was shocked and his look was extremely weird.

"Disappeared." Jester smiled. "Inexplicably disappeared, there is no sign. It seems to be completely erased from the flames in the night. I have won many secrets in these years because of the sexual love." Many of the classics know that our ancestors, the origin of the martial arts, are all because of this sudden race, claiming to be the race of God."

"How can it suddenly disappear?" Shi Yan pondered.

Jester is bitter-faced. "This is a mystery that no scroll can be broken. For many years, many people want to know what the reason is. Unfortunately, it seems that the annihilation is in the long history and there is no trace."

"What is the relationship between this free king and the race?" Shi Yan felt a move and asked carefully.

"The self-proclaimed race of God, there was only one small team in the flames of the stars, less than a hundred people, there are two leaders, the free king and the happy king, these two kings, is the ancestral ancestor of the flames." Jester looked awed. "The two protoss kings have their own unique warships. They are huge palaces for moving. They are the Heavenly Kings Palace and the Happy Heavenly Kings Hall. They are the best warships in our flames. I don't know how powerful." How many times stronger?"

When this statement came out, everyone was silent, but the eyes burst into the light, and the dead and the dead looked back to the original palace.

If this restored palace is the palace of the Protoss communicators, according to Jester, the value of this palace should be huge.

"So, the free king of the place, will it be the palace of the free king?" The sound of Feng Yu was a little trembled, his eyes were hot, and he looked at him for a moment.

"I don't know." Jester shook his head with a wry smile. "I can only say that if this self-contained temple is really a king of the Protoss, then the palace must be extremely precious!"

Shi Yan's brows beating, could not help but look at the disappearing water vortex direction, looking at the scattered crystal skeleton, calmly said: "Which skeletons, will there be one, belong to the Protoss King?"

"Impossible, those skeletons are all women, I am a refining pharmacist, and I have a clear eye." Jester vetoed. "According to the news I know, there is a lot of people in his palace. Meilu, but not a Protoss person, when he descended on the flames, there was a beautiful life in the palace. If this is his mobile palace, the bones of those women should be beautiful..."

Protoss, moving the palace, the inheritor of the martial arts...

Jester’s words made Shi Yan shocked and inexplicably.

On the mainland of God, there are also protoss.

The Protoss, the most powerful race of the Ten Ages of the ancient times, was jointly expelled by the remaining nine races. In order to drive this race out, the most powerful branch of the Mozu, the Undead Mozu, almost killed the race, and the rest of the races were also lost. It’s a heavy one, and it’s not recovered for ten thousand years.

The Protoss, the Protoss known as the most perfect race, have not come to the Flames after they left the Kingdom of God.

Are the Protoss evangelists in the Flames and the Protoss who left on the mainland of God's grace belong to one?

The starry sky is infinite, the star of life is like a drop of water in the sea, infinitely numerous, not necessarily only the gods of the mainland have a protoss.

On other ancient continents, there may be such a perfect ethnic manifestation. The Protoss that once appeared in the flames of the stars may not be on the mainland of God. But if not, why did this race disappear overnight?

A series of questions, flashing in his mind, how can he not find a clue, the more he wants to be more complicated, can not understand the context.

"The Protoss suddenly disappeared. Then why is this in the Heavenly King Hall, why is it in the depths of the forbidden land? Can't it be, the direction of their disappearance will be in the middle of the forbidden land?" Feng Qi for a while, suddenly subconsciously whispering The eyes show fear and anxiety.

He suddenly doubted whether it was wise to explore the stars.

The direction of the star map needs to pass through a point deep in the forbidden land, which is why he insisted.

However, even the communicators of the flames of the martial arts, the Protoss of the Protoss, have fallen to this place. This is not the innermost part of the forbidden land. There is still a long distance from the area marked by the stars. How deep and dangerous it will be. ?

Feng Qi gave birth to a strong uneasiness.

"If someone chooses to quit, you can now return in the same way. I am... In the deepest part of the forbidden place, the horror and terror will increase tenfold. I can't guarantee how many people can survive, not sure whether it can really Finding the star icon, perhaps... It’s not a wise choice to leave at this time.” Feng Qi suddenly dropped low and his face was serious.

Everyone is silent and seriously considers his suggestions.

The scene here is too exaggerated, and Jester’s words are also earth-shattering, letting them feel the first time they are coming.

"If you return now, you will be afraid to meet the three forces. If so, it is better to continue the road to black!" Barrett gnawed his teeth.

The crowds were shocked and suddenly they were cold and their breath was exhausted.

At this moment, they clearly realized that there is really no way out.

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