God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 873: struggle

Thunder and lightning are tumbling, with a sense of independent life, hundreds of meters long, electric entanglement, a horrible mood spread out, making people feel uneasy.

Cato and Fengqi, who are close to Shiyan, are all face-changing. Under the impact of the two lightning bolts, they have a strong awe, as if they are facing the power of lightning.

With the stone rock of the Excalibur, the face becomes extremely cold, and the subconscious release all the power.

The space is suddenly abnormal.

The sword is empty and a Liu, a space gap flashes out, slender as a blade, densely gathered in front of his eyes.

This is the only skill he has come up with.

Under the pressure of this Protoss, he did not know whether other means could be effective. Even Tuohai and Li Yuefeng were killed in an instant. If he relied on his efforts, he would only die more ugly.


The space gap is dense, and the time and space seem to be short and chaotic, and there are many strange and illusory illusions.

The figure of Shiyan continually flickers through the gaps in a strip of space. For example, sailing in time and space, the atmosphere flickers and flies, and there is no orientation.

The two thunderbolt dragons with life movements seem to have lost his traces in an instant, flying in the gaps of the strips of space, unable to find him, and it is difficult to kill him.

Fan Hehe and others are solemn and solemn. When they see the Protoss, they are hesitant, and they release their power again.

The remaining five powerful source gods, two or three heavens, know that this person does not kill, they will never have a day, and maybe the entire flame star will suffer.

Under the premise of having to take this shot, they rejoined.

The different powers of the mystery, the emptiness flashed out, turned into a bright light curtain driven by the soul altar, and spread to the protoss.

"Not self-reliant." The protoss's attitude is quite gentle, and it is calm and easy to reach out.

The iron filings in the ground, under the cohesion of some kind of power, smashed again into a hundred meters long iron rope, and a gliding light flowed on the iron rope, and the iron rope seemed to be endowed with infinite exquisiteness.

He shook his hand, and the iron rope was as straight as a sword, black and black, and stabbed forward with Jin Rui's gas.

A tornado of abundance in the circle, the gold and iron of the Van Gogh can be directly penetrated by the iron wire, and the attached power is easily dispelled.


Feng Shui spurted out a blood, his face pale as paper, and under one blow, he was hit hard and his posture was wilting.

Even the Van Gogh, who reached the source of the gods, was also a tremor of the gods. It was surrounded by a series of bursts of sound, and was directly repulsed by some kind of force. The chest was splashed and bloody, and it was hurt.

The artistic conception of God, which was released by the three gods of Okudo, Bitian, and Monica, was also affected by the sharpness of the iron rope of the man, and was not controlled by the soul and directly dissipated.


A sacred demon flower shrouded by the real fire of the Suzaku and the heart of the fire, turned into a group of nothingness, gradually in the void to the ashes, nothing left.

The people of the Protoss, the eyes show the extreme cold anger, seems to know that the disappearance of a sacred demon flower means that a tribe has completely fallen.

Two kinds of skyfire covered hundreds of sacred demon flowers, and each of the sacred demon flowers had a protossian creator. Those, all of them were tribes, suffered heavy losses in countless years of battle, and failed to obtain them themselves. The power broke free from the stone monument, the consciousness did not reunite, and the power did not wake up.

The same is true. They can't get rid of the tempering of the skyfire. Once they are bound by the candle, they will be refining as time goes by.

From the sun to the hot skyfire, it is the demon flower nemesis. It is one of the few aliens in the world that can refine the demon flower. Seeing that more demon flowers are gradually withering, it seems that they will soon be refining. This protoss is cold and cold. For a moment, let go of the Fengqi, Fanhe people, and go to the two areas of the sky.

In his benevolence, a little bit of light overflows, the light of the gods is as dense as a raindrop, and the fluffy down, a little bit of light, all merge into the sky.

The heart fire and the soul of Suzaku's real fire fluctuated. After those gods entered, the earth became stagnant, and the raging flame suddenly converges and the power is sharply reduced.

A ball of light condensed by countless bright rays slowly appeared in his palm, and a little bit swelled. In the ball of light, a wave of ruin of the will of the will, constantly rising, gradually became apparent.

His cold eyes, disdainful look at the raging fire, a cold smile, appeared from the corner of his mouth.

The heart fire and the Suzaku are really fire, and at the same time they are aware of the volatility that destroys their life forms. The heart is fearful and uneasy. Not to mention the stone rock, they have converged their breath and turned into two beams of fire. They disappeared at once, and they were at the stone rock festival. Stay.

"The ball of light he released can destroy our traces of existence, and we can't resist it."

The heart fire and the Suzaku really fire, together with the news, the soul fluctuations are quite helpless.

