God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 874: Escaped four-story soul altar

The glimpse of the sound of Ferran's voice seemed to have infinite magic to penetrate and shackle the hearts of the people, and was suddenly untied.

Shiyan pressure has disappeared.

The strongest of all the flames of the stars, at this moment, also relaxed, as if a huge stone pressed against him was unloaded. [bsp; That kind of artistic field force released by the Protoss, just under her sentence, was directly torn.

"Responsible Lan!"

"It's Ferran!"

"It turned out to be her!"

"How could it be her?"

Many predators, many have gone to the shops of Ferran, recognize this old voice.

For a time, everyone blasted the pot, and the snoring was not over, and the faces were shocked.

"She is the guardian of the city of heaven!" Feng Feng took a moment, reacted slyly, and was full of ecstasy.

The looters were violent, and the subconscious looked up at the sky, and the expression was amazed to the extreme.

The dark light curtain fell, and two figures appeared. One was Ferran and the other was Lianna.

Ogudo just looked at Li Anna and looked at the huge shock, showing an unbelievable expression. "You, you actually broke through."

Fanhe and Bitian, Monica and others are also discolored, watching Liana's look is very exciting.

They all noticed that the fluctuations from Liana's body were unique to the source of the three gods. In addition to the Van Gogh, the rest of the people were affected, and the sea seemed to be in the dark.

This is the inexplicable pressure that the power is refined to a certain extent and naturally formed.

"There are wrecks." The protoss, the mouth of the mouth is cold and snorted, "I didn't expect bloodthirsty veins, but there are a lot of embers in the flames, but it is a one-time elimination, so as not to bother."

"If you are in the All-German period, you really have this ability, but unfortunately you are not in the peak state." Fei Lan's face is wrinkled, his eyes are still turbid, "I am still in time, if you give me time, maybe you If you can recover the peak, but now, you will die."

As soon as the voice fell, Ferran's body twisted and changed for a while, becoming a group of corrosive gas, spreading to the protoss.

An artistic conception that erodes the power of any power, released from the turbidity of the group, the two thunderbolts that were condensed before the Protoss strong, were touched by the turbidity, and suddenly dissipated, and the power was attributed to nothingness. It was reinstated by the heavens and the earth.

"Virtual God!" The protoss, his face changed, the first time he showed a dignified color. "I didn't expect to be born in the flames, and the virtual **** is born. It's no wonder that the tone is so arrogant."

As soon as this statement came out, Van Gogh, Ogudo, Bitian, Monica, Feng Qi and other powerful people suddenly became dumbfounded.

No matter how they imagined, they did not expect to hide in the heavenly city for thousands of years, but the old man who was obsessed with an old shop, even though it was a virtual state, it was more than the plating of the heavens and the ally. The world is strong.

The virtual state of God, the realm of the gods and the glory of the ally, is actually in the flames of the stars, and it has always been in the land of punishment, and it is in the city.

"Ah!" Feng Wei opened his mouth wide, and his body trembled. The beautiful eyes bloomed with countless stars, and the turbidity of Fei Lan turned into a moment.

Cato's eyes are violent, and they endure the excitement in their hearts. They tremble: "Brothers, brothers, predecessors turned out to be... virtual reality!"

Shi Yan also shook his body and was shocked by this incredible fact. "It turns out that in the virtual state of God, it is no wonder that it is no wonder that you can easily obliterate the Vatican Night, and you can let all the chaotic powers do nothing, according to their movement.

At this moment, he only knows why Ogudo, Bitian, and Li Yuefeng gathered together to make a strong effort and failed to force Lianna out.

Virtual god...

Everything has an answer.

The superb realm, the powerful force that the flame star has never appeared, is enough to shock everything!

Don't say that Ogudo, Bitian, and Li Yuefeng are all in the crowd, that is, the plating of the gods and the ally of the alliance, how can you?

Liana's cheeks were staggered, horrible, and the mouth of the mouth showed fierce meaning. I took a look at Ogudo and Bitian, and slowly stood beside Shiyan. The frown reminded me: "What are you waiting for?"

Shi Yan stunned and immediately reacted. He laughed and immediately sat down in the empty disk. The soul thoughts extended into a gap in the space, releasing the thought: "Give me the best to cultivate u flowers, and the Protoss among them, I don't have to worry about it here, there are strong people coming."

With a glimpse of the power of pure soul, he extends from the soul altar and merges into a space gap to enhance the energy of the skyfire.

Skyfire and his soul intertwined and inhabited in his soul altar. The only thing he can help with the skyfire is the power to release the pure soul.

With the supplement of his soul power, he can still perceive the joy of the heart fire and the real fire of Suzaku, and carry out a heavy blow to the Protoss.

