God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 860: Close

Cato’s breakthrough is much slower than everyone thinks.

He was in the midst of chaotic energy, and he was silent for half a month before he gradually condensed the source of the gods and left the realm for a while.

The predators who are eager to leave have gradually lost patience...

"Can't stay for a long time, the three forces are chasing after all, and it will take a long time to chase them. Once they meet with them, we can hardly compete and must leave as soon as possible!" Barrett sullenly, irritated and shouted. .

His rhetoric was endorsed by the vast majority of predators.

For a time, everyone picked up and temporarily cut off Cato and rushed to the depths of the forbidden area as soon as possible.

Feng Qi is also difficult to appease.

"Yes, we can't consume too much time because of Cato's breakthrough." Jieyu nodded. "Fengyu boss, everyone follows you because of the star map, but not because of Cato's breakthrough, you said? ?"

Feng Wei is a bit difficult.

"No problem, you can go first." Shi Yan thought for a moment, smiled and said: "I stay, and when he breaks through, he will meet you soon."

"Without you, we will have a lot less control." Feng Qi frowned.

On this road, Shiyan has repeatedly shown wonderful things, many dangers that are difficult to resolve, because his shots are solved, and unconsciously, Feng Wei regards him as the main arm, and feels that he is at his side, can avoid many troubles.

If Shiyan stays, they will enter the depths of the forbidden area and will encounter more troubles. At that time, there will be no help from Shiyan. Maybe... many people will die.

"What are you leaving? There are Krafts. They look at it. What else can you worry about?" I don't agree. He also knows the role of Shiyan. If Shiyan insists on staying, he also knows that the front will change. It is getting harder and harder.

"Yeah, let Cato's embarrassment look at it, you are with us, nothing unexpected."

"Little brother, you use it big, it’s too hard to stay."

"Well, let's go with us, Cato has no problem."


The predators have been begging.

After Shiyan’s repeated shots, no one dared to ignore his role. Even in the vagueness, they felt that the use of Shiyan might be a little bigger than the richness of the hand-held star map.

... he proved this with his own ability.

"We should look at it should be no problem." Kraft is also embarrassed, do not want to commit public anger, "You join them, we will look at the big brother."

"I am in charge of their lives!" Shi Yan looked sullen and rudely said: "When Cato breaks through, you still need to go deep into the forbidden area. When I am not around, you can meet us, but it is unknown. Yes, in the event that the three major forces arrive at the time of Cato’s breakthrough, what do you have to deal with? I am, if it is not good, it can also tear the space and temporarily enter you into the space of the turbulent watershed, until I break through to the source of the gods, When I can find the way back, I am not there. Once you meet the three forces, you will die..."

In this statement, Kraft suddenly realized that he nodded and his eyes were full of gratitude.

"I want to leave you, I am too lazy to manage, anyway, I will definitely stay." Shi Yan nodded, looking at the predator of the beggar, said coldly: "How many people die, have nothing to do with me!"

Everyone's face was awkward, and I didn't know what to say.

Indeed, Shiyan and their children, they can benefit, but Cocato and his party will fall into a huge danger, what does Shiyan have to do with them? Why should I help them?

"It's not a solution." Jess, the only refining pharmacist among the people, put down the ancient book in his hand and interrupted it again. "I will exchange three of you with Tian Tian, ​​and you will give one to Cato. Can solve the problem, quickly help him to condense the source, the realm is solid, only the morning... a little waste."

Everyone looked shocked.

Shiyan’s eyes are bright and clear, “Does Tiantian still have such effect?”

"Take Tiandan nourish the soul of the source, even if the source **** suffered a heavy blow, it can be quickly recovered. To help him quickly condense the source god, let the realm settle down is simply a waste, but now the time is tight It’s not a bad thing to use it, as long as you are willing.” Jester smiled, very casual. “Don’t tell me that I didn’t remind you, a key moment to fill Tiandan, you can save the source of the gods. If you give Cato, it is equivalent to one less life."

"Dan medicine should be used on the blade." Shi Yan smiled lightly, and took a scented scent of Tiantian, and thought that the medicinal agent flew to the field of God of Cato, "swallowed him." !" Shiyan stormed.

In the field of God, with his eyes closed, he continues to condense the Cato of the source god, violently opening his eyes, and bloodyness shows gratitude.

He took a force and passed it through, and turned into a rope that would bind Tiandan. He pulled it to the corner of his mouth and swallowed it. A sly soul regained his power and suddenly filled his knowledge of the sea.

Cato blood became extremely bright, the body shivered slightly, and the soul altar swayed wildly, consuming the enormous potency of Tiandan.