"You can't support it?" Shi Yan frowned, still shuttled through the gaps in the space, avoiding the two conscious lightning dragons to kill, not afraid to leave the coverage of the space gap.

"The order is not enough. Maybe, when we reach the eighth-order category, the life shape becomes a wonderful place, and we can ignore the energy in his light ball, but now...we are not opponents." Suzaku is really a fire.

The heart of the fire is echoed: "This person's power is beyond our understanding. His soul seems to have not recovered. There is still limit in strength. If he is really in the All-German period, I am simply... I can't imagine. ”

Shi Yan’s heart is stunned.

Sure enough, he inferred that the protoss, although at this time has been horrible, is far from the power of his peak period.

If he regained his peak, the Van Goghs estimated that they had no room for rebellion. One face, one look, and even a smashed soul altar.

To be sure, this Protoss is definitely beyond the existence of the source god!

"That's a different idea." Calmly thought about it, Shiyan had a new idea, and drove the forces of the righteousness to move the gaps in the space around him.

The gap between the void and the space, like a giant mouth, suddenly moved, and quickly fell toward the blossoming demon flower.

The Protoss seems to immediately perceive his intentions, the first time he is discolored: "You dare!"

"Why don't you dare?" Shi Yan indifference dripped a sentence, all the power broke out, carrying a gap of space, directly slammed to those imprisoned demon flowers.

The turbulent flow, the energy of a disorganized space, sprang from the gap.

The sorcerer's flower, which was still not blooming, was pulled by the inexplicable force, flew out one by one, disappeared in the gap of the space.

Just three seconds, more than three hundred imprisoned demon flowers, all fall into the gap of the space, scattered in the turbulent watershed of the layer that does not know how mysterious

"Go! Refining them! I am connected with your thoughts, you can gather you again!" Shi Yan calmly issued orders.

The fire of the earth and the real fire of Suzaku did not hesitate, and they turned into two gaps of fire and flew into a gap in space. They kept the soul interaction with Shiyan. In the turbulent space, continue to kill those prisoners, not giving them a trace. Opportunity, it is necessary to thoroughly refine the people of the Prison demon and the internal Protoss

The Protoss is strong, but it is rare for people to breed. It is not easy to breed. Every time you die, you lose a force. The same is true. The Protoss does not hesitate to build a land of blasphemy here and restore it to the people who are heavy.

They do not care about other races, and imprison the families to the existence of the source god, the virtual god, the first **** level, and the ability to absorb flesh and blood, just to restore the survival of their own people, showing how much they attach importance to the safety of the people.

More than three hundred prisoners, meaning more than three hundred Protoss, there may be more horrible characters than the first to break free, just because there is not enough energy to wake up, it will become so fragile .

Shiyan has dragged them and the demon flowers into the most turbulent space in the world, refining them with the fire, and really wants the protoss to suffer huge losses.

The Protoss, the natural anger of madness, without the slightest hesitation, personally went to Shiyan, without the help of thunder and lightning, it seems that before the gap in the space, the stone rock will be crushed and crushed, and the people will be given Hard to pull back from the turbulent flow of space.

Shi Yan's face became extremely ugly, and the man of the Protoss, like a volcanic eruption, came out of his anger and gave birth to a sense of incompetence.

He only has the kingdom of God, and the other party is at least a high-level god. How can he compete against the huge realm gap?

He is a little helpless.

Looking at the crack in the space where the corner of his eye burst, he blinked and made a difficult decision.

Perhaps... only temporarily hiding in the gap of space can avoid the killing of this protoss powerhouse.

Within the gap of space, it is the strangest place in the world. It is the most mysterious and difficult place in the world. He cultivates the space of the righteousness. He knows that it is more dangerous than anyone else. Once you are deeply involved, whether this life can be broken out is not known.

Time is tight, he has no empty crystal, it is difficult to spur undead blood, and the gods have reached a connection with the mainland, the soul altar is still affected, there is no time, there is no opportunity to build a void passage, passing through the gap of space.

It’s a headache.

Just when he was in a dilemma, when he was painfully chosen, a group of black ink shrouded from a distance, and absolute darkness came to the fore, and the void was oppressed.

Among them, there was a long and late voice, "I will take over the Protoss, and you will refine the demon flower."

It is Ferran.

Her voice came from the darkness, and there was no breath. It was like a ghost to hide all signs, but all the predators and the three powerful powers, in this sound, the terror, the terror pressure in the depths of the soul, was in vain.

In the dark, it seems that there is an invisible hand, and the power of the protoss is hard to tear and break.

Everyone felt that the whole body was relaxed.

Ps: fourth! There are two more chapters! ! (to be continued

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