God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Confusion

The four people of Fengqi looked down at the free heavenly palace, and they were shocked and shocked by Jester’s words for a long time.

The Heavenly King Hall belongs to the protoss of the Protoss. The martial arts of the Flames is the ancestor of the martial arts. It is the ancestor of the people. The Heavenly King Hall is a moving palace, which contains infinite wonders.

If you can get this free king, this forbidden land, you should have a boost, fight with the three forces, you can also take a little initiative.

However, no matter who they are, watching the Temple of Heaven is even more greedy in their hearts, and they dare not act rashly.

Shiyan is no exception.

He is also jealous of the race that claims to be a god, and the subconscious does not want to go in and explore.

When the people were silent, the mountains and rivers that floated on the four sides of the Temple of Heaven, suddenly changed again!

On each mountain and river, quietly released a vast amount of real energy like the ocean, traversing and filling in the free heavenly palace.

The still-moving palace group suddenly heard a huge roar, as if it was inspired by the core of energy.

Everyone is ashamed.

Under the gaze of a gaze, the palace group slowly floated into the sky, the mountains and rivers swaying down, and in the corners of the palace, seemed to be integrated with the palace.

A glare of glare swayed from the mountains and the palace. In the sound of the rumbling, the palace and the mountains and rivers flew out and disappeared quickly into the depths of the forbidden land.

"The event is coming!"

"Sure enough, it has been restored!"

"The palace energy still exists, and now it is started again. The direction of the flying shot is actually deep in the forbidden land! Heaven! What's the matter?"

The predator was horrified, not knowing what happened, and consciously avoiding it.

Driven by a horrible force, the Heavenly King’s Temple bursts with energy and light waves. The majestic palace sprints out to destroy the ruined postures, smashing all kinds of enchantments and bans along the way, and disappears in the eyes of the people. A group of light curtains have disappeared.

The glimpse of the energy splash exploded, and a chaotic and distorted breath swayed, creating a strong sucking force that absorbed countless gravel, dead wood and extraterrestrial energy.

The blood butcher's eyes burst into glare, the lips trembled, and one rushed into the center of the chaotic energy.

It was a residual energy, and it seemed to be bound to the free temple of Heaven, and the shackles of the palace were broken and slammed.

However, the shackles of the disabled can not be known for many years. They have been consuming energy for a long time. When the Heavenly King Hall is completely struggling, the disabled can't be blown open, and naturally it will confuse the chaotic mood.

Shiyan's eyes are dark and dark, and the complex looks are difficult to distinguish, but the heart has set off a stormy wave.

The Protoss Heavenly Temple of the Protoss is actually sealed by a chaotic twist and disability. Does it mean that the shots are one of the bloodthirsty gossips, and the one who cultivates the chaos?

The name fell in the dead and dead, and finally left the inheritance that was acquired by Cato. What powerful power did it have at the beginning?

On the basis of his sinful disability, he was allowed to move freely in the Temple of Heaven, and was sealed for countless days and months. What kind of metamorphosis was this man in his heyday?

The existence of this level, why is it still degenerate, can only be passed down in the dead field?

Who is it, killing him, and letting him even dispel the soul altar?


In his mind, his thoughts are like electric awnings, and he is constantly flickering, but he can't figure out what he wants. He only feels that there have been extremely shocking changes in ancient times.

Feng Wei, Russell, Jieshao, and Barrett, the four great predators, watched as they flew in the depths of the forbidden land. There was no way to stop them. There was no energy to stop them, and they were terrible.

The top warship!

The pains of the flames of the inheritors, the habitat of the Protoss, so precious and unimaginable treasures, so slip away from their eyes, how painful?

No one knows the chaos and the righteousness. When the disability is released, the attention is all looking at the disappearing and free temple, and there is no attention to Cato's anomaly.

When they reacted and looked back, they found that Cato was like a huge magnetic field, gathering all the residual debris in the area, and there were countless gravel, dead wood and colorful rafts hanging beside them. Water, blasted corpses.

Cato's face is stunned, his eyes are blood red, like a bloodthirsty monster, the body is like a fried bean, and the blood is splashing.

However, his eyes were very happy, and he couldn’t help but laugh and scream.

"What's wrong with Cato?"

"I don't know, I suddenly rushed over like crazy, just there, there is residual energy."

"Perhaps, being fooled by the mystery of the Heavenly King Hall."

"Who knows?"


There were a lot of talks, and the heads of the predators were all frowning. They looked at Cato with amazement and couldn’t tell the key.

Feng Wei looked different, staring at Cato for a long time, suddenly a brow, and exclaimed: "Cato is going to break through!"