"In order to refine the Tiantian, I have been exhausted for hundreds of years of rare materials. It is really a life-saving thing. It is used to quickly condense the source god. It is really a waste, it is a violent thing!" Jester was heartbroken.

"You are really generous." "Feng Yu shook his head, and the language and the bracelet were so emotional.

"Thank you!" Kraft was very grateful and grateful.

At this moment, he finally realized how wise his brother's choice was. He would be a good friend of Shi Yan and would be the blessing of his brother's life.

Even the treasures of Tiandan, the life-saving things of the strong source of the gods, Shiyan can give up one, what else to say?

Even if they let their brothers go to the bottom of the sea, there will be no more words!

"It's really generous! The Cato brothers are really lucky, make this kind of friend!"

"Yeah, if he gave me a supplement to Tiandan, I can also sell my life!"

"This guy is worthy of deep friendship!"

"Of course!"


The heads of the predators whispered and looked at Shiyan’s gaze.

Cato swallowed Tiantian

The speed of the condensed source **** has been greatly enhanced. When the soul altar is digesting the power of the medicinal herbs, the realm is also comforted, and a chaotic mood is released, and the area covered by the gods is multiplied.

One supplement Tiandan, let Cato in a short period of two days, the source of true condensed realm is considered to be completely stable.

Chaotic mood convergence

Numerous gravel and dead trees have fallen, and Cato’s eyes open, the atmosphere is as distant as the ocean, and the eyes are like the crystal, the gods are like crystal stones.

The jade light of Wenze flashed, and the power gained earth-shaking progress.

"Thank you brother."

Cato calmly came up and took a ritual

The double eyes are full of heartfelt feelings.

"It's just a remedy. Don't look too heavy. Even if you don't make up for Tiandan, you will break through, but the time is a little longer." Shi Yan smiled and looked indifferent.

Cato nodded, and the gratitude of the face ping was never reduced. From the depths of his heart, he recognized Shiyan. This life will be remembered.

"Can you go now?" The tone of the introduction was a little bit sorrowful, and the heart was quite squatting. He said, "We spent too much time."

"Shiyan, no problem?" Feng Wei also asked.

"Let's go." Shi Yan smiled.

Odd light.

Zi Yao also opened his eyes, and the beauty is like a moon, bright and distant.

Her whole body converges and returns to the normal state. The temperament has undergone a new change, and it looks beautiful and refined. Without the past, the eyes are clean and flawless.

"Congratulations to Your Highness." Kashun was slightly covered.

"What about others?" Zi Yao smiled lightly. "Is he eager to leave?"

"Oh, they naturally can't wait for us, it's not bad to have no trouble." Katsien smiled.

There are only a few of Kashun’s followers here. Ogudo, Li Yuefeng and Bitian and his party left early and went to the depths of the forbidden area.

"It’s a wonderful place. It’s actually a **** outside the field. It seems that I’m really right.” Zi Yao nodded, and the pretty face was in the light, and the light appeared. “With the help of a ray of light, insight Among them, I broke through the trend, and at that moment, I realized why I have been unable to advance for so many years."

"Why?" Alan asked to ask questions.

"Because I care too much about other people's help, I want to win over the reinforcements, rely on the strength of others to compete for what I want, and gradually lose myself." Zi Yao sighed, "I forgot, every real The strong, will never rely on others, their own strength is fundamental."

Alan looked shocked and stunned. If he thought: "Teached."

"It is the root and..."

Tiemu whispered, as if he had some sentiments, frowned and fell into meditation.

Zi Yao has been obsessed with power over the years. She has always wanted to use the power of others to win over powerful forces to seek the throne for her younger brother. Gradually, she lost her way, forgetting that her own strength is fundamental.

The same is true. She has been bound for many years in the realm of the king of God, and she has been unable to find an advanced opportunity.

In the forbidden land, she and many powerful people get along, recalling that Shi Yan has gradually emerged from an unknown small role, and has been valued by all the strong, as an important role that cannot be ignored.

She suddenly realized that it was all because of Shi Yan’s tireless efforts and his own strength.

After breaking through the heart, after a chance, she finally broke through and entered the source of the gods.

"It’s been a long time since we pulled down. We have to leave immediately. Your Highness, are you okay?” Kashun asked.

"Let's go, you can't continue to waste time." Zi Yao Dagger agreed.

Half a month later.

A thin figure, which appeared in the place where they stayed, is the Van Gogh that came from the land of God's punishment.

He frowned, looking at the strange light flashing next to him, feeling secretly for a while, murmured: "The powerful girl, but also broke through to the source god, plating a wonderful daughter, um, only This is worthy of my son..."

After talking to himself for a while, Van Gogh took out the soundstone and silently heard the news.

Half-sounding, he re-determined the direction and turned into a shadow disappearing.

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