God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Void channel

There is a gap in the space of the space, and the rock and rock are suspended in the void. The look is as far as the soul of the cotton penetrates into the crack, gathering the fire to the ground and the real fire of the Suzaku.

The heart fire and the Suzaku really fire, received the power of his soul, the power gradually climbed, and the refining of the demon flower became more and more convenient.

However, he couldn't see it. He could only touch the skyfire and touch a little mystery.

The four-story soul altar that rushed into a gap was extremely fast, and it had already disappeared when he noticed it.

The four-story soul altar seems to be unique to the virtual god, with endless wonders, no space gap, no breath, stone rock can not sense

Cato and Liana’s speech, he listened in the ear, but did not answer.

After Cato reminded him, he also found that there is such a possibility, not too much to think about, but also sent out the soul thoughts, let the skyfire pay attention, don't be found by the virtual god.

On the void, the gas of corrosion gradually faded, and Ferran, which had disappeared for a long time, seemed to re-condense a little bit.

Ferran looked down and frowned, slowly floating down. The Van Gogh in the distance said: "I heard that you went to the city to search for my traces and avenge your brother?"

The Vatican died in the hands of Ferran. After the hearin heard the news, the thousands of miles came and rushed to the battle with the smashing city.

However, at this moment, the Van Gogh, after truly understanding the horror of Ferran, suddenly silenced and looked ugly.

"I think you are powerless." Feilan's face was indifferent, his eyes were still cloudy, and he seemed to be far from normal.

During her speech, she slowly fell to Shiyan and Lianna, and said casually: "Don't worry about the Protoss, he has no spare power to continue to chaos. The inside of his soul altar is infiltrated by me. It takes all the effort, and there is no leisure to do anything else."

Ferran's words are very relaxed and casual, as if in her eyes, as long as she is in the corrosive atmosphere, even this protoss strong, it will be extremely headache.

Her self-confidence is easily revealed from her demeanor.

Lianna and Cato, listening to her, suddenly relaxed and no longer nervous.

"After all, it is a virtual state, or a double heaven. Once the four-layered soul altar is formed, it is not easy to disintegrate and crush, and I can't." Ferran sighed. "For thousands of years, I entered the virtual state." This realm is really mysterious and profound, not a big wisdom and perseverance, and it is difficult for people with big chances to touch the threshold. People of the Protoss can easily show one is a virtual state of God. This kind of family is really terrifying."

Lianna also had a heavy face.

"Thank you for your predecessors, thank you for your fortune and fortune for many years!" The predator, led by Feng Qi, suddenly bowed his knees on the ground and looked very hot. "Looking at the seniors to lead us and show us the way!" Feng Wei, low drink, eyes Sincerely.

The reason why the land of sacred punishment and the sacred city of the heavens stood still and was closely related to Ferran. Today, after seeing the horror of Ferran, all the predators are revered.

The people of the Protoss have no threats for the time being, but Van Gogh, Ogudo, Bitian, and Monica are still alive. They are all two gods. If they still want to start, Fengqi knows that it is hard to beat.

As long as Ferran nodded, no threat was threatened, and Van Gogh and other three powerful forces would be wiped out in an instant.

Killing the three major forces, Naifeng and others' lifelong wishes, if Feilan shoots, the star map explores a line, and will be unimpeded all the way.

So they hope.

Fan He and his entourage, see Feng Yu, a group of predators, pleading, one by one ugly, look terrified.

Ferran is too strong, virtual reality!

She even expelled the people of the Protoss, let the man escape only the soul altar. If he really wants to kill, who can escape?

Fanhe did not have this confidence!

"The dispute between you has nothing to do with me. I am sheltering the city and just ruining the city. I just don't want the city to burst. The city that my old ghost built in that year, of course, I have to protect it, not because of your predators." There was a cry, obviously there was no interest in intervening. "This is not a city of punishment. I don't care about your bad things, your hatred, if you want to solve it, you can do it yourself."

She let go.

In the void, a huge shadow, slowly coming over, a scent of scent, such as the breath of saliva in the mouth of the beast.

A heavy pressure suddenly came over, and gradually, more shadows emerged in the darkness of the fog, and dozens of smashed soul shacks were blocked in all directions.

The deterrent power of terror is filled in the void and appears in the depths of the hearts of the people, causing a strong uneasiness.


The beast that paused the impact, after the battle ended here, seems to have made another move.

Both the crane and the predator are terrified.

In particular, the three powerful forces, one by one, showed fear and uneasiness. They entered the magical array and were killed by the beasts. They knew that the ferocious beasts were powerful.