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned, and the eyes were extremely bright, and they stared at Cato for a moment.

At this moment, Cato, showing the power of crazy chaos, can distort the space. The field of God that he released, has a wonderful magnetic field, absorbs all the extra-terrane dregs, according to the rotation of his soul altar. A violent collision bombardment.

At first glance, Cato seems to be in the middle of the energy storm outside the domain, but is completely immune to the violent energy, but like the master.

His glimpse of the gods is invisible to the naked eye. Only when he is aware of the soul, he finds the twists and turns. For example, countless small snakes are filled with those extraterrestrial dregs, pulling the material and making twisted changes.

"My older brother... Will there be any accidents?" Kraft sneaked up, his face dignified, and his voice was depressed in amazement. "Feng, Russell, Barrett, and the four people will take the opportunity to take the opportunity." When my older brother can't take care of it, let his soul dissipate?"

He always hopes that Cato will break through and hope that he can advance to the source of the gods, just... it should not be this time!

When the strong advances, they will choose the safest area, and will also invite trusted friends to protect the law, so that they can be left without fear and destruction by the enemy.

Although Cato’s fierce name in the predator is not small, it is definitely not the most powerful one. When he does not get the complete esoteric inheritance, his power is on the wrong track, and he can’t really play the chaos, so even in God. In the kingdom of Wang Sanzhong, Cato is not top-notch.

Black Point is the most recognized person in the Three Kingdoms.

Everything is because of Cato's righteousness. Because of his own reasons, he took the wrong direction. After he gave an accurate source of inheritance, he gradually got on the right track.

"I am here, I have to ensure that he is not affected by the outside world." Shi Yan calmly comforted a word, and looked at Feng Wei, said: "Feng Yu predecessors, we need more strong people, and because of this, Barrett When I realized the flames of the artistic conception, I did not intervene. The thunder and lightning of the poisonous dragon is also hope that you can break through, and in the future, when you are competing with the three forces, you will have more protection. Today..."

Feng Hao nodded, understood the mind, and said: "Reassured, I will wait for Cato to break through, in the process of anyone dare to destroy, are my enemy!"

His warnings were swept away in Barrett, Jiefang and Russell, and his face was cold.

"I mean this too." Surprisingly, Russell immediately stated that he and the Fengqi united front. He frowned and explained, "I owe Shiyan a little brother a person, this face must be given."

What he meant is that...not giving face to Feng.

Feng Xiao smiled and glanced at Shiyan without speaking.

"Yes, who dares to make trouble, we are rude!" Three small squad leaders who had been invited to Shiyan before, and also stood up tough, "Cato broke through, it is good for everyone, I hope some people converge. a little!"

Fengqi, Russell, and Shiyan three, plus three predators, and Cato’s own envy.

This force is absolutely heavy, and many people with different minds have immediately dismissed their thoughts and shut up and dare not speak.

Cato-like fierce battles, and many of the capitals have a must, naturally, some people do not want him to break through, but also really have the idea of ​​destruction, however, this force is shocked, and those people are also wisely dying.

"Look at me doing it? Am I so ignorant of the general?" Jie Jie touched his nose and said boringly.

"Hey, I hope everyone can be safe, if not, I don't mind helping him to settle down." Shi Yan looked at himself with a smile, his face was cold, like a cold knife, and the threat in his words meant nothing.

Jie Jie smiled and knew that it was not appropriate to conflict with him at this time.

“Why is Cato going to break through at this time?” Feng Wei saw that everyone’s opinions were unified, and they relaxed a little, and then they remembered this. “Cato’s stagnation of the gods’ three heavens has been for many years. According to the truth, it will not break through. No omen? Can't you be here, is this good for his power?"

Everyone was reminded by him, and it seemed to reflect, and they looked at Cato with horror.

The power of chaos and distortion was shot after the flight of the Heavenly King Hall. At that time, everyone’s attention followed the free king’s temple. Not many people care about the area where the residual energy is generated.

It is difficult to determine which kind of sinfulness belongs to that kind of ambiguity. After all, the chaos of the ignorance is not seen in the flames, and it is very rare. Therefore, everyone’s cognition is not thorough. It's hard to be sure.

"Hurry come? Oh, it's hard to tell." Shi Yan smiled, not stupidly explained in detail, deep inside is filled with doubts.

Then the powerful Protoss will be destroyed by the bloodthirsty gossip from one of the chaos and the righteousness, and the seal is for countless years. There must be a deep hatred between the two, but the Heavenly King’s Temple is finally restored. Also flew to the depths of the forbidden land...

To say that there is no hidden feeling, Shi Yan is killed and will not believe.

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