The soul was released. He didn't pay attention to the situation around him. Liana stood by her side. He knew that no one could hurt him. He didn't worry.

Smashing the innumerable blocks of the sorcerer's table, divided into various regions, the three powerful forces occupy a region, the predators in another region, Shiyan, Cato, Lianna and his party are in a district.

The strongmen of all the districts are looking up at the depths of the void, only to see a gradual spread of corrosion, and to hide the heavens.

Under the influence of the group of corrosive gases, all kinds of powers seem to have been affected by the infiltration and gradually disappeared.

The deity of the Protoss was also overwhelmed by the ruthlessness of the air. The people could not see it. They could only sense the energy of the two annihilation stars constantly colliding. Any sputter of energy seemed to be enough. Their lives are easily erased.

Under the deliberate protection of Ferran, there is no splashing power in the sky, and the souls of the people are not affected. You can use the soul to detect the amazing changes in the sky.

Somehow, after the sound of Ferran's voice, the fierce beast that had been violently shocked seemed to be quiet for a while, and did not rush into it.

There are dozens of huge shadows in the thick smoke of the void. It seems to be the body of the beastly beast. They quietly hang the darkness of the void, as if they are wide-eyed, and they are peek at the every move here. It seems that they are ready to wait for a result. And come back to the end of the rush.


Source God, yes, you have broken through. Liana glanced at Cato and slowly nodded, affirming his efforts.

I don't know why, in the eyes of Liana's eyes, Cato is a little bit squeaky. "It's just luck. On the way, I met the Heavenly King Hall and absorbed a mess of power..."

Cato explained.

“Is it a confusing force?” Liana frowned. “Where is the Heavenly King Hall? You will ban its power and absorb it. Isn’t the giant ship broken off?”

Cato stunned and nodded honestly. "It is."

Liana’s face sank. “The soul that is depleted by the king, and the king’s temple, the power of chaos seems to dispel his will spirit a little bit. After so long, he should be almost exhausted. You will The force of the chaos of the town’s pressure was absorbed, and the Heavenly King’s Temple was broken away. The free king did not die, and there was hope for resumption, stupid!”

Cato trembled and realized that he had done something stupid. He didn’t dare to refute a word and bowed his head.

"You broke through to the source of the gods because of this opportunity?" Liana asked again?

Cato continued to nod and looked bitter.

"Forget it, at least complete you, help you break through." Liana sinked a bit, quite regrettable helpless, "he even if he escaped, no hundred years, can not recover, a hundred years...

Perhaps it is enough for him. ”

Her eyes looked at Shiyan.

Cato Liu is incomprehensible.

Liana did not explain, "What is the breakdown of this land?"

Cato looked shocked and hurriedly gave details to the road. He did not dare to miss a point, highlighting the role of stone rock.

Lianna listened carefully and didn't say anything. When Cato finished speaking, she nodded slowly. "Summon the sword, it's good, the policy is correct, it actually destroys the place, and there is no mistake, it can be a big regret. ......"

Cato laughed and didn't interject, like a well-behaved student.

Feng Wei has never said much, always looking at Li Anna in awe, watching this fierce female writer's hand, feared and uneasy, and felt uncomfortable.

Liana didn't look at her at all, either talking to Cato or looking at Shiyan and directly neglecting her existence.

In the eyes of Liana, it seems that only if she gets some kind of inheritor, it is worthy of her glance, and the rest can be ignored.

Many of the powerful flame-stars looked up at the sky, and saw that Tang Kong was compressed into a corner. The gas of corrosion lingered between the heavens and the earth, and an inexplicable wave of volatility made everyone feel devout, and the soul was weak.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a strong burst of sound from the void, the sound of the sound was soaring, the gas of corrosion was shrinking, and it suddenly exploded and burst.

A magnificent soul altar, smashing from the eroding gas, turned into a glimmer of electric light, and when the people were too late to react, they immediately rushed toward the direction of the stone rock, and under the eyes of everyone, they flashed into the ground. A gap in space, no blinking.

Everyone can only see that the magnificent and mysterious soul altar is not a regular three-tier, but a four-story high.

The four-story soul altar, disappeared into the gap of the torn stone rock, instantly without a shadow, a little breath.

The corrosive gas in the sky, slowly creeping, seems to consume too much, in the difficult reunion, Ferran, seems to have no spare time to catch up, can only see the person's departure.

"This can still escape" ... Protoss, it is as powerful as a legend. "Liana looked calm and looked at the gap in the space where the four-story soul altar disappeared. The face was heavy and whispered.

Cato stunned and looked at the gap in the space, saying: "He won't want to save his people in the turbulent space?"

Liana’s face changed.

(to be continued

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