I even think that there is such a fierce beast that seems to be more powerful than the protoss!

Fei Lan frowned, looked up at the sky, said coldly: "I know that you are moving to the ground, a little patience, give me some time before the porridge has been agreed, please also abide by the agreement."

She actually talked to the beast in the void!

Surprisingly, the fierce beasts that slowly came under pressure, in her words, stopped and seemed to recognize the so-called agreement in Ferran's words.

A huge horrible figure, staying in the void of fog, as if waiting for something silently, did not rush forward.

One of the biggest shadows, it seems to be very close to Ferran. As soon as it is a glimpse, it will rush up. However, it does not do so. It also seems to be a taboo to Ferran, and is constrained by some kind of spiritual subtlety. Other beasts.

Under its constraints, there is no abnormality in the beasts and anxiously waiting for something.

Ferran saw that they stopped and glanced at the stone rock, urging: "How long will it take?"

"A quarter of an hour." Shiyan decisively drink lightly.

"Come on, those guys can't wait, and this area of ​​the land has a void passage to their ancestral home. They have been imprisoned for many years by the Protoss. They are freed from it, and they are not patient enough to give us too long. Time." Ferran explained.

“Void channel?” Shiyan was amazed. “Where we are, will it hinder them?”

"Yes." Feilan nodded frowningly. "They can't help but eat all the people here to supplement their flesh and blood consumption. This is the instinctual desire. The leader is very difficult to stop, the void passage, and it is necessary for us to come. Through the road, it penetrates the barrier that blocks the star field. The star icon should be in the void passage, we must be advanced, otherwise it may be destroyed by those big guys."

"Why did the Protoss escape into the void passage?" Shi Yan was confused.

"Zhen." Feilan was a little impatient. "The void passage, which is the pressure of the Protoss town, is built here. An important purpose is to press the channel of the town and the cross of the channel. The domain, there must be their enemies, he entered into it, is it not to seek death? There is a four-layer soul worship of the virtual god, in the turbulent flow of space, there is also a line of life, he must have the confidence to live, only dare to break into it. But the void The other star fields connected by the channel must have the ability to kill him, so he is afraid."

Shi Yanxiao laughed, no longer said anything, rushed to condense the power of pure soul, and merged into the gap of space.

Under the gradual penetration of his soul energy, the fluctuations of the Earth Fire and the Suzaku Real Fire became more and more obvious, and the refining of the Prison Demon flower somewhere in the space turbulence became more and more rapid.

The huge figure of the void is gradually impatient, constantly moving, and anxious, a **** smell comes in, making people uncomfortable, such as falling into the mouth of the beast, the next moment will be The eclipse eats off in general.


A fierce beast roared from a distance and seemed to discover new prey.

Ferran frowned, and he felt it, looking at Liana, who was next to him, "It’s Kashon."

"Let him come." Liana responded.

Ferran hesitated a bit, a little helpless, whispered to the void: "I am coming over, let your children and grandchildren let go."

The screams are waiting.

Thousands of beasts, seemingly received orders at the same time, immediately put down the hunting of prey, this group of fierce beasts, obviously have a superb collar.

The beasts have closed their hands. In a few moments, several figures emerged from the fog. It was Kashian, Zi Yao, Yalan, Tiemu, etc. They all looked fearful and showed a lingering expression. It seemed to have experienced a huge Scared.

When Kashun appeared, he looked at Lianna violently, his eyes lit up, and he said nothing, with the Zi Yao and his party falling toward Liana.

The delicate body is shrouded in the purple glory of the colorful gods, shining beautifully, and looking at Shiyan for a moment.

"Okay." At this time, Shi Yan opened his eyes and smiled lightly. "Fortunately, not to be insulted, all refining, I think those protoss heavyweights... can't be resurrected again."

Two beams of skylight flew away from a gap, turning into two small flames that jumped and disappeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he also looked at Zi Yao, stunned, revealing a rotten smile and nodding his head.

Zi Yaomei trembled, his mouth twitched in a curve, and he smiled happily.

"Let's go." Ferran said coldly, reaching out and grabbing the star map held by Shi Yan, Huo Ran appeared in her palm.

A thick darkness, wrapped in stone rock, Cato, Feng Qi, and Kashun, led by Liana, swept to the bottom of a blasting scorpion.

That piece of the field, countless lusters condensed, forming an imaginary overlapping space martyrdom.

"If you don't want to be the meat of the beast, you will follow." The voice of Ferran came out of the darkness.

Everyone was shocked, did not hesitate, but also flew up and snarled toward the illusory space.

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